Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 231: Teach you how to get the wool from Da Mi Mi

Almost all hotels in Hengdian Film and Television City have dishes like "Dragon and Phoenix" and "Phoenix Dances the World". Because the "dragon" and "phoenix" in the names are the snakes and chickens we see in daily life, such dish names and dishes are more common and relatively easy to name.

But in this hotel, there are some more creative dish names, whose names, shapes and contents are perfectly matched, such as the "Love of Hawthorn Tree" just served.

The whole dish is in the shape of a hawthorn tree, and the hawthorn is wrapped in sugar coating, sour and sweet, just like the feeling brought by the movie "Love of Hawthorn Tree". It is said that Zhou Dongyu dined in the hotel during the filming in Hengdian, and the hotel specially made this dish for her, which made her full of surprise and moved.

Liu Yufei has a special liking for sweets and specifically asked for this.

Seeing Xixi shoveling hawthorn into her mouth, Gu Zhongyu shook his head. You should learn from Liu Yan and Du Yuchen next to you. They eat the most broccoli and only occasionally pick up a piece of fish. Which female artist can eat as much as you? "

"Eat less! It's not that I can't afford to treat you. A female artist in her twenties eats five kilograms of rice. Do you still look like an idol?"

"I'll just eat this plate. I won't even eat rice later. Is that not okay?"

Seeing the two flirting without any hesitation, the others didn't feel uncomfortable. Only Yang Yang was still very depressed.

She asked all the leading actors in the evening. Everyone knew about the relationship between Liu Yufei and Gu Zhongyu, but they kept it secret from her, the director. This made her very angry. Could it be that she got older and her observation ability declined.

In order to ease the relationship with Gu Zhongyu, she took the initiative to ask: "Boss Gu, what masterpiece are you busy with recently? ”

“Nothing is going on. I have been taking a rest recently. I plan to rest until the end of the year and come out to film next year!”

It is almost November. Gu Zhongyu plans to visit the studio, travel, have dinner and tea with people at the end of the year, and take a good rest for a while to prepare for the next year. After all, he is the boss of the company. How can he be busier than his artists all day long?

Chen Xiao joked: "Boss Gu is really lucky. Unlike us, we have to film in the wind and sun."

“You have just debuted now. It is reasonable to film more dramas to accumulate experience and popularity during your growth period. When I first debuted, I was also crazy about filming. I was almost exhausted.”

Suddenly, he remembered something and asked Chen Xiao: "I heard that Xixi wants to sign you to her company. Are you not happy? ”

“No, no, I’m used to working alone and I don’t want to be restricted for the time being. Sister Xixi treats me very well. If I sign a contract with an agency, I will definitely find her first!”

Nonsense! I have asked people and Aunt Yu from Huanyu Film and Television has been contacting you privately, but you still don’t tell the truth.

Chen Xiao, who debuted only two years ago, is still very enthusiastic about his acting career. He graduated from the Central Academy of Drama and this is his first time to play the male lead. He attaches great importance to the filming of "Dream of Hualu". However, he seems to be less enthusiastic about Liu Yufei's studio's recruitment and has not given a definite answer yet.

In fact, it is normal. Liu Yufei has a big reputation as the Fairy Sister, but this does not mean that she can succeed in business. Although Aunt Yu is often complained about her fluctuating taste, deformed aesthetics, and being a professional in bad movies, her ability to promote people is also unquestionable.

Light Last year, it was "Palace" that made Yang Mi a deity, which made countless young artists in the circle want to work with Aunt Yu. Chen Xiao is no exception. Compared with the unknown future of Liu Yufei's studio, he prefers the hot Huanyu Film and Television.

And Gu Zhongyu came this time not only to visit the studio, but also to help Liu Yufei deal with this young man.

Since the establishment of Liu Yufei's studio, besides herself, there are only two artists, Yang Caiyu and Du Yuchen. If Menghualu's performance is good next year, she plans to set up a company, and naturally needs some male artists to decorate the facade.

In the previous life, Yang Mi's Jiaxing was signed with Huanrui, which adopted the art In the past, the studio cooperated with Huanrui, but this time it changed to Zongheng Entertainment, which is more powerful, and the development speed has entered the fast lane.

Ambitious Yang Mi is now recruiting troops and horses. She already has a group of male artists such as Zhang Yunlong, Zhang Binbin, Gao Weiguang, and Liu Ruilin, and has also pulled several female students of Gu Zhongyu in Beijing Film Academy. Now it has begun to test the waters and produce the first TV series.

Before, she called Gu Zhongyu to act like a spoiled child and asked him if there was any suitable script that could be used directly.

Gu Zhongyu didn't let her get what she wanted this time. Are you kidding me? You want to get my Daguanren for free without giving me any sweet treats?

No matter how you make empty promises, it's useless , Da Mi Mi also heard that this time it was her turn to bleed.

Gritting her teeth and stamping her feet, she simply let Gu Zhongyu negotiate on her own. She was still filming "Tiny Times" and promised on the phone that she would serve the big official well this time.

So Gu Zhongyu's next stop was to visit Da Mi Mi in Shanghai. Of course, he didn't tell anyone about this, especially Xixi.

The two used to be as close as sisters, but now they have become outright competitors in both acting and career, and all friendship has disappeared.

Although Xixi acquiesced to her philandering, if she knew that she would go to Yang Mi's place in two days and give her the script for free, she would definitely bite him to death.

There have been rumors in the past that Chen Xiao is a loner with unstable emotions, sometimes happy and sometimes depressed, and not good at socializing. But in Gu Zhongyu's opinion, this guy is obviously active, no different from other young actors who are only thinking about climbing up.

Maybe he changed a lot after falling in love with Xiaolongbao and getting married!

Wanwan's male artists are very skilled, and female artists are also very deep. Hey, what does marriage bring to men that can turn a once sunny and cheerful boy into an uncle with a weird personality.

"Is Yu Zheng trying to win you over?" Gu Zhongyu directly pointed out his little thoughts.

After being exposed in public, Chen Xiao still wanted to defend himself: "Mr. Gu... I..."

The other people at the table had different expressions. Du Yuchen and Yang Caiyu whispered to each other, waiting to see the show. However, the warm-hearted Liu Yan thought Chen Xiao was okay. If Gu Zhongyu made things difficult for him, she was ready to say a few good words for him.

Gu Zhongyu waved his hand, interrupting Chen Xiao's explanation, and said: "It's your freedom to sign a contract with whomever you want. I won't ask you any questions. But I have to warn you. Aunt Yu is narrow-minded and has a strong desire for control. She will strictly control the love life of her artists."

"Is this okay? At most, we can just not date or make it public." Yang Yang thought this was quite normal. How many agencies would not care about the love life of artists?

"Hehe... But, Aunt Yu is not very particular. You are now playing the leading male role in the crew of "Dream of Hualu". In the next play, you will play the second or even third male role in Huanyu. Do you think it is acceptable?"

"No, Aunt Yu said that he will let me play the leading male role in his next play "Legend of Lu Zhen."

In his excitement, Chen Xiao even lost his sense of confidentiality and directly said the title of the play that Yu Zheng had discussed with him before.

"This may be the male lead, but he will be the male second in the next play. If you don't believe it, you can ask around. Yu Zheng is very casual in choosing actors and will not deliberately promote you. If he thinks that the male third in the next play is more suitable for you, you have to play it obediently and cannot bargain."

"It can't be that outrageous?"

This Gu Zhongyu did not fool Chen Xiao, Yu's mother really did it.

For example, in the play "Legend of Lu Zhen", it was Yu's mother who let Chen Xiao take over because the original male lead did not want to play it. Otherwise, it is unknown when Chen Xiao can play the male lead.

After playing the male lead in "Legend of Lu Zhen", Yu's mother let Chen Xiao play the male second villain Lin Pingzhi in "Swordsman". After playing the male second, she let Chen Xiao play the male third in "Song in the Clouds".

For more than two years, Chen Xiao has been jumping back and forth between the male lead and the supporting role.

And from the end of "Legend of Lu Zhen" to the start of the new version of "The Return of the Condor Heroes", there was a complete gap of 16 months in between! This is simply fatal for an actor in the rising stage.

This weird way of employing people is called the overall view, but Gu Zhongyu prefers to call it cerebral thrombosis.

Aren't you forcing those artists who are still ambitious to change jobs?

Tang Ren's Cai Yinong also has this problem in employing people. In order to promote the newcomer Jiang Jinfu, he asked Hu Ge and Liu Shishi, who are already the top brothers and sisters in the company, to help him. Hu Ge is okay, after all, he is a shareholder of the company, but Liu Shishi was already the most popular little flower at that time, and she was asked to play the female lead of a low ranking. This must be unpleasant for her!

Including Lin Gengxin and Nazha, who later terminated their contracts with Tang Ren, all have the same problem. Tang Ren always uses already popular actors to play supporting roles for newcomers, instead of the old leading the new model, which is destined to be unsustainable.

Chen Xiao is good-looking and has good acting skills. His personality is also OK. At least he doesn't make trouble. Gu Zhongyu really doesn't want to see such a good seedling follow Aunt Yu to waste the most important years of his acting career.

There are too few examples of middle-aged people becoming popular again. Most artists rely on their passion and fighting spirit in the first few years of their debut to reach the peak of their careers in one go.

After listening to Gu Zhongyu's analysis, Chen Xiao didn't say anything. He planned to go back and learn more about it. If it was really as Mr. Gu said, he would definitely not fall into this trap.

It would be better to follow Sister Qianqian. At least after the establishment of the new company, he would become the top brother. In addition, with the background of Zongheng Film and Television, he would definitely not have to worry about filming.

Liu Yufei was very excited to see that Gu Zhongyu was so concerned about her business and took the initiative to help her recruit people to join.

In her joy, she picked up a dish of sweet and sour pork ribs that just passed in front of her, and then ate it with relish...

You...didn't you listen to a word?

You are eating high-sugar and high-fat foods. If you become fat in the future, I will dump you!

After talking about these serious matters, everyone should eat and drink. After showing off the sweet and sour pork tenderloin, Xixi felt that she was still not satisfied and wanted to have the tomato beef brisket.

However, she miscalculated this time. Bai Lu, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, grabbed it first and ate it all. She was so angry that she drank another glass of fat house water!


After eating and drinking, Liu Yufei returned to her residence and burped without any ladylike image, and then touched her round belly.

Noticing Gu Zhongyu's contemptuous look at her, Xixi explained: "I ate so much this time because you came. I usually eat less!"

I don't believe you!

"Hey! What do you think, after the filming of "Dream of Hualu" is finished and my company is established, what should I shoot?"

"At that time, you are the boss of the company. You have to decide what to shoot. You have to learn to grow up on your own. You can't just wait for me to arrange everything for you!"

Liu Yufei snorted dissatisfied and said: "You tricked me into starting a studio and starting a company. What happened? Now that I'm on a pirate ship, you don't want to care about me anymore? Do you believe that I will ask the big golden retriever at home to bite you to death?" "

"Forget about your stupid golden retriever! I have plenty of scripts, but I'm not Doraemon. I have endless inspiration. Now you have to try to find the right development path and position yourself well. Otherwise, no matter how good the script is, I won't give it to you. You can screw up too.”

"What's the meaning?"

"For example, let me take Yang Mi as an example... Don't look like that, I'm just giving you an example! She told me her idea before: the company's best big project, a heroine drama with herself as the core, with a Recruit new talent; for less-invested dramas, let our artists do it; for co-productions with other companies, we just decide who is suitable and don’t compete with the artists.”

"Then do I have to do the same?"

"It's almost like this. You two are both rich and powerful. You can exploit her ideas for development. Just don't engage in gambling agreements or let other capital take over the magpie's nest. Also, it's best not to restrict your artists too much from taking jobs outside, or Asking them not to fall in love can easily offend people.”

"That's definitely not the case. I don't care about other people's relationships! I'm in a mess myself."

Gu Zhongyu wanted to say more, but Liu Yufei had no patience to listen and directly covered his mouth and said: "Are you going to talk to me about Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio all night, or do you want to continue acting in the daytime drama? ?”

This was not a multiple-choice question at all. Gu Zhongyu picked up Qianqian's hand and asked: "You are good at holding your breath and you want to embarrass me, right? Watch me change the track and let you know what a dimensionality reduction strike is!"

Suddenly, he gently grabbed Sissi's other wrist with both hands, and then raised her arm upwards.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yufei struggled a few times, but found that her hands had been firmly grasped. So, she started to attack Gu Zhongyu with both feet, and kept saying hello to his lower body.

Gu Zhongyu burst out laughing, dodging Sissi's attacks while tickling her with both hands.

Liu Yufei laughed because she was tickled. She kept begging for mercy: "Zhong Yu, stop making trouble! I was wrong!"

But Gu Zhongyu was unmoved at all and continued to tickle her skin.

Just as the two were laughing and playing, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Du Yuchen, Sissi's best friend and employee, barged in with a somewhat embarrassed and apologetic expression on his face.

"Um... I came at a bad time. I remembered that I left my laptop and charger here, so I came here to get something. You don't have to worry about me and continue on."

During this time, she and her good sister Liu Yufei slept in the same room, so many daily necessities were placed here.

Fortunately, she arrived in time, otherwise the scene would have been even more exciting if it had been a little later!

Du Yuchen took the notebook and put it in her arms. Just when she was about to leave, Gu Zhongyu stopped her: "It's still early anyway, let's stay here and chat!"

As he spoke, he patted the middle of the boat, right between the two of them, and motioned for her to sit here.

Sissi looked at him with wide eyes, her eyes flickering several times, but she didn't object.

Ah this!

Both of them were big bosses, and she couldn't afford to offend a working man, so she had to put down her notebook obediently and sit between them.

The atmosphere in the room began to become subtle...

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