Originally, he planned to continue resting in Shanghai for a few days, but a sudden phone call disrupted Gu Zhongyu's original plan.

The caller was Li Sisi, who was looking for him because he had proposed to invite him to participate in the 14th China-Korea Song Festival last time.

The China-Korea Song Festival is a large-scale multinational pop music festival jointly launched by CCTV and KBS TV in Korea since 1999. It is held alternately in China and South Korea every year, with the purpose of enhancing the friendship between the two countries and deepening cultural exchanges and cooperation through music. In previous China-Korea Song Festivals, both China and South Korea sent their top singers to appear, with a strong lineup. It reflects the highest level of pop music in the two countries and the highest level of singer development.

Because Gu Zhongyu had written some songs before, and even had a little fame in Han Country, CCTV naturally thought of inviting him.

In the first few years after his debut, Gu Zhongyu did release several albums to catch up with the popularity, but he has not written many songs in recent years, just for fun, so he wanted to refuse at first.

But he couldn't resist the invitation of CCTV and Li Sisi's pleading. He thought that he had nothing to do anyway, so he just went on stage and sang a few songs.

And the venue of this time was still in the territory of Han Country, so he could have some fun and enjoy the thigh dance of the aunties.

Anyway, it would not be held for many sessions. After 2015, let alone the China-Korea Song Festival, even Korean dramas would not be able to enter the mainland, and there would basically be no chance to play in Bangzi.

Later, he simply left a few days earlier, because after the performance list of the China-Korea Song Festival was reported to the Korean side, SBS TV invited him to participate in the interview and discuss cooperation.

It just so happened that Gu Zhongyu also wanted to see if he could introduce several TV series of the company to Han Country, and everyone hit it off.

So he had to leave the warm embrace of Da Mi Mi and turned around to run to the origin of the universe with Xiao Bailu.


"Boss! Have you been to Han Country before? Was it fun?"

"Of course I have been, but it was basically for work. Don't have any beautiful fantasies about Han Country, especially Seoul. There are no handsome guys on the streets, no dreamy streets, and it's not even as clean and tidy as Shanghai!"

"This... is it?"

Bai Lu always wanted to be a trainee in Han Country before. If she hadn't been rejected, she would be in Seoul now.

When looking at Han Country, Chinese girls always have a filter, thinking that this is a paradise for idol dramas, a wholesale market for handsome guys and beautiful girls, and a dream harbor for becoming famous overnight.

But there are so many trainees in Han Country every year, and how many of them can really become famous? The four sons or five beauties who returned to China are all from wealthy families and have found capital to support them. The final fate of most trainees is to be squeezed out by the agency and then kicked out.

Luckily, the cheerful Bai Lu didn't become a trainee, otherwise she might have been ruined, and she would definitely not be as cute as she is now.

"If I have time, I'll take you to Neon, maybe you can learn some skills."

In fact, if he could choose, Gu Zhongyu would rather go to Neon on business, but the people in Xiaozizi are too exclusive, and there is no chance of cooperation at all.

You can't just go there to see Xiaozizi's actresses, customs streets, and hot springs where men and women bathe together, right?

It seems... it's not impossible!

"Technology? What technology?"

"Ahem... Of course I learn technology from the teachers. Talk less and catch up on your sleep. I'm going to the bathroom."

Just when Bai Lu was still thinking about what technology she needed to learn in Neon, she soon saw Gu Zhongyu coming out of the bathroom and met a girl, and then the two started chatting.

Who is this?

"Teacher Gu, what a coincidence! Are you going to Hanguo too?"

Isn't this nonsense? The plane is not a bus. Can it stop halfway and let him go? Or, can he jump down with a parachute on his back and eat chicken in the middle of the journey?

Of course, since this girl looks pretty good, I'll forgive her nonsense.

"Yes, who are you?"

Gu Zhongyu felt very familiar with this girl, but he just couldn't remember her name for a moment.

The girl seemed very happy and excited to be able to talk to Gu Zhongyu. She bowed to Gu Zhongyu and then began to introduce herself: "Hello, Teacher Gu, my name is Zhang Bichen, from Tianjin, and I am your loyal fan."

Oh, no wonder she looked familiar, it turned out to be Zhang Bichen, the famous female singer, the champion of the third season of The Voice of China, and one of the initiators of "We Have a Child"!

At this time, Zhang Bichen had just debuted and participated in the singing competition of the "K-POP World Festival" in the Tianchao region hosted by KBS. She won the championship of the region by singing the episode "Time Travel" of the Korean drama "The Moon Embracing the Sun", which was also a little famous.

Why am I like a female celebrity magnet? I can always meet female celebrities wherever I go?

Rather than saying it's a chance encounter, it's more likely that the other party is waiting for me

Because it's no secret that Gu Zhongyu is going to Han Country. Both the Central Bank and Han Country have announced the list of participants from both sides. If someone wants to find out which flight he is on, it's not difficult.

If I remember correctly, it seems that Zhang Bichen was famous for his "private fan" behavior before he became famous, so it's normal for him to find out Gu Zhongyu's whereabouts.

(The so-called illegitimate fans refer to those crazy, blind, and irrational star chasers who will track, voyeur, secretly photograph, and harass their favorite celebrities, affecting their normal lives)

At this time, Zhang Bichen felt a little nervous: she finally had this opportunity to talk to Gu Zhongyu, and she happened to be going to Han Country, so why not create an "accidental encounter"?

She purposely bought Gu Zhongyu's flight information from some groups that sold celebrities' travel records, which led to today's encounter on the plane.

Although Haeun Entertainment, the Korean agency, has expressed the intention to sign her, she is a Chinese native after all and will have to return to China sooner or later.

Being able to establish a good relationship with Gu Zhongyu, the boss of Zongheng Entertainment, in advance would be a huge benefit without any harm!

Gee, all I can say is that she is indeed a girl who can become famous in the cold country and still prosper after returning to the country.

The other person said that he was his fan, so Gu Zhongyu naturally wanted to politely chat with him for a few words. He just happened to be bored on the plane.

Xiao Bailu looked at the two of them angrily. She wanted to get to the bottom of it and ask her boss what technology he wanted her to learn!

She even thought about hooking up with her boss to relieve his boredom under the infinite beauty of 10,000 meters high! After all, the two of them had just unlocked the map of the mountains and wild areas not long ago, and now they are traveling thousands of miles in the sky. Isn't that quite romantic?

It can only be said that the current Bailu is too deeply polluted by Gu Zhongyu. This kind of thing is just a word, how can it be romantic?

Now she saw that Gu Zhongyu had gone to see other girls, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

In a fit of anger... she asked the flight attendant for a cup of happy water and potato chips, turning her grief and anger into appetite.


There were quite a few empty seats on this plane. Gu Zhongyu found a place, sat down and started chatting with Zhang Bichen.

Only then did Gu Zhongyu find out that Zhang Bichen was selected by the head of the KBS Hallyu Promotion Group to participate in the Hanguo music program "Music Bank" when he went to Hanguo this time. Moreover, the other agency's agency also wanted to sign her directly.

Zhang Bichen’s performance in the K-POP World Celebration was really good this time. He went to the Cold Country to participate in the finals as the champion of the Tianchao Division, and also won the second place in the Cold Country finals and the Most Excellent Award.

This is the foreign singer with the best performance in the history of K-POP. Haeun Entertainment then took a fancy to her and wanted Zhang Bichen to join the company's main female singing group Sunny Days.

There were many things in his past life. Gu Zhongyu doesn't remember how long Zhang Bichen stayed in Han Country, but it must not have been long, because in 2014, the girl returned to China to participate in The Voice. It was said that it was because the Korean agency repeatedly violated the contract. , was forced to terminate the contract early.

"Teacher Gu, are you going to Han Country to participate in the Chinese-Korean singing competition this time?" Zhang Bichen asked knowingly.

"Yes, do you plan to stay in the Cold Country to develop after participating in "Music Bank"?"

Zhang Bichen nodded first, but then quickly shook his head and said: "I have this plan, but I haven't made a final decision yet. I went to Han Country this time just to have a detailed communication. If you don't like it, it's better to come back and develop." ”

With a music dream, she doesn't care where she works as long as it gives her room to perform. Now that Korean music is at its peak, Zhang Bichen is naturally attracted to join.

Looking at Zhang Bichen in front of him, this girl was dressed like a hip-hop queen today, with a leather jacket, cropped pants, and underneath the leather jacket she only wore something like a bear wipe.

With her chain bones and lower abdomen exposed... I hope she can maintain this look after getting off the plane. Gu Zhongyu really wants to see how this girl is shivering from the cold in Seoul, where the weather is only over 10 degrees Celsius. !

In his previous life, he always wondered why Zhang Bichen's mouth was always crooked when seen on the screen. But now when he saw it up close, he found that her mouth was not crooked at all. It should be that you need to exert more force when singing, causing your mouth to be a bit skewed. This is a problem of personal singing style. Under normal circumstances, your mouth will not be skewed when speaking.

However, her face shape is a bit too long and too narrow, which may have something to do with being thin. A face shape that is too long will give people a feeling of old age. For example, she may look like she is in her early 30s when she is 18 years old. .

Fortunately, her delicate face and fair complexion make up for this shortcoming. Among the domestic female singers, her appearance is considered acceptable.

She is the kind of little beauty that you can judge by looking at her, and it will not exceed 80 points, but if you were to look for it among ordinary people, it would not be easy to find her right away!

Although they had just met for less than ten minutes, Zhang Bichen was quite familiar with him, and he did not shy away from talking about personal matters with Gu Zhongyu, as if they had known each other for a long time.

"Teacher Gu, do you think I should stay in Han Country?" Zhang Bichen had a smile on his face, looking forward to his opinion.

Gu Zhongyu gave her three words: "Of course not!"


"Because you're not worthy, you won't be able to be a singer anywhere, they will only train you to be a performing girl group!"

I only went to Han Country to be a trainee in 2012. I was a defector to the Fruit Army in 1949. It was like being on a pirate ship, and it was so bad that it was about to sink!

First of all, going to Han Country to be a trainee is not a dead end. At least the Koreans teach singing and dancing. But you have to go there from a young age. Like the four returning sons, they were sent there in their teens to undergo hellish training, and then returned to China to pursue traffic after they became famous. This is also a good way out.

But you are 24 years old this year. Can you still put down your attitude and be scolded like a grandson?

A small trainee is not valued in Han Country. It is normal to be hungry and full. The cruel living conditions in the foreign entertainment industry can drive good people crazy.

Zhang Bichen in the original time and space gritted her teeth and persisted in the closed base for several months. She debuted with several other girls. She thought she could become a big star, but she didn't expect that the company would not only not package and promote her in the promised way, but also treat her as an ordinary girl group member to take those inferior commercial performances.

Because she was disobedient, she was kicked out of the dormitory, and even eating became a problem.

Finally, Zhang Bichen's father went abroad to visit his daughter, and found that the girl was living a miserable life abroad, so he brought her back to China.

Gu Zhongyu briefly analyzed to Zhang Bichen why she was not suitable to stay in Han Country. This time, he did not have any evil thoughts about this girl, but simply did not want to see Chinese people jump into the fire pit of Korean entertainment.

Moreover, this young lady's singing skills are quite good, and he also has the intention of loving talents.

After listening to Gu Zhongyu's words, Zhang Bichen nodded with sudden enlightenment. The authorities were confused. She was not unaware of these pitfalls, but she just didn't think it would happen to her.

It seems that this "chance encounter" is very worthwhile. Not only did she get to know Gu Zhongyu, but he also gave her guidance, allowing her to avoid a detour.

She hugged Gu Zhongyu excitedly, and then gave him a "boo" on the face to express her gratitude!

Through the gap between the seats, Bai Lu saw what Zhang Bichen did, and felt that this woman was really shameless. She kissed a man when they met for the first time!

Are these two like dry wood meeting fire? Do you want to help clear the area for a big fight?

This is on the plane! This should be her chance!

Gu Zhongyu didn't expect this girl to rush to kiss him directly.

At this time, Zhang Bichen also realized that her behavior was a bit inappropriate. Just when she was embarrassed and felt that she couldn't get off the stage, the stewardess passed by the corridor at the right time.

"Hello, the plane is about to arrive. Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt."

"Oh! Got it, thank you!" The two separated and prepared to return to their seats.

Zhang Bichen suddenly thought of something, turned around and said to Gu Zhongyu with a red face: "By the way, Mr. Gu, how is your Korean level?"

"I don't know anything, what's wrong?"

"Then... After getting off the plane, I will be your translator and tour guide! The program recording will start in two days, and I don't have anything to do."


It's hard to refuse the girl's enthusiasm, and it just happens to save the money of finding a tour guide and translator, so why not.

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