Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 216 Oh no, I’ve become a substitute!

Originally, it was said that all the actors in the crew would come to support the show, but when it was night, all the actors came, and the male actors were very discerning and did not show up, including director Li Muge.

In this way, the small room was filled with more than a dozen actresses including Fan Binbin, Nazha, Wan Qian, Tang Yixin, Mao Xiaotong, Tang Yixin, Ma Sichun, Zhou Haimei, etc.

Those who were too small also consciously did not participate. The entertainment industry is so hierarchical. If you are not a star or have no background, you will only offend people if you join in the fun.

Of course, Dun Dun is not included. As Gu Zhongyu's spiritual pet, it enjoys a human leather sofa seat, and the whole cat lazily lies in Tang Yixin's arms.

The abominable shit shoveling owner forgot to feed it again, so it had to come over to wag its tail and beg for mercy. After enjoying two cans, it was being stroked by the ladies in the room in turn.

"Where is Gu Zhongyu?" Fan Binbin waited for a long time but didn't see anyone, so he asked Zhang Junning.

"I went to work out with Teacher Zhang Fengyi. He said there were too many people, so he didn't come."

Damn it! The reason why Fan Binbin used the name of director Li Muge to pull everyone over to watch the TV series today was mainly to show her sovereignty and affection in public. Who said that there are more and more little fairies in the company recently, and new people are emerging, which makes her feel a little crisis.

At this time, on the 50-inch TV screen, "The Longest Day in Chang'an" was broadcast on time. The plot happened to be the appearance of Wen Ran, played by Nazha. Nazha and Wan Qian sat on a sofa with a large bucket of popcorn in their hands, watching with relish.

Although Wan Qian and Nazha didn't get along well, the two had at least filmed together for a few months. When they were surrounded by "strangers", they decisively chose to stick together.

"Hey, this is your first time filming a costume drama, Nazha? You look pretty good." Ma Sichun expressed her opinion while watching the drama. She was not familiar with Nazha, and she was a more pleasing person, so she praised her casually.

"Yes! I never knew that filming a costume drama was so hard before. My face was tanned at that time." Nazha touched her face and looked very conceited.

As sisters during the "Empresses in the Palace" period, Tang Yixin and Mao Xiaotong naturally sat together. In addition to their good relationship, the two looked a bit alike. They were both sweet girls, slim and petite, and smiled brightly, like a red cherry.

Now the two have found another common point: I hate Nazha!

"You look good, but you still need to practice your lines. You speak weakly. If there were no subtitles, I couldn't hear what you were saying to Zhang Xiaojing." Tang Yixin took the lead in the group.

"Yes! And her expression didn't change from beginning to end. She became a fangirl when she met Zhang Xiaojing, and she was expressionless when she met other people. Now anyone can eat this bowl of rice of actors." Mao Xiaotong followed closely.

Nazha is popular, and the little bitch wants to make trouble, right?

Not willing to be outdone, she also started to fight back: "Yes! I am not good at acting and my lines are bad. So what if some people have strong professional skills? They can only play supporting roles or concubines!"

This statement was quite a blow. At least half of the actresses felt hurt by it. Even Wan Qian pulled Nazha's sleeve and signaled her to stop jumping.

"There is no way. Teacher Gu appreciates me and arranged for me to play the leading female role next year!" She ignored Wan Qian's advice and continued to show off.

"Teacher Gu may just be coaxing you. Many big bosses said they would invite me to play the leading female role in the past! Don't take what men say in certain occasions too seriously."

As an old actress, Zhou Haimei couldn't help but choke her. She didn't want to get involved in the grudges between the younger generation, but what this little girl said was too irritating!

"That's right. No one is good for a thousand days, and no flower is red for a hundred days. It's a skill to be popular all the time. How many years have you been in the industry?"

"Teacher Gu, you can't get ahead without men?"

"Gold always shines, but some glass shards always reflect light."

"Young man, I advise you not to be too angry!"


Naza's arrogant attitude caused a collective siege. Everyone was not interested in watching the TV series. They were either making fun of her from different angles or finding fault with her performance in the TV series.

Poor little Naza is beautiful but dumb. She really doesn't have the ability to debate with a group of scholars. After a few words, she was so angry with these seniors that she couldn't say anything. She kept panting like a puppy. She flipped through the thin dictionary in her mind, but couldn't find any words to refute.

Wan Qian had no choice but to hold her forehead and gave up the rescue. If it weren't for Gu Zhongyu, I don't know how these sisters would be bullied in the entertainment industry with their IQ and EQ!

"Okay! We are all good sisters, and we are in the same circle. We will see each other every day. Don't make the relationship too distant. Maybe you will have to work together in the next play!" At this time, Fan Binbin, as the big sister, spoke up. She was also very unhappy with what Nazha said just now. After all, she also played a maid in the past. The two words "Jinsuo" are what she hates to hear the most now. However, as one of the shareholders of Zongheng Entertainment, Nazha is also an employee under her, so it is not suitable for her to participate in this criticism meeting. With Fan Binbin's words, everyone let Nazha go and began to watch the show with peace of mind. But Nazha was still indignant and didn't want to stay and watch the show with this group of bitches. She threw the popcorn to Wan Qian and was about to leave. Suddenly she thought of something, and she turned around with the door open and snatched Dun Dun from Tang Yi's arms.

"Teacher Gu asked me to look after it, how come you snatched it away? Humph! Let's go."

"Meow!" I don't want to leave! So many girls feed me snacks, unlike you who only abuse me and don't even pay me after playing!

With Nazha's departure, the atmosphere in the room became more harmonious. The actresses always have many common topics, and soon they started talking about gossip, skin care, health care and other contents. The small room was filled with a happy atmosphere!

Fan Binbin felt that her ears were almost deafened by their noise!

As a woman, she couldn't stand the chattering of a group of sisters, and she didn't bother to join their discussion. She took Zhang Junning's hand and said, "Go out with me!"

She didn't believe that Gu Zhongyu would go to the gym honestly. He must have gone to find his lover again.


While chatting with Zhang Fengyi, Gu Zhongyu actually felt that time passed very quickly. The two men talked about everything from film and television dramas to fitness and life. They were very speculative.

Sure enough, excluding the physiological needs of the lower body, men are happier when they are together.

"Zhongyu! No matter how many beauties surround a man when he is young, he still has to choose someone to start a family with in the end. There were many singles and DINKs in our time, and they all got married and had children in the end."

"What kind of man is he if he doesn't start a family!"

When talking about his views on marriage and love, Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but be a teacher. In fact, his own love life is also a mess, but this does not prevent him from giving Gu Zhongyu, a junior, some "for your own good" advice as an elder as a person who has experienced it.

"I didn't say I won't get married! Getting married at 40 or 50 won't hurt anything. It's better not to get married if the marriage ends in tragedy. Your marriage to Lv Liping is a lesson for you!"

This sentence made Zhang Fengyi silent. He thought about it and said, "I was not completely right and she was not completely wrong. We are both responsible!"

"It's a good thing. She is going crazy with old man Sun Haiying now. You are right to divorce her."

"She was not like this at the beginning. She must have been instigated. She is a little crazy now. It's all because of that old man Sun." Zhang Fengyi defended his ex-wife and then realized why Gu Zhongyu brought up the topic of his private life. I was obviously educating him!

Just when the two were about to continue arguing, Gu Zhongyu's phone rang. There was a new text message. He picked it up and raised his eyebrows.

"A girl sent you a message. You're leaving, right?"

Gu Zhongyu nodded and asked, "How did you guess that?"

"We've all been there, how can I not understand? When I saw you pulling the rowing machine, I knew you were distracted. Go quickly, don't let the girl wait too long."

Gu Zhongyu stood up and was about to leave, but he turned back to remind Zhang Fengyi: "You only guessed half right, Teacher Zhang."

Guessed half right?

What does that mean? Isn't it a message from a girl?

As a result, before he could ask a question, Gu Zhongyu had already left.

"This kid will die on a woman's boat sooner or later!"


Naza wandered around the Datang Film and Television City at night with Dun Dun in her arms. She didn't want to go to bed so early, but she just went to Teacher Gu's room and no one was there. She didn't reply to the message she sent. The silly-looking assistant was said to have returned to her hometown. She didn't know who to ask.

Walking aimlessly, she suddenly came to a restaurant called Cuiweiju. Looking at the familiar sign, Nazha was very familiar with this place. The first breakthrough in her relationship with Gu Zhongyu was in the bathroom on the fourth floor of this building.

"Dundun, do you want to know where Teacher Gu and I had our first intimate contact?"

"Meow!" I don't want to, let me go back quickly, I haven't eaten for five minutes!

After saying that, Nazha, who wanted to revisit the old place, ignored Dundun's objection and took it to the fourth floor. This place is still the same as before. It has not been renovated yet. There is no one at night, the lights are not on, and it is pitch black everywhere.

Nazha was a little scared. She was always afraid of the dark and was about to leave here. At this time, the listless Dundun suddenly came to his senses, broke free from Nazha's arms, jumped to the ground like a fat pig, and ran forward.

"Ah! Don't run around, Dun Dun."

Naza wanted to cry but had no tears. This little ancestor was entrusted to her by Gu Zhongyu. If anything unexpected happened, Teacher Gu would scold her to death.

She followed Dun Dun's footsteps and watched the cat come to the door of a bathroom, which was the only place with lights on in the whole building.

Dun Dun stood outside the door and sniffed. He quickly determined that the familiar smell came from inside, so the whole cat stood up and lay on the door panel and scratched, shouting while scratching.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Dun Dun scratching the door panel, Naza didn't understand what it was looking for at first, but with the noise coming from inside, she soon noticed something unusual, so she lay on the door panel and listened to the sound inside the door.

"Did you hear the cat calling?"

"I heard it too, it's Dun Dun again!" With a rustling sound, Naza knew that the people inside were cleaning up the scene and preparing to come out, so she quickly hid in a small room on the side.

As the bathroom door opened, Dun Dun saw that it was indeed his poop scooper who was here, and he grabbed his trouser legs and started meowing.

Are you okay, poop scooper? There was so much noise in there, did you encounter an enemy?

"Why did your cat follow me?" Nazha heard the woman's voice, but it was unfamiliar.

"I don't know, maybe it smelled something. This fat cat likes to follow me when I go to the toilet, and I can't get rid of it."

Because cats think that when they go to the toilet, they will let down their guard, which is the most dangerous time. Cats are worried that you will be in danger inside, so they can't wait to go in and protect you.

Gu Zhongyu observed that the corridor was quiet and no one should follow him, so he said to Wen Zhengrong behind him: "No one should follow, come on, let's continue."

"I don't want to! It's so dirty, why do you have to come here when you can't choose any other place?"

"It's safe here! There are many people where you live, and it's inevitable to encounter paparazzi when you go out. I didn't drive the RV here, so this is the most ideal place to talk about love!"

Wen Zhengrong spit at him: "Who asked you to come to the bathroom to talk about love! Gu Zhongyu, do you respect me? At the cocktail party last year, were the sweet words you said to me after you got drunk all fake?"

I was drunk and thought you were Senior Sister Yu!

Who made you two look so similar? I can't tell who is who after drinking too much!

Of course, Gu Zhongyu only dared to say this in his heart. For a woman, you can say you don't love her, but if you let it slip that you treat her as a substitute for someone else...then you will die!

Last year, when Zongheng held a celebration party, Gu Zhongyu was drunk and misunderstood this senior sister as that senior sister. After this confused incident, Wen Zhengrong had already determined that this was a one-night stand. He did not take it seriously, but just wrote it down in the small notebook as usual.

At this time, Gu Zhongyu's good habit came into play. The actresses who were written in the small notebook would receive gifts and greeting cards from him on holidays and birthdays. Although they were not from his own hands, the problem was that these women didn't know!

This is quite considerate for some long-term single women, and Wen Zhengrong is no exception. Not getting married does not mean that she does not need the care and sex life of the opposite sex. Gu Zhongyu's continuous beautiful greetings also made her misunderstand.

Gu Zhongyu came to the crew for a guest appearance this time. The two who had not seen each other for a long time had sparks at the first sight. At night, when other actresses went to watch the show, she couldn't help but secretly sent a message to Gu Zhongyu.

Unexpectedly, after Gu Zhongyu came, he dragged her here without saying a few words of love. She was also overwhelmed by love and actually let him do whatever he wanted.

Wen Zhengrong never thought that she had become someone else's substitute!

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