Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 21 Kill the Fairy Who Came to the Door

"This is where I live. I've been living here for the past two years after a falling out with my family." After inserting the key, Gu Zhongyu turned the doorknob and pushed open the door of his house.

"Dundun, Dad is back. Are you hungry?"

He turned on the light in the living room and saw Dundun sleeping on the floor! Next to him was an opened cat food bucket and a dumbbell that had been smashed on the floor and dented the solid wood floor. It was the one that Gu Zhongyu used to hold down the cat food bucket!


What a ghost!

How did this kid push the dumbbell down?

"Wow! Is this the cat you raised? So cute!" Zhang Zilin squatted down, put her hand on the head of Dundun who was sleeping in a daze, and stroked it gently.

As he stroked it, Dundun woke up, shook his head, stood up on his front legs, and looked at his owner who had brought back a new face. He looked up and down with a little vigilance.

"You are the first girl to come to my house to see Dun Dun. It seems that he likes you very much." For some reason, when Gu Zhongyu said this nonsense, he found that Dun Dun suddenly looked at him, and there seemed to be a trace of contempt in his eyes!

It's over! It's over!

There is a cat demon in the house! We need to ask a master to do something!

Zhang Zilin picked up Dun Dun and teased him for a while, and then visited Gu Zhongyu's house. Fortunately, although Gu Zhongyu lives alone, he is still a very clean person. The house is cleaned spotlessly, and his underwear is not thrown around. Finally, he did not make a fool of himself in front of his blind date.

"Okay, it's getting late, and I should go back." After chatting with Gu Zhongyu for a while, Zhang Zilin was about to get up and say goodbye.

"Uh! Do you want to sit for a while? I have some photos from the previous filming. They are quite interesting. Do you want to take a look?" Just kidding, it's already this time. If I let you get away unscathed, how can I survive in the world in the future?

Zhang Zilin seemed to see through Gu Zhongyu's thoughts, and did not answer. She folded her hands and looked at Gu Zhongyu with a smile, as if to say: Brother, are you a little too anxious? We have known each other for less than a day, and you want to trick me into bed?

Being looked at by Zhang Zilin's scrutiny, Gu Zhongyu was also a little embarrassed. This sister's momentum was too strong. It seemed that this battle tonight could not be won!

"Ding Dong!" When Gu Zhongyu was thinking about what to say to ease the embarrassment, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"It's so late, you still have guests? It can't be a female friend, right?"

"No! And not many people know that I live in this place. Who would come to see me at night? Really!" While verbally proclaiming innocence, Gu Zhongyu opened the door.

Opening the door, a beautiful girl wearing a white printed T-shirt with denim shorts, a baseball cap and round sunglasses stood outside the door. At this moment, she was looking at Gu Zhongyu who opened the door with an angry face.

"Oh! Isn't this our classmate Xixi? Long time no see!" Gu Zhongyu remembered that she had said that she would return to Yanjing today and asked him to pick her up. Unexpectedly, Xixi, who was ignored, actually came to him on her own initiative!

"Gu Zhongyu, what do you mean? Why didn't you answer my call?" Liu Yufei took off her sunglasses to reveal the beautiful face that made countless people dream, and began to ask for accountability. She called him more than a dozen times at night, but this bastard didn't answer any of them? What does it mean!

"You called me? Didn't you hear it? Maybe my phone is out of battery!" Gu Zhongyu lied with his eyes open. In fact, he was afraid that he would be disturbed when he was fighting the tough battle at night, so he turned his phone to silent mode early.

"I'll settle accounts with you later. Where's my Dun Dun?" Liu Yufei pushed Gu Zhongyu aside and walked into the house. Then she saw Zhang Zilin sitting on the sofa with Dun Dun lying on her long legs and combing its hair.

"Gu! Zhong! Yu!" Liu Yufei gritted her teeth and read out his name, then turned her head and glared at Gu Zhongyu, who looked innocent. Not only did you not come to pick me up at the airport today, but you also brought a woman home. You deliberately pissed me off, didn't you?

"Hello, Mr. Liu. I'm your fan. I especially like watching the Condor Heroes and The Legend of Sword and Fairy starring you. I didn't expect to meet you today. Can you sign for me?" Zhang Zilin seemed very happy to see that the visitor was the big star Liu Yufei. Because she didn't bring a notebook, she directly found a pen and wanted her to sign directly on the clothes.

When they chatted before, Gu Zhongyu had already told her about the existence of Liu Yufei, his ex-girlfriend, so she didn't say much, but acted like a fan and asked for an autograph first.

"Uh! Sure." Seeing that the other party took the initiative to greet her and was her fan, Liu Yufei's attitude immediately eased up, and she picked up a pen to sign her name on the other party's clothes.

"You, can you squat down a little?" When Zhang Zilin stood up, Liu Yufei realized that this woman was so tall! She was 1.7 meters tall, which was not considered short, but it was a bit difficult to sign on her back, so she wanted her to squat a little bit.

"Oh, okay." Zhang Zilin squatted down. Because the collar of the T-shirt she wore was not high, when squatting, Liu Yufei inadvertently glanced at her and found that in addition to her height, her capital seemed to be quite amazing!

Seeing this situation, Gu Zhongyu wanted to replace Liu Yufei to go up and sign for her at this moment. This angle can completely achieve a clear view!

"Thank you, Mr. Liu! I will treasure this T-shirt. By the way, what's the matter with you coming to see Zhongyu so late?" After signing, Zhang Zilin first expressed her gratitude, then walked to Gu Zhongyu's side, took his hand intimately, and even changed the name.

You are using courtesy before force!

Gu Zhongyu, who was held by the hand, complained in his heart, I have been calling me Teacher Gu all day, but now it has become Zhongyu, the intention of claiming sovereignty is too obvious!

Very scheming! I like it!

"I'm not here to see him!" Seeing the two people behaving intimately, Liu Yufei was not very angry, after all, she had been mentally prepared.

And this tall woman is obviously Gu Zhongyu's blind date today. The two just met and it's like this? It's clearly a show for me!

"I'm here to pick up Dun Dun today. Dun Dun, come, follow me!" As she said this, she was about to pick up Dun Dun from the sofa. Unfortunately, Dun Dun's weight was no longer what it used to be. She found it very difficult to lift him, so she looked around. She saw the cat bag on the table and took it over, trying to squeeze Dun Dun in and carry him away.

Dun Dun was very reluctant to enter the cat bag and didn't want to go with her. He grabbed the sofa with his four paws to express his resistance!

"Hey, hey, hey! I don't think I agreed to give you Dun Dun?" Seeing his son being robbed, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help it. He had given me the custody, and now he was thinking about going back?

Liu Yufei glared at him when she heard this. She actually had a good temper, but now every time she saw Gu Zhongyu, she couldn't help but get angry!

Why is this dog man so stupid! Don't you know that I took Dun Dun away to give you a chance?

"Can't I take Dun Dun home to live with me for a while?"

"Uh! I can lend it to you for two days, but you have to remember to return it to me?" Thinking that the mother and son had not seen each other for a long time, Gu Zhongyu did not want to appear too heartless, so he let Xixi take care of him for a while, and he happened to be very busy recently.

"Hmph!" Ignoring him, Liu Yufei forcibly stuffed Dun Dun into the cat bag, put it on her shoulder, and was about to leave.

"Meow!" Dun Dun in the bag called out to Gu Zhongyu in love, hoping that this stinky shit shoveler could save him.

"Dundun! Your old mother has been empty, lonely and cold recently. It's your turn as a son to accompany her well and do your filial duty!" Gu Zhongyu smiled and comforted Dun Dun when he saw his pitiful look.

"Go to hell! Stinky scumbag!" Liu Yufei, who had already walked to the elevator entrance, couldn't help but retorted.

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