Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 238: Overly enthusiastic female singer

After the plane arrived at Seoul Airport, what Gu Zhongyu didn't expect was that even in a foreign country, many fans came to pick him up, and there were quite a few of them, hundreds of them.

A considerable part of the fans who picked him up at the airport were overseas students in the cold country. Of course, there were also some enthusiastic fans who came from China. Gu Zhongyu saw several familiar faces from previous meetings.

There are also many local fans. After all, many of his early costume dramas were broadcast in the Cold Country, and the ratings were quite good. There has always been a certain market for Chinese costume dramas in the Cold Country.

As soon as these girls saw Gu Zhongyu appear, they started screaming like crazy!

"Ahhh! Oppa!"

"Oppa! Saranghey!"

"Oppa! Oppa!"

They were all girls, and many of them were holding various banners and other things in their hands. Some staff members who were not fully aware of the situation were a little confused. Which celebrity is coming?

Fortunately, the people of Han country are used to it, and no matter how crazy star-chasing behavior is, it is not strange.

Zhang Bichen, who was following Gu Zhongyu, looked at the crowd with envy, wondering when he would be able to have fans come to pick him up wherever he went.

After Gu Zhongyu got off the plane, he struggled to pass through the crowd that greeted him. The people who came to pick him up from Han Guo were already waiting outside. An uncle stood respectfully next to the car and waved to him from a distance.

"Hello, President Gu, we finally meet. I am here to greet you, Pei Chengfu, a staff member of KBS TV station."

KBS is the abbreviation of Korea Broadcasting Corporation. Together with MBC and SBS, it is one of the three major wireless TV stations in Korea. It is also one of the organizers of the China-Korea Song Contest.

Just as the translator brought by the other party was about to speak, Zhang Bichen on the side took his job and helped Gu Zhongyu translate the conversation.

"Hello, thank you for your hard work, let's go?"

"Who is this?" Pei Chengfu only remembered that he was picking up two people on the itinerary, so why was there one more person?

Zhang Bichen introduced himself, and the other party recognized that he was the foreign singer who won the runner-up in K-POP this year and was also going to participate in their TV show.

But Zhang Bichen definitely didn't get the pick-up treatment at the airport. Pei Chengfu just glanced at her and stopped paying attention. Instead, he bowed and invited them to get in the car.

"Teacher Gu, I didn't expect you to be so popular in Han Country!" Zhang Bichen hugged Gu Zhongyu's arm as soon as he got in the car, and his envy was beyond words.

"I didn't expect that someone would still remember me even after I haven't been here for two or three years."

This young lady was really proactive, so she hugged him. The other party had clearly arranged for a translator, but she didn't say she was leaving. Was she going to rely on him?

Drive her away! Drive him away!

This is Bai Lu's voice at this time, we don't need you anymore, please go your separate ways, okay?

Since there were many fans following or standing by the road, Pei Chengfu did not dare to drive any faster, so the car could only move forward slowly...

People kept talking to Gu Zhongyu through the window. Due to the language barrier, he couldn't understand what the Hanguo fans were saying, so he had to try to say hello to them in English.

But the Han Kingdom obviously didn't attach as much importance to English as the Celestial Kingdom, and Gu Zhongyu soon discovered that he was talking like a chicken to a duck.

"The cold words are very simple. I can teach you a few words and you can handle it..." Zhang Bichen was about to teach him a few cold words when he saw Gu Zhongyu squinting at her and shut his mouth.

At this moment, Zhang Bichen was still holding his arm and wouldn't let go. How long was this girl planning to hold him? When he gets to the hotel and takes a shower, should she follow him?

Just when Gu Zhongyu was about to close his eyes and relax, there was new news about his "Secret Garden Group".

Oh, let me see which woman is scolding me!

When I opened the QQ group message, I saw that the speaker was "Hard-working Ashin". First, there was a photo. It was the photo of Gu Zhongyu getting off the plane and greeting fans. Judging from the shooting, the distance was very close. He should have been hidden in the crowd. of.

Followed by a sentence: Gu Zhongyu has come to Han Country. Does anyone know whether he is here to work or to become acquaintances?

He reviewed the memories in his mind and thought about who this might be. The Chinese and Korean singing competition was coming soon. Maybe this person was also here to participate, and was she another female singer?

But Gu Zhongyu seems to have never dated any professional female singer so far.

It doesn’t have to be a female singer. From time to time, the China-Korean Song Festival will invite some amateur stars to sing. If you look back and see who has been invited this time, you will know who this Ashin is.


The hotel Han Guo arranged for Gu Zhongyu is near the center of Seoul. This should be regarded as one of the top hotels in Han Guo.

The stick guys are quite discerning in this regard. The one they arranged for Gu Zhongyu was a presidential suite with two rooms and a living room.

But after arriving at the hotel, Pei Chengfu said to Gu Zhongyu again: "President Gu, the company is hosting a banquet for you tonight and has invited a girl group to accompany you..."

Needless to say the rest. Gu Zhongyu didn’t ask what girl group they were in. He didn’t know anyway. He was really blind to Hanguo girl group. He couldn’t tell who was in it before taking off his clothes. who.

You may not know it even if you take it off... After all, the actresses here are no longer limited to moving their faces, they are all high-tech.

I still remember that in my previous life there was an epic difficulty game called Hanguo Beauty Lianliankan, and MD couldn’t even pass the first level!

But since the other party has shown his sincerity, it would be too much to refuse to agree.

But who is it! Did the news leak out? Now even the people of Han country know that Gu Zhongyu likes young ladies? And the whole girl group is coming together? Who can resist this!

Of course, accompanying is really just accompanying, drinking with you, and taking advantage of you is possible, but it is impossible for them to send the whole girl group to his room, because to put it bluntly, you, Gu Zhongyu, don’t have that much face.

He is indeed a big shot in China. Although his status here is not low, there is no need for them to give him that much face.

After all, you are not the father of the United States. You can’t reach that far across the sea.

But if after the banquet, if Gu Zhongyu takes a fancy to someone and says hello, in the entertainment circle of Han country, they may really pack him up and send him to the room.

As for more, it depends on Gu Zhongyu’s own ability.

Coincidentally, he is quite confident in his ability in this regard.

Just... can you tell me this in private? Didn't you see the two women standing next to me?

Bai Lu didn't care. The other party might have misunderstood the relationship between Zhang Bichen and him. He actually said it so bluntly in front of her. Isn't this damaging my great and glorious image?

However, Zhang Bichen obviously knew something about this. He didn't express any opinions, but quietly booked a room in the hotel where Gu Zhongyu was.

She really relied on Gu Zhongyu!

Then when Gu Zhongyu returned to the room to take a nap, Zhang Bichen ran over again and said that there was a problem with the faucet in the bathroom of her room, and wanted to borrow Gu Zhongyu's suite to take a shower.

This time it's not Gu Zhongyu who wants to stir up fans, it's the fans who want to stir up him!

Bai Lu just watched this woman enter the boss's room again, and she scolded her eight hundred times in her heart!

Bitch! She came up like this when we met for the first time, destroying the world of two people between me and the boss!

But she did not forget her job responsibilities. Knowing that a big battle was inevitable, she asked Gu Zhongyu: "Spiral or wolf tooth?"

Gu Zhongyu wanted to say no today, but then he remembered the story of "We have a child" and felt it was a bit risky, so he took a few Armstrong cannons from Bai Lu's bag.

Then he swaggered into the room, and Zhang Bichen, who had just entered the bathroom, said: "Teacher Gu, can you help me get a bath towel?"

Just when Gu Zhongyu was still thinking about how to start, the voice of the young lady in the bathroom came from the bathroom.

Because she didn't close the door when she went in to take a bath, Gu Zhongyu looked at the bath towel hanging on the shelf next to her and fell into deep thought...

He was exhausted all the way, and he also needed to take a bath.

Bai Lu, who was sorting out clothes in her room, continued to eat the potato chips that she had not finished on the plane. The potato chips she stuffed into her mouth made a crackling sound when she bit them, as if she was venting her anger on someone.

Watching the Korean drama that I couldn't understand, I picked up my phone from time to time to check the time. Judging from the boss's usual fighting performance and the girl's physique, it should be almost coming to an end.

"3! 2! 1!"

Bai Lu pushed open the door and saw that the boss's bedroom door was already open.

I have to say that Bai Lu is becoming more and more competent. Now she can calculate Gu Zhongyu's end time in a hurry.

"Teacher Gu, I'll go back first. See you in the evening!"

Zhang Bichen, who was dressed, came to Gu Zhongyu who was leaning on the bow cabinet and gently bit his ear. Her charming and skilled appearance formed a sharp contrast with her seemingly innocent appearance.

Gu Zhongyu now seemed to have experienced a little happiness of the flowery wizard.

"Okay, I'm sorry to have delayed you for so long." Gu Zhongyu nodded without showing any nostalgia. He began to guess who the Ashin who took the photo was.

Zhang Bichen was a little disappointed. She had tried her best and thought that her relationship with Gu Zhongyu could go further! Now, why does it feel the same as before?

Is this man's heart made of iron?

Of course, despite the disappointment, her face was still full of smiles. After putting on some makeup, she went out.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she bumped into Bai Lu who was looking at her with ill intentions.

She felt that although this female assistant looked childish, she was quite cute in appearance. Being with a boss like Gu Zhongyu, the relationship between the two... I'm afraid it's not so pure, right?

"You are Mr. Gu's assistant, right? Such a beautiful little sister, it's enough for you to come to Hanguo to be a trainee."

"Who wants to be a trainee? I want to learn from my boss in the future and become a big star, hum!"

Now Bai Lu is arrogant and has long disdained the trainee status she once yearned for. She still feels superior to Zhang Bichen, who is not famous now.

This hurt Zhang Bichen a little bit. After all, she has not completely given up the idea of ​​being a trainee. Doesn't your contemptuous tone make me look worthless?

It's obviously the first time we meet, why are you so hostile to me?

However, Zhang Bichen didn't dare to offend Gu Zhongyu's assistant. He smiled politely at her and left.

After Zhang Bichen left, Bai Lu came in before the door was closed. She just saw Gu Zhongyu lying on the boat in a bathrobe, with his collar still open and many small strawberries.

Bai Lu would not blush for such occasions. She sat on the edge of the bed and massaged Gu Zhongyu's head.

"Boss, that woman is so shameless! She pretends to be very familiar with you."

"Who wants to be in the entertainment industry but is vain? She has been like this a lot, so just keep a proper distance."

Bai Lu cursed: If you still keep your distance, the distance between you and others has become minus 18 centimeters!

"By the way, help me see who else is on the list of invitees for this China-Korean singing event. Don't pay attention to those in the Han Kingdom. Just find out who's on our side."

"Okay, I know."


At this time, in the lounge of SM Company in Seoul.

A group of girls are chatting together. There are nine people in total. They are naturally a feature of the entertainment industry in Han Country - the girl group. If Gu Zhongyu were here at this time, facing these similar faces, he would probably directly be thrown off balance.

"I don't know what game to play in tonight's show. I quite like that show."

"Really? I actually think it's okay, but the audience's expectations are quite high. It is said that they all foreshadowed the relationship that we will go together!"


At this moment, someone knocked on the door

"Okay girls, we have canceled tonight's program." The middle-aged man who came in said to the girls.

"Ah? Didn't you say that it was finally arranged? Why is that?" The one who seemed to be the leader of the group of girls stood up and asked.

The middle-aged man nodded, "Indeed, but the company has other arrangements. You are going to attend a dinner party tonight."

"Dinner party?"

The girls chattered and discussed, all with different expressions.

"Aren't you asking us to accompany you to the bar?" Some girls looked a little unhappy. In the Hanguo entertainment industry, being a bartender is never a good job.

"Of course, you don't have to go all of them. As the captain, Taeyeon will definitely go, plus Yoona and Soo-yeon. Others who don't want to go can ask for leave."

It is not uncommon for some girl groups to accompany them at the dinner table, but their "Girls' Generation" is no better than ordinary girl groups, and they will not be arranged to do this easily. Now, three of them are actually asked to go there at once?

Is the other party some kind of great chaebol boss?

"The protagonist of this banquet is an entertainment company president from China and an actor. I believe you have seen the news, right?"

"Is it Gu Zhongyu? Oh my god, I really like the TV series he plays! When I saw the news in the morning, I was thinking, it would be great if I could meet him."

Yoona is a little excited now, because she has been practicing Chinese recently, and the company has plans to introduce her to the Chinese market alone, so she started to cultivate her in this area consciously.

"Well! Yoona, we are currently discussing cooperation with the company in China to shoot more co-production dramas. This is an opportunity for you, you must seize it!"

The middle-aged man added: "Except for the three of you, if any of you don't want to go, just tell me. Those who want to go will follow me to the company later and find a stylist to do it. By the way, we will have a dinner party today. There will also be many heavyweights in the country’s entertainment industry, so I suggest you all go.”

Go, go, of course, go together.

Such an important banquet is a good way to make connections. As long as they are not drinking alone with the uncles, they are still happy to participate in this form of dinner.

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