Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 220 Unexpected Auction Items

I haven't seen Li Yao for a long time. Because Gu Zhongyu is too busy during this period, the two of them can only make video calls to relieve the pain of lovesickness. He has almost forgotten how salty this young lady is.

"Mr. Gu, long time no see? Are you here to see our Qinqin?" Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming, Li Shaohong greeted him warmly.

She has long known about the affair between one of her most valued female artists, Li Yao and Gu Zhongyu. Although she is Rong Xinda's boss, she doesn't care much about the normal love affairs of her artists, as long as it doesn't affect her career. good.

Although she felt that it was unlikely that Gu Zhongyu and Li Yao would really fall in love, considering the other person's status, she did not dare to be such a bad person. It was a pity that her godson Lin Yushen was in vain.

"Why, can't I just come to say hello to Director Li?" Li Yao was a little excited when Gu Zhongyu came over, but he didn't expect that the doggy man didn't mention her, which made the little girl pout.

"How can I, an old woman, deserve to be greeted by anyone? Mr. Gu, I want to congratulate you. "Chang'an Twelve Hours" broke Yangma's ratings record."

As a TV drama director, Li Shaohong's works in recent years have received average popularity and reputation, and he is very interested in novel large-scale costume dramas such as "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an".

It's a pity that Rong Xinda, who is in decline, is destined to be unable to shoot a genre drama with this kind of investment scale.

"Really? I didn't even notice. Has Qinqin watched my drama?" After saying that, all the eyes of the people at the table were immediately focused on her. They were so intimate. There was something going on between the two of them!

Lin Yushen, who sat at the same table, has always wondered why Li Yao rejected his advances again and again. He is obviously such a mature person and the prince of the company, shouldn't he be pinching her with both hands?

After doing it for a long time, it turned out that he was hugging Gu Zhongyu's lap.

Damn it, he really can’t compete with this man!

In front of so many people, Li Yao was a little shy: "I don't have time to watch your TV series! You didn't say you came to see me for so long, why are you looking for me now?"

"Our company has a TV series that wants you to play the second female lead!"

"The second talented woman? Who is the leading actor?" Li Yao blurted out.

Gu Zhongyu deliberately pretended to think and said, "Hmm~ It could be me, or it could be another male artist in the company. What? If I wasn't here to be the male lead, why not act?"

"No... no, it's just a second female lead. If you want to invite me, I have to see if there is a schedule!"

Li Shaohong became interested at this time and asked: "What kind of drama is it? Is it also a costume drama?"

"No, it's a modern theme, it can be considered an idol drama, and the investment is probably more than 100 million!"

Li Shaohong, who was drinking water, almost choked!

What kind of idol drama requires an investment of 100 million?

The total investment in "New Dream of Red Mansions" is only 150 million!

We have not yet reached an era where investment in any online drama can reach hundreds of millions. It is still very rare for TV dramas to invest more than 100 million. Basically, only costume dramas and historical dramas can have such an investment scale.

Idol dramas usually cost tens of millions, and over 100 million is basically an exaggeration. If the cast is not very big, even 18 million is enough.

But from Gu Zhongyu's tone, it seems that this is no longer a boast. The costume drama worth 200 million yuan has been filmed, and it is not a big deal to shoot a modern drama worth over 100 million yuan.

The second female lead in such a big production is no worse than the female lead in an ordinary TV series. When the other female stars at this table heard about the investment, their eyes glowed green, and they wished they could take Li Yao's place.

Gu Zhongyu felt that he should make some small compensation for neglecting this little girl for so long.

Speaking of which, this girl Li Yan has good looks and temperament, and her acting skills are also on the pass level, but she has always been tepid. In addition to lack of resources, she also did not choose the right role.

Her face is not sweet to begin with, and is even a bit bitter. In popular ancient puppets and fairy tale dramas, she plays the tragic second female lead, and the third female lead is okay, but it is difficult to hold the first female lead, and the girl with chicken legs is... For example, her face has little to do with innocence.

So which role did Li Yao leave the deepest impression on Renlou?

She is Han Xiangjian in "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", Tian Xiao'e in "White Deer Plain", the drumstick girl in "Qing Yu Nian" (this role is said to be the heroine, but her positioning is no different from that of a supporting role), and she is the Yuan of "The Legend of Chu Qiao" Chun, as well as the stewardess in "Captain of China", without exception, are all supporting characters.

Looking at it this way, Li Yao and Tang Yan are actually in a similar situation. Their acting skills can't support good dramas, and their faces don't stick to soap operas, so they always seem to be in a lot of unsightly dramas.

Tang Yan also has the face of a royal sister and always plays silly and sweet roles, and the quality of the dramas she takes is not high.

Therefore, in fact, the Tsing Yi route is the most suitable for this girl, and there is really no point in insisting on being a charlatan.

Li Yao was also a little moved. In fact, it didn't matter whether there was one girl or two girls. As long as she could film with Gu Zhongyu, she would be happy.

But after all, she is from Rong Xinda, and Sister Li still has the final say on this matter.

Li Shaohong smiled: "Is it possible that Mr. Gu takes care of our Qinqin so much, then I will directly make the decision for her and agree."

"Okay, it's settled. I'm going back first. I'll have someone come and communicate with you later." Before leaving, he winked at Li Yao again, which made Li Yao lower his head in shame.

There were many acquaintances of Gu Zhongyu at other tables. Gu Zhongyu briefly greeted them and went back to his seat. Miss Jing Tian had already sat back.

"What did you do just now?"

"Just find some old friends to chat with, and find a female supporting role for my next TV series."

"You have a new drama to shoot? Who is the female lead?"

"I'm still considering it, it's a bit difficult to decide."

Da Tiantian became interested: "What kind of content is it? Tell me, if it's okay, I can reluctantly do it."

"To put it simply, it's a love story between a peacekeeping soldier and a surgeon."

"Isn't that an idol drama? How can such a cliché story be popular?" Da Tiantian felt unreliable after hearing the introduction. This kind of TV series is nothing special. They are all love dramas in professional guise, and there are many every year.

"If you don't shoot it, how do you know if it can be popular? Hey, it's about to start~"

While the two were talking, the lights in the venue suddenly dimmed, and the spotlight was aimed at Su Mang who was on the stage at this time.

Su Mang took the speech manuscript and said a lot of polite words about love, the meaning of charity, and thanking the guests. It was boring and long. After she finished speaking, she finally entered the official part of tonight's Bazaar Charity Night - the charity auction.

Generally, celebrities or organizations will auction jewelry, artworks, and trendy toys, and all the proceeds will be donated.

The first item to be auctioned was a women's diamond watch, with a starting price of 150,000 yuan. The quality was good, and the response on the spot was also very positive. It was bid up from 150,000 yuan to 250,000 yuan.

In the end, it was bought by a local tycoon who Gu Zhongyu didn't know, and given to a third-tier female star with a high-tech face.

"Hey, Xiao Tiantian, what did you donate to auction at the dinner?"

"Who is Xiao Tiantian? Shameless, I took an emerald necklace from home, and the next two are my things. What did you take out for auction?"


"Guess or not? Anyway, the outside world is very interested in your love history. You might as well take out your diary for auction. I am willing to pay 10 million to buy it!"

"I don't have this habit. Who writes a diary?" He doesn't have a diary, but he has a list of female stars, which is encrypted. You can't understand it even if I give it to you!

Before coming here, Gu Zhongyu had actually been troubled by this for a long time. He didn't like to be bound, and didn't like to wear expensive watches or luxury goods. He didn't have a hobby of collecting calligraphy and antiques, so there was really nothing good to show off.

After thinking about it, only Dun Dun, this kid, was a little bit famous. Not only was he very human, but at least people in the circle knew that he loved to carry this cat wherever he went. Otherwise, donate this fat cat?

In that case... Xixi would probably chase him with a knife and chop him!

So donating the cat wouldn't work either. Gu Zhongyu wanted to put himself on the auction table and let the celebrities and actresses below spend money to buy him. 、

Don't want 18,000, don't want 1,800, just 998, take the sexy male god home!

In fact, you don't have to take expensive items to auction, right?

In previous charity auctions, many people took their own paintings and calligraphy to auction. I don't understand, you are not dead yet, what is this thing worth?

So basically, when it comes to the auction, in order to avoid the embarrassment of no one raising a placard, these people will ask someone to help buy it back for face, which is not only more face-saving, but also can make the originally worthless calligraphy and paintings gilded with gold.

This point inspired Gu Zhongyu, and he quickly thought of what to send to the auction.

At this time, the auction item on the stage was replaced by an oil painting by the painter Zeng Fanzhi and the director Feng Kuzi, named "One Thought"

Zeng Fanzhi is naturally famous as a great painter, but what contribution did Feng Kuzi make to this oil painting?

Could it be that he was responsible for making the outer frame?

Maybe Gu Zhongyu's voice was heard by Su Mang, and as the host, she took the initiative to explain: Zeng Fanzhi first used a brush to lay the base color for this painting, and then took turns with Feng Dadao to color it.

Gu Zhongyu thought this explanation was too far-fetched. Although the painting level of directors is generally not low, Feng Kuzi is definitely not at this level. He would believe it if it was Lao Mouzi.

It is estimated that Zeng Fanzhi painted it almost, and then Feng Kuzi added a few strokes.

But this did not stop everyone's enthusiasm for the painting. The starting price of the painting was 3.5 million, and the price was raised again and again until it reached 18 million, and it was finally bought by a tycoon from Hong Kong.

"Why don't you raise your placard, Mr. Gu? You are coming to a charity party, and you are still planning to not give a penny?" Brother Cheng Long, who was sitting at the same table, joked when he saw Gu Zhongyu's lack of interest.

"I will naturally raise my placard if I see something I like. Don't worry, Brother Jackie Chan, knowing that your charity foundation is also a public welfare party tonight, I will definitely donate generously."

If there is really nothing he wants at the auction tonight, then he can just donate a few million separately.

"Hahaha! Mr. Gu, that's not what I mean. I mean, you have so many friends of the opposite sex around you, and most of the auction tonight are jewelry and the like. You can buy one to give to someone!"

Give it to a friend of the opposite sex?

That one?

There are several sisters present tonight. I gave it to Xixi. Should Shishi give it to me? What about the big beautiful yuan? Miss Li Xin will be jealous, right? What about Zhang Zilin and Yang Mi who were not present?

Buy one each? Are you trying to make me a fool?

Jewelry that normally sells for tens of thousands of dollars is sold for millions of dollars in such occasions. It's just like slaughtering people like pigs.

Just think about it, the fish roe lucky bag hurts!

So no matter what Gu Zhongyu buys, he will never buy jewelry, that's just asking for trouble.

"The next item is a little special, it's provided by our director Mr. Gu Zhongyu."

Su Mang smiled mysteriously, and then shouted out loud: "That's a script written by the great talent Gu himself, the starting price is one yuan, the person who bids can communicate with Mr. Gu on his own, what kind of script do you want, whether it's a movie or a TV series, he said, can satisfy you!"


There was a little commotion at the scene, because Gu Zhongyu's item was indeed unique, and no one had ever auctioned a script at a charity night, which was a precedent.

"Mr. Gu, why didn't you tell me earlier? I could just buy it directly!" Cheng Long slapped his thigh with a look of regret.

"You are quite creative. You start the bidding at one yuan. Are you so confident?"

Jing Tian was also eager to try. Gu Zhongyu's acting skills might not be top-notch in the industry, but his terrifying ability to produce high-quality scripts in an endless stream was obvious to all in the industry. Even those who criticized Gu Zhongyu admitted that the scripts produced by this guy were basically first-class.

The other bigwigs at the table also praised it. In addition to its novelty, they felt that no matter how much money this script could eventually make, it would definitely be on the news.

The effect might be better than selling some very expensive auction items. Mr. Gu is really a genius at hype!

Businessmen consider problems from such a tricky angle. In fact, Gu Zhongyu really didn't think so.

He has too many scripts in stock, especially when he was teaching at Beijing Film Academy. Whenever he was free, he would write down the scripts in his memory of his previous life. When he was fast, he could finish a movie script in a few days.

The problem is, even if we don't consider the filming funds, the entire Zongheng Film and Television will not be able to finish filming so many films even if they work overtime every day from now on!

Rather than letting these scripts gather dust or become outdated, it is better to use them to create some value.

And he thinks that his scripts should be more popular, at least for people in the industry.

In fact, this is still a bit cunning. Although he can produce any type of script the other party wants, it does not mean that the other party must have the ability to film it. In the end, they may have to ask his company for help.

However, Gu Zhongyu never expected that the subsequent developments were beyond his expectations!

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