"what do you want to say?"

Tang Yan picked up a pile of photos and threw them in front of her boyfriend Qiu Ze. These photos were promised to him by Gu Zhongyu before. They were all obtained from Zhuo Wei, and they were all the latest information.

In the photos, Qiuze is hugging a middle-aged woman who looks to be about ten or twenty years older than him. The first few photos show the two of them rubbing their hair together and whispering to each other, making them look very intimate. The latter photos are even more so. It’s so eye-catching that the two of them seemed to be interacting on the sofa!

Qiu Ze looked at the photos in front of him, sweating on his forehead. He didn't expect that everything he did in such a private occasion would be photographed. The paparazzi nowadays are so pervasive.

"Tangtang, please listen to my explanation. That woman is an investor, and I was forced by the brokerage company to accompany her for drinks. It was completely the old woman's active harassment, and I could only passively accept it!"

"Do you really think I'm a fool? The person who gave me the photo told me the name of the woman. She was a local rich woman, not an investor at all. At this point, you are still lying to me?"

The heartbroken Tang Yan didn't expect that Qiu Ze was still trying to lie to her. If he took the initiative to admit his mistakes and ask for forgiveness at this time, saying that he would not do it again in the future, then Tang Yan might give him another chance. Now it seems that there is no need.

Even if she beat Tang Yan to death, she would never fall in love with drama again. None of these men in the entertainment industry are good!

"Let's break up, this is the best ending for us!"

"Tangtang! I beg you, this time it's me who is obsessed with you. I will never associate with these women again."

Qiuze never expected that Tangtang, who had always been controlled by him, would act so decisively this time. As a love prodigal, he felt that he had always had a strong control over women. He did not expect that this time Tang Yan would take the initiative and even Evidence was left behind, which completely panicked him.

"Don't worry, I won't make these photos public, as long as we all break up decently."

Qiuze was silent for a long time before he said, "Then we both have to post on Weibo at the same time to announce our peaceful breakup, and no one is allowed to mention the other's fault."

He knew that this relationship was irreparable, and what he had to do now was to stop the losses in time and not let these photos affect his future acting career.

At this point, Tang Yan didn't forget to worry about everything. Tang Yan also saw through this man and nodded in agreement.

Why! Fortunately, the two established a relationship not long ago, and they broke it off. Tang Yan was surprised as to why Gu Zhongyu knew so much about his ex-boyfriend's private life, and why he enthusiastically gave her the photos.

Could it be that... Gu Zhongyu is also making plans of his own?

This made Tang Yan suddenly feel like she had just emerged from the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den again...


"Come on~ah~"

"Yeah~ baaaaaaaaaaaaah~" Gu Zhongyu ate the glutinous rice balls in his mouth, enjoying the powerful feeding while watching the football game on TV. How comfortable life is!

Of course, it would be better if the men's football team on TV wasn't losing all the time.

Stop calling it the men's football team, change it to "Special Losers", forget it, play like a Southeast Asian monkey, and get beaten 3-0 at home, will you guys be able to play?

I have sworn a poisonous oath. If the men's football team does not reach the World Cup and win the championship, I will not get married for one day. I think you bastards just want me to be single for the rest of my life!

Seeing that another goal was scored, Gu Zhongyu finally couldn't help but roared: "RNM! Refund the money!"

"What are you yelling about? You didn't buy a ticket, how can you get a refund?"

I almost forgot, the meme about refunding money hasn’t appeared yet!

If given the chance, Gu Zhongyu would like to set up a football club for fun, not to make money, but simply to feel proud.

Gu Zhongyu and Yang Mi have been living in the house he bought in Magic City for the past two days. He didn't even look at the room Guo Xiaosi booked for him, and he stopped going to the "Little Times" crew to avoid going back to The Hobbit. Use him as a gimmick to create hype.

These days, Da Mi Mi is filming during the day and comes here to serve Gu Daguan at night, making him so happy that he doesn't even want to go home.

"Hey! How are the ratings of your "Chang'an Twelve Hours"?"

"It has been hovering between 2.9 and 3.3, and it will end in two days. It will probably be around 3.5!"

"so tall?"

The 2011 Yangma ratings champion "Happiness Knocks on the Door" had a ratings of 3.40% in its finale. Nowadays, traditional TV stations are in decline. The ratings are getting worse year by year. I didn't expect this drama to surpass last year's ratings. ratings champion.

It's a pity that this kind of success cannot be replicated. After 2016, the ratings of Yangma did not even make it to the national list. The same goes for other TV stations. There has never been a work with a ratings of more than 3.

As long as it has a ratings of about 2.5, it can basically win the annual ratings championship. After all, young people watch dramas on their mobile phones. Who would bother to watch the TV set?

Therefore, Zongheng Film and Television will start to focus on online dramas. The first thing to do is to produce the classic work "Remaining Crime" in the era of online dramas. Otherwise, in a few years, the trend will tighten, and this drama will not be able to be filmed. Broadcast.

The male protagonist Yu Zui is still Zhang Yishan. The wretched image of this student was born for the role of Yu Zui. From now on, any works he performs will not be able to break through this.

There is also the role of the heroine Big Bear Sister Lin Yujing. In fact, if possible, he would like to play the role of Da Mi Mi. Apart from anything else, in terms of figure, she can definitely be regarded as acting in her true colors.

He began to look at Yang Mi carefully.

Yang Mi was frightened by Gu Zhongyu's eyes, and looked at him with a vigilant face: "What do you want to do now? Don't come again, even if you are farming, you have to leave it fallow!"

"There is a heroine in my company's new play who wants to give you a discount, what do you think?"

"Are you playing the male lead in the new play? A costume drama or..."

"Not me, the male lead is tentatively scheduled to be Zhang Yishan, a crime-themed web drama."

When Yang Mi heard that the male lead was not Gu Zhongyu, she lost interest, and with the word "web drama", she was even more reluctant to take it.

After all, web dramas are still synonymous with low-quality goods. They are basically small workshop companies with a few male and female protagonists, and can be shot with a DV.

"Mao Pian", the web drama with the best reputation at present, is a typical example. It has a Douban score of 9 points. The crew is super poor and super young, the editing is sophisticated and American, and the script is carefully localized. It can be said that Haagen-Dazs was made with the money of a popsicle.

Unfortunately, no one buys this Haagen-Dazs. This drama has a good reputation, but its commercial value is very low. Not only is there no sponsorship from advertisers, but it is also of no benefit to the male and female actors. They are the same before and after the performance.

Gu Zhongyu once thought about remaking this drama, but he later thought carefully that if "Mao Pian" was really replaced with a big investment, it might not be good.

The same is true for the actors. If a bunch of handsome and beautiful professional actors are found, it will only reduce the authenticity and down-to-earthness of the drama.

So Gu Zhongyu chose to give up the wool of this poor crew.

"Let's not talk about whether your web drama is reliable or not. Zhang Yishan is 6 years younger than me! What would it be like for me and him to play the male and female protagonists!"

I don't believe you!

In the later "The 28th Law of Love", when you and Xu Kai, who is ten years younger than you, played a couple, you were so happy! Your mouth was almost grinning behind your ears when you smiled.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that around 2020, the 85 flowers have generally started to play sister-brother relationships, and basically all the male protagonists in the play are new generation young handsome men. I don’t know whether it is because the female stars born in the 90s and 00s are too disappointing, or the 85 flowers are too good.

"This web drama is not ordinary. It may be a hit in the year of broadcast. Let me tell you the general plot first..."

Gu Zhongyu simply told Yang Mi about the script of Yu Zui and the differences from other web dramas, and how much bonus it will have for actors after broadcasting, hoping to impress Da Mimi to take on this drama.

Yang Mi listened to his explanation patiently, thought about it seriously, and still shook his head.

"I guarantee that this drama will be popular, but you don't believe it?"

She shook her head again and explained, "I believe you, but this drama is really not very beneficial to me. After thinking it over, I decided not to take it."


"This is a male-dominated drama, and the most outstanding one is the male lead Yu Zui. I am now a first-line actress. How can I play a supporting role for Zhang Yishan, who is less famous and less famous than me? And I am also a boss now. I have to consider more for my artists. Can you let me bring the actors from Jiaxing to participate in the show together?"

Gu Zhongyu didn't expect that this time, Yang Mi was sober and took into account many things he didn't expect.

Could it be... this is the sage state of a woman?

But what Yang Mi said this time really makes sense. The influence of the drama "Palace" is already great enough. "Yu Zui" is an opportunity for other small actors, but it is a chicken rib for Yang Mi. It's a pity to throw it away.

Okay, okay, it's still the original actor Wu Youlai, and it can save some pay.

Speaking of the topic of TV series, Yang Mi suddenly remembered that he asked Gu Zhongyu to come here to get his script for free. How come he got it before he got it?

So Yang Mi started to pester Gu Zhongyu for the script and threatened that if he didn't give it to him, he would suffocate him with a bear!

Is this a threat or a reward?

"I knew you had ulterior motives in serving me these days. Hey, I'm really a love-brained person!"

"Don't talk nonsense, just give it to me."

Luckily, Gu Zhongyu was well prepared. He started by playing a guessing game with Yang Mi: "Tell me, besides Luo Qingchuan and Lin Yun, which role of yours impressed the audience the most?"

"Xue Jian from The Legend of Sword and Fairy III?"

"Bingo! The script I gave you for your first success this time is related to this!"

Yang Mi was overjoyed: "Did you get the copyright of The Legend of Sword and Fairy from old lady Cai?"

"You're dreaming. Even if Tang Ren is so poor that he has to sell his pants, he won't give the copyright to anyone else."

As early as after The Legend of Sword and Fairy became a success, Tang Ren bought the rights to adapt the entire series of films and TV series from Globe Entertainment. Tang Ren has always regarded it as a treasure at the bottom of his box. Every time the company's performance began to decline, he would choose to remake The Legend of Sword and Fairy. This trick has been tried and tested.

The Legend of Sword and Fairy 1 and 3 directly brought out the four beauties of the Legend of Sword and Fairy and Hu Ge, creating the youth memories of a generation. These people were still the most popular star group in the domestic entertainment industry until Gu Zhongyu traveled through time.

This situation continued until 2016. Because the development of Tang Ren's company was becoming increasingly sluggish, he rebuilt and raised the banner of remaking the Legend of Sword and Fairy. Unexpectedly, this remake was a direct flop!

The ratings were a complete failure, and the reputation was also very bad. The glory of the Legend of Sword and Fairy series is no longer there. Even the departure of the two main stars of the company at that time, Nazha and Jin Chen, had a lot to do with the failure of this drama.

In addition, because Tang Ren did not discuss with Dahua Company when adapting the mobile game of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", the two sides had a copyright dispute. After going to court, Tang Ren lost the case, and the copyright of the adaptation of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" that had been held for more than ten years returned to Dahua Company.

Dahua later sold the copyright to Penguin. By 2023, the new version of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" has been remade. It seems that even Penguin is superstitious about the star-making ability of the IP of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Yang Mi asked unhappily: "Are you fooling me? Then why do you say that this script is related to "The Legend of Sword and Fairy?"

"Stupid! Can the game adaptation only be "The Legend of Sword and Fairy"? Have you heard of "Gu Jian Qi Tan"? "

Yang Mi was excited when she heard about "Gu Jian Qi Tan". She had also played this game. If there was no "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", it would be good to be able to remake Gu Jian. She put her arm around Gu Zhongyu's neck and asked: "Did you buy the copyright of "Gu Jian Qi Tan" as well?"

"No! Why would I buy so many copyrights for nothing? Do you think I'm a money-spending boy?"

"You... didn't How can you let me shoot if I have the copyright? Are you still fooling me! "

"So I asked you to buy the copyright! As far as I know, the copyright of this game has not been sold yet. You go and negotiate now. After you buy it, I can provide you with the script. "

"No! This is your suggestion. Of course you go to buy it. My cash flow is so tight now! I have to open a new company, invest in movies, and support the company's newcomers. Is it easy for me?"

When it comes to money, the thrifty and stingy big Mi Mi comes back. That mercenary face looks like a profiteer!

But you are smart, and I am not stupid.

Gu Zhongyu immediately said: It is not impossible for me to buy it. The TV series will be a cooperation between the two companies, and the profit will be divided into 30% and 70%.

"Why only 70% for me?" Yang Mi was very dissatisfied with this distribution ratio.

"Seventy percent is mine! Thirty percent is only because you have worked hard for me these days, otherwise I will let Zongheng make it independently."

"Hey! My money is your money! Why do you have to calculate it so clearly with others?"

Seeing that Gu Zhongyu showed his true colors, Yang Mi quickly started to act like a spoiled child.

Helpless, Gu Zhongyu, who was in the sage state, refused to be persuaded, so Yang Mi had to use her trump card - I will bite you to death!

Gu Zhongyu was very afraid of pain, and blood flowed from her bite. Finally, under personal threat, he reluctantly agreed to split the money 50-50.

In fact, he didn't care about this little money, and it was no problem to produce it with full funding. The main thing was that he was afraid that Yang Mi would be short of money in the future, and she would go to play against those big capitals again in a fit of anger. In that case, she would still follow the old path of her previous life.

Thanks to the reader for the 200 points of reward, thank you for your support

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