Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 230 The immortal who doesn’t care about people’s lives

"Menghualu" is a joint venture between Zongheng Film and Television and Liu Yufei's personal studio. The investment amount for a single episode is 200,000, and there are 40 episodes in total, with a total investment of more than 80 million. It is currently being filmed in Hengdian Film and Television City.

In terms of actors, except for Song Yinzhang, who was played by Yang Caiyu, the main roles have basically remained unchanged. Chen Xiaoguo, Gu Qianfan, Liu Yan's Sun Sanniang, and Xu Haiqiao's Ouyang Xu have basically maintained the original cast except for some insignificant supporting roles. .

Hengdian's film and television city has many components, including the Ming and Qing Palaces, the Qin Palace, Along the River During the Qingming Festival, Guangzhou Street, the City of the Republic of China, and the New Garden of the Old Ming Dynasty. They are used to shoot scenes from different eras. Today, the crew mainly works on the Riverside During the Qingming Festival. Photography of the Song Dynasty architectural complex.

Gu Zhongyu didn't notify Liu Yufei before coming, and quietly came in with his assistant.

As soon as they entered the filming location, they saw the female director Yang Yang lecturing on the scene with several principals. Chen Xiao, who was still a newcomer, listened very carefully, while Liu Yufei was grinning with big teeth!

He discovered that Liu Yufei always smiled very reservedly when she was in front of him. As long as he was not present, the girls' smiles began to show off.

"You know this is the reaction? Then when you see Gu Qianfan so happy, just when the boat passes through this bridge hole, these guys will chase you and scatter flowers."

"It's like filming MTV, right?" Liu Yufei asked, holding back her laughter.

"It's a MV, it has the feel of an anime, and then some special effects will be added in the post-production process, giving it a bilngbilng feel." Yang Yang was trying to depict the romantic scene that had not yet been filmed for the stupid Sissy.

"Why add bilngbilng?"

"It's just to make people feel that kind of romance. This is a way for the male protagonist to express his love. Then I thought that adding a kiss scene to this part might have a better effect."

When Liu Yufei heard about the kissing scene, she couldn't help but said: "Why does a kissing scene have to be added? Isn't it in the original script?"

The script of "Menghua Lu" was given by Gu Zhongyu, but he is not the kind of man who is strict with himself, so naturally he deleted the excessive kissing scenes in the play. It was originally set in ancient times, where did it come from? So many intimate scenes?

It has nothing to do with the main plot. Deleting it will not affect the viewing experience at all. On the contrary, it is more in line with the feudal ethics of the times.

Unexpectedly, the director wanted to add a kissing scene temporarily, which made Liu Yufei a little embarrassed. If she didn't act, it would appear that she was not dedicated and serious. If she did, if Gu Zhongyu found out later, she would be worried that the petty man would cause trouble for the female director.

And she didn’t want to act in it herself, so why did she have to add this kind of intimate scene to attract attention?

"If the movie has to be added, then use borrowing." Just when she was in trouble, Gu Zhongyu appeared.

"Ah! Why are you here?"

Liu Yufei looked very happy when she saw Gu Zhongyu coming, and walked over with small steps, completely forgetting that she had said harsh words to settle accounts with him before.

This was the first time that this scumbag Gu took the initiative to visit her class. In the past, she basically went to find him by herself.

"Teacher Gu is here too! The way of borrowing seats is not very good. It does not reflect the passion of the male and female protagonists when they are in love, and the audience will not be satisfied. Although this is a costume drama, it is for modern people after all. , there’s no need to be so rigid.”

Yang Yang was still talking endlessly about his thoughts, completely unaware of Gu Zhongyu, whose expression was already not right, and Liu Yan, Yang Caiyu and others who had just rushed over to watch the fun.

Gu Zhongyu has a very complicated view of Yang Yang, an outside director. As one of the rare female directors in China, she has produced such high-reputation TV series as "Proof of Memory" and "The Art of Mind", which shows that this eldest sister's professional ability is still very good. of.

But in terms of emotional intelligence, it is obviously lacking. It has been so long since the phone was turned on, but you still haven’t found out about Liu Yufei’s relationship with him?

Normally, professional actors should obey the director's arrangements at this time, but Gu Zhongyu had to make a big show this time.

"It has to be a real shot, can't we just borrow the location?"

"It needs to be shot realistically, and the lips of the male and female protagonists must touch each other. This represents the official sublimation of the relationship between the two people." Yang Yang still insisted on his opinion.

In the crowd, Liu Yan covered her mouth and secretly communicated with Yang Caiyu in a low voice: "I even doubt whether Director Yang is a woman. This thought is not delicate enough! It has been so long that I haven't found any clues. If I had known, I would have reminded her. ”

"It's not too late for you to remind her now!"

Yang Caiyu had the mentality of just watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously. She even hoped that Gu Zhongyu would reprimand Yang Yang. Director Yang had made things difficult for her two days ago and made her soak in a water tank for more than two hours while filming!

"Teacher Gu won't be angry about this." Du Yuchen has a certain understanding of Gu Zhongyu's temper, so he shouldn't be so impulsive, except of course when his bestiality comes out.

She is now signed to the studio of her best friend Liu Yufei, becoming the second artist after Yang Caiyu. In the play, she plays the role of Ge Zhaodi, the waiter of the three heroines. She is also a supporting role with many roles. She is always giving people For her, being a stunt double is the pinnacle of her acting career.

Seeing that Yang Yang was so determined, Gu Zhongyu naturally had no choice but to respect the great director's opinion.

"Okay, please, Director Yang, please put on the male protagonist's clothes for me, and I'll play the role with Sissi."

"What the hell?" Yang Yang suspected that he heard wrongly.

Wearing, texting, and nude subbing are all very common, and kiss subbing is not uncommon, but usually it's the actress who doesn't want to do a kissing scene, and asks someone to propose a kiss with the male lead. I've never seen the guy ask for it. It's a kiss, and you're not the hero either!

For example, in "Jiuzhou. Sky City" starring Guan Xiaotong and Zhang Ruoyun, Guan Xiaotong didn't want to shoot a kiss scene, so she paid for a girl to lip-sync with Zhang Ruoyun. However, because the editor was not good at it, sharp-eyed netizens discovered it. .

However, she later explained that it was to save her first kiss, so the audience was not too harsh.

Yang Yang is a very principled director, and he was about to refuse such an unreasonable request. But at this moment, the male protagonist Chen Xiao took the initiative and said: "Let Teacher Gu come. I have never made this kind of movie before, and I have no experience. It’s also good to study.”

He is not a fool. After these days of filming with Liu Yufei, he almost knows who Miss Sissi's favorite person is. For the sake of his future, even if Gu Zhongyu doesn't show up, he will take the initiative to help Liu Yufei refuse.

"I think it's okay, just let him come." Liu Yufei naturally agreed.

"Ah this?"

Seeing that both the male and female protagonists agreed, Yang Yang naturally had nothing to say, but it was strange why actors nowadays are so pretentious and even have to be a stand-in for a kiss scene!

So Gu Zhongyu's visit turned into a guest appearance, and he began to change the clothes of the male protagonist. He was much taller than Chen Xiao, and his clothes seemed much tighter.

In front of the camera, Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei looked at each other affectionately, with excitement shining in their eyes. As the camera slowly advances, the two gradually get closer and their breaths blend together.

His hands gently held Liu Yufei's face, and then he opened his thin lips and whispered: "Pan'er, I..."

However, before the words were completely spoken, Liu Yufei suddenly took the initiative to kiss his lips. She put her hands around Gu Zhongyu's waist and stood on tiptoes, looking much more anxious than him.

At this time, the staff nearby began to scatter flower petals, adding a bit of beauty to this romantic moment. The special effects team skillfully used light and shadow to create a dreamlike effect.

The surrounding atmosphere also became extremely quiet because of this kiss scene. Only the wind blew gently. The other members of the film crew held their breath for fear of affecting this critical shooting.

Yang Yang stared closely at the monitor, focusing on every detail of the picture. Although he was not very happy, it must be said that when the child Qianqian was with Gu Zhongyu, she was indeed more relaxed and her emotions were mobilized very well. , just like two people who have been in love for a long time.

Wait a moment...

Not quite right!

She pulled Du Yuchen, who was watching the excitement from behind, and asked her, "Does your boss have a relationship with Mr. Gu?"

Du Yuchen looked at her with an almost idiotic look. If Yang Yang wasn't quite famous in the industry, she would have wondered if the director had gotten into the job through the back door.

Seeing Du Yuchen nod his head, this was like giving Yang Yang a slap in the face. He was a director for nothing. He hadn't figured out the big and small kings for so long.

Feeling a little annoyed, she turned her head and looked at the two people who were still kissing passionately. They had been kissing for several minutes, and they were almost going crazy!

Almost done!

I know you two are having an affair, but this is a studio, not your home. It took so long to do a kissing scene as a stand-in. Why, do you plan to have live action on the scene?

", don't you shout ka?" At this time, a staff member reminded, if you don't shout ka, who dares to pause? If they keep kissing like this, we will have to eat dog food together!

Oh oh oh! I almost got so angry that I forgot that I was the director!

With a "click", Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei parted their mouths. This kiss lasted so long! I'm so desperate that I can't take my breath away. All I need is a kiss from my boss and my boss. You want me to risk my life to get there!

Liu Yufei was also panting heavily. If she remembered correctly, this was the longest kiss she had ever had with Gu Zhongyu. However, she felt that she still had more to say and felt that she could fight again after a while.

"Teachers... thank you for your hard work, please go down and rest first!"

Originally, Yang Yang had some complaints against Gu Zhongyu, but now that he thinks about it, you asked his girlfriend to kiss someone else in front of his boyfriend, and you didn't show off to you on the spot. It was already a great honor.

Yang Yang, who was still frightened, decided that when filming in the future, he would first back-up the male and female actors to avoid today's embarrassment.

In Liu Yufei's rest room, she forced Gu Zhongyu to come here, and as soon as she got up, she continued the crazy gnawing!

This kind of long kiss that doesn't stop is much more interesting than make love. Why didn't I realize it before?

Gu Zhongyu never expected that he thought Miss Qianqian was going to do something shameful with him, but it turned out to be just a kiss, and it was a French kiss that didn't care about the person's life or death!

It's getting harder and harder for him to breathe!

"Huh...huh, why did you suddenly think of coming to see me?" After a long time, Sissi, who was finally willing to let him go, gasped and held Gu Zhongyu's face in her hands and asked.

"I have nothing to do, so I came over to see you!"

"Hmph! You only think of me when you have nothing to do. Are you stealing people outside behind my back again?"

"No! Tiandi Conscience, I have been busy with work recently. I came over to see you after the fan meeting."

"I don't believe it. Your fan meeting was grand enough. If you see that beautiful female fan, who knows whether you will become a fan!"

I really don't have this, I haven't had time to stir-fry it yet!

Liu Yufei didn't dwell on this topic too much. She was already numb and now only cared about one important issue: what to eat tonight!

"Call the director and the main creators together! We are the bosses of this crew now, we can't always eat alone, we have to call our employees together."

"Why, do you feel wronged to eat alone with me?"

Although it was a pity that she couldn't have a world of two with Gu Zhongyu, Liu Yufei didn't object. She knew that this was right. When she was working alone, she could do whatever she wanted. Now that she has started a business, she can't always have this kind of working-class mentality.


Hengdian is not a big place, just a town, but thanks to the fact that crews from all over the country come here to shoot, you can find food from all over the world here, and many restaurants are a big gathering place for various cuisines.

They chose the movie star hotel with the most celebrity praise.

This movie star hotel is a local cultural theme hotel. The entire hotel is designed with film and television as the theme, and the guest rooms, boxes, and dishes are all designed with film and television themes. Especially on the fourth floor of the restaurant, the entire lobby is based on the Titanic as the background. The boxes with themes of classic movies such as "The Big Blue", "Farewell My Concubine", "Elizabeth", and "In the Mood for Love" are full of film and television flavor from a carpet to a chandelier.

Not long after the luxury room was booked, the main creative staff of the crew also arrived, including director Yang Yang, Chen Xiao, Yang Caiyu and others.

"Uncle Guo, I haven't seen you for many years."

Gu Zhongyu first greeted the actor Wang Luoyong who played the father of the male protagonist. This old man has a background. He is a professor at the Massachusetts College of Art in the United States, the director of musicals at the Shanghai Theater Academy, and the first Chinese starring actor on Broadway.

In the 2006 "The Return of the Condor Heroes", Wang Luoyong played the hero Guo Jing, so he and Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei are also very familiar with each other.

There is a joke that Wang Luoyong is a natural match for Liu Yufei. In "The Return of the Condor Heroes", he wanted to break up Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu, and in "Dream of Red Mansions", he wanted to break up Gu Qianfan and Zhao Paner. Both female protagonists were played by Xixi. He was showing off and making things difficult for the girls!

Wang Luoyong has good acting skills and his line skills are even better. The role that Gu Zhongyu was most impressed with is Zhuge Liang in "The Advisors Alliance". He is the second best actor after Tang Guoxiang.

"It's been several years, and Mr. Gu still remembers to ask me to film. I'm flattered!" Wang Luoyong didn't have the airs of an artist at all, and his attitude was very friendly.

"Everyone, don't sit down, take your seats!"

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