Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 235 It's my turn to lie down this time

"Otherwise... your dressing room has many functions."

"I just asked Mr. Gu to help me rehearse the lines." Guo Caijie tried to argue.

"Then your voices were loud enough, I could hear you from such a long distance..." Before she finished speaking, Guo Caijie immediately reached out and covered Yang Mi's mouth.

"I beg you, sister Mi, stop talking, and keep it a secret for me, okay?"

Yang Mi pushed Guo Caijie's hand away: "Don't call me sister, you are a few months older than me! Why hasn't Gu Zhongyu come out yet, is he going to die soon?"

"He...his shirt and coat are dirty, and I can't fit the men's clothes in the fitting room, so I'm going to come out to get him some clothes."

"Dirty? You guys are quite playful! Okay, you should go wash your face first, I'll find him some clothes." Guo Caijie also knew that her face was not right now, so she said thank you and left quickly.

Yang Mi took an unopened suit from another actor's dressing room and walked into the dressing room.

As soon as he entered the door, wow!

Those who knew would think that two people were "rehearsing lines" in there, and those who didn't know would think that someone had robbed the place!

All the racks for hanging clothes were put down on the ground, and bottles and jars of various cosmetics were scattered everywhere. These were all big-name products! Guo Caijie will have to pay a lot of money this time.

Gu Zhongyu was wearing a vest on his upper body, and his clothes were on the ground, wrinkled and sticky. When he saw Yang Mi walking in, he asked with a strange look on his face, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to give you clothes! You are really good. You can play so crazy in other people's crews. You are also a lewd actress. Be careful not to get any bad habits."

Yang Mi made a rather vicious black of Guo Caijie. It seems that sisters in this era are also plastic besties. The friendship has already capsized before the movie was finished.

Gu Zhongyu put on new clothes and said in a somewhat embarrassed way: "I said she forced me, do you believe it?"

"I believe it!"

"Really? When did you become so easy to trust people?"

Yang Mi looked him up and down and said disdainfully: "Just imagine, there is a big eel like you in the entertainment industry, your family is rich and powerful, you are talented and can make money, you are handsome, your physical fitness is also very good, and most importantly, your personality is also very good. At least you will give some rewards after sleeping with female stars, and you will not be a freeloader. Isn't it normal for these goblins to rush to you?"

Gu Zhongyu was a little embarrassed by these words. How can he be so good at praising people!

"Since I am so outstanding, why didn't you rush to me before?"

Da Mi Mi said very frankly that because we are too familiar with each other, she was embarrassed to do it.

"So you're so embarrassed to do it now? It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other, or just here..."

"Go away, I don't want it! You're all covered in the smell of Guo Caijie's barbecue. Go wash it off for me, and I'll take you to the movies tonight."


After work in the evening, Yang Mi drove to pick up Gu Zhongyu. She was wearing a black windbreaker, black constellation stockings and mid-calf boots. I didn't recognize the brand. It seems that Yang Mi's preference for stockings in this time and space seems to have started very early.

In fact, Yang Mi's legs are not long, but they are well-proportioned.

Since she endorsed a pantyhose brand, Yang Mi has appeared in more and more black stockings, especially all kinds of black transparent stockings, which have basically been worn by Yang Mi. If she didn't have a hot body and chopstick legs, she wouldn't be so willful.

Facing such a seductive Yang Mi, Gu Zhongyu could only express his approval of her style by drilling wood to make fire.

"Stop touching me! I'm about to catch fire." Facing Gu Zhongyu's constant harassment in the car, Yang Mi's patience has almost reached the critical point.

"The weather is getting colder, my hands are cold, I want to warm them up! What, you are right to wear black stockings and not let people touch them?"

"I don't understand why you men are so perverted, why can't you walk when you see a beautiful woman wearing black stockings? If you like it so much, just wear a pair yourself!"

I'm not sleepy when you talk about this.

He popularized science for Yang Mi: "Hey! You're right, stockings were invented by King Louis XIV of France, including high heels. This thing was originally for men to wear. Who said that wearing stockings can modify leg shape, prevent varicose veins, and prevent edema and thickening!"

"You are very proficient in this kind of knowledge, who knows if it's true or not."

However, after hearing that wearing stockings can prevent legs from getting thicker, Yang Mi believed it a little. She has been wearing them every day recently, and it seems to have a slimming effect on her legs.

Looking at Yang Mi's legs, Gu Zhongyu shook his head helplessly. Xixi was very bad in this regard. She didn't listen to advice. No matter how she was fooled, she refused to wear stockings. When she wore them occasionally, they were either pink or gray. There was no soul at all. Her aesthetic level was not as good as her mother's.

Only black stockings were considered orthodox stockings, and other colors were all heresy!

It was not popular to buy movie tickets online at this time. Yang Mi took Gu Zhongyu to a relatively remote movie theater to buy tickets on the spot.

November was a relatively off-season for movies. There were not many good movies to choose from, including "Cold War", "Floating City", "Taken 2", "Total Recall" and the first half of "Twilight 4: Breaking Dawn" which was about to be taken off the shelves.

Gu Zhongyu actually wanted to watch "Chill", which is cold, restrained, meticulous and reflective... This movie has the momentum and flavor of "The Dark Knight" to a certain extent. The script, director, editing, soundtrack and many actors are all awesome , the most handsome Hong Kong movie in recent years.

And what is very groundbreaking is that it no longer tells the story of police and gangsters or the grievances of the world, but the perspective is placed within the police force. It is really rare to be able to shoot it so beautifully. gas

The quality is even better than that of Infernal Affairs. The line is laid out large enough and the advancement is relaxed and powerful. It can be regarded as bold and careful. It's rare that a Hong Kong police anti-corruption film can be filmed in such a Hollywood style. Although there are still many bugs, isn't there a sequel?

As for the third part... this thing will probably never be filmed.

But he had no choice but to follow him, the National People's Congress, who had just pulled out his legs from the Hong Kong Circle! Now I don't even feel comfortable wearing the poster of the Hong Kong movie, so I decided to drag Gu Zhongyu to watch "The Twilight Saga 4".

This bloody boring love between man and vampire!

The heroine goes from the ordinary girl in the first part → the nympho girl → the girl who plays with werewolves and vampires → the married woman → the dissatisfied young woman → the pregnant woman → the old pregnant woman → the mummy → the vampire, this is the life of the heroine Bella.

But this kind of brainless Mary Sue movie can still sweep the global box office. Who can explain it?

Gu Zhongyu fell asleep while watching it, but Yang Mi watched it with gusto. From time to time, she would ask him to comment or compare who was more beautiful between her and the actress Christine.

"The last time I saw Christine in the United States, she was far worse than you. She was dressed like a tomboy, and her front teeth looked like that kangaroo's sperm."

Yang Mi asked in surprise: "Really or not? In that case, aren't you going to make a co-production with the American Emperor? Will you consider me as the female lead?"

Then she saw Gu Zhongyu shaking his head like a rattle!

"My heroine has been decided a long time ago. She is a local actress from the United States. We cannot change her. Now we just need a director."

"Asshole! Can the actress you are looking for compare with me?" Yang Mi straightened her chest, trying to show her broad mind.

Gu Zhongyu lowered his head and took a look. He was sure that in terms of mind, Alexandra was definitely above the big power!

This is not a matter of power, she has already worked very hard, and there is no need to reflect. This wave was completely lost due to differences in race.

Although "The Twilight Saga 4" was about to be released, apart from them, there was another pair of crazy men and women in the cinema, sitting in the front row, and looking back at them from time to time.

Seeing the concerns of the young couple, Gu Zhongyu shouted at the top of his voice: Guys in front of you, do whatever you want! I've been holding it in for a long time. Can we both stop pretending to be big-tailed wolves?

Yang Mi gave him a hard elbow, "You're going to die!" What should we do if someone recognizes us?

The boy in the front row turned his head in surprise, and met Gu Zhongyu's expectant eyes.

After checking their eyes, they are all the same LSP people!

At this time, the movie progressed to the wedding night after the marriage of the male protagonist Edward and the female protagonist Bella. I don’t know what the movie wanted to express. It was obviously the sublimation of the love between the male and female protagonists, but the result was like a TM Husky tearing down a house. of!

When will we know each other when we miss each other? It is embarrassing at this time and this night.

Sure enough, the dog man and woman in the front row soon started to bite each other. How could Gu Zhongyu show weakness? He forced the powerful head of the man to point it at him, bit it down, and started a breath-holding contest!

Last time in Hengdian, Tianxian insisted on holding his breath with him, but this time it was Gu Zhongyu who forced him to hold his breath with the big power. What a reincarnation!

Young people are always full of energy and refuse to admit defeat, so that no one knows when the movie will end.

"I...I'm a little dizzy!"

As soon as the movie ended, the man couldn't stand. It seemed that his brain was deprived of oxygen due to the long kiss. Fortunately, the woman held him in time to prevent him from falling to the ground.

Brother, my health is not very good. I need to exercise more in the future.

In fact, Yang Mi was a little dizzy now and felt that she had no strength left in her body, so she uncharacteristically snuggled into Gu Zhongyu's arms like a little woman.

"I'm a little dizzy too. Don't rush back. There's a park nearby and there's no one around. Let's go out and enjoy the breeze!"

The weather in the Magic City was still relatively cold today, and there was a breeze again at night. Gu Zhongyu was okay, he was rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so he was not afraid at all, but the big power curled up into a ball and hid in his arms, daring not to come out. It seemed that As if afraid of being blown by the wind.

It’s strange that this big girl is wearing such a long windbreaker, and the material doesn’t look thin!

There were really no people near the park not far from the cinema, and the location itself was remote. After they walked a little further, they soon couldn't even see the street lights. It seemed that the construction here hadn't been completed yet.

Yang Mi looked around, and after confirming that no one was there, he took off the mask and hat that concealed his identity, and held Gu Zhongyu's hand tightly.

"Today is probably the only time since we two met that it feels a bit like a date as a couple."

"Then do you feel happy?"

Yang Mi nodded first, then shook it, with a gloomy expression: "If you hadn't been with Guo Caijie in the afternoon, I would be in a better mood at night."

This sentence silenced Gu Zhongyu.

Because he was still in the same state of mind when he and Yang Mi talked about everything and exchanged tips on picking up girls, and had not completely changed, so he never took this scumbag behavior seriously, nor did he think about covering it up.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Gu Zhongyu noticed that there was a small forest in front of him. It could be seen that it was well-kept and there were no weeds. So he looked at Yang Mi with a smile and said, "Do you want to go to the small forest together?"


Da Mi Mi felt the temperature of Gu Zhongyu's palm, and a childlike smile appeared on her originally depressed face, which seemed a bit inconsistent with her mature and charming face.

"What do you want to do? Want to bully me?"

"I'm overthinking it. There's no one around now. If I want to bully you, do I still need to pick the right place?"

Then Gu Zhongyu took Yang Mi's hand and entered the woods. Fortunately, it was autumn and there were no mosquitoes. The woods were very quiet and peaceful except for the occasional chirping of insects and birds.

In this situation, Gu Zhongyu was a little ready to make a move, but then Yang Mi muttered in his ear: "Do you remember that I promised you before that I would give you a completely unexpected surprise? Now it's..."

Although I don’t know why you speak so quietly, after all, there is no one around here. Maybe it is more appropriate to talk about this topic at such a low volume, right?

After listening, Gu Zhongyu looked at Yang Mi in disbelief. No wonder she was so afraid of the cold since she first went out!

Is it such a big deal?

Da Mi Mi looked at Gu Zhongyu's stunned look and felt very satisfied. Then he smiled mysteriously and put his hand on the knot of his windbreaker...


Half an hour later, an old man passed by the grove on his bicycle, carrying a vegetable basket in his hand and happily humming the songs of their time.


The uncle noticed the figure in the woods, and then shook his head. Today's young people are really becoming less and less ethical!

Peeing in the woods? What a moral failure!

Because he had to go home in a hurry, otherwise he would have to teach him a lesson during the weekdays. The uncle continued to ride forward, and when he was almost out of sight of the grove, he looked back.

Oh, are you still peeing? The kidneys are good,'s so good to be young!

After a long time, after fertilizing the land, the two of them emerged from the grove again. Now Da Mi Mi was really out of strength and could not stand firmly, so she asked Gu Zhong Yu to carry her on his back.

"Do you still remember that you carried me like this last time?"

"Remember, that time you climbed to the top of the Jade Emperor of Mount Tai! I carried you on your back all the way up the mountain, so that your waist was not broken from fatigue, and you lay down for a long time."

Da Mi Mi sighed with emotion: "Yes! But this time it may be me who is going to lie down. You are not allowed to go there tomorrow. Just stay at home and serve me, otherwise all your limbs will be discounted for you, do you hear me?"

"Yes! Yang Function."

Yang Mi knocked Gu Zhongyu on the head: "Don't call me Yang Function, call me Queen!"

"Yes, Queen Yang Function!"

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