The woman whose name was called was extremely happy. When she walked onto the stage, Gu Zhongyu looked at the familiar face, with big eyes, European double eyelids, long eyelashes, and black and round eyes. Every part was very delicate, and even if she was hidden in the crowd, she would be easily noticed.

Meng Ziyi, from the Beijing Film Academy, called it a low-profile and more artificial and bitchy version of Nazha. Her representative roles include Lei Chun in "Who is the Hero", Hongshu in "Snow Sword", and Hua Liuli in "Hua Liuli Anecdotes".

However, what made her stand out the most should be her performance in many variety shows, especially "Fifty Kilometers of Taohuawu".

She was full of complaints from the beginning. She politely praised Zhou Ye, and asked "Have you never seen any of my dramas?" and boasted that she brought a lot of things to everyone, clearly asking for praise.

Guo Qilin just said that the colors of the clothes were quite matching, and Meng Ziyi opened her mouth and said, "Are you going to hype up a couple with me?"

Whenever the outdoor scenes were filmed, Meng Ziyi would actively direct, forcefully occupy the C position, and look innocent. She always spoke without thinking, saying things like "small group" and "we are not that familiar", and these famous scenes successfully angered the audience.

In addition to the famous scenes of making trouble in "Fifty Kilometers of Taohuawu", this sister has been controversial since her debut.

When she was on the show "First Grade", she dominated the heroine and refused to let go, brought her own makeup artist, and acted as a beggar who was unwilling to put on "dirty makeup", which was complained about.

In "Actors Please Take Your Place", her acting on stage was not very good, but her "pretentious" posture at the end of the performance was steady, and Zhao Zhetian directly complained that she was "a bit pretentious, but it was unnecessary"; when she starred in "The Untamed", there were various rumors of "adding drama", and these complaints made the audience have no good impression of her.

But unexpectedly, after a few years, this sister turned from black to white, and even became popular again!

Because everyone found that her performance was very stable, not acting, but simply low emotional intelligence + dumb mouth.

Unlike most artists, in order to maintain their image, they say nice things in front of the camera, and they are not afraid of saying the wrong thing to get themselves into trouble, but they say whatever they think.

Only then did everyone realize that Meng Ziyi was really a different treasure girl.

She was not artificial or hypocritical in game shows, spoke for justice in reality shows, had a clear positioning of herself, did not care about other people's evaluations, was sincere and honest to people, etc.

These are her advantages that people have only recently discovered. For a while, Meng Ziyi's popularity began to rise.

Moreover, in the era of capital feeding shit in the entertainment industry where ordinary women are in power, beauties are rare. Ordinary women like Xiao Huangya and Yu Shuxin occupy the big and small screens, and it is difficult for everyone to see even a beautiful little flower.

Meng Ziyi was a rare beauty with a strong complexion at that time. Although there were rumors of plastic surgery, she was beautiful, and beauties with plastic surgery were better than natural girls, so her appearance was more recognized by the public.

Gu Zhongyu remembered that this girl should be attending Beijing Film Academy next year. I didn't expect to see her now, and she was his big fan. It was really unpredictable, and the big intestines were wrapped around the small intestines!

Meng Ziyi looked at Gu Zhongyu who was close at hand, very excited and nervous, her face flushed, so nervous that her breathing began to be a little rapid, and her mouth began to rise and fall.

Well, this girl is young, but she has already begun to embrace all rivers.

Li Sisi handed the microphone to Meng Ziyi and asked, "Okay, can you please introduce yourself briefly first?"

"Hello Zhongyu, my name is Meng Ziyi, from Northeast China, I have loved watching the TV series you acted in since I was in elementary school..."

"So, you also grew up watching Zhongyu's TV series?" Li Sisi made a joke.

"Yes! Including Sister Sisi, I have loved watching your "Challenge Host" since I was a child."

This sentence hit Li Sisi's lungs directly. Are you saying that I am old? I am only 86 years old!

However, the good qualities she has developed over the years of hosting made her not show any unhappiness. Instead, she said flattered: "I didn't expect to meet people who like to watch my show at Zhongyu's fan meeting. By the way, Zhongyu didn't answer the question you asked just now. You can now propose a punishment or request."

Meng Ziyi tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "It's like this. I will also take the Beijing Film Academy entrance examination next year. If I meet Teacher Gu in the interview stage, I hope he can give me a break and let me pass the interview smoothly."


This is a blatant request to go through the back door!

Eating melon seeds in the toilet-how can you open your mouth?

Gu Zhongyu was confused by this request. Sister, you are asking me this in front of so many people. If we really meet, should I let you pass or not?

If I let you pass, that would be favoritism and fraud. The school is not run by my family. If it gets out, our reputations will be ruined.

If I don't let you pass, it means I have broken my promise to the fans, and it will seem that I am deliberately avoiding suspicion, which will be bad if it gets out.

This outrageous request also made Li Sisi stupid. If you asked this in private, you would have agreed to it. Now it's in public. Isn't this embarrassing for Gu Zhongyu?

The fans below were also very angry. Others' requests to Gu Delai were nothing more than a hug, singing a song, and reading a few words of blessing. You, on the other hand, really took the chicken feather as a token of authority!

"Don't listen to her. Go to school on your own ability. Don't bother Zhongyu!"

"That's right, aren't you just letting Teacher Gu give you a back door?"

Seeing how excited the fans were, Gu Zhongyu had a headache. He usually used other people's back doors, but he didn't expect that this girl would use his own back door as soon as they met.

Meng Ziyi was even more puzzled, this is between me and Teacher Gu, what does it have to do with you?

In the end, Li Sisi came out to smooth things over: "Okay, this other young lady was just joking. We just made an appointment to play a prank, but I didn't expect that I actually deceived everyone."

After saying that, he also blinked at Meng Ziyi, indicating that she would cooperate with him.

Meng Ziyi had no choice but to nod reluctantly, although she still didn't think her request was too much. For someone as naturally beautiful as her, wouldn't it be natural for her to join Nortel and become a big star?

Gu Zhongyu sang another song with the young lady to express his comfort, and then Li Sisi invited her down.

When Meng Ziyi returned to her seat, she could hear people around her uttering insulting words like "little bitch" and "scheming girl". She was so angry that she almost shouted back on the spot.

She felt that these girls were just jealous that she could sing with Zhong Yu.

Seeing Meng Ziyi return to her seat, Gu Zhongyu secretly called Bai Lu over and whispered a few words to her.


This fan meeting lasted for a long time, starting at around 12 noon and lasting until around 4 pm.

After it was over, Gu Zhongyu did not leave immediately, but took photos and signed autographs with the fans. Finally, he went to the hotel restaurant with them to enjoy a super luxurious seafood buffet feast.

Of course, because there were too many people, it was impossible for them all to sit together. Most of the fans were arranged in several halls, while Gu Zhongyu gathered at a table alone with the management of the fan club and a few big fans.

Although there were no reporters or live broadcasts during the entire meeting, a large number of fans still took photos of the process in real time and posted them on Weibo with text. Fans took various photos with him, photos showing gifts throughout the process, and photos of various feasts. , all kinds of funny photos

For a time, the entertainment section of Weibo was as lively as the Chinese New Year, and other fans could only look jealous. Their own idols were not so generous and invited thousands of people to come for food, accommodation and fun.

Bringing these fans together is not only for the purpose of connecting emotionally, but also for the future management of fans and the core of operations, which are also the focus of today.

Increase points for dramas and movies, buy Weibo accounts to vote, buy Taobao machines to vote, raise funds (this is also a way for many fans to make money, because fund-raising is not transparent), arrange to control reviews, arrange to control reviews, and arrange to communicate with opponents tear apart...

Gu Zhongyu would definitely not let them do such matters. It would be very convenient for him to find a naval force himself. He did not need these girls to charge for him, as long as they could provide support.

He doesn't need these people to spend their parents' money to chase stars and give gifts. If it's just airport pick-ups and promotions, fruit gift packs to the crew when acting, or activities that require support, such as crowdfunding or sending flowers to decorate the venue, etc. Small activities are allowed, but fund-raising and other activities are absolutely not allowed.

As he spoke, the girls also took out their notebooks and took notes, as if they were listening to the leader's instructions.

Gu Zhongyu didn't want these fans to work for her in vain, so he proposed to pay them wages. Unexpectedly, everyone shook their heads like a rattle and refused, saying that their family was not short of money, and if they took the money, the nature of the money would change.

No matter how hard Gu Zhongyu tried, these people just didn't want it, and in the end they had no choice but to give up.

In fact, most idols don't pay a lot to their fans, and they just pay lip service to them. In fact, the ones who should be sucking blood are sucking. There are almost no celebrities in the entertainment industry who give away money like Gu Zhongyu.

The dinner lasted until almost eight o'clock in the evening and ended. All the fans who came to the scene were extremely happy. They had never thought that they would have such close contact with their idols.

After the dinner, Meng Ziyi walked to the street alone. She was a maverick fan. Apart from spending money with Gu Zhongyu and communicating with others, she did not participate in management work.

In addition, her performance in the afternoon aroused public outrage. Even when she was just eating, the other girls sat clearly apart from her. Only Gu Zhongyu took special care of her and called her to sit next to him.

Now it was even more hateful. The other girls had gained new best friends after this meeting. Only Meng Ziyi was alone, without anyone to talk to.

But it doesn't matter to her. Except for Gu Zhongyu, she doesn't want to get married with other fans.

Just as Meng Ziyi walked to the street and was about to call her mother, a girl wearing a peaked cap and a black mask stopped in front of her.

"Hello, Miss Meng Ziyi, our boss wants to talk to you. Is it convenient now?"

"Who is your boss?"

So Bai Lu opened her mask a little so that she could recognize herself.

The senior fish species all knew that Gu Zhongyu had a new assistant, who was still a young girl. After the meeting in the afternoon, everyone also remembered Bai Lu's appearance.

Looking at the familiar face under the mask, Meng Ziyi almost couldn't help but exclaimed!

Gu Zhongyu actually wants to see me alone!

Meng Ziyi was so happy, knowing that Teacher Gu had a sharp eye and must have discovered that I was a piece of rough jade, and now he must be cultivating me!

Bai Lu gestured to her not to speak, and then led her to a mini cooper, which was a new car given to her by Gu Zhongyu as a reward for working for a year.

"Do you know what Zhongyu asked me to do?"

"I'm only responsible for taking you to the boss's house, and I don't know anything else."

Bai Lu actually guessed roughly, but she didn't dare to say it, so she could only curse the boss in her heart!

"Sister, I don't think you are that old, how old are you?"

Meng Ziyi chatted with Bai Lu in the car, wanting to know more about Gu Zhongyu from this assistant

"So you are only one year older than me, so you started working at such a young age?"

"I wanted to go to Korea to be a trainee at first, but I became the boss's assistant by mistake." Bai Lu stayed by Gu Zhongyu's side all the time, and there was no one to talk to her. It was rare to meet someone of the same age, and Bai Lu became talkative.

"Sister Bai, do you still plan to go back to school?"

"Well, my boss said that he would help me sign up for a class at Beijing Film Academy next year. I don't have to go to school every day, and my work won't be affected. I can just wait to get my diploma on time."

"That's great! I'm also going to take the Beijing Film Academy entrance exam next year, and we'll be classmates then."

Meng Ziyi likes this little assistant very much, but she thought of something randomly and added, "Hey, Sister Bai, if you go to Beijing Film Academy like this, does that count as taking Mr. Gu's back door?

Bai Lu:...

What do you mean by seeing through but not saying it?

How can I respond to you like this?

Bai Lu turned her head and glanced at Meng Ziyi. Seeing that she was still calm, she probably didn't realize how offensive her words were. They were purely from the heart.

"We're here, get off! "

Bai Lu noticed that Meng Ziyi didn't show any surprise when she saw Gu Zhongyu's luxurious villa. It seems that this idiot girl's family should be quite rich.

She took Meng Ziyi directly to the living room, asked her to sit on the sofa and wait, and said that the boss would be down soon, and then went back to her room to rest.

Meng Ziyi was a little nervous. This was her first time in a strange man's house at night. She just called her mother and said that she met a sister who was like-minded and had a good chat. She might be back later.

Her mother was also generous and asked her to pay attention to safety. Then he ignored her.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Meng Ziyi was a little sleepy, and then there was a "da da da" sound of footsteps at the stairs.

Meng Ziyi was overjoyed, thinking that it was Gu Zhongyu who came, so he ran to the stairs quickly and was about to shout "Teacher Gu, you are here," but he found that the person who came was not Gu Zhongyu!

Instead, it was the afternoon hostess, Li Sisi, who was wearing a wrinkled long skirt, disheveled hair, and holding high heels in her hands!

The two stared at each other, never expecting to meet again at such a time and place.

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into anxiety...

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