Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 224 Playing with the boss doesn’t require payment!

"Many female stars fought for Gu Zhongyu?"

"At the Bazaar Charity Night, a script of Gu Zhongyu was auctioned at a sky-high price of 5 million!"

"Let's take a look at the female stars in the circle who have a relationship with Gu Zhongyu..."

"Liu Yufei, Liu Shishi, Da Tiantian, which CP do you think is more promising for Gu Zhongyu?"

"Shock! The person who took the C position in this photo is actually him?"


After the Bazaar Charity Night, the journalists from the news media finally came to work. Their divergent thinking was fully reflected in them. Even the smallest things can make you think of watermelons.

And Weibo has become a mess, with fans, passers-by, and black fans spraying and fighting each other.

The fans of the most active girls in the previous auction all came down to fight each other, and the sisterhood of the past seemed to be gone.

You expose my dirty laundry, I post your ugly photos...

The actresses who worked so hard to look good on the red carpet before couldn't make any waves, after all, the fans of these 85-year-old flowers are basically the most fierce group on the Internet nowadays.

Gu Zhongyu's own Weibo has actually been attacked by fans of girls.

There are fans of other female stars who come to scold him for being a toad wanting to eat swan meat, and these people are often scolded by his true fans until their mother explodes.

There are those who come to match him up, and these are usually female fans who are keen on helping their idols find a partner.

There are also those who scold each other, and some people think it is too troublesome to scold several female stars at the same time and go to their respective Weibo.

I don't know which bastard suggested it, but these people gathered under Gu Zhongyu's Weibo and started fighting.

Weibo was full of chaos, but the comments of netizens on Tieba were quite interesting. The top popular posts had thousands of comments, all of which were about imagining small stories or discussing who was the female celebrity who had an affair with Gu Zhongyu. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

In this era, Tieba has not declined. High-quality user groups like to communicate on Tieba. Everyone chats and brags, and it is much more interesting than those silly sculptures in the book club.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu, he couldn't help but switch to his own account and join the comments.

He tapped the screen quickly and typed out a paragraph.

"Da Meiyuan has an extraordinary temperament, Tianxian has a beautiful appearance, Da Tiantian is cute and lovely, and Liu Shishi is elegant and beautiful. The problem is, these beauties fought for me, who do you think I should choose to spend the night with next time?"

It was only a few minutes after the comment was posted, and dozens of people responded to him one after another.

"Is the guy upstairs having a paranoid fit? Who of the guys downstairs has urine? Please wake him up!"

"Don't come if you have diabetes. Don't let him have the advantage~"

"I'll go first. I have uremia~"

"Get out of here! I have urinary stones. Let me kill this daydreamer~"

Haha! Looking at the comments of these stupid netizens, Gu Zhongyu felt much happier. Sure enough, it was right to surf the Internet when he was in a bad mood.

I just don't know what these netizens would think if they knew that what they said was true.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Before Gu Zhongyu said "Come in", the door was pushed open. The person who came in was the long-legged beauty - Zhang Zilin.

At Gu Zhongyu's suggestion, Zhang Zilin had officially quit her original job at the media company and joined Ming'an Jiaofeng Technology, serving as the administrative director and financial manager.

In fact, there were people doing the specific work. She only needed to supervise and make decisions. She slowly learned and accumulated experience, so she was quite free now. When she heard that Gu Zhongyu had returned to the company, she couldn't wait to find him.

"How is it? I've been in the company for almost a month. Do you feel used to it?"

Zhang Zilin, who was wearing a black OL outfit, a short skirt, black stockings, and high heels, sat directly on Gu Zhongyu's thigh without any hesitation and complained: "How can I get used to it? I used to have a specific job in the company. When I came here, I was completely in the dark and didn't know anything. I can barely cope with administration, but I can't do anything about finance! This really stumped me."

If it weren't for Gu Zhongyu's trust in her and the fact that she could help her future husband, Zhang Zilin would have wanted to back out. Such pressure and responsibility were not something that a weak woman of 1.8 meters could bear!

Gu Zhongyu smiled at Zhang Zilin's complaint. In fact, he had already inquired about it. Although she was a little overwhelmed in the first few days, with her many years of work experience, the highly adaptable Zhang Da Niu quickly established her prestige in the company and also found out a purchasing specialist who took kickbacks.

Looking at Zhang Da Niu, who is 1.8 meters tall and close to 1.9 meters tall, it is easy to understand why she can establish prestige in the company so quickly. Standing in front of people with this height and saying nothing is also a huge pressure!

"No one is born knowing these things. Don't we all learn slowly? Finance is the lifeblood of a company. My money is your money. If you don't watch it for me, who else can I find?"

"And now the battle between light and darkness has just started, and there are only a few hundred employees. When we have tens of thousands of employees in the future, it will be a big task to monitor the flow of money every day. What will you do then?"

Zhang Zilin snorted, pinched his nose and said, "You are not afraid of being caught by the wind when you talk big. There are tens of thousands of employees. Are you so confident that this APP called Douyin can be a great success?"

"Of course, I believe this app can change the Internet ecology, open up new tracks, grasp the core pain points of users, deeply connect matrix content, and achieve high-quality conversion in a short, flat and fast manner..."

When talking about this, Gu Zhongyu's memory of working 996 in a large Internet company in his previous life awakened, and he unconsciously began to use the jargon used in the Internet industry.

Listening to Gu Zhongyu saying a bunch of unfamiliar words, Zhang Zilin was stunned. Although she didn't know what they corresponded to, it sounded very technological and futuristic. It seems that this APP must be awesome!

Zhang Zilin nodded as she listened: "Yeah! I understand (actually I didn't understand at all), it seems that you are really confident, worthy of being the man I like."

"Of course! You will be my backer in the future, with you around, I can do other work with peace of mind."

"By the way, you can also find women with peace of mind, right? The charity Bazaar two days ago, did you go to flirt with other girls again, tell me!"

When this was mentioned, Zhang Zilin became excited. Tolerance is tolerance, but it is impossible not to be jealous, especially when seeing that Jing Tian and Gu Zhongyu always whispering together, who knows what they talked about that is not suitable for children!

Gu Zhongyu raised his hands: "No! I can swear to the heavens. I really attended the banquet last night and went home after the banquet. I definitely didn't go out to fool around."


"Do I have to lie to you? Bai Lu is outside. You can ask her if I was at home all night."

Seeing Gu Zhongyu's sincerity, Zhang Zilin believed him for the time being. If a woman loves you, she can lie to herself, not to mention that Zhang Zilin has made up her mind to tolerate his romanticism.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Zhang Zilin suddenly found that the man's hands began to behave improperly.

"I haven't seen Zilin for a long time. I miss you!"

It has been a month since we last met in Tianjin. Gu Zhongyu misses this pair of super long legs very much, especially her current outfit, which directly evokes his memory of watching certain movies.

"Is this the first time Miss Tang comes to our Zongheng?"

"Yes, Shishi asked me to come and play before, but I didn't have any work to do, so I didn't have the courage to visit. If I hadn't met Mr. Gu at Bazaar this time, I wouldn't have had the chance to come here."

Jiang Shuying led Tang Yan to walk in the corridor of the company. It must be said that this young lady's emotional intelligence is really average. She didn't know how to say some compliments even when she came to the company.

Such a straightforward expression that she would not come to your company if she had nothing to do. If she was a petty person, she might even make a roundabout ridicule.

But Jiang Shuying was too lazy to be the villain. This woman was beautiful and who knew if she was Gu Zhongyu's new lover. She should just take her to see the boss honestly!

"Knock, knock!"

After knocking on the door several times, Gu Zhongyu called out, "Please come in." As soon as he entered the door, he saw him sitting upright in the boss's chair, staring at the computer screen intently.

"Boss, Miss Tang said she has an appointment with you, I brought her here."

At the last Charity Bazaar, Tang Yan said she wanted to discuss a business with Gu Zhongyu, and she called him again this morning to ask when he was free for a meeting.

Gu Zhongyu simply asked her to come directly to his house, but he didn't expect her to come so soon.

Jiang Shuying glanced around the office strangely, and finally stopped her eyes on Gu Zhongyu, then nodded with sudden enlightenment, and walked out.

At the door of the president's office, Bai Lu was playing with her mobile phone boredly. Seeing her senior Jiang Shuying coming, she called her sister very intimately.

"I want to ask you, did Zhang Zilin go in just now and hasn't come out yet."

"Yes! What's wrong?"

Well, that's right, this damn scumbag is really good at playing. Jiang Shuying also felt a little jealous at this time. This job used to be done by her, but she didn't expect that she would be robbed of her position now!

"Secretary Jiang, I... I have something to tell you." Bai Lu thought for a moment, then spoke hesitantly.

Jiang Shuying looked Bai Lu up and down, then took her back to her office, locked the door, and said, "You cheated with the boss?"

"Ah! How did you know?"

"I felt something was wrong the first time I saw you. The change in your eyebrows and eyes can't be faked, and you just thought about it outside. If it was about other women, would you be so hesitant to speak up?"

Bai Lu was full of admiration for Jiang Shuying's keen observation.

She used to hear people say that when a girl becomes a woman, her eyebrows will be slightly scattered or erected, but she didn't find any changes when she looked in the mirror!

Jiang Shuying looked at Bai Lu, whose face was still a little childish, and cursed Gu Zhongyu as a beast in her heart. At the same time, she also felt that this scumbag's taste was getting weirder and weirder, and he was also interested in such a firewood girl.

It seems that she can't be called a firewood girl... This silly Bai Lu still has some capital. She is young, but she is not inferior to me. Given time, she will become a great man!

Bai Lu told Jiang Shuying everything that happened that night, including the initiative in the car before.

"Secretary Jiang, please teach me, what should I do in the future? Will the boss dislike me and think I am a shameless woman?"

"Don't worry about it, I thought it was something else! That's it? Is it shameful to like the boss? You know our boss, Teddy has to call him master when he sees him. If you stay with him for a long time, this will happen sooner or later."

Jiang Shuying took Bai Lu's hand and sat on the sofa, poured her a cup of tea, and continued: "How you got along before, it will be the same in the future. Don't let the boss think you have changed, especially if you are jealous or do something behind the scenes. If you are discovered, your job as an assistant will be over."

Because Bai Lu is still too young and just beginning to fall in love, Jiang Shuying is afraid that she will have some unrealistic love fantasies.

Many girls may guess that the other party is a scumbag, but they still play with him. After a long time, they are really moved and hope that he can turn back and become their loyal boyfriend. They feel that they have made sacrifices and efforts, and the man will definitely turn over a new leaf and be willing to give up an entire forest for her.

Although this kind of woman is usually the kind who is deceived by others and has nothing left, when they are overwhelmed by love, they will also do many amazing things.

Although Bai Lu is not like this kind of girl, Jiang Shuying has to be careful and take precautions first, so that this girl will not fall in love and do something stupid.

"I know what you mean, sister. Don't worry. I have been with the boss for such a long time. I will definitely not let the change in our relationship affect my daily work, and I will not dream of becoming a regular employee."

Speaking of this, Bai Lu actually felt a little sad. What girl doesn't want to be with one person for the rest of her life?

But the other person is the kind of man who is impossible to change himself for you, so your only choice is to accept and leave.

Leaving is impossible. After experiencing Gu Zhongyu, other men are no longer in Bai Lu's eyes. The so-called campus idols and boys she had a crush on in her hometown are no different from children playing in the mud in the heart of Bai Lu, who has seen the world at this time.

Not to mention that after leaving Zongheng, she will never find such a promising job again. Gu Zhongyu promised her to switch to a star in the future. Although the boss is a scumbag, he never breaks his promise.

"It's good that you understand. You won't be an assistant for life. In one or two years at most, the boss will let you go to the artist department. If you want to end your relationship with the boss at that time, we can discuss it."

"No! Even if I become an artist, I will not leave the boss. I want to stay with him forever!"

Jiang Shuying laughed: "Are you stupid? You are so young, why spend your whole life on him? Men in this world are not extinct!"

"So, Secretary Jiang, are you planning to leave the boss?"

She was stunned. She didn't expect Bai Lu to ask her back. After thinking for a while, she replied: "At first, I was really reluctant, but as time went by, I got used to it. Now... I'm too lazy to leave."

"Anyway, men are all the same. Isn't it enough to have a good condition to stay by your side? Do you think the boss is playing me? I think I'm playing him! And I don't have to pay!"


Both women laughed out loud at this sentence!

The author July Xinfan unfortunately passed away. I would like to pay tribute to the great god here. I also hope that myself and all the book friends can be healthy and free from illness and disaster.

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