Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 234 Are these your serious lines?

In the afternoon, at the filming location of Tiny Times, in the back alley of a street.

Gu Yuan, played by Ke Zhengxi, hugged Gu Li, played by Guo Caijie, and began to speak a suffocating dialogue with deep affection: "How can an educated woman talk like my mother, a middle-aged woman?"

"I like you, not because you have been picked up by a Mercedes-Benz since childhood, nor because you have a brand-name bag, nor because you gave me expensive boots. Even if you don't have a penny, I will still like you."

Gu Li pushed Gu Yuan away at this time and said sarcastically: "Don't be childish, okay? How old are you? Do you really think these things don't cost money? I tell you, love without material is just a plate of sand, it doesn't even need the wind to blow, it will fall apart after walking two steps!"

"If I were just a student receiving a subsidy today, would you, Gu Yuan, love me?"

"Of course I would... If I were a poor boy today, would you still like me? Would you?" Gu Yuan looked so serious that he looked like a big victim!

"That's because you've never lived without money. You're holding a credit card with a 400,000 yuan overdraft limit, and you're not afraid to issue a bill on the POS machine... You're just playing the role of a down-and-out nobleman with a noble attitude. Don't be hypocritical anymore!"

Gu Li was hit by this, and he distanced himself from Gu Yuan in disbelief, turned around and left. As a result, he didn't take two steps, and suddenly remembered something, took off the 18,000 yuan boots, and smashed them on the floor!

"Give it back to you!" Gu Yuan walked away barefoot without looking back.

Guo Xiaosi in front of the camera stood up excitedly, gave the two a thumbs up, then turned around and asked Gu Zhongyu: "Teacher Gu, can you help me see this part from an outsider's perspective?"

Looking at the performances of Guo Caijie and Ke Zhengxi in the camera, and Guo Xiaosi's satisfied expression, Gu Zhongyu pinched his temples and felt the trigeminal nerve start to hurt!

What the hell is this nm shooting!

Two rich people assuming that they are poor? And then quarreling about it?

This reminded Gu Zhongyu of a news story he had seen before, where a couple imagined how to spend five million yuan at home, and then had a fight over the issue of unequal distribution!

It was really too contrived and not close to reality at all, because the entire worldview was irrational, and even some lines that seemed to satirize reality were expressed in a very contrived and hypocritical way!

But after all, he was a director for the first time, so he still had to be encouraged. Otherwise, if he was hit and stopped making movies in the future, wouldn't those up masters in the Tucao area have less material?

After organizing his words, Gu Zhongyu began to encourage him in a roundabout way.

"Very good! It's totally beyond my expectation (not surprising), the dialogue style of this section of the male and female protagonists is almost comparable to Shakespeare's literature (Shabi for short), Director Guo has completely projected his own outlook on life, world view and values ​​into his work, which is a good thing, naked creation, fully showing his own aesthetics and taste, the meaning of the story itself is no longer comparable to ordinary movies!"

Guo Xiaosi was a little embarrassed by the praise: "Really...really? But I still feel that I am a little inadequate!"

"It's already very good to have such a level when you are just starting out. The current film market needs more young talents like Director Guo!"

After a round of commercial flattery, Guo Xiaosi couldn't help but feel a little flattered. It turns out that being a director is not as difficult as I thought!

"When did you become so hypocritical? Don't you think this movie is nonsense?" After Guo Xiaosi left, Yang Mi, who was resting, asked in a low voice.

"You discovered it yourself?"

"Nonsense! I was a child star after all and have been filming for more than ten years. Even if I didn't discover the quality of a movie when I got the script, I would be able to feel it after filming for a while."

Yes, she is an experienced person after all, and she still has some experience. Some movies can be seen to be bad movies just by looking at the script. There is usually only one purpose for taking such projects: to make money.

But in most cases, actors can't judge whether they are acting in a bad movie just by the script. After all, the road from text to visual is too long, and no one knows what the specific effect will be.

Only when the whole crew officially enters the shooting state can we see the clues.

Wang Jin has said in "Round Table" that when he saw Lao Mouzi's "The Great Wall" was one-third of the way through, he knew it was over and didn't know how to clean up the rest. How could experienced actors not know what they were shooting? It's just that actors are the second party in the eyes of investors.

Party A's father asked to shoot, and the money was taken, so they had to continue!

And "Tiny Times" directed by Guo Xiaosi, well... how to say it! Yang Mi knew what the film would be like after the fifth day of filming.

"Even if you found it was a bad movie, you still took it, didn't you? Just to make a little money?"

Yang Mi replied angrily: "Little money? Do you think everyone is as rich as you? I invested all the 8 million dividends you gave me to Guo Xiaosi. If I lose money, you have to take responsibility for it!"

"You haven't even gotten pregnant yet! You want me to take responsibility?"

"What are you talking about? You look so happy!" Guo Caijie, who had just finished filming, walked towards the two of them holding Guo Biting's hand. As for the male actors, they all sat on the other side with self-awareness.

The circles are different, don't be too rigid, don't you think Mr. Gu only likes to chat with pretty girls?

Even when Xie Yilin, who was beginning to look like a human, went over to talk to him, he was ignored.

Gu Zhongyu found that the crew was really full of Wanwan actors. Except for Yang Mi and Chen Xuedong, the main actors in the whole movie were all Wanwan people.

However, I feel relieved when I think that the producer of this movie is Chai Zhiping, the godmother of Wanwan idol dramas. Maybe Guo Xiaosi may not be willing to use so many Wanwan actors, after all, he is also the father of Party A.

Gu Zhongyu didn't have any feelings for Guo Caijie, but he was familiar with this woman. Although he had never met Gu Zhongyu before, he still acted like good friends and joined their chat.

"Mr. Gu, your name is Zhong Yu. It sounds so good! Just like the male protagonist in an idol drama. Did your parents name it?"

"Well, Zhong is the ranking. Bo Zhong and Uncle Ji, I am ranked second. The character "Yu" is used as my name. I hope that I will have a broad mind and lofty ambitions."

"So cultured!" Guo Caijie covered her mouth and looked shocked.

Guo Biting looked like his account was offline, so he sat blankly next to them. He would laugh when he heard something funny, and he would remain silent at other times.

"Are you still used to filming in the mainland, Biting?"

"Fortunately, the filming conditions here are better than ours, but I have a lot of kittens left in Wanwan, and I miss them a bit."

This young lady is really a cat slave, even more filial than Sissi.

"That's it! Then when you arrive in Yanjing another day, I will give you a kitten." Thinking of the fact that Liu Yufei's family has a lot of kittens, it would be a pity not to use them.

Automatic cat lifting machine—Fairy Sister!

When he heard that there was a kitten, Guo Biting was stunned: "Is it the baby born by the big fat cat that often appears on your Weibo? It's so cute with that big face."

Guo Caijie began to feel a little unhappy when she saw that Gu Zhongyu had a cold attitude towards her and was talking happily with Guo Biting.

They are also actresses from Wanwan, why are they treated so differently?

How am I worse than Guo Biting?

"Okay, it's my turn. Let's talk slowly!" Yang Mi saw that it was his turn, so he put on his high heels and got ready to play.

Because Guo Xiaosi is obsessed with so-called fashion details, he requires the actors' clothing and makeup to match the scene. Today, he is filming a fashion show scene, and he requires the protagonists to wear the brand-name high heels and shoes specified by him. Accessories, including for boys.

This afternoon, just this afternoon, Yang Mi just took a fancy to a sweater from the crew, pointed at it and said: I like this sweater very much, sell it to me!

Then Guo Xiaosi smiled charmingly and said: 460,000, cash or credit card?

Gu Zhongyu has never worn a piece of clothing worth 460,000 yuan in his whole life. Although he can afford it, he is just rich, not sick. What kind of sweater is only worth 460,000 yuan?

These props all belong to Guo Xiaosi. The crew members are basically refreshed every day by the "props" Guo Xiaosi brings from home. A piece of clothing that only appears in the movie for a few seconds costs 460,000. , a sweater worn by Chen Xuedong is worth 80,000 yuan.

There are also 790,000 crystal lamps, 1 million handmade carpets bought abroad, 2 million coffee tables and some collected toys...

Gu Zhongyu thought it might be because Guo Xiaosi came from an average family and was much shorter than his peers, so he was often laughed at, so he could only place his feelings and beliefs on luxury goods.

Guo Biting and other leading actors also have to go down to prepare their makeup. They are the ones who will appear soon.

Just when Gu Zhongyu saw that everyone was gone and was about to go out to have some fun, the fun suddenly came to him!

Guo Caijie ran over and asked shyly: "Mr. Gu, here is a new script that Director Guo just gave me. There are some lines in it that I always feel are not in the right mood when I read them. Can you help me read the lines? ?please!"

"Okay! Come on, sit here and I'll help you adjust."

"There are a lot of people here, coming and going, which affects the sense of immersion! Moreover, this is a conversation between the male and female protagonists when no one is around, so it is best just the two of us."

Why are there so many things? I don’t think your director’s requirements are very high. I was a few feet away from the lines Ke Zhengxi just said, but I still couldn’t hear a single word clearly, let alone that sub-Wanwan accent. Guo Xiaosi didn’t give it to me either. Have you passed?

It is already a consensus in the domestic entertainment industry that Hong Kong and Taiwan actors cannot speak Mandarin well. Even those who have been filming in mainland China for more than ten or twenty years still cannot change it, or are unwilling to change it.

For example, the famous Heavenly Banquet group worked hard all day long. They took a certificate every time they filmed a movie. After filming an action movie, they became masters of XX lines. As a result, every time it came time to say their lines, that The tone of voice makes people feel that they are acting out.

Guo Caijie looked at Gu Zhongyu and didn't seem to understand her hint, so she had the courage to lean into his ear and say: "There is no one in my dressing room, let's go there and edit the lines!"

Are you... right? Is this a serious line?

Although he felt that it was inappropriate for a man and a woman to live together in the same room, how could Gu Zhongyu, who was a good teacher, have the heart to refuse the reasonable request of a young actress who wanted to make progress?

After giving instructions to Xiao Bailu and asking her to keep watch outside, the two of them entered Guo Caijie's dressing room one after another.

"Suck feels so good!"

Bai Lu opened a can of fat house happy water and began to drink it. Recently, her boss has begun to restrict her diet. She is not allowed to drink high-sugar drinks like fat house water. She can only drink it secretly while on guard.

"Where is your boss?"

Yang Mi, who returned from work, looked for a long time but did not see Gu Zhongyu. He only saw his assistant sitting here slacking off.

"Uh... the boss went out for something and will be back later."

"Going out? I see his car is still parked at the door of the crew? It's almost dark. Is he going to that little goblin?"

Because Yang Mi and Bai Lu had been together for two months when filming "Ball Lightning", they had a very good relationship. Yang Mi knew that this little girl knew a lot of Gu Zhongyu's secrets and had no taboos when talking.

"I don't know, sister Mi. The boss never reports to me where he goes. Besides, you... can find it yourself!"

Yang Mi also noticed at this time that the position where Bai Lu was sitting just happened to be able to see the dressing room opposite.

Guo Xiaosi is "striving for perfection" in terms of costumes and props, so the dressing rooms of each leading actor are completely separated, and they are not in the same place. Yang Mi took a closer look. Isn't that Guo Caijie's room?

"Thank you, Xiao Bailu."

"I didn't say anything, Sister Mi Mi!"

Bailu knew that Yang Mi and Gu Zhongyu had a close relationship, so she dared to give her a hint. If other women came to ask, she would have to stop them even if she died.

Yang Mi walked to the door of Guo Caijie's dressing room, put her ear on the door and listened. Sure enough, the sound inside was as intense as she thought.

You can do it, Guo Caijie!

I asked you to play Gu Li, but I didn't expect you to be more unreasonable than Gu Li!

The props I bought here haven't come in handy yet, and you actually got there first. Do you want me to drink your foot washing water?

Seeing that there was no one around, she slammed the door and shouted, "Hey, hey, hey! Guo Caijie, are you in there? Director Guo and the whole crew are looking for you everywhere. You're in the next scene. Why are you hiding here and sleeping?"

After she finished speaking, she heard a series of ping-pong sounds inside, as if something was knocked to the ground.

Not long after, Guo Caijie, with disheveled hair, carefully opened the door and saw that only Yang Mi was there. She asked in confusion, "Didn't I finish my scenes today? Was it added temporarily?"

"Oh, sorry, I remembered it wrong. It's tomorrow. Why are you catching up on sleep in there? Take me with you!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't sleep well last night. guys should go home first. No need to wait for me., I'll be out soon."

After that, she closed the door.

Awesome, sister!

Yang Mi waited outside for more than ten minutes before the dressing room door was reopened. Guo Caijie, who was dressed neatly, came out first and bumped into Yang Mi's ambiguous smile.

" haven't left yet?"

Please give me monthly tickets, gentlemen

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