The Bazaar Star Charity Night was initiated and founded by Su Mang, president of the Fashion Group, in 2003. It is the first domestic top charity event founded by a magazine and held every year.

At its peak, it was called the "Oscar" of the charity world. But soon, people assumed that this was a place where stars competed for beauty and a field for concocting topics.

This event has been held for the tenth time, and it has completely become a vanity fair for domestic stars, a vanity fair for the fashion circle, and a deep pool for the entertainment circle.

Every year, the Bazaar Star Charity Night is a star-studded battle, and the gossip is enough for the melon-eating crowd to discuss for a year.

The main part of the dinner is to auction off some of the clothing and supplies that the stars have used and the items carefully prepared for the dinner, and the money raised will be donated to all those in need.

In addition to the auction of celebrity items, there is also a star donation link, which is also the focus of netizens every year.

Those who know about donations in China know that if you donate less, you will be scolded for being stingy and unloving. If you donate more, they will suspect that you want to gain fame or even participate in XQ.

Of course, what is even more excessive than this is not donating a penny.

It seems that one year, because many people attended the dinner for free and did not donate a penny, Su Mang was angry and directly announced the details of all donors.

For example, Ziwei Gege, who has not yet fallen, has participated in Bazaar Charity Night five times before and after, but when you pull out the table, wow, she didn’t donate a penny!

Tsk tsk, to be honest, not donating a penny, but also taking photos on the red carpet, and then all kinds of press releases to brag about love, it is indeed a bit too much.

Even Gu Zhongyu, who considers himself stingy, donated 1.8 million yuan when he went there last time!

Of course, he will not be a maverick in this regard. Every time there is such a charity gala, he will donate as much as everyone else donates. He will never be the first, and he doesn’t want to be in the limelight. He just follows the crowd and doesn’t get scolded.

However, there are always many keyboard warriors who think that Gu Zhongyu, as the CEO of Zongheng Entertainment, only donates a little each time, which is really not in line with his status. How can he not donate 10 or 20 million?

There is a joke in "If You Are the One" by Ge Da Ye: If you have 10 million, will you donate it to people in need?

I will!

If you have a car, will you donate it?



Because I really have a car!

There are too many right and wrongs. Since he went to teach at Beijing Film Academy, he has not been to the Charity Bazaar.

This time, Su Mang personally called him several times and invited him warmly. He really couldn't refuse, so he had to bite the bullet and go.

Nazha was excited and wanted to join him, but was choked back by Gu Zhongyu: Do you have money to donate? If you don't have money, you will be scolded!

As a student, Nazha has filmed two dramas, but they are all supporting roles and the pay is not much; and although Gu Zhongyu will give her pocket money, he is quite strict, at most he allows her to buy bags freely, where does the extra money come from for charity.

Helplessly, Nazha had to go back to Beijing Film Academy to attend classes.

Gu Zhongyu began to have a headache, who should he find to accompany him tomorrow night?

Tianxian and Da Meiyuan will definitely go, but Da Mi Mi, the little rich woman, has always been stingy, and I don’t know if she will go; as for other women, he dare not ask, otherwise they will definitely drag him to walk the red carpet.

Just when Gu Zhongyu was struggling, a phone call came in, and it turned out to be Da Tiantian.

"Hey! I read the script, it's pretty average, but if Chow Yun-fat is in it, I'll do it."

"Okay, then I'll tell Wang Jin that you agreed."

Just when Gu Zhongyu wanted to discuss the details with her, Da Tiantian changed the subject: "Are you going to Charity Bazaar tomorrow night?"

After getting Gu Zhongyu's affirmative answer, Da Tiantian said that she would also go tomorrow night, and she just happened to be in need of a male companion. Since you look like a decent guy and are quite human, I'll give you a chance.

After saying that, she sent an address to Gu Zhongyu and asked him to pick her up tomorrow morning, and then hung up the phone.

No! I don't think I've agreed to you yet?


The next day, after combing his hair like an adult and wearing a handsome suit, Gu Zhongyu was ready to go to pick up Da Tiantian.

Originally, he thought Da Tiantian would be waiting for him at home, but he didn't expect that the address he gave was a luxury clothing store.

When he walked in, Da Tiantian was trying on a pure white dress inside.

It is said that a white complexion can hide all ugliness, but this is not true for Jing Tian. Because her appearance is impeccable, there is no ugliness to hide.

The snow-white skirt is the icing on the cake for her fair skin. Gu Zhongyu remembered that there was a photo of her and Liu Yufei in his previous life. Her skin was so white that it made the fairies look better.

"Are you here? Sit down!" Da Tiantian ignored him and continued to choose the dress she would wear in the evening.

Or it is said that being a female star is difficult! In such occasions, men can just wear a suit to meet people, but women have to spend a lot of effort on clothing and makeup, for fear that they will be compared with others.

This kind of high-end dress that cannot be washed or folded is basically a disposable item, and the price is very expensive, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, but it cannot be worn repeatedly, otherwise people will laugh at it.

So most female stars in the circle actually rent instead of buying, or even wear counterfeit goods to pretend. Of course, this definitely does not include the rich and beautiful Da Tiantian.

When this girl attended the Fashion Basha Night last year, she wanted to borrow a certain brand's high-end dress of the season.

But the brand didn't want to borrow her because she was not famous enough, so the generous Da Tiantian directly paid for it with five million yuan, which shocked the onlookers.

Even if you use gold to make a dress, it doesn't cost five million yuan, right?

Gu Zhongyu didn't understand, but was shocked.

Jing Tian put on a backless skirt and looked at herself in the mirror. Thinking of Gu Zhongyu who was sitting in the back, she asked for his opinion.

"Does it look good on me?"

"It looks good."

"Humph! A perfunctory man." Da Tiantian sneered at such an answer.

Please, sister, what else can I say if I don't say it looks good? Are you saying that wearing too little clothes will easily catch a cold? You might as well not wear it and let me see it clearly.

"Let's take this one! Let's go."

Finally, she chose a slightly more conservative skirt. Jing Tian didn't even look at the amount, and she swiped her card and left, and casually threw her bag to Gu Zhongyu to carry.

"Are you using me as your assistant?" After getting in the car, Gu Zhongyu said with some dissatisfaction.

"Helping a girl carry her bag is a gentlemanly demeanor, do you understand? Oh, I almost forgot, you may really not understand, let alone a gentleman, you are even worse than an animal!" When she said this, Da Tiantian almost gritted her teeth.

I knew it, it's just that I stood you up once! As for holding a grudge until now?

Back then, when Gu Zhongyu was a little white dragon in the waves, I don't know how Miss Tiantian took a fancy to him. At that time, he was also very curious. Not only did he like her sweetness, he even wanted to taste her saltiness.

But just when he was about to extend his evil hand, something went wrong.

Since he had not developed the habit of keeping a notebook at that time, he was supposed to go to the appointment but got the time and place wrong and went to another girl's place. After that, the girl was still a mouthful and told the matter to her bestie. Then, somehow, it finally reached Da Tiantian's ears.

Poor Da Tiantian waited for Gu the scumbag all night without closing her eyes, but he actually went to another woman's place!

She called Gu Zhongyu and scolded him, and then ignored him again.

It has been more than three years since this grudge, and I didn't expect that this sister still remembered it. Gu Zhongyu had to explain: "I was ignorant when I was young, and I regret it. You are a generous person, don't be angry with me, okay?"

"You regret that I found out, not that you stood me up, right?"

Jing Tian was still a little angry. She was really blind to like such a man at the beginning. What's more annoying is that she found that it had been so long, but she still let him go completely.

Otherwise, why did she call and actively invite him to be her male companion?

Jing Tian looked out the window, and Gu Zhongyu didn't want to continue talking, because it was all his fault.

The two of them were silent in the car, and no one spoke. They drove all the way to the venue of the charity Bazaar tonight - 798 Art Center.

The red carpet waiter helped to open the car door. Gu Zhongyu tidied his clothes and helped Jing Tian open the car door. The two got out together.

Countless camera lenses were aimed at them. Before they officially walked on the red carpet, the irritable flash lights began to flash impatiently.

Jing Tian, ​​wearing a white hollow long dress, smiled and took Gu Zhongyu's hand and began to walk into the venue.

No one could have guessed that she was just throwing faces at Gu Zhongyu. It seems that Da Tiantian's acting skills are also very good!

The theme of this year's Charity Bazaar is "Let Charity Influence China," which is mainly to raise funds for the Yanjing Chenglong Charity Foundation and the project of treating serious diseases for poor children.

As it is the tenth anniversary, this Bazaar Charity Night can be said to be full of stars, including young artists such as Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, Ma Su, Feng Shaofeng, and Wang Ziwen, as well as more famous artists such as Jay Chou, Wang Fei, Cheng Long, and other stars whose names cannot be mentioned.

Along the way, the shutter sounds kept clicking!

"Excuse me, Mr. Gu, are you dating Miss Jing?"

Gu Zhongyu didn't dare to say anything, and only responded that they were friends. Da Tiantian smiled non-committally.

Sister, don't make trouble, there are so many people here!

At first they just held hands, and then after a few steps, she got closer and closer, and in the end she was almost sticking to Gu Zhongyu.

There were many familiar faces on the red carpet. In addition to the rather annoying Wang brothers, Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yufei were being interviewed together, Feng Shaofeng and his girlfriend Ni Ni were showing off their affection, Da Meiyuan was walking alone on the catwalk, and Sha Yi was showing off...

Seeing Gu Zhongyu's appearance, many people started to greet him from a distance. Since Da Tiantian had to stop and take photos after walking two steps, Gu Zhongyu, who had plenty of time, also responded with a smile.

After walking the red carpet, they entered the main venue of the dinner with the guidance of the staff. Gu Zhongyu and Da Tiantian were of course at the main table closest to the stage.

There were various dishes on the table. The food standard for this year's charity dinner has been raised. It is said that it is as high as 1,500 yuan per person!

The dishes include various seafood, dim sum, and special dishes. The ingredients alone used 150 kilograms of sea cucumbers, 120 kilograms of cod, 60 kilograms of Boston lobster tails, 200 kilograms of premium cowboy ribs, 160 kilograms of secret camphor tea duck, and 2066 kilograms of desserts, fruits and other delicious foods.

Tsk tsk, no wonder Su Mang gets angry when someone doesn’t donate money. I treated you guys to delicious food and drinks, but you don’t even give me some money for the meal?

"Mr. Gu, Ms. Jing, long time no see!" Wang Zhonglei at the next table greeted Gu Zhongyu enthusiastically after seeing him, as if they were good friends. Sitting next to him were Huang Xiaoming and his new girlfriend Yang Ying.

Da Tiantian nodded in response. Her hobby was acting and she didn't like to do business with the old-fashioned capitalists in the circle.

"Yes! Mr. Wang, how long have we not seen each other? I thought you retired?" Gu Zhongyu smiled and didn't want to shake his hand.

"It's Mr. Gu, you don't like to come to these occasions, otherwise we can always meet, right? Come, let me introduce you, this is Ms. Yang Ying, her movie will be released during the Spring Festival this year, I hope Mr. Gu will support her more!"

What is the "Tai Chi" trilogy?

Then I sincerely hope you will lose less money

"Hello, Mr. Gu, I have heard of your name for a long time." Yang Ying was much more attentive than Wang Zhonglei and took the initiative to shake Gu Zhongyu's hand.

Yang Ying had been struggling in the Hong Kong circle for the past two years, but after going public with Huang Xiaoming, she placed all her bets on the mainland.

This year, she set up her own agency studio, which was supported by the Wang brothers and obtained a lot of resources from the Wang brothers' company. In fact, she can also be regarded as an artist of their company.

"Nice to meet you."

Looking at Yang Ying's delicate little face, I don't know if this girl can still gain such a high national popularity without the blessing of Running Man in this life.

But it doesn't matter. Things gained by luck will eventually be lost by strength.

Those who sit at the same table with Gu Zhongyu are basically big guys, such as the glamorous Wang Changtian, Yu Dong of Bernardo, and Cheng Long.

Wang Zhonglei should actually be at the same table with him, but the people who organized the charity Bazaar obviously knew some of their pasts. Not only them, but all the star bosses who might have conflicts will sit separately.

As the main table, it was really lively before the charity dinner started, and people came to say hello in an endless stream.

Da Tiantian has a few "best friends" who chat non-stop, and Gu Zhongyu basically knows them all. There's nothing he can do about it, because Da Tiantian is also from Beijing Film Academy.

I still remember Gu Zhongyu when he first entered the entertainment industry. He didn't like this kind of occasion at that time.

It's not that he hates gatherings because of social phobia, but he dislikes this kind of fake gatherings. After all, Mr. Gu is a soldier. When he was a child, he took him out to attend gatherings, either with relatives and friends or with a group of comrades and comrades to reminisce about the past. The atmosphere was still very harmonious.

Of course, he has adapted to it now, and he can say all kinds of polite words easily, and even more skillfully.

After chatting with Yu Dong and others for a long time, Gu Zhongyu smiled on the surface, but he was mmp in his heart!

What's the point of chatting with a group of old men? Occasionally, some female stars come over to say hello, but they just chat for a few words and that's it.

I should have let Su Mang arrange him to sit with Xixi earlier. Although Da Tiantian is beautiful, she can't be eaten. He has to be cautious even when flirting.

Forget it, it probably doesn't matter where I sit. After all, he is in the limelight now, and countless eyes are staring at him. There is no chance to waste money in such an occasion.

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