Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 223 Bai Lu is too blackmailed

Sitting helplessly on the edge of the bed, Gu Zhongyu looked at Bai Lu who was standing in the corner, lowering her head and holding her ears with her hands, looking like a primary school student who had made a mistake. He still felt uneasy and wanted to slap her hard with his slippers!

"Who taught you to do this?"

"No... no one taught me... I just... I haven't seen the boss for a long time, so I wanted to give you a surprise!"

The more Bai Lu spoke, the softer her voice became. After passing through the sage state, she woke up and felt that her behavior was quite shameless.

I used to despise those female celebrities who threw themselves into Gu Zhongyu's arms and had no sense of shame or restraint. I didn't expect that when it was her turn, she would be worse than those women!

The matter had reached this point and was irreversible. Gu Zhongyu held his forehead and smiled helplessly.

Since Bai Lu and Li Yao were very similar in appearance and height, and the assistant didn't say anything when he first got in, he didn't notice it right away, but instead just hugged her in confusion...

As a result, when Li Yao came out of the shower, she saw a scene that made her extremely heartbroken!

Although she had already been mentally prepared and had heard about Gu Zhongyu's romantic reputation, hearing it with her ears and seeing it with her own eyes were two different things. She, who prided herself on having a strong psychological quality, couldn't stand it any longer. It was even worse than when her savings in the past few years were wiped out. I still felt uncomfortable when I was cheated on.

After scolding the two of them for being shameless, Li Yao was about to rush out of the door...

Gu Zhongyu knew that if Li Yao was allowed to leave at this time, the two of them might become strangers in the future, so he decisively rushed forward and pulled him back by force.

The result! There were some slight deviations in the development of the matter, because Bai Lu also knew at that time that he had caused a big disaster, and his desire to survive was so overwhelming that he actually instigated his boss to break the jar.

The result... there's no way to describe it, you know?

Otherwise the book will be gone!

Anyway, after last night, Gu Zhongyu's bedroom was in a mess. Goose feathers and cotton wool were flying everywhere in the quilt. Bottles and cans were smashed all over the floor. Everything that could be dropped or smashed was not left intact. corpse!

Some of them were accidentally injured during the "fight" last night, but most of them were caused by Miss Li Yao losing her temper when she got up this morning!

In the final analysis, the initiator of all this is Bai Lu, and it is all her fault!

Don’t you know I have the same face blindness as Dongge? You two look so much alike that I can’t tell them apart!

"I'm going to Qinqin to apologize now. If she hasn't calmed down yet, just wait until you come back to meet my anger!" After saying these harsh words, Gu Zhongyu left, leaving only a frightened Bai Lu in the room.

After Li Yao lost his temper, he didn't even leave. He ran to the balcony to sulk alone.

Under the sunlight in the early morning, the still-depressed beauty was still very beautiful. Li Yao was once again wearing Gu Zhongyu's white shirt, with his arm supporting his chin, half leaning on the stone pillar, his brows furrowed, and his mouth still murmuring.

Seeing that Li Yao didn't seem to notice her, Gu Zhongyu cautiously came behind her, took her by surprise, and suddenly hugged her!

"Yeah...let me big bastard!"

"You promise not to be angry, and I will let go."

"Fuck you! If you're not angry, I can't wait to chop you with a knife right now, you scumbag and a heartless man..."

Her little mouth looked like it had been smeared with honey, and she started a series of "beautiful" greetings in human language. However, Li Yao obviously lacked the relevant vocabulary reserves. He repeatedly used words such as scumbag and bastard. Check The weight rate is as high as 95%!

But no matter how she scolded her, Gu Zhongyu just refused to let go, sticking to her like a gummy candy.

After a while, Li Yao couldn't stop scolding her anymore. She was already thin, she didn't eat anything at the dinner, and she was tortured all night last night, so she had no strength now.

"Are you tired? Shall I take you to have breakfast?"

"Don't try to bribe me with food! Even if I starve to death, if I jump down from here and die somewhere else, I will never eat a bite of your cooking again!"

Li Yao looked decisive, as if he was a warrior who was about to throw himself into the raging fire, but Gu Zhongyu didn't care about her. He would take you to have a good meal first. Even if he really has the intention to kill, as long as he is full, his thoughts will fade away. .

He directly carried Li Yao to the restaurant. This little girl was really too thin. Weighing it on her shoulders, she estimated that she was less than ninety pounds.

Gu Zhongyu gently placed Li Yao on the seat, then pressed her shoulders to prevent her from getting up and leaving. After pulling several times, Gu Zhongyu persuaded: "Miss! Whether you want to leave or kill me, We have to finish the meal, right? You know, I’ve cooked your favorite braised duck noodles and it’s about to be cooked!”

The fragrance in the air was quickly caught by Li Yao's nose. She swallowed and finally stopped resisting. Instead, she glanced to the side and stopped talking to Gu Zhongyu.

There's drama!

Gu Zhongyu quickly took out the steaming noodles from the pot, and then brought them to Li Yao. This was the specialty of Li Yao's hometown, braised duck noodles in white soup, which he had just urgently learned from the Internet.

Li Yao looked at the noodles in the bowl with some greed. He was about to reach out and take it, but then he thought of the cruel words he just said and glared at him. He retracted his hand again, still unwilling to eat.

"Is it a little hot? Then let me blow it for you!"

Gu Zhongyu quickly picked up a handful of noodles, blew them a few times, and then respectfully brought them to Li Yao's mouth.

His stomach growled with hunger, and Li Yao couldn't bear it any longer, so he stretched his mouth forward and sucked all the noodles off the chopsticks in one gulp.

So delicious!

"Put the noodles down, I have my own hands, I don't need you to feed me!"

After finishing this bite, Li Yao's appetite was aroused and he couldn't stop anymore.

But she still didn't want Gu Zhongyu to feed her noodles like this, otherwise how could she lose her temper with him later?

But Gu Zhongyu ignored it and still insisted on feeding her. He picked up the noodles and blew them to cool before bringing them to her.

Li Yao was defeated by this man's shamelessness.

Forget it, I won’t have the strength to curse until I’m full, so I’ll finish my noodles first.

So the two of us sat on the small round table in the restaurant, eating one bite at a time and one chopstick at a time.

Just when Gu Zhongyu was feeding Li Yao, a little head peeked at the two of them from the corner wall not far away. It was our classmate Bai Lu.

Woohoo...I'm hungry too!

Bai Lu is not only hungry now, but she is still in pain after transforming from a girl to a woman! She wanted to find something to eat, but when she saw the boss and the woman sitting in the restaurant, she didn't dare to go there.

Why is there such a big difference in treatment between women who are both bosses?

Others have bosses to feed them, but she doesn't even have a piece of bread to chew.

Just when Bai Lu couldn't bear the hunger and was thinking of going to other rooms to find food, Dundun noticed her sneaking around and ran over. Seeing how listless she looked, she even meowed at her.

"Dundun! I'm so pitiful, I haven't eaten yet! When I'm full, I'll open a can for you!"

Dundun didn't know if she understood Bai Lu's words, but she stopped screaming and just stayed by her side silently, rubbing her calf from time to time, as if to comfort her.

One person and one cat just watched them secretly from a distance, watching Gu Zhongyu put the last noodle in the bowl into Li Yao's mouth.

"Let me serve you another bowl!"

"No need, I'm full." The big bowl just now was twice her usual amount.

After eating and drinking, Li Yao came to her senses. She looked at Gu Zhongyu with eager eyes, made the most ferocious expression she had ever seen, and asked, "Who are you, that woman?"

"Um...that's my assistant. I mentioned it to you before, but I've never seen him before."

"Assistant... what kind of assistant? The kind that warms the boat? You are so shameless, you actually climbed onto a man's boat in the middle of the night, you really have no shame at all!"

"Don't be like this, it's not easy for her too..."

Next, Gu Zhongyu began to defend Bai Lu. In his description, Bai Lu became the kind of poor person who dropped out of school early and was forced by his parents to work to make money. After having the mentality of adoration, I can’t wait to devote myself to my idol like a fan!

A clever lie must be half-truth and half-false. There is actually nothing wrong with Gu Zhongyu's explanation. He could just ask Bai Lu to confront him.

"You saw it last night. She is a serious young lady. If I really have evil intentions, do you think she can keep it for so long?"

Li Yao nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, that flash of red was what she had seen with her own eyes, but she quickly thought of another question.

"Then you...why did you involve me again?"

"I'm not afraid that you'll get angry, don't listen to my explanation, and just leave! When your mind gets hot...this is indeed my fault, and I don't respect you. You beat me and scold me, and I don't have a problem with it."

"Hmph! Who knows whether what you said is true or false? Since it is a misunderstanding, then you should let go of that and never meet again. I will believe you."

Bai Lu, who overheard this, almost jumped out and wanted to hit someone. You Li Yao, looking at the gentle and kind Bai Lian, didn't expect her thoughts to be so vicious! You actually want to break up my boss and me?

"Um... you may not understand, but this girl comes from the countryside. You can tell by looking at her rustic look. The customs there are very conservative. If her parents know that their daughter has lost her temper, what will happen? I'll beat her to death!"

"Why is this place so feudal?" Li Yao never expected that it was already 2012 and there would still be such a dark place.

"I also forgot where. It seems to be from an autonomous county in the northwest. This girl seems to be from a minority! If she is not handled well, there will be big trouble!"

Gu Zhongyu admired his lying ability more and more.

Now Bai Lu not only wants to go out and beat Li Yao, but also wants to beat up the bastard boss!

unacceptable! Even if you hack me, you actually hack my hometown?

I will never relieve your boredom again, huh!

Li Yao was also stunned by Gu Zhongyu. Although he knew that the man was definitely not telling the truth, but seeing how serious he looked, he should be... somewhat credible, right?

Gu Zhongyu then said some sweet words, and said that he would find a suitable opportunity to find another assistant. He still loves you the most...

At this point, Li Yao's anger has almost disappeared. This is the first time in her life that she has invested so much emotion in a man. She can't stop it in one breath.

But she couldn't just forgive this scumbag, so she said that the two of them would separate for a while, and wait until Gu Zhongyu dealt with the country girl and the blind date, and then consider whether to continue to be with Gu Zhongyu.

I'm not afraid of your demands, I'm afraid you have no desires.

In this regard, Gu Zhongyu naturally agreed. As for when it can be completed, that's not guaranteed. Anyway, he would drag it out. As long as the two of them have to shoot next, he would go to Li Xin a few more times, spend time with her day and night, and slowly let her accept it.

After the two of them talked in private, Gu Zhongyu called a car. He was reluctant to leave, and after watching Li Xin get in the car, he turned back to the big house.

"Come out! Like a mole, sneaking around, come and eat some noodles when you're hungry."


Bai Lu responded with a wronged tone, and then scooped a big bowl of noodles for herself, and couldn't wait to eat it.


She was really hungry. Just now, she couldn't help but open a bag of frozen dried cat food for the little guy and eat it in the shocked eyes of Dun Dun. The taste was really good, but it was a little fishy, ​​which she didn't like very much.

If Gu Zhongyu didn't call her, Bai Lu would probably finish the whole bag!

Now calming down, Gu Zhongyu looked at Bai Lu who was wolfing down and looked a little listless, and felt that he was a little too much. For a woman who had just become a woman, she didn't even have a proper care.

"Do you... hurt?"

Finally hearing the words of concern, Bai Lu excitedly showed off the noodles and replied incoherently: "No, no, no! My skin is thick and the blood strips are long, so it won't hurt in the morning!"


Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but laugh. Since she still had the mind to say a joke, it meant that it was really not serious. This girl is a natural optimist. No matter what time, her mentality is always positive.

"Just take a good rest these two days, don't work. I just called someone to send some supplements over. Eat some if you're fine. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

"Uh, thank you, boss."

It's rare for the boss to care about her. The last time she was treated like this was when she had four teeth pulled out and her head was swollen like a pig. Is this the legendary bitter before sweet?

Where will it hurt next time?

Bai Lu didn't dare to think about it!

"By the way, when you're free, help me send a courier. Use your name and address, not mine. I'll send the recipient and address to your phone."

Gu Zhongyu took out the ring he "picked up" last night from his pocket and put it on the table.

Bai Lu also recognized that this was a couple's ring. It was so mysterious. Is the boss going to give it to that lover again?

When will I receive such a gift!

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