Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 211 If you want to be pretty, you must be in filial piety

After receiving the QQ number, Gu Zhongyu was excited to start his first speech in this QQ group called "Secret Garden".

"Hello, sisters! I heard that this group is for mutual help to deal with stinky scumbags, so I joined. Please take care of me in the future."

After sending the message, Gu Zhongyu was looking forward to someone responding to him, but after waiting for two or three hours, no one paid attention to him.

Come to think of it, everyone is a star and is usually very busy. They will definitely not pay attention to a small account that has just joined the group.

It's okay. In the future, I will manage my own personality well and pretend to be exhausted by the scumbag. Sooner or later, their true identities will be dug out one by one!

"By the way, where is Dun Dun?" Before going to the United States, Gu Zhongyu asked someone to bring Dun Dun back to the company for foster care. Jiang Shuying should be taking care of him. Why don't I see this fat boy now?

Jiang Shuying said unhappily: "You know I'm allergic to cat hair, but you still threw it to me. I asked someone else to take it back and raise it."

"Who? I'll get it back now."

"No need. Nazha will send it back to you at the press conference of "The Longest Day in Chang'an" in a few days."

It turned out that it was in Nazha's hands. Thinking of the pitiful way the little guy was abused in the girls' dormitory last time, he could only hope that Dunzi would be lucky this time.

At this time, in the girls' dormitory of Beijing Film Academy, the door of Room 203 where Nazha lived was knocked again.

"I heard that Teacher Gu's cat is here? Can I pet it at will?"

Wu You brought a junior sister who enrolled this year to come here. The news that Nazha brought back Gu Zhongyu's cat had spread all over the campus, and many students wanted to borrow it to pet it.

If you can't take advantage of Teacher Gu, use his cat as a substitute, which can also be regarded as indirect profit.

Naza sat on the chair like a godfather, stroking the pig squatting on her knees and said, "Yes, you know the rules, right?"

"I know! I'll invite you to a restaurant on Saturday, and you can order whatever you want."

"Well, you're quite sensible. Come, give it to you. Be careful, don't let me break it."

The junior sister was overjoyed. She took Dun Dun with trembling hands, and then pressed it on the bed. She grabbed its big face plate and rubbed and kissed it, and then happily buried her head in Dun Dun's belly and started to suck cats crazily!

Dun Dun no longer knew what resistance was. Anyway, every resistance would only cause these female bipeds to invade more crazily. It didn't know what it, a little cat, had done wrong to have to bear all this alone.

There was no light in the pig's eyes, and it didn't matter anymore...

Naza counted on her fingers, and with the junior sister who came to have sex with Dun Dun today, she wouldn't have to go to the cafeteria for more than a week in the future.

It's a pity that the kitten that Teacher Gu gave her is too thin now, not as fat as Dun Dun, and can't bear the big sucking. Otherwise, if he brought them here and let them serve customers together, he would make a lot of money!


After returning from the United States, Gu Zhongyu deliberately set aside a few days for himself, on the one hand to rest, and on the other hand to deal with some things.

The first thing is to reduce the burden on Jiang Shuying. After all, she is the secretary of Zongheng Entertainment and can't always work at Ming'an Jiaofeng Technology. Gu Zhongyu decided to talk to Zhang Zilin again to see if she can take charge of this mess.

Zhang Zilin thought for a long time and finally agreed, thinking that this was also Gu Zhongyu's trust in her, and she had not achieved much in her old employer for so many years. Maybe she could make a difference in a different environment.

After confirming Zhang Zilin as the new head of the technology company, Gu Zhongyu came to the shooting location of the last scene of "Chinese Partners" the next day, an old hotel in Yanjing.

"Come on, let's applaud the hero!"

As soon as Gu Zhongyu arrived at the set, Deng Chao took the lead in asking everyone to applaud him, and some staff members came up to give him flowers.

This feat in the United States has brought Gu Zhongyu a reputation bonus that he cannot earn even if he makes ten movies. This is the Nth time he has received flowers since returning to China!

Looking at the thunderous applause, he wanted to pick another lucky gangster to kill!

Today, we are going to reshoot the scene of Wang Yang's wedding. The three brothers who started a business in the past have cracks. Cheng Dongqing and Meng Xiaojun didn't even know that Wang Yang had a lover. When they received the wedding invitation from their good brother, they were both confused.

Gu Zhongyu didn't even know the name of the original actress who played Wang Yang's wife Li Ping. He just remembered that she didn't look good, but she looked very virtuous.

So just let Tong Dawei's wife Guan Yue come to guest star and that was it. Anyway, the two are also model couples... at least in the eyes of outsiders.

Tong Dawei was handsome in a suit, holding Guan Yue, who was wearing a white wedding dress, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that we would get married again. This time it's for the next life. You still have to marry me, my wife."

Guan Yue was also very excited, but after watching Gu Zhongyu in the audience, she felt a little guilty and forced a smile and said: "Of course I have to marry you, I'm just afraid that you won't recognize me in the next life."

She added in her heart: I will definitely be a wife loyal to love in the next life!

When the filming officially started, Gu Zhongyu and Deng Chao did not sit at the same table. As Wang Yang's closest friends, they did not follow the custom and sat at the table with the man's relatives. Instead, they were like strangers, each on their own, with no joy on their faces, and they looked like they were attending a funeral.

When standing on the stage to give a toast, Wang Yang still held Li Ping's hand tightly, giving this shy and timid little wife the most stable support.

"Thank you all so much for coming to my wedding."

Tong Dawei had a little drink to help him get into the scene, so Wang Yang was already a bit drunk at this moment, and his pride was palpable. The spring breeze was rippling with horse hooves, wishing it could evaporate through every pore and spread every ounce of excitement.

"Getting married is the coolest and most fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life. I am deeply grateful to my wife Li Ping. She made me understand that true love always comes quietly, without any trouble..."

"Here are three pieces of advice for all guests: Never follow the intellectuals and never sleep with a woman who has more ideas than you do."

Wang Yang drank a little too much, had a big tongue, and spoke a little wantonly. Seeing that the guests had begun to laugh in twos and threes, he felt even more proud. He added: "Don't worry, don't worry, I have one last sentence, remember it." Well, don’t start a company with your best friend.”

Everyone at the wedding banquet burst into laughter, only Cheng Dongqing and Meng Xiaojun looked livid.

An arrow to the heart!

Cheng Dongqing never felt that he had wronged Wang Yang, nor even that he owed Meng Xiaojun. Over the years, he has been planning with all his heart, and has also given up the maximum transferable equity as a reward. Why would such a friend who entrusted his confidant and family wealth to say such a thing?

Why would Wang Yang say something like this, regretting starting a business together and hinting at parting ways? Cheng Dongqing thought hard.

This is the saddest scene in "Chinese Partners" and also the most lamentable scene.

Movies are always movies, and legends are legends because legends cannot be copied.

We can share the hardships together, but we are destined not to share the blessings.

Interests are interests, and friendship is friendship.

Starting a company with your best friend means that friendship and interests are tied together. Man dies for money, bird dies for money. Throughout the ages, how many brothers have killed each other for their own interests, let alone a person with a foreign surname.

Whether a company is listed or not is related to the interests of shareholders, and the movie downplays this point. In fact, every decision a company makes will affect the interests of shareholders.

Dreams are something that the poorer you are, the more you value them; interests are something that the richer you are, the more you want them.

When the banquet ended, Li Ping, played by Guan Yue, had already left the stage, and the classmates also patted their shoulders and said goodbye one by one.

Neither Cheng Dongqing nor Meng Xiaojun left. There were only three of them left in the empty banquet hall. They all stayed and sat at the same table as if they had a tacit understanding.

Wang Yang was indeed drunk. He sat quietly. His face was different from the excitement and pride just now, and it was filled with sadness, as if he remembered something that made him painful and troubled.

Cheng Dongqing is also very depressed. Among the three people, he is the only one left alone, and he is facing the lonely ending of betrayal and separation.

The entire hall was dark, and the spotlight was only focused on the three of them. Meng Xiaojun suddenly spoke with cold determination: "I want to withdraw my shares, I won't play anymore."

Cheng Dongqing couldn't hold himself any longer, and the trembling in his voice showed: "Xiaojun, New Dream was founded by the three of us. The three of us have been friends for twenty years..."

"Friends? We've switched to relationships, haven't we?"

The two people then began to settle old scores and put the grievances of the past twenty years on the table one by one.

"I said, can you two be like men? Mother-in-law, let's have a fucking fight now. Meng Xiaojun, no matter what, you are the one who proposed the separation of the family. Ever since you came back from the American Empire, something has been fucking wrong." Wang Yang also became impatient and wanted to explode.

Meng Xiaojun's words were extremely harsh and he said to Wang Yang: "At least I fought there. As for you, an American girl can defeat you."

This sentence hit Wang Yang's pain point. He couldn't bear it anymore, so he punched Meng Xiaojun directly in the face. Meng Xiaojun naturally fought back, and the two struggled with each other.

Cheng Dongqing rushed forward and pulled hard, trying to separate the two.

Shooting this scene was the most troublesome, because Chen Kexin meant that it would be one shot to the end, and it was best not to be NG, so that the dramatic tension could be optimal, but in this case, everyone would have to really fight.

There was no way, Deng Chao and Tong Dawei could only punch and kick each other and they started to fight. Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu was the one who started the fight, otherwise it would still be very painful for him, who is 1.8 meters tall, to hit someone.

Because they didn't want the NG to happen again, the two of them were really ruthless in their attacks. Deng Chao was even slapped red in the face by a big-eared melon seed, and the corner of Tong Dawei's mouth was also broken.

This scene happened to be seen by Sun Li who came to visit the class. She had nothing to do recently, so she simply came over to take a look at Deng Chao. Unexpectedly, she saw her husband being beaten as soon as she came.

Cheng Dongqing spent a lot of effort to separate the two, and Wang Yang's mouth was filled with blood: "Yes, I was defeated. I admit it. You succeeded, godfathers who studied abroad, elites who returned from overseas, so what? ? Huh? So what? You are like this."

Meng Xiaojun threw away Cheng Dongqing, who was hugging him hard, and roared sadly at Wang Yang: "I have never been a damn returnee elite, fuck the American emperor! Damn my dream! I am in the American emperor , I have never been a teaching assistant. My daily job is to feed rats, wash glass bottles, and be a busboy who is worse than a waiter..."

Finally, Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun left sadly, and Cheng Dongqing was the only one sitting alone in the empty banquet hall.

No one expected that Wang Yang's wedding banquet would become a farewell banquet for three people.

"Very good, call it a day! Are you two okay?" Chen Kexin came up to care about the physical condition of the two leading actors. If they were beaten, he would be scolded to death!

"It's okay, director, it's a small matter." Deng Chao touched his red face, which really hurt.

This made his wife Sun Li, who came to visit the set, very dissatisfied, and complained to Chen Kexin: "Director, you are so biased. Why did only our Deng Chao and Tong Dawei get beaten, but Teacher Gu was not hurt at all?"

Gu Zhongyu:? ? ?

"What does it have to do with me? I'm the one who's trying to stop the fight!"

"But aren't you the screenwriter? Good, Mr. Gu, did you deliberately arrange this plot with bad intentions?"

Sun Li and Gu Zhongyu are old acquaintances. They worked together in "Blood Romance" in 2004. They have a good relationship with each other, so they can joke with each other.

Speaking of which, the three leading actors have all filmed with Sun Li. They have acted in "Jade Guanyin" with Dawei and Sun Li; Deng Chao is her husband, and they have acted in "Comrades, Almost a Love Story" and "Happiness is Like a Flower" together. Even Huang Xiaoming, the actor of the original Cheng Dongqing, has acted in "New Shanghai Bund" with Sun Li.

It seems that almost all male actors of their age have worked with Sun Li. It's true that she is Zhen Huan, and she has caught all the high-quality male stars in the entertainment industry.

"Mr. Gu, you don't even look for me when you're filming now. My salary is not high!" Sun Li rarely acted like a spoiled child towards Gu Zhongyu, which shocked the staff around her.

But forget it! When you were filming "The Legend of Zhen Huan", you were paid 300,000 per episode. Now, if I ask you, I guess you can't get less than 500,000 per episode. You took at least 30% of the investment in a TV series. With this money, I can find a younger and prettier newcomer. Wouldn't she be more attractive?

Now we are about to enter the era of crazy increase in the pay of mainland actors. When "My Fair Princess" became popular in Asia, the lead actor's pay was about 60,000 to 70,000 per episode. By 2009, the pay of stars had collectively skyrocketed to an incredible level. For example, Sun Li and Sun Honglei's pay was 300,000 per episode. "Swordsman Love" also publicly announced that Nicholas Tse's pay was 300,000 per episode.

At this time next year, the pay of mainland first-line stars will almost reach the level of 500,000 per episode. A TV series can easily have 50 or 60 episodes, which means that all the money for a play will be earned by the lead actor.

Gu Zhongyu was thinking in his heart that he had to take advantage of this period of time to use as many new actors as possible and squeeze out their value before they become famous, hehehe!

But his eyes were quickly attracted by Guan Yue, who was wearing a snow-white wedding dress.

If you want to be pretty, you have to be in filial piety. The ancients were right!

Guan Yue also quickly noticed Gu Zhongyu's malicious eyes...

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