Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 222 The dinner is over and the assistant returns

Gu Zhongyu actually had a guess, but he didn't choose to expose her. Instead, he opened his mouth to comfort Wang Xiaorong.

Wang Xiaorong did not expect that Gu Zhongyu would repay kindness with kindness and even start to comfort her "enemy." She was quite moved and began to reveal some truth.

"What happened back then, even if I was caught in a trap, I felt sorry for you. I advised him at the time that even if we couldn't be friends, there was no need to be enemies, but he insisted... ugh!"

"I have long forgotten about that. People, you can't always remember the past grudges, you still have to live in the present."

He said this, but Gu Zhongyu always held grudges in his heart!

Now looking at the deserted environment and the beautiful enemy's wife in front of him, Gu Zhongyu suddenly thought of a wonderful way to take revenge.

Wang Xiaorong's personality is completely opposite to that of her husband. She is very weak and is a more traditional housewife who works hard and never complains.

Although she is the CEO's wife that everyone envies now, because she was from an ordinary background, the Wang family's mother-in-law did not agree with this relationship at all, and even refused Wang Xiaorong to marry into her family, so when the two got married, no one from the Wang family Attend.

Even though her husband's family had this attitude, Wang Xiaorong still persisted. Instead, she kept selling good things to her husband's family and sharing the joys and sorrows with her husband. Now she finally got through it.

However, as her career progressed, her husband's character became more and more domineering. When he got home, he behaved like a big boss, and he lost his former modesty towards his friends and family.

Of course, she found all of this tolerable, mainly because she didn't know many female celebrities in the company...

It is inevitable for men to act in every situation, especially successful men. It is strange that they have a clean private life. They have been prepared for it for a long time, but they are still a little resentful.

There was a small outburst today. Fortunately, it was at a charity dinner and everyone was on call, but I guess there will still be a quarrel after I get home.

"You are really generous. If Zhonglei had half the mind you have, we wouldn't be in as much trouble as we are now."

"Gentlemen are gentle but different. If Mr. Wang has the same personality as me, then my sister-in-law may not necessarily like him, right?" Gu Zhongyu pretended to test.

Wang Xiaorong liked Gu Zhongyu's free and easy look very much. She felt that there was indeed a shadow of her husband back then. She smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true..."

Next, the two people sat on the stairs in the corridor, continuing the unfinished conversation in the venue for a few more minutes.

When you're feeling down, it's rare to have someone of the opposite sex who can listen to you and talk to you. Wang Xiaorong felt that the conversation with Gu Zhongyu was very interesting, but she soon realized that it was a bit ambiguous for a man and a woman to be alone in such a place, so she prepared to stand up and leave.

As a result, at this time, Gu Zhongyu suddenly grabbed her hand and said, "If you are unhappy in the future, you are welcome to talk to me at any time, Sister Xiaorong."

"Yes, you should go back quickly!"

Wang Xiaorong wanted to pull out her hand, but found that the other person's hand was a bit strong and couldn't shake it off, so she gave Gu Zhongyu a slightly angry look.

Gu Zhongyu looked a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to let go of his hand.

After Wang Xiaorong left in a panic, Gu Zhongyu opened his palm, and there was a ring in his palm, a custom-made couple's diamond ring symbolizing love and marriage!

Sister Xiaorong, don’t blame me!

"What took you so long?"

After not coming back for such a long time, Da Tiantian thought that Gu Zhongyu fell into the toilet and planned to send someone to look for him.

"Um...the seafood here doesn't seem to be very fresh. It even made my stomach feel uncomfortable. Don't eat it."

Da Tiantian moved her seat away from Gu Zhongyu in disgust: "You are disgusting to death, I will not eat these things!"

"It may not be too fresh, but it must be delicious. Otherwise, how could Mr. Gu, the big boss, eat haise on such an occasion regardless of his image? Hahaha..."

Wang Zhonglei has been paying attention to Gu Zhongyu, just like the crazy fan of NM staring at his idol. As soon as he came back, he started to ridicule him. As expected, it is love to the depths!

"It's indeed delicious, but I tasted something even more delicious tonight. The taste is really... unforgettable!"

At this moment, Wang Xiaorong also returned to her seat. She was walking slowly in a floor-length skirt. The one who started first was two minutes slower.

Wang Zhonglei felt that Gu Zhongyu's words seemed to have something else in mind, and then he found that the boy's eyes were on his wife, and he suddenly had some bad guesses in his heart.

However, Wang Zhonglei quickly calmed down. Thinking about his wife's feelings for him and the current situation, he promptly dispelled his doubts. Most likely, this brat was just pretending to make himself angry.

There's no need to be familiar with him, I don't believe you have the ability to take advantage of labor and management!

On the stage, the auction is coming to an end. After the last diamond brooch is sold, this year's Harper's Bazaar Charity Night is officially over.

Then came the biggest grudge match tonight - a group photo session with all the stars.

In fact, it was the climax of the entire charity night, when the female star snatched the C-position award!

In previous years’ charity Harper’s Bazaar photos, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed off their magical powers, fighting for the C position, because the C position in a group photo is definitely the most eye-catching, but you can’t grab it openly, you can only watch the celebrities and Fight by means.

Those male stars who also wanted to take a group photo on stage to show their presence were extremely pitiful. They did not dare to squeeze with these women with amazing fighting power. They all stood in the back row consciously.

Gu Zhongyu also stood in the back row consciously, between Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao.

The embarrassing situation came. No one grabbed the C position this year!

Maybe it was because the group photo incident last year was not very good. This year, it was contrary to the norm. It seemed that no one wanted to stand in the C position. The female stars in the front row gave way to each other, but no one wanted to stand in the C position, for fear that they would be on the hot search by accident and then be scolded as a scheming bitch!

"Shishi, come, stand here~"

"No, no, no, you should come, Sister Yuanyuan~"

"I think Sister Ziyi is the most suitable for this position~"

A bunch of female stars began to pretend to be humble like ancient sages. Those who didn't know would think that there was a time bomb buried under the C position!

Su Mang was also having a headache. You scheming bitches, you always squeezed in here in previous years, but now you are playing the game of Kong Rong giving up his pears to me?

Just when she was about to say something, she suddenly saw Gu Zhongyu standing in the back row, whispering with Deng Chao and laughing.

Okay, it's you, Mr. Gu!

"Mr. Gu, just stand here." I'd rather die than die, anyway, I don't want to take this hot potato, so let's find someone who is least damaged to sacrifice!


I'm not a woman, why should I stand in the C position?

It's not modesty, you should find someone else!

Gu Zhongyu shook his head and body like a rattle, madly expressing his refusal!

As a result, the female stars in the front row heard Su Mang's suggestion, and immediately waved to him as if they had found a life-saving straw: Come over and play!

He didn't want to be the conspicuous bag, but his arms couldn't bend the thighs of women.

Finally, Zhang Ziyi and Gao Yuanyuan came over and carried him to the center of the front row!


With the shutter sound of the official photographer's camera, the most difficult group photo session of Bazaar Charity Night was finally completed successfully.

In the group photo, other celebrities and artists were all smiling, but only Gu Zhongyu, who was in the center of the front row, showed an awkward but polite smile!

He was also the first male star to stand in the C position since the tenth anniversary of Charity Bazaar.

What Gu Zhongyu didn't expect was that he would be driven to this position in every group photo of Charity Bazaar in the future, regardless of whether he was willing or not, he couldn't escape this link anyway.

Later people gave him a nickname, the C position nailer!

Because this Bazaar Charity Night was held in Yanjing, it saved Gu Zhongyu a lot of trouble, at least he didn't have to take a plane back and forth like rushing to the venue.

But the question is, the night is long, who should he invite to spend the night with him?

After Xixi and her mother finished, they flew away to continue filming "Dream of Hualu"; Da Meiyuan was going to accompany her best friend Jia Jingwen at her home; Da Tiantian was not yet chosen, so she was not considered.

Then there were only Shishi and Li Xin, who should he choose?

Before Gu Zhongyu could make a choice, Li Xin came running over and hugged his arm: "Hehe! I told Sister Li that I would not go back tonight and stay at my female classmate's house overnight."

Okay, I became a female classmate!

Gu Zhongyu had to give an apologetic smile to Liu Shishi who was still waiting for him, and the other party gave him a round back of the head, and then took Tang Yan's hand and left.

So Gu Zhongyu drove Li Xin back to the villa.

Li Xin was also surprised when he saw Gu Zhongyu's new home for the first time. Such a big mansion, even if he could earn the same amount of money as the amount he was defrauded of every day, it would take a long time to buy this house, right?

Realizing that the owner seemed to have returned, Dun Dun also ran out of the room to greet him, and saw the female biped who had taken care of him before also coming over.

The little guy still remembered Li Xin's gentle care for him, and the cat food tasted much better than canned food, so he took the initiative to rub the girl's feet, hoping that she would give him some more food.

"Wow! Dun Dun still remembers me, what a smart cat!" Li Xin couldn't let go and touched Dun Dun's head.

"Of course, you take care of him so well. If he had a choice, he would probably be willing to go home with you."

Li Xin picked up Dun Dun: "It's a pity that I already have Xiao Mei. I'm afraid I won't be able to raise another Dun Dun, otherwise I would have stolen it this time!"

"Who is Xiao Mei?"

"Dun Dun's daughter? You gave it to me, did you forget?"

Oh! I almost forgot that it’s not just Li Xin. Except for Jiang Shuying, almost all of his women now have a kitten, all born by Dun Dun and Xi Xi’s cat.

He even gave one to Dong Xuan and Bao Lei, which can be regarded as a thought for them. When they are alone at night, they can still hold the kitten to entertain themselves!

Originally, Li Xin wanted to visit his new home, but Gu Zhongyu would never give her this opportunity. He directly carried her on his shoulders and strode towards the bedroom.

Dun Dun originally wanted to go with him to visit and get some canned food, but he was stopped outside the door. He was so angry that he started to curse the kitten again...

Stinky shit shoveler, it’s really strange. Now he even starts to fight with bipeds behind my back!

“La la la! La la la! I’m a little expert in selling newspapers. I don’t wait until dawn to sell newspapers while walking and shouting…”

After a long vacation, Bai Lu finally drove back in the car given by her boss, singing a cheerful nursery rhyme and entering the gate.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw that all the lights in the house were on, which meant that the boss should be at home. Dun Dun saw that the long-lost poop-shoveling adjutant had returned, and she also went forward and started to act like a spoiled child.

"Hey, did you miss me, Dun Ji?"

This long vacation was so comfortable, because she drove home in the boss's Maybach, and all the clothes and accessories on her body were high-end luxury brands. This time she was able to return home in glory and show her face in front of relatives and friends.

Bai Lu, whose vanity was greatly satisfied, did not forget who gave her all this, so she ended her vacation early and rushed back, ready to make persistent efforts to serve her dear boss well.

She had been paying attention to the boss's whereabouts. Knowing that tonight was the Charity Bazaar Night, she originally thought that Gu Zhongyu would not come home all night, but she didn't expect that he would come back. Did he come back with that actress again?

She went to the garage to check. There were no strange vehicles, no scattered clothes in the hall and corridor, and Dun Dun did not enter the boss's bedroom to protect him.

Just in case, she also listened outside Gu Zhongyu's bedroom. She didn't hear any strange sounds. Maybe the boss had fallen asleep.

She quickly came to the conclusion: the boss went home after having fun outside!

It was rare for the boss to be alone at home without being disturbed. Bai Lu, who was quick-witted, suddenly thought: Could tonight be an opportunity created by God for herself?

Thinking of this, Bai Lu couldn't help it. After watching the live teaching for so long, she should have practiced it once, right? Otherwise, this driver's license will not be obtained until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

Bai Lu is self-aware of her appearance. Compared with those female stars, she has no advantage. She even took the initiative to entertain the boss in the car.

Gu Zhongyu had seen it before, and he probably thought she was too immature, so he had no interest.

Happiness requires one's own initiative!

So Bai Lu opened a can for Dun Dun to prevent it from disturbing her good deeds, then returned to the room, changed into a set of clothes secretly bought online, and planned to attack the boss tonight!

The door was not locked, and Gu Zhongyu would never think that someone could come in. After all, the security of such a mansion is first-class, but he forgot that Bai Lu was still on vacation outside.

The lights were not turned on either, and God really helped me.

After sneaking in, Bai Lu climbed onto the boat on tiptoe and got into bed...

In the bathroom, Li Xin, who had just finished taking a shower, was blowing her hair, and then she heard a noise from the bedroom. She hurried out to check, but she never expected...

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