Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 221 The actresses are all going crazy

"Two dollars!"

Da Tiantian took the lead in raising her sign, doubling the original one dollar. Her generosity made all the guests burst into laughter, and Gu Zhongyu looked at her with a frown.

Who asked Gu Zhongyu to set a one dollar starting price? He didn't expect Da Tiantian to be so disrespectful and actually add one dollar.

Of course, this was a joke. Although the starting price was one dollar, no one really expected to spend the money of eating KFC to shoot the script.

Su Mang on the stage also held back his laughter: "Okay! Our Miss Jing Tian bid two dollars, and..."

"Five hundred thousand!" Before he finished speaking, a second person made an offer, and he was very respectful and raised it to five hundred thousand.

Gu Zhongyu looked back and saw that it was Li Qin who called the price. This young lady was so considerate. She had obviously defrauded all her savings for several years, but now she was willing to pay so much money to support him. It was true love.

But this amount of money was definitely not enough to make the final decision.


Almost immediately after Li Qin finished bidding, Liu Shishi also raised her sign.

Ah... this is unnecessary, they are all from the same company. If Shibao wants a script, just ask directly. Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to remind her not to spend this money in vain.

Liu Shishi proudly stretched out her elegant swan neck. She didn't care about the script. She never lacked it. She mainly wanted to support her man.

Seeing Liu Shishi's move, the other young actresses at the same table were also unwilling to be lonely and started bidding.

"One million!" Tang Yan wanted to build a good relationship with Gu Zhongyu in the first place. Buying a script is the best way to do a favor.

"One million and a half!"

This time it was Liu Xiaoli who raised the sign. Since her daughter was embarrassed, she would do it.

Liu Yufei was anxious: "Mom! Why did you spend so much money to buy a script?"

"We are about to open a company now, buy a script first!"

My silly daughter! This money is not for buying scripts, it is for trapping your man. If other little fairies buy it, won't it give them a chance?

"Two million!"

Da Tiantian also started to take it seriously. She was determined to get Gu Zhongyu's script customization service. After acting in so many bad movies, she had to make a comeback.

Now the outside world began to spread rumors about Bei Jingtian and Nan Yihuan.

She didn't know who Yihuan was at first. She searched the Internet and found out that she was an 18th-tier celebrity who made a borderline online movie. She almost got angry to death!

I, Jing, a rich and beautiful woman in the world, ended up with someone like you?

The price of two million is enough to make many well-known screenwriters start writing, but it is obviously not enough for Gu Zhongyu's fame.

"Two million and two hundred thousand!" Liu Shishi raised the price again.

"My good Shishi! You are a well-known little actress, you have no shortage of movies to shoot, why do you need a script? Don't compete with me." Tang Yan wanted to persuade her little sister to quit.

Liu Shishi just smiled but said nothing. The atmosphere at their table of 85 girls was a little strange. The distance between their seats changed from being close together in twos and threes at the beginning, chatting happily, to being clearly separated now.

As sisters in the same "Legend of Sword and Fairy III", she and Tang Yan are now a little unfamiliar, especially after hearing that Tang Yan broke up with her boyfriend Qiu Ze recently, he even suspected that this was Gu Zhongyu's interference again.

Even Ni Ni was eager to try. She could afford the money, but after getting the script, who would invest?

"Two and a half million!" This time it was Da Meiyuan's turn. How could she let a group of little girls steal her limelight.

She decided to find Gu the scumbag to invest after getting the script, and fleece him. If he disagreed, she would pinch his waist disc until he agreed!

"Three million!"

Why is it a man's voice? Gu Zhongyu was really dumbfounded this time. Why did another man come out to join in the fun?

He turned his head and saw... It was actually TM Wang Zhonglei!

Wang Zhonglei, holding up his sign, said with a smile: "Mr. Gu's script is so good, of course I want it!"

It doesn't matter whether the script is filmed or not, the main thing is that I can be Gu Zhongyu's party A dad for once, and I can make any request. How cool is that!

Many other people who wanted to raise signs were also discouraged by the price. Generally, the script of a theater movie is only about hundreds of thousands to one million, and the script of a TV series is calculated by episode, which is about 30,000 to 50,000 per episode. Three million is a bit too expensive.

Seeing Wang Zhonglei's little calculation, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to raise his own sign. At this time, another cry came: "Three million and one hundred thousand!"

It turned out to be Zhang Ziyi!

What is this woman doing? Isn't it a big deal to watch the fun?

Zhang Ziyi saw Gu Zhongyu's eyes fall on her, and she covered her mouth and laughed.

Gu Zhongyu has never slept with her, and he is not even familiar with her. Why is she raising a sign?

No...He hasn't slept with Da Tiantian yet.

There are few charity nights where the bidding goes on for so many rounds, and so many people come out to bid. In the entertainment industry, people usually don't fight like this, at least on the surface, they all give and take.

But who knew that this time, these girls were like chicken blood, not decent at all.

Really, if people like Shishi and Xixi really asked him for the script, could he refuse to give it to them?

They have bid more than two million, and Gu Zhongyu wants them to stop bidding and give the money directly to him, so that he can keep enough for charity and pay enough to the country, and the rest is his!

"Three and a half million!" Dameiyuan raised the sign again.

“Three million, seven hundred thousand!”

It was Liu Xiaoli who raised the sign again this time. She felt that although Jing Tian looked small, he was a big threat. She couldn’t let Gu Zhongyu owe her such a big favor for nothing.

Liu Yufei couldn’t stop him even if she wanted to. Her mother was too brave!

But Da Tiantian didn’t back down and directly raised the price to four million!

She was angry. She didn’t want to fight for face, but to compete for wealth?

It’s not that I look down on anyone. All the female artists here are losers!

Wang Zhonglei shrugged and withdrew from the auction.

He just wanted to have fun. If he paid more, he would become the fun. He had plenty of money, but he couldn’t spend it like this.

At the price of four million, only Liu Xiaoli and Da Tiantian were still competing, and other female stars quietly put away their signs.

At this time, sky-high pay was not popular. Wang Fei, the highest-paid female star in mainland China, only earned a little over 100 million a year. They really couldn’t spend millions to buy a script that they couldn’t afford to shoot.

The fight between Gu Zhongyu, the cheap mother-in-law, and Da Tiantian ended with Da Tiantian's victory.

The final transaction price - five million!

It's not that Liu Xiaoli was reluctant to spend money, or that she had given up, but Gu Zhongyu was madly signaling her with his eyes: Don't fight, it's just a script, you can't compete with Da Tiantian in wealth.

Liu Xiaoli understood what Gu Zhongyu meant in seconds, and her daughter Liu Yufei kept pulling her skirt to stop her, so Liu Xiaoli didn't continue to raise the price.

In fact, the two of them were actually infatuated just now, just like playing Hearthstone, buying 20 pre-sale card packs and must get the golden legend.

Da Tiantian was very proud, like a general who won a battle, and swaggered onto the stage. Su Mang congratulated: "Congratulations to our Miss Jing for winning the auction, please come on stage and take it away..."

Su Mang felt something was wrong halfway through his words.

Take away the auction item!

Everyone looked at Gu Zhongyu, and he had no choice but to get up and go up.

"Thank you Miss Jing for your kindness. I never thought that my script was so valuable. It seems that even if the company is closed and I am no longer an artist, I should not starve to death."

Jing Tian stood beside Gu Zhongyu happily and asked: "Then Mr. Gu, I can make any request for this script, right? When can it be delivered?"

OK! He really thinks he is the father of the client, and he even uses the word delivery.

"The script can be delivered at any time, as long as you have thought about what you want."

Gu Zhongyu said this arrogantly, making him look talented and the script can be wholesaled like cabbage at any time.

Da Tiantian opened her mouth in surprise, and then asked: "Then I want a movie script that can send me to the Cannes and Oscar podium, can it also be delivered at any time?"

Are you not here to make fun of me?

OK! No problem!

As long as your acting skills can keep up, and you can find a way to add a bunch of buffs such as transgender, txl, ethnic minority, vegetarianism, environmentalism, etc., I, Gu, have the confidence to let you get a little golden man!

"This... is a bit difficult, but I will try my best."

At this moment, watching the two people interacting happily, the female stars in the audience felt very unhappy, especially Liu Yufei and Liu Shishi. The two of them have been with Gu Zhongyu for the longest time and know this man's character very well. I am afraid that they will soon fall into the arms of this little bitch.

On the surface, it seems that they are snatching the script, but is the essence of this matter a problem of the script? This is snatching a man!

Liu Yufei and Xiao Liu Yufei looked at each other and seemed to have reached some kind of consensus.

In fact, among the people who are in a bad mood, there are not only these young ladies, but also their admirers and fans... There is no way, there are creatures like licking dogs everywhere.

Besides, female stars are still good-looking female stars. Doesn't that have countless licking dog brainless fans?

Seeing the goddess in his heart fighting for another man, it was like losing his mind. Just this wave, Gu Zhongyu had offended many people invisibly.

On the stage, Gu Zhongyu and Da Tiantian said a few polite words and then returned to their seats.

"Remember, you owe me a script!" Da Tiantian reminded Gu Zhongyu, the big victim, like a creditor, not to forget what he promised himself.

"I will definitely fulfill it. If you are not satisfied with the script, I will return the five million to you at that time, okay?"

"Who wants your money?"

"Why? You don't want my money, do you want my person?" I knew that you, a little girl, had bad intentions and just wanted to trick me into getting on board. It seems that we are bound to continue our bad fate after all!


Da Tiantian gently hit his shoulder. This intimate scene happened to be captured by the camera. If it is broadcasted, the public may think that the two are really in love!

The charity auction continued, but Gu Zhongyu did not bid once, just wanted to finish it quickly and leave.

Because he was bored, Gu Zhongyu also ate the dishes on the table.

In fact, in such occasions, basically few artists eat. On the one hand, they are concerned about their figure and are afraid of getting their dress dirty; on the other hand, they are afraid that their true form will be exposed when eating, and their eating posture will be captured by others, such as a certain Tianxian classmate.

But Gu Zhongyu is a man, so he naturally doesn't care about these. Lobster and steak are troublesome to eat, so he picked up a bowl of sea cucumber soup on the table and drank it.

The taste is pretty good, give a thumbs up to the chef.

I didn’t expect that soon after I finished drinking, I felt like opening the floodgates.

“Do you know how long the party will last?” Gu Zhongyu asked Da Tiantian. If it wasn’t long, he decided to hold it in.

“It’s probably more than an hour. What, do you want to go to the bathroom?” Da Tiantian saw that he frowned slightly and seemed to be holding back something, and guessed it immediately.

“How did you guess it?”

Da Tiantian covered her mouth and laughed secretly: “You fool, don’t you know that sea cucumbers are diuretic? Do you see anyone drinking this soup at other tables? I really admire you. You actually eat in such an occasion.”

“Why didn’t you remind me?”

“Then you didn’t ask me either? Do you want me to call a waiter to take you to the bathroom? I’m afraid you’ll go the wrong way and don’t know how to get back.”

Da Tiantian was so happy. Usually, Gu Zhongyu always looked arrogant, and now he finally saw this guy embarrassed.

There was still more than an hour left, so he couldn't hold it in any longer. Gu Zhongyu had to quietly bend down and leave his seat while the camera was moving.

He had never been to the 789 Art Center before, and it took him a long time to find the toilet.

The toilet in this art center was designed to be quite interesting. It was a "mahjong" style toilet, decorated with mahjong tiles and plastic dice inside and outside, and there was a mahjong-like seat rest area outside.

He quickly slipped in and couldn't wait to start the flood discharge project.


The pressure on the bladder suddenly eased, and Gu Zhongyu shook it off, and was about to leave after cleaning.

As soon as Gu Zhongyu walked out of the men's toilet, he heard a very slight "woo woo woo" crying sound coming out...

Damn! Is this toilet haunted?

However, he looked for the source of the sound and found that it was not haunted, but haunted by people.

In the fire escape next to the toilet, a woman in an evening dress was sitting on the stairs, sobbing silently and wiping her tears, and she was an acquaintance of Gu Zhongyu.

"Sister Xiaorong? Why are you crying here?"

Wang Xiaorong raised her head and realized that Gu Zhongyu had come to her. She quickly wiped away her tears and explained, "You heard wrongly. I just fell down accidentally and was just rubbing my legs."

"Don't lie to me, Sister Xiaorong. Did you get wronged by Mr. Wang?"

"No... Zhonglei and I have a good relationship. How could I get wronged!"

Wang Xiaorong naturally didn't want to expose her family's dirty laundry. In fact, it was because she had just said a few more words to Gu Zhongyu that made her husband unhappy, so he said a few harsh words to her.

She didn't dare to talk back because she felt wronged. She could only take the opportunity to go to the bathroom. She sat here alone, feeling sad, and couldn't help crying a few times.

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