Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 215 Don't make any weird noises.

The days of guest appearance in the crew of "Legend of Wu Zetian" were quite comfortable, because there were so many actresses, and basically all of them were artists from Zongheng Entertainment, and they had to call him boss when they saw him.

Fan Binbin, Wan Qian, Tang Yixin, Wen Zhengrong, Mu Tingting, Jiao Junyan, Yuan Shanshan, Mao Xiaotong, Ma Sichun, Mi Lu...

These are all the names that Gu Zhongyu can call. He can't even remember the names of the actors who are too young. Of course, some of the scenes have been filmed and left. Now, except for the leading actors, there are only Tang Yixin, Wen Zhengrong, Mao Xiaotong, Tang Yixin, and Ma Sichun.

Wen Zhengrong looks very much like Gu Zhongyu's senior sister Yu Feihong. The eyes and contours are very similar, commonly known as almond-shaped eyes, and the nose is high. They are both beautiful and durable, and they also graduated from Beijing Film Academy.

In addition to their looks, the two are also non-marriageists. They are over 40 this year and still have no partners. It's a pity that these two sisters don't go to sworn brotherhood.

The only drawback is that there are no representative works, and the acting range is relatively narrow. Basically, the roles played are those of flirting, especially the "Don't Dance with Strangers" starring with Zhao Zhengwei, which is so large that it is jaw-dropping!

It's not that there are so many exposed shots in it, but the plot is too explosive. This is the first and only domestic TV series to explore the phenomenon of wife swapping!

This time, Wen Zhengrong plays Wei Guifei, one of the four concubines of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, a calculating, beautiful and vicious woman. She has played similar roles countless times and is familiar with it.

Because the drama "Legend of Wu Zetian" has many characters and a long time span, in order to catch up with the progress, basically two or three scenes are filmed at the same time.

Today, after Gu Zhongyu finished recording his own play, he ran to watch them filming.

Zhang Fengyi, who is 56 years old this year, plays Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, which is quite realistic. At least his awe-inspiring appearance fits the image of the emperor, and his strong body can also be seen in the shadow of the invincible Tiance General in those days.

Both parties are veteran actors. They filmed three scenes in a row, and Zhang Fengyi and Wen Zhengrong all passed in one take.

"Both teachers performed very well!" Gu Zhongyu praised. Standing beside him at this moment were Mao Xiaotong and Ma Sichun, in addition to the clingy Nazha. The two nodded in approval.

Ma Sichun was a relative, and was forced into the role by her aunt Jiang Wenli. She played Wu Zetian's niece Helan Minyue. In history, she followed her mother, Lady Zhengguo, in and out of the palace. She was deeply loved by Emperor Gaozong of Tang and was canonized as Lady Weiguo. Later, she was killed by Wu Zetian.

Mao Xiaotong played a maid of Wu Zetian. She was not in a high position, but she had a lot of scenes. She was also one of the first female artists to join Zongheng, and she was considered a veteran.

Don't get me wrong, Gu Zhongyu has nothing to do with these two women. They are purely superiors and subordinates at work.

Ma Sichun has a little background, and her looks are not his cup of tea; Mao Xiaotong is famous for her strong character, and he still remembers the tragic experience of Cheng Xiang, so he never thought of her.

Even if a scumbag like Gu Zhongyu can't really turn the entire company into his harem, then they will fight over the spoils!

Of course, occasional friendly exchanges are not included, such as someone who is currently filming.

"Our actors from Beijing Film Academy, their acting skills are naturally good! Other schools can't compare." Although Nazha's own acting skills are very bad, it does not prevent her from being proud of the superb acting skills of Beijing Film Academy seniors Zhang Fengyi and Wen Zhengrong.

This made Mao Xiaotong, who graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, feel a little harsh. She had long been unhappy with this colleague who stayed here shamelessly even though there was no film to shoot, and sarcastically said: "This has nothing to do with the school. Good actors' acting skills will become stronger when they meet stronger opponents, while some actors will never make any progress in their lives, no matter who guides them."

Such an obvious sarcasm made Nazha want to explode when she heard it, but Gu Zhongyu warned her with his eyes.

Don't jump again!

"I dare not let down the chain if I act with so many good actors!"

At this time, Zhang Junning, who was filming next door, also ran over. Like the original version, she, who is from Taiwan, played the role of Concubine Xu of Emperor Taizong of Tang.

"Did you finish filming so quickly?"

"Oh, Sister Bingbing said we'll finish work early today because we have activities in the evening."

Zhang Junning has been filming in the mainland for three years since she came from Taiwan, but she has never been very popular, so she cherishes this opportunity very much. She has been deliberately making friends with Fan Xiaopang during her spare time. The two of them have been getting along like sisters for a while.

Gu Zhongyu suddenly regretted not playing Li Zhi. There are so many actresses in the crew that it's hard to keep up with them. It would take two months to flirt with one a day.

Of course, he quickly gave up the idea. The reason is!

"She didn't tell me about any activities?"

"Did you forget, Mr. Gu? Isn't your "The Longest Day in Chang'an" a hit recently? The ratings are rising day by day. In order to let our crew learn from it, the director asked everyone to watch your TV series together in the evening to discuss it!"

What's there to discuss about a TV series?

The director called for it. I think it was Fan Xiaopang. What is she up to?

"What are you talking about? Why is it so lively?" At this time, Zhang Fengyi and Wen Zhengrong had also finished filming and saw a large group of people chatting together, so they ran over and asked.

"Teacher Zhang and Teacher Wen, please come too!" Although Nazha was not interested, she was very confident and wanted everyone to see her wonderful performance on the screen.

Wen Zhengrong replied: "No, I'm so tired from filming, I'd better go to sleep."

Zhang Fengyi smiled honestly: "I want to go to the gym in the evening, and I won't interfere with the activities of you young people."

Zhang Fengyi, who is almost 60 years old, still insists on working out every day. He has become strong and has obvious muscle lines. His physical fitness is far superior to that of young people.

In the variety show "Real Man", when 60-year-old Zhang Fengyi took off his shirt, what he saw was his six-pack abs. It was in sharp contrast with other celebrities around him, and he was completely shocked, including the instructor. everyone within.

"Teacher Zhang, I'm not going either. Let's go play iron together!" Gu Zhongyu took the initiative to invite.

Zhang Fengyi's eyes lit up when he heard this. During this period of time on the set, he had been working out alone, with almost no one to accompany him. Unexpectedly, Gu Zhongyu did not go to watch the drama with these actresses, but took the initiative to come over and be with him. The old men are hammering iron.

"Teacher Gu, this is your show, how can you not go?"

Zhang Junning was anxious. Sister Bingbing wanted to pull him over by name. If Gu Zhongyu, the core, didn't come, how could the big guy be so stupid?

"I've finished acting in the TV series, what else do I need to study? You lesbians can just enjoy watching it and don't worry about me. Bye, let's go, Teacher Zhang!"

After saying that, regardless of the reactions of other women, he immediately pulled Zhang Fengyi to yo-yo.




In the gym, some indescribable roaring sounds were heard continuously, as if someone was hiding here and doing something shameful, and they were working very hard!

Gu Zhongyu couldn't bear it anymore and protested to Zhang Fengyi who was doing bench press next to him: "Teacher Zhang! If you work out, you should work out. What do you mean by making these... these philosophical sounds?"

It wasn't that he thought it was noisy, it was mainly that the sound sounded too strange, like watching one of Billy Herrington's ghostly philosophy videos.

Now there are only two of them in the gym. If passers-by outside who don't know the truth hear it and spread the word, thinking that the two of them are playing "philosophical duel" here, then won't their image of a straight man be ruined? Already?

"What's the philosophy? There's something to it. Shouting it out while exercising can set your own rhythm, self-suggestion, cheer yourself up, and increase your own excitement. Only in this way can you perform better!"

Zhang Fengyi used to look at Gu Zhongyu's figure and it didn't look like he exercised regularly. Now seeing that he is such a layman and doesn't even know this bit of fitness knowledge, he couldn't help but have a hint of disdain in his eyes!

Seeing Zhang Fengyi's eyes fall on his slightly protruding belly, Gu Zhongyu knew what he was thinking, and quickly explained: "I had to gain ten pounds because I had to play a movie from a young man to a middle-aged man. Just a few kilograms.”

I used to have six-pack abs, but in order to play Dongqing, I only have one left now. I have to build these muscles back quickly, otherwise I won’t be confident in attracting girls in the future.

"I see."

Zhang Fengyi nodded, his previous curiosity was aroused again, and he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Gu, Bingbing and the others asked you to come over and participate in the event together, why don't you go?"

They were all experienced, and Zhang Fengyi could see Gu Zhongyu's true nature as a man very early on.

Zhang Fengyi was not sure how many other actresses in the crew were related to Gu Zhongyu, but Fan Binbin and the girl from Xijiang were definitely in it.

So he didn't understand why Mr. Gu left the beauty behind and came to roll iron with him.

"Without him, it's annoying!"


Being with a beautiful woman is a pleasure, and with two... If you have enough ability, you can handle it, but if you are in a room with a room full of women, then I would rather choose to play games.

Three women are equal to a thousand ducks. A dozen women...the roof of the restaurant could be lifted off by them!

"Teacher Zhang, you have been filming with these women for so long? Don't you feel bored?"

These words touched Zhang Fengyi's heart. He immediately put down the dumbbells in his hands and echoed: "That's right! There are dozens of actresses in the crew who can calculate roles, plus those palace maids and so on. I’m not afraid of your jokes, and I still don’t recognize their faces!”

Zhang Fengyi's previous films only had a few female protagonists at best. This time, "The Legend of Wu Zetian" not only has more actresses, but their makeup is also relatively similar. Since he has the most scenes with Fan Binbin, everyone now looks like Fan Binbin!

"And every time during filming breaks, they start talking almost at the same time. As you know, women's voices are so sharp and thin that my ears can be deafened by them!"

Chen Jianbin had complained to him before that the biggest difficulty he encountered while filming "The Legend of Zhen Huan" was facing those women who were chattering and looking very different.

Because at the filming location, in such a big room, there were all women, and he was the only man! As soon as the performance was over, they started talking at the same time. It was really annoying just sitting there!

At that time, Zhang Fengyi laughed at him for not knowing how to enjoy the beauty. Now that it was his turn, he realized that this was not Versailles. It was really miserable to film with a group of women!

"I will never accept a drama like this again with women everywhere in the future. I would rather go back to the Anti-Japanese War drama than accept one!" As he spoke, Zhang Fengyi slammed the towel around his neck to the ground, as if he had made up his mind. .

It's too late, Mr. Zhang, you will have to play Yongzheng in "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" in the future!

However, this reminded Gu Zhongyu that there was another great drama waiting to be launched, so he asked Zhang Fengyi if he was free next time, because he had a drama that was almost entirely men and wanted him to play.

"A drama that was entirely men? A military drama or a historical drama?"

Gu Zhongyu shook his head: "Neither, it's a bureaucratic drama, or an anti-corruption drama."

Anti-corruption drama?

Zhang Fengyi is not unfamiliar with this theme. He himself played in "Dragon Year Archives". At the beginning of the century, anti-corruption TV dramas emerged in an endless stream, and middle-aged actors like them almost never missed them. Many of them relied on this kind of realistic themes to rejuvenate their careers.

But in recent years, the environment has long been different. With the gradual tightening of censorship, anti-corruption dramas have almost disappeared, and no large film and television companies have invested in these themes.

Occasionally, one or two appear, and they are basically low-cost productions or inventory dramas that have been accumulated in the past.

"How did you think of Mr. Gu who is shooting an anti-corruption drama? The market doesn't like these now. Approval is a problem. I know of seven or eight dramas that have been shot for several years but have not been allowed to be broadcast. They don't even tell you the reason."

"Approval is indeed a problem, but...what if I bring in the Golden Shield Film and Television Center and the Supreme People's Procuratorate as production companies? Do you think approval is still a problem?"

Just kidding, no matter how sensitive the subject matter is, it depends on the origin of your producer and producer. Didn't "Operation Red Sea" pass the review with so many bloody and violent scenes? Don't you look at the producer, that is the Naval Political Department Television Art Center!

"In the Name of the People" was able to be broadcast smoothly in the last life, thanks to the two big guys, the Golden Shield Film and Television Center and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, otherwise it might have been backlogged.

"Is this... possible?" Zhang Fengyi did not doubt the power of these two units, but he did not know Gu Zhongyu's family background, so he asked this question.

"Our government agencies also need publicity work! My script this time is not as dark as the previous anti-corruption dramas. It is still relatively sunny overall, so you don't have to worry about the review issue, Mr. Zhang."

"Okay! Then Mr. Gu, please send me the script later. Since it can pass the review, I will definitely accept it."


At this time, in the living room of a large suite, almost all the main actors of the crew came here. There were more than 20 people, with snacks, ready to watch the drama with the director.

Thanks to Mr. Shiguang for the reward!

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