Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 219 You guys connected really well

Two tables away from Gu Zhongyu is where Liu Yufei and others sit.

They are basically all post-85s, the most powerful group of actresses in the entertainment industry. Except for Yang Mi who was not there because she was filming, Liu Shishi, Tangtang, Liu Yufei, Ni Ni...tsk tsk tsk, the cameras on the scene frequently visited them, wishing to capture every micro-expression of theirs.

Su Mang is really a ruthless person, arranging these girls together.

The gimmicks are quite enough, but they are actually competitors in many aspects. Although they interact with each other on Weibo and pretend to be good girlfriends.

But when it comes to resources, their teams fight each other privately.

Well... of course, they also have a common enemy, that is Liu Yufei, the public enemy of post-85s!

From the first ten years of the millennium, Liu Yufei's popularity and resources were far ahead of others, and her national popularity was so high that basically all the actresses of the same age could only look up to her and were unable to compete with her.

The situation has changed in recent years. Liu Yufei, who has been fighting against bad movies, has a tendency to go downhill. Da Mi Mi and Liu Shishi have begun to catch up with two popular palace fighting dramas. Ni Ni, Zhao Liying and others are also catching up. The status of the fairy is no longer unbreakable.

As a result, "Like You" shot with Gu Zhongyu a few months ago brought this sister to the peak again, and also took nearly 700 million box office, breaking the box office record of domestic love comedies.

The fairy is really not covered, the kind that will take off immediately if given a little wind!

So the female stars at the table are sitting aside, as if isolating Liu Yufei.

Liu Yufei has long been accustomed to this. She sat with her mother in a blue mopping skirt and looked at Gu Zhongyu very unhappy.

This guy! It’s okay that he didn’t tell me before coming and didn’t bring her as a female companion, but he actually found other women, and it was the mysterious Da Tiantian.

"Xixi! See what I said is right, right? If you don't keep a close eye on this man, he will immediately fall into the arms of other women. Yesterday I asked you to call him, but you didn't listen."

"Hmph! It's like no one cares about him." Liu Yufei sat in her seat angrily, looking at Gu Zhongyu, feeling sullen in her heart.

The other young girls had different expressions, and Liu Shishi's face was not very good either. Although she had long been accustomed to someone's style, she knew about Da Tiantian's background, and she couldn't compete with him at all.

Just when she was hesitating whether to make trouble, she found that someone had already taken the lead.

It was Da Meiyuan!

"Why haven't you contacted me since you came back from the United States?" Gao Yuanyuan asked with dissatisfaction, with her hands on her waist.

Gu Zhongyu almost vomited blood!

Sister, didn't I call you a few days ago to ask if you wanted to go out for dinner? You said you were too busy recently and didn't have time!

Da Tiantian looked up at her, smiled and said nothing. Do you think I'm stupid for such an obvious demonstration?


The other female artists looked at Gao Yuanyuan and cursed in their hearts. They all knew that you, the third sister Gao, liked this. If a man is not taken, you would not like him at all, right?

After saying a few nice words, Da Meiyuan returned to her seat contentedly. As a result, as soon as she sat down, someone followed her.

Tang Yan came to Gu Zhongyu timidly. In fact, she was a little afraid of Gu Zhongyu.

At the last National Drama Festival, Tang Yan heard and witnessed someone's bold behavior. And as far as she knew, her best friend Qi Wei did not go home all night that night and had a big fight with her boyfriend. It was very likely related to Gu Zhongyu.

But watching the good sisters from the past in the Legend of Sword and Fairy III rise to prominence one by one, Da Mi Mi opened Jiahang Entertainment Company, and Liu Shishi was the leading actress of Zongheng, only she remained standing still and her career did not improve at all.

Until the broadcast of "Xia Family Three Daughters" caused a sensation, the drama became the annual ratings champion of Dolphin TV that year, and Tang Yan was also named one of the four major actresses because of the popularity of the drama.

Tang Yan seemed to have suddenly realized the truth.

She didn't like the previous Zixuan royal sister style at all, only the "silly and sweet" Xia Tianmei-style role was her favorite!

At this time, her agent, Ji Rujing, the vice president of Chengtian Entertainment, also wanted to go out on her own. The two sisters hit it off and planned to terminate the contract with Chengtian next year and set up a studio to go on their own.

Since she wanted to go on her own, the network resources must be the most important. Ji Rujing asked her to get to know more bosses to see if there were any good projects to get.

Tang Yan took stock of her social circle. She didn't want to deal with those bosses in the Hong Kong circle anymore. They were purely a bunch of cannibals. She couldn't talk to the big and small Wang and Guangxian in the mainland. After thinking about it, she could only chat with Gu Zhongyu.

"Boss Gu, long time no see, are you free here? I have a play..."

"Let's not talk about business today. Tangtang, if you have anything to say, come to my company another day."

"Oh, okay." Tang Yan, who finally mustered up the courage to come up and talk to him, didn't expect to be turned down like this. Fortunately, Gu Zhongyu didn't refuse directly, which means there is still a chance.

She walked back with long legs. Wang Zhonglei glanced at Tang Yan and said with an envious smile: "Boss Gu, you are really lucky!"

Wang Xiaorong, the wife next to Wang Zhonglei, also said: "Boss Gu is a talented and romantic man. Do you think he is like you?"

Even Da Tiantian rolled her eyes at him.

Gu Zhongyu was about to confront Wang Zhonglei, but Liu Yufei also came over.

She leaned over to Gu Zhongyu's ear and said, "You should be more restrained. I haven't settled accounts with you about Du Yuchen yet!"

No... what the hell did I do?

Hiss! It turns out that the incident with Du Yuchen in the hotel was really known by Tianxian, isn't it? According to her temper, she should have been furious, why did she endure it for so long and even took the person to her studio?

It feels worse and worse!

One wave has not settled, another wave rises. Liu Shishi saw them coming one after another like a revolving lantern. She, who didn't want to cause trouble, also had the desire to fight.

You guys... connect well one by one?

When Liu Shishi came over elegantly with her skirt, Gu Zhongyu was also numb, and was about to take the initiative to speak, saying that he would be honest...

Unexpectedly, Shishi didn't say anything at all, but leaned over to Gu Zhongyu's ear and gently "bo~" with her lips.

The movements were very slight, the sound was barely audible, and it just avoided the angle that the camera could capture. To outsiders, they would only think that she was whispering something to Gu Zhongyu.

The reporters and photographers in the distance were about to jump up in excitement.

This talented Gu was whispering with four beauties all night!

Wouldn't this be all the entertainment news topics for the next week?

Jing Tian was also numb, looking at him with resentment and said, "You are so busy! Let's just give up our seats, so that there is more space, and you can let those female stars who are still queuing come together, it takes too much time to come one by one!"

The other big guys at the same table were also covering their mouths and laughing, especially Brother Cheng Long, who looked at him silently with a look that only men can understand.

It's over, there is no way to pretend to be upright in front of these people in the future.

"Uh, no one will come again, don't worry..."

As a result, before Gu Zhongyu finished speaking, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder.

MD is that little goblin again?

He turned his head suddenly... Oh, it's not a little goblin this time, it's an old man.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, it's really not easy to meet you in this kind of occasion, and you have to queue up, it's finally my turn to speak." The person who came was the greasy and narcissistic king of the domestic entertainment industry - Cheng Sicheng.

Speaking of Cheng Sicheng, he is actually an old acquaintance of Gu Zhongyu. The two of them co-starred in "Soldier Assault", but that was N years ago, and they basically have no intersection in recent years.

"It's been a while since I last saw you, Director Chen, do you want to take care of me?" This guy must be a person who doesn't come to the temple for no reason.

"How dare I take care of you, Mr. Gu! I heard from Deng Chao that you are going to co-produce a movie with the United States, but the director has not been found yet... Do you think so?"

Good guy! He has a big appetite and wants to direct "The Invisible Guest". Don't you think he is worth it?

Gu Zhongyu was about to decline, but seeing Cheng Sicheng's smug look, he suddenly thought of the movie "The Vanishing Lady" that he directed in his previous life.

Putting aside personal preferences, Cheng Sicheng is indeed a leader among the young generation of directors. He can even be said to be the second director after Guo Fan. Even before Gu Zhongyu traveled through time, his box office performance was always higher than Guo Fan.

Although many people criticized the "Detective Chinatown" series as brainless and mentally retarded comedy movies, it was later proved that Cheng Sicheng is not only good at making comedy movies, but also has the ability to make suspense dramas like "The Vanishing Lady".

"The Vanishing Guest" is also a suspense movie. Gu Zhongyu has always wanted to use a Chinese director. If there is no suitable candidate, Cheng Sicheng is not completely out of consideration.

Anyway, the script of "The Vanishing Guest" is very complete, and he is under pressure, so Cheng Sicheng can't let himself go.

Of course, Gu Zhongyu is purely attracted by his directing ability, and it has nothing to do with his beautiful wife.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu looking at him with a scrutinizing eye, Cheng Sicheng felt that there was a chance, and he touched his hair with his hand, full of confidence, as if he was a handsome man.

Gu Zhongyu, who hadn't eaten yet, felt like vomiting!

"Come to my company some other day to have a good chat!"

"Okay, by the way, there's one more thing! That Li Chen, didn't he offend you before? I thought..."

Cheng Sicheng also revealed his second goal, to ease the relationship between his good buddy Li Chen and Gu Zhongyu.

In recent years, due to the influence of Gu Zhongyu, Li Chen's resources have dropped a lot. If it weren't for the recovery of "Yanjing Love Story" before, plus his family background, he might have been out of the market long ago.

As a good brother, Cheng Sicheng felt that he had to help his buddy.

Especially after the news that Gu Zhongyu and Tong Dawei had reconciled and let him act in his company's new movie came, both of them felt that there was still hope for a handshake and peace.

"Director Chen! Let's get things one way and don't let personal matters interfere with official business."

Cheng Sicheng heard the impatience and warning in his tone and quickly ended the topic. Compared with his good brother's future, his own career was more important.

The two agreed to talk again at another time, and Cheng Sicheng left.

Wang Zhonglei at the next table also heard the conversation just now and said: "Boss Gu, it's been so long, and you still hold a grudge? We bosses should be more generous." Li Chen is also an artist of Wang's Brothers Company, so he naturally has to help say a few good words.

Didn't you, an old man, poach people from me? It's easy to talk, I'll poach some of your people later.

"I'm not as magnanimous as you, Mr. Wang. With your broad mind, let alone forgiving traitors, even if Song Gongming met Zhang Wenyuan and Yan Poxi, you can forgive him, right?"

"What do you mean by that?" Wang Zhonglei felt that this guy had something to say, and he glanced at his wife Wang Xiaorong provocatively several times, with a bad look.

"It's nothing, just a joke! What, Mr. Wang, can't even make a little joke?"


If someone else said this, Wang Zhonglei might not care and treat it as nonsense. But he knew Gu Zhongyu's conduct very well. It's better to be safe than sorry. It's better to be careful later.

Wang Xiaorong saw that the two rivals had been chatting for so long, and asked curiously: "What are you two talking about?"

"Oh, I think Mr. Wang is so lucky, Xiaorong is getting prettier now."

"Haha! Mr. Gu, I'm not one of those little girls, you should save your sweet talk to them!"

Wang Xiaorong said that she was not moved, but she was very happy in her heart. What woman doesn't like to be praised for her beauty? What's more, it was a handsome guy who praised her. Although her husband and Gu Zhongyu were enemies, she had never had any bad feelings towards Gu Zhongyu.

Before Gu Zhongyu started his company, he always treated Wang Xiaorong as a sister, and the two had a good relationship. Wang Xiaorong even wanted to recognize him as her brother.

Now that they have met again after a long time, she wants to reminisce with Gu Zhongyu, and the two really started chatting.

Seeing his wife and Gu Zhongyu chatting happily, Wang Zhonglei's face turned green with anger, but now there were so many people, he couldn't lose his temper, so he could only use his eyes to signal Wang Xiaorong to stop chatting.

So Wang Xiaorong had to give Gu Zhongyu an apologetic smile and ended the chat.

Jing Tian went to find her best friend Chai Biyun, and there was no one at the table to talk to Gu Zhongyu. It was boring to chat with a few old guys. While it was still early, Gu Zhongyu stood up and wanted to walk around.

There were too many people who came to say hello before, so Gu Zhongyu didn't look carefully. He soon saw Li Shaohong, Yang Yang and other Rong Xinda artists sitting at the corner.

He had no interest in Rong Xinda, but there was a female artist who he cared about sitting at the edge of the table, that was Miss Li Xin, who he hadn't seen for a long time.

It had been more than a hundred chapters since she appeared, and Gu Zhongyu almost forgot about her!

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