Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 228 As long as there is a peanut

Let's turn the clock back to two and a half hours ago.

"Thank you, Sisi. Fortunately, you reacted quickly, otherwise the scene would have been quite embarrassing." Gu Zhongyu raised his glass and clinked it with Li Sisi, then drank it all.

"It should be. Speaking of which, these little girls are more motivated than each other now. They directly expressed their desire for care, which is much bolder than I was at that time."

After the fan meeting, Li Sisi did not leave, but waited outside. Gu Zhongyu only found out after dinner.

He was a little confused about the pulse of this young lady. Did she ask him for help? But it seemed that he could not help her in any way!

The host industry is dominated by the top, and not just anyone can intervene.

But after all, she helped him for most of the day without asking for money. Gu Zhongyu naturally would not let her sit on the bench, so he proposed to invite her out for a cup of coffee to express his gratitude.

Unexpectedly, Li Sisi said that she did not like coffee or tea, and could she invite her to drink some wine, preferably white wine!

Are you sure you want to drink, not something else?

So late at night, a woman asked you to buy her a drink, such an obvious hint?

Looking at Li Sisi, who was smiling, with fair skin and handsome features, Gu Zhongyu, such an upright person, was of course... ecstatic!

Considering the identities of the two people, going out to drink at night was too ostentatious, so Gu Zhongyu said that he had a lot of good wine in his cellar at home, so why not go to my house to drink!

So the two got in the car and went to Gu Zhongyu's home.

After going home, rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, Gu Zhongyu really found a bottle of good wine, which he had brought from the old man before, the original Feitian Moutai in 1999.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu really doesn't like to drink. He saves some wine basically for collection or giving to others. Of course, on occasions like tonight, he doesn't mind having a drink.

He poured a small cup for Li Sisi, about 30 ml, but he didn't expect her to come up and drink it first!

"Yeah! This wine is really good, not worse than our boss's private collection."

53% alcohol liquor is easy to drink, and the alcohol tolerance is not bad!

But think about it, after all, he is a host, it is normal to be able to drink. Gu Zhongyu has never seen a few people who are poor in alcohol tolerance since he was a child.

People who can drink beer and liquor cannot leave; people who can drink two taels and half a catty are the most reliable; people who can drink half a catty and eight taels should be cultivated.

When the wine glass is raised, the conditions are relaxed; when the chopsticks are raised, it is okay; when the wine is full and the meal is stopped, it is okay; when you are drunk, it is right.


In fact, Gu Zhongyu is quite disgusted with this set of drinking table culture. Isn't it just the drinking table PUA of superiors to subordinates! What a traditional culture.

Liquor was not a good thing until the Qing Dynasty. The tradition is generally to drink rice wine and yellow wine. It is enough to be slightly tipsy. Generally, no one will force you to drink.

Generally, only heavy manual laborers like to drink this stuff, because it can numb the body. Drinking it makes you feel like a big monkey, and you can forget all the pain. It has become popular in modern times, but it is nothing more than the rough guys in the past.

But there is no way to dislike it. Gu Zhongyu himself was born in such a family and works in this industry. He can't beat it and can only choose to join.

To be honest, the Moutai liquor of the past ten years is really good to drink, with a mellow and rich taste, strong aroma, smooth and delicate entrance, and not too intoxicating. It seems that I have to steal a few more bottles from the old man next time.

"Liquor is harmful to your health. Don't drink too much, Sisi. It's easy to suffer."

Li Sisi winked playfully and said, "I know my limits. I won't drink too much every time I'm at the table. I'll pretend to be drunk in time and then call someone to pick me up. No one can take advantage of me."

"Then, who are you going to pick you up tonight?"

"Oh! I forgot... It's terrible. If I drink too much later, you can't take advantage of me, Mr. Gu!"

Don't worry! I, Gu, have no interest in picking up corpses. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will stink if she drinks until she is unconscious. I will definitely not take advantage of her.

In fact, until now, the relationship between the two people is not close. They have met only a few times, but after three or two glasses of wine, even strangers can call each other brothers.

"Oh! What a miserable life!"

"A popular actress and host says she has a miserable life. Can I interpret it as Versailles?"

There is no Versailles yet, but it does not prevent Li Sisi from understanding what he meant. She raised her empty cup and said with emotion: "It only looks glamorous to outsiders, but the bitter tears behind the scenes can only be swallowed by herself."

Then Li Sisi began to complain to him.

They were all questioning her professional ability and host quality. There were all kinds of things said online, but generally they were not good.

It's okay to have external criticism, but there were also many complaints from inside. This made Li Sisi, who had just taken office, worried about gains and losses, fearing that her hard-earned success would soon become a thing of the past.

"I can see that this career has come to an end. The host industry is also a job that relies on youth. Maybe in a few years, I will have to give way to newcomers."

You can't think too much. You can still host for at least another ten years!

However, the host industry has indeed come to an end, because the golden age of domestic television has passed. Except for a few TV stations such as Mango and Blue Channel that barely survived, the others are in decline. Less and less people watch TV programs, and the Spring Festival Gala, which once led the trend, is also getting worse and worse. The honor and satisfaction brought by this profession are no longer as good as before.

Although this job is an iron rice bowl, with guaranteed income, work and income are not afraid of bad things, but afraid of comparison.

Even if it is a host of a set, plus various benefits, the annual salary is no more than one million.

For ordinary people, it is naturally a high salary, but you have to know that these hosts deal with powerful people with a net worth of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions all day long.

After a long time, this sense of gap comes, so many hosts who have made it to the end will eventually resign and choose to start their own business. The most typical example is Yang Lan.

Gu Zhongyu had to comfort her: "Don't worry! Even if most TV stations in the country decline in the future, Channel 1 will not be affected."

"But recently there are rumors in the station, saying that this may be my last time hosting the Spring Festival Gala, and some even say that they want to send me out or transfer me to other small branches to do programs!"

Seeing that Li Sisi was getting more and more worried, Gu Zhongyu helped her analyze the reasons for her anxiety: "These are just rumors. The reason why you are insecure now is that you don't have a solid program to support you except the Spring Festival Gala."

Li Hong has "Cross-Strait", Ma Fanshu has "World Football", and Dong Qin is an all-round host. From the time Li Sisi joined Channel 1 to the time she left, she has never had any representative programs. "Echoes" and "I Want to Go to the Spring Festival Gala" are not dominated by her, so people's impression of her basically stays on the Spring Festival Galas of previous years.

Hearing this analysis, Li Sisi's eyes lit up, and she also felt that she needed a representative program to fight back.

But the programs in the station have been divided up long ago. It's good enough for her to keep the existing resources. Who has the willingness and ability to open a program for her?

"I heard that your elder brother, Mr. Gu, is now..."

Sure enough, he is waiting for me here!

However, for this little favor, you want me to help you so much?

"I am me, he is him, I never ask my brother to do things for me. If Miss Li has this plan, I suggest you go directly to my brother!"

Hearing that Gu Zhongyu's tone became cold and the address was changed to Miss Li, Li Sisi also knew that she was a little eager for quick success, and hurriedly explained: "You misunderstood Mr. Gu, and the conversation came to this point. How could I ask you to help like this!"

"I just heard that Mr. Gu has been investing in variety shows and has also cooperated with Gao Li. I just want to bring a project to our TV station."

Gu Zhongyu does want to do variety shows, but they are all entertainment variety shows similar to Running Man, which doesn't match the tone of Yiqi!

He is already looking for people for the first season of Running Man, which will be online as early as next year. The main director and the behind-the-scenes team all learned from Korea.

There is no other way. Domestic variety shows started too late, especially the talent for outdoor variety shows is even less. He can't even get the team together. If he forces it, the result may not be satisfactory.

There are so many seasons of Running Man, and the best and most exciting one is the first season. The main reason is that the first season was filmed in cooperation with Korea SBS, and the people there were in charge throughout the process.

These Koreans are good at stealing, and they are really good at playing entertainment variety shows and talent shows. Unless Gu Zhongyu himself goes on stage and keeps an eye on the filming and post-production of the program group, the effect of the filming will definitely not be as good as theirs.

This is also why Gu Zhongyu first conducted a pilot in Korea and sold the copyright of the script to let them make "Running Man" first.

Anyway, "Running Man" will not be introduced to China for broadcast, and the same is true for Running Man. Everyone's honeymoon period is only a few days away, and every penny earned from these Koreans is a penny earned!

"I have this plan, but the programs I make are all entertainment programs, which cannot be shown on CCTV. I am afraid they are not suitable for you."

Li Sisi's eyes dimmed when she heard this. Sure enough, is it still a waste of time?

"But... not necessarily. I also want to make some positive energy programs that focus on our country's cultural heritage and the style of the times. Maybe some of them are suitable for you."

Gu Zhongyu thought of "National Treasure", a well-reputed cultural relic program. The threshold required to host this program is not high, because it mainly depends on the invited stars to role-play and then introduce cultural relics.

Of course, Gu Zhongyu has to wait until he finishes his work at hand before he will have the leisure to do these programs that promote history and culture.

This TM is actually not even a cake, but Li Sisi is quite interested. He asked a little bit, but when it comes to details, Gu Zhongyu is unwilling to say more.

Li Sisi knows that this is the time for him to show his ability.

She stood up and pretended to leave, then suddenly her steps weakened and she was about to fall to the ground. Gu Zhongyu, who was standing next to her, was quick and hugged her in time.

"Oh... the alcohol content of this wine is so high! I seem to be a little drunk, and I can't even stand steadily."

Sister, your acting is very poor!

The freshmen who just entered Beijing Film Academy have better acting skills than you, and they are not as good as a random extra in Hengdian.

"Then I will help you up to rest."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu, I really trouble you."


The clock went back to the present again.

Li Sisi looked so pitiful now that even if Meng Ziyi was an idiot, he could tell what she had just experienced.

For a moment, she felt like her idol was shattered.

Li Sisi quickly calmed down, put on a poker-like smile and said, "What a coincidence, little girl! My clothes were just dirty, so I took a shower and changed clothes at Teacher Gu's house. I didn't expect to meet you here again. We are really destined to meet."

Sister, cooperate with me. Let's see through it without saying it, and we can still be friends in the future.

Unexpectedly, Meng Ziyi didn't give her any face at all, and her attitude was cold. She said directly, "Did you just get off Zhongyu's boat?"

Do you have any manners?

However, Li Sisi remained calm and responded with a smile: "Girls nowadays always like to think of people in a dark way. Okay, I'll stop talking. I have something to do. We'll meet again if we're lucky."

Since the heels of her high heels were broken, she had to throw them away and went to the entrance barefoot to find a pair of shoes to put on. Then she turned back and smiled at Aunt Meng Ziyi amiably and left.

How dare you question me!

You came to Gu Zhongyu's house so late. Did you come to chat with him?

Looking at Li Sisi's disappearing back and looking upstairs, Meng Ziyi felt very sad.

Although she had heard about the darkness of the entertainment industry, she still couldn't accept it as a fan when she saw her idol's style was so unruly. Why don't you just pretend to deceive me?

You obviously asked me to come here, why is there a woman in front of me?

She wanted to leave, but she thought that it was a rare opportunity tonight, and it might be the only chance to be alone with her idol. If she let it go, wouldn't it be a pity?

So she finally went to the second floor with courage.

The second and third floors of Gu Zhongyu's villa were bedrooms, and Meng Ziyi didn't know which one he lived in, so she had to open the doors one by one to see if there was anyone inside.

Just as Meng Ziyi was about to open the door on the far left, suddenly, someone hugged her from behind!

"What's wrong? You don't want to leave again, so don't go back tonight."


A shrill scream immediately sobered up Gu Zhongyu, who was a little drunk, and saw clearly that the person in his arms was not Li Sisi.

Fuck! Otherwise, alcohol is a bastard. I had so much fun before that I forgot to ask Bai Lu to call this girl over.

This is hard to explain. This girl must have just bumped into Li Sisi, and the glorious image that I worked hard to create in front of fans for a day was shattered.

I should have ordered a few dishes to eat with the wine, even if it was just an extra plate of peanuts!

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