Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 225 How much is love worth?

Gu Zhongyu tried to stay calm and flipped through the cooperation plan and script that Tang Yan handed to her.

Now the 85 flower wings are getting hard one after another, and they all start to think about going it alone and becoming their own boss. Yang Mi and Tang Yan, a pair of good sisters, almost all started their own businesses during this period, but Tang Yan was just a small-scale business, far from going as far as Yang Mi.

The first TV series that Tang Yan established her studio was called "Golden Jade Marriage", which tells the story of Jin Yuanbao, the only son of the Jin family, a court family in charge of the weapons manufacturing bureau, who met the quirky and eccentric Jianghu woman Yu Qilin during the Yongle period of the early Ming Dynasty, and thus unfolded a light-hearted, humorous, sincere and touching love story.

The story has no highlights and is quite standard, but it wins in that it is suitable for all ages, and the setting of love + ancient costume light comedy, as long as the plot is not too bad, it can generally achieve good results.

Tangtang's role in this drama is still a... silly and sweet girl. How obsessed is this girl with this type of character!

Don't you want to step out of your comfort zone at all?

There is no artistic pursuit. Even the money-loving Yang Mi would try to shoot a realistic movie like "Baby". Tang Yan didn't seem to have any ugly roles except pretending to be fat in "Diamond Lover".


At this time, in Tang Yan's eyes, Gu Zhongyu looked at things very attentively, and kept frowning, and took a breath from time to time.

What's going on?

Is the quality of the script that I found five or six people to piece together so high?

Even the great talent Gu had such a big reaction after reading it, so does this mean that my opening is half successful?

After reading it, Gu Zhongyu closed the book: "The script is OK, so Tangtang, are you planning to work with Huo Jianhua and ask him to be the male lead?"

"Yes, Brother Hua has agreed, but the funds we have are still a little short, and there are not enough people behind the scenes, so I want to ask Zongheng to borrow some, and we will jointly shoot together."

Because they had co-filmed the Legend of Sword and Fairy III, Tang Yan and Huo Jianhua had a good relationship, and they wanted to ask him to shoot the first drama after the establishment of the studio.

But Gu Zhongyu was not very willing, because of the example of Wu Baige, he always used his own people, and never used people from the Hong Kong and Taiwan circles, not to mention Huo Jianhua and the wife he might marry in the future.

"It would be troublesome to have a joint venture, so I am willing to pay all the money to join your drama."


Tang Yan was overjoyed. Although she could come up with tens of millions of investments, she still had to pay the penalty for breach of contract from her old employer, so her cash flow has been stretched recently, so it is better to save every penny.

"Of course, but I have a request."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Kick that Huo Jianhua out."

Tang Yan was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean by this?"

"Literally, kicking out means changing people. We don't need another investor. As for the male lead, we can provide one-stop service from filming to review and publicity. Why do we need to pull another person over?"

Tang Yan was in a dilemma. She and her agent Ji Rujing had already discussed this matter. Because of the Legend of Sword and Fairy III, the audience likes to see her and Huo Jianhua as a couple. Even the script of "Golden Jade Marriage" is designed around their personalities. What if a young actor is replaced as the male lead and the public doesn't buy it?

Tang Yan has the same cognition as most people. She believes that Zongheng Film and Television is dominated by women and weak by men. There is no male celebrity except Gu Zhongyu.

Some people even say that Zongheng is Gu Zhongyu's harem, and all the actresses are his mistresses. This guy opened the company just to rule the actresses!

Unless Gu Zhongyu plays the male lead, Tang Yan can accept it, but he probably doesn't like such a low-cost ancient puppet drama.

Not to mention that if she takes him away like this, she will offend Huo Jianhua to death. In the future, the two of them will not be able to work together, let alone be friends.

Thinking of this, Tang Yan was about to refuse, but unexpectedly Gu Zhongyu suddenly threw a book from the drawer next to her and threw it in front of her.

"If you agree, this project will be our next drama together, and the female lead will belong to you. It's up to you to cooperate in the form of a studio or participate in the performance as an individual."

Tang Yan leaned over to take a look, and there were five words written on it: "Why Sheng Xiaomo"!

"Isn't this Gu Man's novel? The copyright is with you?"

Tang Yan was very surprised. As a senior naive, she naturally read a lot of bloody romance novels. She also read this famous novel published by Gu Man in 2006.

Before, she wanted to buy the copyright of this novel and shoot it herself, but she didn't expect that when she inquired, it had already been sold, and she didn't find out who bought it. It turned out that it was taken by Gu Zhongyu.

"Well! I didn't buy the copyright with my own identity. It's normal that you don't know. Since you know this novel, you must be a loyal reader. Haven't you thought about playing Zhao Mosheng?"

I want to! I really want to!

The heroine Zhao Mosheng in the book "Why Sheng Xiaomo" is kind, upright, righteous, and consistent. In the end, she lived up to her love and gained happiness. Such a well-known silly and sweet character is her favorite!

Gu Zhongyu's meaning is very clear. Let her choose one of the two: kick out Huo Jianhua and cooperate with Zongheng, or stick to her own opinion, go their separate ways, and at the same time be isolated from the adaptation of this novel.

Friendship and interests collided. What would a normal person choose?

Tang Yan carefully used her little IQ to calculate, and it seems that working with Brother Hua, apart from being able to engage in CP scandals and gain a wave of attention for the new drama, there is no big benefit. He is not necessarily the male lead. !

I'm sorry, Brother Hua, my sister can only sell you once!

Woo hoo... My heart hurts so much. Brother Hua, you must understand me, right?

"I... choose to cooperate with you, Mr. Gu."

"a wise decision!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled, what's so silly and sweet about that! Those are all appearances and characters. No one can succeed in the entertainment industry. Especially sisters like Tang Yan who have been in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong and have seen the ugliest monsters in the industry and suffered severe beatings. How is it possible that you can't even grasp the importance of this?

In the face of absolute interests, no relationship can be relied on, especially if you have no emotional foundation. If you are a couple or family members, you may still care about a little affection. Ordinary friends can betray you at any time.

There shouldn't be too many such things in the industry. Gu Zhongyu himself has been stabbed in the back!

"As for the specific details of the cooperation, I will ask the production manager Hou Hongliang to talk to your agent Ji Rujing. When will your agency appointment with Cheng Tian end?"

"We are still negotiating. If it goes quickly, it will be completed by the end of the year and filming can start next year. So, Mr. Gu, if Brother Hua can't play the role, is there a suitable candidate for Zongheng?"

"Of course. Have you watched the "Twelve Hours of Chang'an" that is currently on the air? The actor Zhu Yilong who plays Li Mi in it is my junior brother. He has good acting skills. Recently, due to the popularity of the show, his popularity has also increased. He can definitely play a leading role. The hero."

Tang Yan recalled it and found that she was not very impressed by the actor. It seemed that she would have to catch up on the drama later.

After finishing the business chat, Gu Zhongyu asked casually: "I heard that you are in love with that Qiuze?"

"Mr. Gu, this...private matter shouldn't be within the scope of our cooperation, right?" Tang Yan frowned. Could it be that he has taken a liking to her again?

If Gu Zhongyu didn't have a confusing relationship with Liu Shishi, Yang Mi and others, maybe Tang Yan would still consider it, but she had seen Gu Zhongyu's romantic style with her own eyes. At the last national drama festival, she dared to play with Mi Mi like that, in private Time, what kind of virtue is that?

Tang Yan has always wanted to find an honest man. Even if he doesn't make much money and has a lower status than her, that's fine. Just don't be too romantic.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just reminding you that this man is not a good match for you. He has been cheating on you during the relationship."

"Impossible, we are just gathering less and staying apart, there is no third party."

It seems that this silly Baitian is not completely fake. At least emotionally, Tang Yan is indeed a bit silly.

"If you don't believe it, I know a journalist friend who recently took some interesting photos. I can send them to you to see. You can judge for yourself what is right and wrong!"

Naturally, this journalist friend was referring to Zhuo Wei. Since the last time they cooperated to bring down Wen Zhang, the contact between the two has not been interrupted. Through the matchmaking of a third party, Gu Zhongyu will make some "demands" to him from time to time!

Under the temptation of money, Zhuo Wei was naturally willing to cooperate with him. Gu Zhongyu got a lot of explosive information, some of which he had no idea about in his previous life, and they were all solid evidence with plans and truth.

This includes the shocking information about Tang Yan's cheap boyfriend.

When she heard that Gu Zhongyu still had photos, Tang Yan hesitated and did not defend Qiu Ze anymore. In fact, she had doubts in her heart recently, but she just didn't want to believe it.

Seeing that Tang Yan seemed a little convinced, Gu Zhongyu wanted to add fuel to the fire, but at this time, Zhang Daniu gave up and began to try her best to hint to him. It seemed that today's conversation could only end here.

"You should go back first. I will send you the photos later."

Tang Yan nodded noncommittally, took the documents and left.

After Tang Yan left, Zhang Daniu finally stood up and rushed to the bathroom next door like a rocket. After waiting for a long time, she walked in and walked out.

"You're a murderer! You made me wait for so long? Didn't you know that my legs are numb?" Zhang Zilin rushed forward, grabbed Gu Zhongyu's collar and asked.

"But even though people are here, I can't just drive them away in a good way, right?"

"Then you can let her go out and wait for a while before coming in! You made me go through it for more than an hour, you bastard!"

After saying that, his fist fell on Gu Zhongyu like Gatling.


This bitch is so strong, it hurts so much when she hits someone!

"Woman, please forgive me. I was wrong. I will never play with fire again next time. Please spare me this time!"

Gu Zhongyu, who was hit on the chest by a small fist, felt that his internal organs were almost displaced!

In the end, after Gu Zhongyu signed a series of unequal treaties, he was able to temporarily calm Zhang Danniu's anger.

But the death penalty cannot be avoided. After Zhang Zilin finished the boxing, she dragged Gu Zhongyu to the rest room and said: No matter how hard you are outside, the public rations must be paid to me on time.

So Gu Zhongyu turned into a poor old farmer in the old days, plowing the fields for Zhang Da Niu and turning over public grain. What a misfortune!

In the evening, Gu Zhongyu finally supported his old waist and dragged his "delicate body" that was about to fall apart out of the office.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Lu, who had been waiting outside, was shocked when she saw Gu Zhongyu's miserable state. She felt like he had been beaten, and like he had been raped by several big men in turn.

The assistant was good at observation and actually guessed it was almost right, except that it was not a few big men, but a tall girl about 1.8 meters tall.

"Don't ask so many questions, go buy me some Nutri-Express!"


Two days later, outside the former Wukesong Sports Center in the MasterCard Center in Yanjing, although it was not yet time to open, fans from all over the country had already blocked the place.

When the news that Gu Zhongyu was going to hold a fan meeting first came out, the first reaction of the "fish species" was not to be happy, but to say: Who is this guy who is full and has nothing better to do to spread rumors?

Because Gu Zhongyu was too lazy, he completely let his fans go, and there was very little interaction. It was as if everyone was chasing a non-existent idol.

So they had given up on any fan meeting a long time ago, and just hoped that Gu Zhongyu could occasionally post on Weibo and go to the forum to water, which was already a blessing.

Until later, several leaders of Gu Zhongyu's fan club came out and said publicly: This is not a rumor, Gu Zhongyu is really going to hold an offline fan meeting this time!

The specific date, venue and participation method were announced, and now everyone knows that this time it is for real.

"Oh my god! Is this true? Gu Delai is going to hold a fan meeting? Does he still remember us? Does he have me in his heart? He loves me!"

"I observed the stars a few days ago and found a superstar rising in the east, and it just happened to correspond to my birth date. I thought I was going to win the lottery, but the truth was even more fantastic. It turned out that Gu Zhongyu was going to come out to do business?"

"Hahaha! So happy, I can finally meet Gu Zhongyu in person. When I see him, I will come up to him and give him a magic circle of love, and then kiss, hug and lift him up high!"

"Where can I buy tickets? This time I want to buy ten tickets and take my whole family, including grandparents and the newborn puppy to watch it."

The fans are very enthusiastic, but they soon found out that not only will no tickets be sold for this fan meeting, but even meals and rides are paid for by Gu Zhongyu. The only way to get tickets is to draw a lottery.

It's time to see the face. Is it a non-African or an Ou Ti?

There is only one chance to draw a lottery, and the tickets are based on real names, which means you can't even buy scalper tickets. In order to get the tickets, fans started to show their talents.

Some burned incense and worshiped Buddha, some asked masters for help, some prayed to Allah, the Three Pure Ones, and Jesus, and some even started to worship Sailor Moon!

After a round of lottery, 1,200 fans were able to get tickets. These people took various means of transportation to Yanjing to gather in the envy of fans across the country!

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