Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 217: Innocent people are affected

Gu Zhongyu said a few nice words to Wen Zhengrong, and then took her to the empty room next door and closed the door.

"Meow!" Dun Dun was so angry that he meowed and cursed when he saw the shit shoveler ignoring him. He wanted to scratch the door again, but was soon hugged and taken away by Nazha who reappeared.

If it was the previous Nazha, she might have disturbed their good things, but now that she has been with Gu Zhongyu for such a long time, she also understands that if she wants to continue to stay with Teacher Gu, she must learn to accept this situation.

Woo! My Teacher Gu... was ruined by these old women again!

They ruined Teacher Gu, so Nazha had to choose to ruin Dun Dun in revenge. The poor little pig instinctively felt something was wrong, but it was too late to escape, so it could only be taken away by Nazha.

Fan Binbin led Zhang Junning to catch Gu Zhongyu in the act, but the two had no idea, and finally they could only wander aimlessly in the film and television city, becoming beautiful scoundrels.

"Look, Sister Bingbing, is that Nazha?"

Fan Binbin looked in the direction Zhang Junning pointed. Yes, it was the little girl Nazha, holding Gu Zhongyu's fat cat, and walked out of a dim building.

"This little Barbie sticks to Gu Zhongyu like chewing gum every day, why would she run to a corner? Something is wrong!"

"Maybe... Mr. Gu is hiding here?"

The more he thought about it, the more this possibility seemed. Fan Binbin quickly pulled her and quietly slipped into Cuiweiju after Nazha left, and quickly locked the room where the target was...

That night, according to the security guard who was on night watch, when he passed by a restaurant building that was usually not used by anyone, he could vaguely hear some sounds, as if a female ghost who had suffered a lot of pain in her life was asking for someone's life, and he was so scared that he ran away!

Later, the old man reported the matter to his superiors. So after a few days, the person in charge of the film and television city invited several masters to come and perform rituals in the spirit of believing it is better than believing it. They also temporarily sealed the gate of Cuiweiju to prevent any unclean things.

Gu Zhongyu saw all this and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

MD! Cuiweiju was sealed like this. Where can I find such a secret and convenient place in the future!

The guest appearance time in the crew of "Legend of Wu Zetian" was very short. In just a few days, Gu Zhongyu finished filming Li Xian's part.

I will never agree to guest star for these women casually in the future. It must be bad!

Fan Binbin still wanted him to stay for a few more days, but Gu Zhongyu didn't have so much free time. Before leaving, he spent time with Wan Qian, who he hadn't seen for a long time, and then he quickly left.

He had seen the effect of 1+1 being greater than 2 this time. Fan Binbin was not to be underestimated, and with Zhang Junning, it was simply a raging sea. This girl from Taiwan often performed in stark contrast to her appearance.

If Xixi's combat power is 5, Fan Binbin is 200+, which is already at the level of Piccolo, and Zhang Junning and Wen Zhengrong are at least 100+, at least at the level of Tien Shinhan. With the presence of Nazha Wanqian and others, Gu Zhongyu, the little Goku who has not yet learned Kamehameha, is really a bit overwhelmed!


Standing at the door, watching Gu Zhongyu leading Nazha away, Fan Binbin sighed. This bastard didn't even kiss her goodbye and left. Would he die if he stayed with her for a few more days?

"Let's go! What are you looking at? Can't bear to leave?" Seeing Zhang Junning's stunned look, Fan Binbin patted her little head.

"Ah! No, no..."

Fearing that Fan Binbin would misunderstand that she had improper thoughts, Zhang Junning quickly denied it. She was reborn and had been foolishly accompanying Fan Xiaopang, Gu Zhongyu and others for several days.

Fan Binbin laughed and said that she didn't care. She really couldn't blame Zhang Junning that day. It was Gu Zhongyu who was crazy and had to involve her. It was a disaster for innocent people. This was fundamentally different from those little goblins outside who took the initiative to deliver themselves to the door.

Seeing that Fan Binbin didn't seem to be angry, Zhang Junning's heart was also put down. She asked curiously: "Sister Bingbing, Mr. Gu is like this, aren't you angry?"

"What qualifications do I have to be angry? I'm not his wife. Jealousy and anger should be left to the women he dated! I'm too lazy to worry about it."

After saying that, Fan Binbin looked back at Wen Zhengrong who came to see him off, and sighed: "Sister Wen, you hide it so well. I didn't notice it at all after being with the company and the crew for so long."

Wen Zheng Rong blushed when she heard this. Thinking of the ridiculous experiences of the past few days, she was so embarrassed that she was about to run away, but Fan Binbin grabbed her and said earnestly: "I don't mean to ridicule you. No one is better than the other. Let's discuss how to get along better in the future, don't you think?"


As time came to October, the National Day holiday began. This time, five blockbusters were released, namely "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1", "The Palace of the Golden Phoenix", "Dangerous Liaisons", "Double Exposure" and "Looper".

The five blockbusters competed with each other but all suffered losses. From the end of September to mid-October 2012, the total box office of movies nationwide was only 370 million yuan, making the 2012 National Day holiday "the most tragic National Day holiday in history."

The reason for "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1" was that the real-life CP of the male and female protagonists broke up, and the heroine Christine's affair affected the public's perception. Therefore, the box office of this one was not very satisfactory. It is estimated that the box office of the final chapter of the second part will also be high. .

"Dangerous Liaisons" is Zhang Ziyi's nth time in recent years. Even if she hired a Korean actor to star in the film, there was no way to save this mediocre film.

"Double Exposure" was beautifully shot, but the scenes were connected like a MV, not like a movie. There was a story, but it was not told well. Apart from the still beautiful and sexy heroine Fan Xiaopang, it had nothing to watch.

"Looper" was relatively unlucky. It was actually a science fiction film of above average standards, but it had no choice but to be influenced by the market. In addition, the protagonist Joseph Gordon was not well-known in China, so there was no splash after its release.

Among these movies, the movie "Tongque Terrace" starring Liu Yufei was criticized the most, with a box office of 5.6 on Douban. It was exquisitely evaluated as "This movie is the main character of The Promise, The Night Banquet, and Golden Armor who traveled to the Three Kingdoms and Their respective stories are complete!”

Before the movie was released, the director was always full of confidence. At that time, director Zhao Linshan said in an interview with the media: "I was born for "Tongque Terrace". At that time, a senior in the film industry came to visit us. After all, it was right." I sarcastically said that my movie would be a complete failure, but this time I will fight back with success and let him see what a real historical blockbuster is!"

The host asked curiously: "Can you reveal which senior of the film festival you are?"

"It's not convenient to name the specific name, but he is currently starring in a TV series that is currently on the air. I hope he can keep his promise and remember to apologize to me on Weibo after the movie is successful. Otherwise, I will be the one to apologize."

This is equivalent to saying his name Gu Zhongyu. The most popular TV series now is "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", and according to insiders, among the people who came to visit the class during that time was Gu Zhongyu, and the conditions were fully met.

The originally calm National Day show finally gained some momentum, and the news of "Gu Zhongyu dissing new director Zhao Linshan with a big name" quickly became a hot search topic.

When Gu Zhongyu visited Ban Qianqian before, he did despise the evil director, and even made a bet with him. Based on the final box office of "Tongque Terrace", whoever lost would publicly post an apology on Weibo to admit his ignorance. .

But this happened last year, and he had almost forgotten about it. He only remembered it after someone reminded him to watch the news.

He didn't even bother to respond, since the box office would tell everything anyway.

Sure enough, after "Tongque Terrace" made more than 10 million at the box office on the first day of its release, relying on the fame of Fa Ge and Liu Yufei, it then began to plummet. In the next few days, the number was only 5 to 600 per day. Thousands of dollars were accounted for.

At the beginning, director Zhao Linshan argued hard and explained: During the National Day holiday, people tend to travel more and visit relatives. Golden Week is not the golden period for movies. After the holidays, more people will return to theaters for leisure, which makes the box office of "Tongque Terrace" The performance is even more impressive, maintaining steady growth, and has great box office stamina!

However, with the end of the Golden Week, the box office declined instead of rising, with only a pitiful two to three million new additions left every day. Finally, after persisting for more than 20 days, the cinema chose to cancel the movie early.

The final box office of "Tongque Terrace" was just over 100 million, and the split income was 30 million. Compared with its high cost of 130 million, it can be said that it went to grandma's house!

Sissi's movie hit the streets again, but it didn't matter to her now that she was enlightened. The most important thing was to film the current "Meng Hua Lu". She even called Gu Zhongyu to let Gu Zhongyu have time to visit the class. Try to let Director Zhao go.

Zhao Linshan was depressed by the box office results, which basically announced the end of his director career, but he didn't want to be embarrassed and apologize, so he started pretending to be dead and lying down, as if the bet he made with Gu Zhongyu no longer existed.

In the end, it was Gu Zhongyu's fans who kept reminding him in various ways to abide by the agreement. Even if the Weibo comment area was closed, they would still send him emails. Some people even got his personal number and called him in the middle of the night. To remind him to apologize.

There was no other way, Zhao Linshan finally gave in and chose to post a public apology letter of less than 100 words on Weibo. At the same time, he announced that he would never be involved in period films again. Fans then bypassed him. .

Looking at his increasingly powerful fans, Gu Zhongyu also felt that it was time to hold a meeting. On the one hand, he could satisfy the fans' wishes, and on the other hand, he could restructure and organize the organization to avoid what these fans would do in the future. Extreme things come.

Fan behavior and idols paying for things should not happen too much in the future.

I think back when "Chen Qing Ling" became popular, because someone's fans saw a chapter of a fan work published by a certain blogger on Weibo, and the face of the heroine in the novel happened to be somewhat similar to the original owner's face. Similar, so someone's fans feel that their idol has been insulted. The blogger is deliberately vilifying and slandering Xiao Zhan. After all, Xiao Zhan is a male star.

It is also from this that many CP fans and fans of the original A03 website have begun to boycott someone. From someone's TV series to Xiao Zhan's endorsement, to someone's Weibo, etc., almost everywhere is full of " The four words "boycott someone". This situation has also seriously affected someone's reputation and traffic, and even the originally negotiated endorsements have experienced some problems.

The final result was that the star's studio and fan clubs issued apology statements, stating that they would strengthen fan management in the future, and also expelled the fan who caused the trouble in the first place. This is a typical example of fan behavior and idol footing the bill. .

Therefore, strictly controlling fans is a top priority now. If these people can praise you to the sky, they can trample you to the ground!

Gu Zhongyu asked Jiang Shuying to arrange a fan meeting as soon as possible. All active fans and fan managers were invited to come and gather together.

"I've mentioned it to you several times before, but you always say you don't have time. You don't even know how many posts there are in your fan QQ groups and post bars petitioning you to hold a fan meeting. It's simply It’s higher than Mount Everest, and I’ve never seen a big star as lazy as you!”

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?" Gu Zhongyu touched Naza's little head and talked to Jiang Shuying.

"Not yet? Can you still remember the last time you met with fans on a large scale?"

Gu Zhongyu thought for a while, he had been teaching at Nortel in the past few years, so there must be no such thing. Going forward... It seems that it was the time when "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was filmed. It was not a special show, but a fan of the TV series who met with Sissi.

That is to say, I haven’t held an event with fans in almost six years. Thinking about it, it seemed inappropriate. Gu Zhongyu said to the other end of the phone with some shame: "Then organize one as soon as possible! In addition to active big fans and fan managers , other fans who are willing to participate sign up, and then they will be randomly selected. "

"Okay, where will it be held? Is there any charge?"

Fan meetings are also one of the important sources of income for many popular stars. It is very common for tickets to sell for 8,000 to 8,000 yuan per event, but they are still expensive but not marketable. If you just do two or three shows a year, you can almost catch up with filming a movie. of income.

Gu Zhongyu is not an artist who loves money, so of course he will not earn this kind of money. Not only will he not earn it, he will also spend money like crazy this time, buying horse bones for thousands of gold!

"Find a bigger place to hold it. There should be a lot of people. We will pay for all the expenses, including hotel, room and board, and round-trip air tickets and train tickets. We will also prepare some more gifts to ensure that every fan who comes here is happy. There are no less than three gifts. We have never designed peripheral products before. Please find someone to design them quickly. "

Nazha was shocked by Gu Zhongyu's behavior of throwing away money. Not to mention the accommodation and travel expenses, free fan meetings were rarely seen in China. She was choked by this arrogance and was speechless.

"I'll make a rough estimate. A few million won't be enough. When do you plan to hold it?"

"After I attend the Harper's Bazaar Charity Night, I can get it done in about the same time."

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