Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 232 Fairy: Don’t let me catch you!

Seeing that Xixi had no intention of objecting, Gu Zhongyu felt that he seemed to have made the right bet this time.

"Yuchen, how do you feel about playing the fourth female role this time?"

"I still have to thank Xixi, otherwise, I, a non-professional stuntman, don't know how long it will take for me to get to this position."

Du Yuchen was indeed grateful to Xixi, a good sister. Not only did she put aside the past and forgive what happened between her and Gu Zhongyu that night, but she also signed her into the studio, so that she finally had someone to rely on.

Du Yuchen still felt very strange about Gu Zhongyu. He was the most familiar stranger.

On the one hand, she and Gu Zhongyu might not have said as much as the strangers they met in the bar, but the two of them were extremely familiar with each other's inner beauty, and they knew each other inside out.

Although they only had two or three times in the hotel, it was enough to make her unforgettable.

However, sitting next to Gu Zhongyu like this, with Xixi watching them from the side, she still felt very strange, nervous and exciting.

"No! Your acting skills are not bad. Even without my help, you will be able to make a name for yourself sooner or later."

Liu Yufei said: Although she has not been in the industry for a long time, she can clearly feel that Du Yuchen is a very talented actor, and her acting skills and lines are no worse than hers.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but want to complain after hearing this. You are so embarrassed to mention it. How dare a professional graduate from a serious film school compare with an actress who is younger than you and has changed her career halfway?

After chatting about some random things, it was late at night without knowing it.

"Are we three going to stay up all night to chat like this tonight?" Du Yuchen asked cautiously.

Usually at this time, these two good sisters would hug each other and sleep, but today there was an uninvited guest, Gu Zhongyu.

For a while, I didn't know who was the mistress and who should go out.

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at her...

In the end, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help it and decided to break the awkward atmosphere, so he stood up and walked towards the door.

Liu Yufei thought Gu Zhongyu was going back to his room to rest. Thinking that the two of them had not been together for a long time, she was a little impatient and was about to say something, but she found that this guy had locked the door!

Liu Yufei and Du Yuchen: ? ? ?

Gu Zhongyu rubbed his hands and slipped back to look at them, and asked: "Um... I'm afraid to sleep alone at night. If you don't mind, can you let me squeeze in?"

Squeeze in?

Who will be responsible if I get pregnant?

Du Yuchen originally thought that Xixi would decisively refuse this shameless request, but unexpectedly, she just kept silent and nodded.

Du Yuchen felt bad now...


At about five o'clock in the morning, when it was just dawn, Gu Zhongyu sneaked out of Xixi's room.

While the other staff members were not awake yet, he quickly called Bai Lu and prepared to leave!

"Aha~ Why are you leaving so early, boss?" Bai Lu looked at the boss who seemed to be running for his life with sleepy eyes, and didn't know what he was afraid of.

He had to leave!

Otherwise, when Xixi woke up, she would have to take out a 40-meter-long sword to kill him!

He originally planned to say hello to Liu Yan before leaving, but seeing that it was still so early, he couldn't bear to disturb the beauty's sleep.

As a result, when Gu Zhongyu returned to the bedroom to pack up and leave, he found that Liu Yan was sleeping on his boat.

The sound of the door opening woke Liu Yan directly. She rubbed her eyes, looked at Gu Zhongyu who looked like a thief, and asked unhappily: "Why, did you serve at Miss Xixi's place last night?"

Liu Yan ran to Gu Zhongyu's room last night, wanting to give the man a surprise, but she didn't expect that only the little assistant Bai Lu opened the door.

No need to guess, she must have run to Liu Yufei's room.

But thinking that this was a film crew, Gu Zhongyu would probably be a little more cautious and might not stay there overnight. He might have to go back to his room to rest, so Liu Yan stayed here waiting for him.

As a result, she waited too long and couldn't help dozing off, so she simply rested on his boat.

"Yes, yes, yes, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. I'll come to accompany you next time I go to Yanjing!"

"Why are you so anxious? Don't worry, I hid it very well when I was in the crew, and Xixi didn't know about the relationship between us."

"It's not this kind of thing... I'll explain it to you later, anyway, I have to leave quickly before they wake up."

As a senior host, Liu Yan immediately caught the key word in his words "they!"

Is there another master?

"You can't be?" Liu Yan suddenly had a bold idea.

Gu Zhongyu was too lazy to explain, and quickly packed his things, kissed Liu Yan for a while, and then pulled Bai Lu, who had just put on her clothes, to leave.

"Wait a minute, boss, I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

"I'll brush them in the car later, let's go first."

Looking at the two people leaving at the speed of light, Liu Yan shook her head. This man is sometimes like a child, playing as he pleases without considering the consequences, and knowing how to run away when something goes wrong.

It was still early, Liu Yan stretched and planned to go back to sleep.

But within a few minutes of lying down, she was suddenly awakened by a loud bang of kicking the door!

"Gu scumbag, where are you hiding!"

Recognizing Liu Yufei's voice, Liu Yan quickly stood up and stood in the living room, looking around, pretending to have just come in. Fortunately, she didn't take off her clothes last night, so she could barely speak.

With anger burning in her eyes, Liu Yufei strode in, but she didn't see Gu Zhongyu. There was only a confused Liu Yan in the room.

"Sister Yan, why are you here?"

"I got up early this morning for morning exercise, and saw Mr. Gu rushing to the room in a hurry, so I came over to take a look out of curiosity."

Liu Yufei looked around and saw that all her personal belongings had been taken away. Unwilling to do so, she asked, "They just left in such a carefree manner?"

"Well, I left in a hurry. Maybe I had something important to do! I didn't even take the room card and ran away."

Damn it!

Don't let me catch you!

Liu Yufei swore that next time she saw this hateful scumbag, she would whip him with a whip, and the whip would be stained with iodophor to disinfect him while beating him!

Liu Yufei, who missed the opportunity, was about to leave, but was caught by Liu Yan, who had quick eyes and quick hands.

"He hasn't refunded his room card yet, so you can't go and settle the bill for him!"


Two hours later, when the crew started filming, everyone realized that Gu Daguan was missing.

Director Yang Yang was very worried. She thought that Gu Zhongyu left without saying goodbye because he was resentful of her because she insisted on filming the kissing scene yesterday.

She felt that she needed to review the script again. Not to mention the kissing scene, even if it was a scene where the male and female protagonists held hands or hugged each other, if you could borrow your seat, take it. Don't offend Gu Zhongyu because of this drama!

Chen Xiao is also very troubled. He struggled all night last night, wondering whether it was better to join Huanyu or sign with Liu Yufei Studio. Now that Mr. Gu has left so early in the morning, he is even wondering whether Mr. Gu is responsible for it. Has he lost his patience?

Don't hesitate, just sign up for Princess Sissi's studio. As a young novice, going to that monk's temple to chant sutras is not a good idea!

Du Yuchen began to worry about gains and losses. She had dreamed of acting since she was a child, and she had long heard about all the chaos in the entertainment industry, but last night's experience refreshed her life experience and outlook.

How will you get along with your boss in the future?

Since everyone had their own worries, today's filming went very poorly. Not only were the male and female leads, Liu Yufei and Chen Xiao, out of shape and always NG, but even Yang Yang, the director, was always worrying about the script and the camera. I feel as if I'm a few years older.

What's going on everyone?

Only the uninformed Yang Caiyu felt very strange when he saw everyone's distracted appearance. He even asked Du Yuchen like a curious baby what happened? Why did Teacher Gu leave so early?

Liu Yan looked at Du Yuchen, who was also worried, and felt...she almost knew who the "master" was!

You really know how to play. My great talent Gu is gone and he can still make so many people uneasy.

After leaving Hengdian, Gu Zhongyu was not in a hurry to rush to the Magic City immediately.

Gu Zhongyu, who had not traveled well for a long time, rarely had time to relax, so he naturally stopped and stopped along the way to admire the great rivers and mountains of his motherland.

Instead of taking a train or a plane, I rented a car and started a self-driving tour.

"Jiangnan is wonderful, and the scenery is familiar to me; the sunrise and the river flowers are redder than fire, and the spring is as green as blue. How can we not remember Jiangnan??" Gu Zhongyu also imitated the literati and poets and began to recite poems.

"Bai Lu! Have you ever played anywhere since you were a child?"

Bai Lu, who was holding the steering wheel and driving, recalled: "Not too much. I basically followed you, the boss. My parents are both working-class people. It would be nice to go out to a restaurant on weekdays. How can I have time to travel? !”

Gu Zhongyu knew that Bai Lu's family conditions were average, but her parents had raised her richly since she was a child. Except for "being a star", everything else was submissive.

Gu Zhongyu thought of something and asked Bai Lu, "Lulu, how long do you want to be an assistant?"

One sentence almost broke Bai Lu's defense, but he immediately stopped on the spot!


I'm so sorry I didn't hit Gu Zhongyu's head on the car hood!

"What are you doing? Do you want to murder me, the boss?"

Bai Lu turned back to Gu Zhongyu with tears in her eyes and cried: "Boss... you... you don't want me anymore?"

She thought that Gu Zhongyu was still complaining about her unauthorized actions that night and wanted to get rid of her. The heartless Bai Lu was so anxious that she wanted to drop her pearls at these words.

"It's not that I don't want you, have you forgotten? Didn't you come to me with the intention of becoming a star? But because you are still young, I let you learn through the assistant job. Now I think you are almost there. , I can make my debut next year.”

Hearing Gu Zhongyu's explanation, Bai Lu stopped sobbing, but she still had mixed emotions.

Becoming a star has always been her dream, but after spending time with Gu Zhongyu over the past year, and the breakthrough in their relationship not long ago, she has long since ceased to regard Gu Zhongyu as her boss.

So now that she really wants to change her job, Bai Lu really can't bear to leave this scumbag boss.

After all, Gu Zhongyu treated her very well. After the last tooth extraction, he even made chicken soup for her to drink. He was worried that her teeth would be inconvenient to bite, so he even crushed chicken to feed her.

Even if you find a boyfriend, you can achieve this.

Besides, Bai Lu has a higher standard now. She will subconsciously compare any boy she sees with Gu Zhongyu, and then sneer at him, thinking that he is far inferior.

She has already made up her mind. As long as Gu Zhongyu doesn't ask her to leave, she will be willing to be his assistant for the rest of her life.

Gu Zhongyu can roughly guess Bai Lu's thoughts. Even if she is smart and precocious, she is essentially no different from other girls who are just beginning to fall in love. Now is the age when she can do anything for love.

"I didn't say that I will let you resign now. The earliest you can become an artist is next year. During this period, you are still my assistant! I just asked if you want to debut early."

"No! I'm not going anywhere!" Bai Lu answered firmly.

It was rare to see Bai Lu with a serious face, and Gu Zhongyu wanted to laugh.

"I'm not asking you to get there in one go. You can start by managing your own personal image. Aren't you my assistant now? You can open your own Weibo account later. Post about our daily lives. Slowly let the public get used to your existence. The company will cooperate. Let's make you a Weibo celebrity first."

"What do you do as an internet celebrity?"

"To prepare for the next step! Didn't I tell you? Instead of competing with a group of prettier female artists in such a competitive field of film and television dramas, it's better to find another way and debut directly on a variety show."

Bai Lu has acted in so many film and television dramas in her later life, but most of them have failed, and she is often outshined by the second and third female actors.

A typical example is "Long Moon Embers", where the supporting actress Chen Duling is so good that she is not even as good-looking as the male lead.

So Gu Zhongyu's positioning for Bai Lu is to debut through variety shows, and after becoming famous, she will act in some costume light comedies or urban dramas, and she must not play the role of a peerless beauty.

It's no wonder that in Running Man, the original position of Angelababy was given to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu's personality is optimistic and funny, especially her smile, which is very contagious, but she is not a pure comedian like Lamu Yangzi. Through the bonus of the first batch of domestic variety shows, even if her popularity is not as good as that of Dabaobei before the landslide, it should not be much worse.

Bai Lu is not very interested in the variety shows that her boss has been talking about. After all, there are no stars who can become popular through outdoor variety shows.

But it doesn't matter. As long as she is not driven away, she can do anything.

Seeing the car parked next to the empty kilometer, Bai Lu suddenly had some different thoughts and plucked up the courage to ask Gu Zhongyu: "Boss, this is in the wilderness, do you think we..."


Although no one could hear it, Bai Lu still leaned close to Gu Zhongyu's ear and said two words.

Damn! You can think of it!

It seems that I have to teach this increasingly arrogant assistant a lesson today!

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