Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 22: Punishment of a Scumbag

"It seems that you two still have feelings for each other! I came to see you so late." After seeing Liu Yufei leave, Zhang Zilin couldn't help but joked.

"Ahem! After all, we are in the same circle. We will see each other every day. There is no need to make the relationship too stiff. But don't worry, the two of us are completely innocent now!" Gu Zhongyu argued.

"Don't worry, I'm just joking. I believe there is nothing between you." Although he said so, Gu Zhongyu obviously felt that this was a bit against his will. It seems that the young lady doesn't trust him very much.

After chatting for a few more meaningless sentences, Zhang Zilin was about to say goodbye. This time, Gu Zhongyu didn't plan to keep her, and honestly sent her to the door.

When she arrived at the gate of the community, one of Zhang Zilin's sisters had been waiting for a long time in her car. She couldn't see her carefully, but she should be pretty. As expected, birds of a feather flock together. The best friends of beautiful women are always beautiful women.

"Good night, Mr. Gu, go to bed early!" Zhang Zilin said goodbye to Gu Zhongyu through the car window and left, leaving Gu Zhongyu alone.

Alas! Poor me, I have no one and no cat tonight, and I am sad until dawn.

Watching the car gradually disappear from sight, Gu Zhongyu did not go home immediately, but walked to the other side of the road. After walking for more than ten meters, he saw a red Ferrari parked on the side of the road.

Gu Zhongyu was too familiar with this car. Although the interior space was not large, the shock absorption ability was really good, which he had a deep understanding of.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gu Zhongyu walked to the side of the car and knocked on the window gently.

As the window fell, I saw that classmate Xixi was guilty of being caught as a thief. The hand holding Dun Dun in her arms was a little stronger. Fortunately, Dun Dun was thick-skinned and didn't care. It was holding cat strips in its mouth and could completely ignore this "torture".

"Hey? Isn't this classmate Xixi? I ​​didn't expect to see you again so soon. Why did the car stop here? Did it break down or didn't know the way?" He knew that his ex-girlfriend would not leave so easily. It was obvious that this girl had been hiding here since she left Gu Zhongyu's house. She must be waiting to see if Zhang Zilin would stay at his place.

If Zhang Zilin stayed at his house and didn't come out, Liu Yufei might create some "disturbance" for Gu Zhongyu to ruin his good deeds!

Fortunately, I was smart and didn't fight a battle I was not sure of, otherwise tonight would be a lot of fun!

"I, I, I, I was just answering the phone. My mother said it was too late and urged me to go home." Gu Zhongyu didn't expect Liu Yufei's lying skills to improve. Obviously, when she lied before, her eyes would be erratic.

Did she learn this acting from me?

Gu Zhongyu didn't expose her, leaning against the car door and smiling, "I haven't seen Aunt Liu for a long time, I don't know if she misses me, then you can say hello for me!"

"Humph! I don't know what kind of love potion you gave my mother, she likes you very much, and she also persuaded me to get back together with you, I really don't know what she is thinking!" Liu Yufei's mother Liu Xiaoli was indeed very satisfied with Gu Zhongyu. When the two wanted to live together, she, who had always been eager to protect her daughter, did not object, and even arranged the marriage of the young couple later.

Even after the two broke up, Liu Xiaoli did not say bad things to Gu Zhongyu, but said a lot of good things about Gu Zhongyu in front of her daughter, and she really regarded Gu Zhongyu as her son-in-law.

"Talents like us are welcome everywhere, especially the love of middle-aged and elderly women." Gu Zhongyu continued to be shameless, but deliberately avoided the topic of "reconciliation" she just mentioned.

"Shame on you! Take your claws away, I'm leaving." Seeing that this stinky man was still pretending to be stupid, Liu Yufei was so angry that she started the car and was about to leave.

Buzz! Buzz!

Ex-girlfriend Liu Yufei also left in a cool Ferrari, taking Dun Dun with her.

Alas, when will we meet again? It's embarrassing at this time and night!

Who the hell am I going to hug tonight?


The next morning, at Zongheng Entertainment Company, Gu Zhongyu, who had been yawning wildly, finally made Miss Jiang Shuying next to him unable to hold back!

"How crazy did you play last night? You are so tired!"

"What the hell did I play! I had a dream last night, and I didn't sleep well all night!" Maybe it's because you think about it during the day and dream at night. Last night, Gu Zhongyu had a rare dream after falling on the bed, and it was a nightmare!

In the dream, he turned into a big black rat, and then Miss Liu Yufei rode Dun Dun, which became as big as an elephant, to chase him! He could have run away, but he didn't expect that his other ex-girlfriends and old friends all rode different numbered Dun Dun to surround him!

Poor little mouse, he had to face a group of "giant cats" to kill him. In the end, he had nowhere to escape and was blocked in the corner by Liu Yufei's Dun Dun. Then, under the orders of his ex-girlfriends, the originally honest and cute Dun Dun became extremely ferocious. He rushed up and first bit off his little hook, and then bit his duck neck again... Oh no, it was the mouse head!

At this critical moment, Gu Zhongyu finally woke up.

After waking up, he was covered in sweat. The first thing he did was to touch his lower body. Fortunately, the thing was still there!

"Hahahaha! You deserve it. This is the punishment for being a scumbag!" After listening to Gu Zhongyu's nightmare, Jiang Shuying laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth!

"Am I among the people riding Dun Dun in your dream?"

"Yes! And when you were riding Dun Dun, you were holding a mace in your hand, and you kept attacking me from the bottom three ways!" It stands to reason that after waking up from a dream, most of the contents of the dream will become vague or even forgotten.

But for some reason, Gu Zhongyu remembered his dream last night very clearly, and every detail was vivid, as if he had really experienced it himself!

If he had not participated in the script creation of "Inception" and knew that it was a fictional story, Gu Zhongyu would have suspected that he had also been stolen from his dream!

"That's great! I finally got rid of my anger!" Hearing that he had also participated in Gu Zhongyu's nightmare, Jiang Shuying felt satisfied. He was powerless in reality, and revenge in the dream was also a relief.

"By the way, I heard that cats sometimes climb onto the bed when the male owner is sleeping. At this time, if a certain part is not honest and moves around, it may be mistaken for a mouse by the kitten, and then... Ao!" Jiang Shuying, who felt that he was still unsatisfied, began to scare Gu Zhongyu again.

Hiss! It seems that there is such a saying. No, I have to let Dun Dun stay with Xixi for a few more days, and I can't let this kid get close to me when I'm asleep in the future!

"Okay, okay, stop scaring me. Let's talk business. Is the cast list of that TV series complete now? Is there any role that hasn't been decided yet?" Gu Zhongyu just remembered that in addition to the two male protagonists, there seemed to be many vacancies, and they had to be arranged quickly.

"You can see it yourself." Jiang Shuying handed Gu Zhongyu a list of actors in his hand, with a few big words written on it - "The Twelve Hours in Chang'an"!

This is another work of Gu Zhongyu's comeback. It tells the story of the eve of the Lantern Festival in the Tang Dynasty, when Chang'an City fell into danger. Zhang Xiaojing, a prisoner on death row in Chang'an, was ordered to save Chang'an within twelve hours with Li Mi.

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