Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 240: Fulfilling Oppa's wish

How much money can the entertainment industry in Han country make? The domestic market is more attractive.

As tools of Han country chaebols, these Han country actresses with glamorous appearances have far less income than everyone imagines, even the already famous Lin Yuner.

A special agency conducted a survey on the income status of Korean stars and found that less than 10% of Han country actors can reach an annual income of about 42 million won (about 240,000 yuan), and the average income of the top 1% is about 2.08 billion won (about 11.5 million yuan).

The national movie emperor like Song Kanghao, the male lead of "Parasite", only has a salary of 4 million. The income of any domestic traffic star or even a second-tier actor can directly crush him.

The trainees are much worse. The annual income of the group is one-fourth of that of the actors. The annual income is about the same as that of ordinary office workers, or even lower, and can only be about 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a year.

Lin Yuner made nearly 2.7 million US dollars for a role in "The Legend of Zhao Zilong" in mainland China, which was an income she could hardly earn in a year before.

Therefore, all entertainment companies in Han country are eyeing the rapidly growing domestic entertainment market, and they all want to get a piece of the pie.

The two sat by the swimming pool outside the banquet hall, chatting about various topics.

"I wanted to give up at one point, but fortunately I finally got through the difficult trainee stage. From now on, I will work hard to help my parents buy a bigger house!"

Lin Yuner said the bold words with full confidence. She is already the richest female idol of the same age in Han country, and she just bought her first house last year.

Even the top girl group like Girls' Generation debuted in 2007 and it was not until 2011 that the more popular Jessica Jung and Lin Yuner took out loans to buy houses, and the others did not save enough for the down payment until this year.

"You can do it. In fact, I think that although your trainee system is cruel, it does train the professional ability of the members. Otherwise, there would not be such an excellent Yoona."

How should I put it? Although I don't like the entertainment industry in Goryeo, Gu Zhongyu thinks that their trainee system is actually quite bright.

Although the competition is cruel and the elimination rate is high, the people who are finally selected are at least quite capable.

At least they have spent a lot of time practicing various basic skills. In this respect, they are much better than those in China.

If idols represent "better people" worthy of admiration, Goryeo's trainee system shows that "better people" can be mass-produced.

It has a scientific and accurate methodology, starting with styling reshaping, and then using various high-intensity training to train trainees' skills to a certain level, it is basically a very mature industrial chain.

Otherwise, how did those idol stars who returned from Goryeo and were widely praised come out?

Even if Korea may give some preferential treatment to domestic trainees for the sake of the domestic market, various trainings are still necessary.

Of course, if these young talents always play what they are good at, they will not be criticized so much. The key is that the companies behind them are too long-handed. Most trainees will be ridiculed if they touch acting!

"If Oppa's company needs an actress, you can consider me? My current Chinese level is almost passing the HSK level 6."

From the beginning, he called President Gu from time to time, but now he only calls Oppa. Not bad, it's a good sign.

"Yoona's Chinese is really good, especially your... Northeast accent, it's very brainwashing!"

Lin Yuner's Northeast accent with a strong flavor formed a sharp contrast with her pure appearance. Gu Zhongyu has been holding back his laughter since just now.

"Hey... Is this accent bad? My Chinese teacher said that my current accent is very close to the Chinese Mandarin."

"It's very close, but there is still room for improvement. Come, I'll teach you a few words..."

Zhang Bichen, who was not far away, looked at the two people chatting enthusiastically, and felt a little uncomfortable. He rushed to pay attention to Gu Zhongyu, but he was not as enthusiastic as the girl he just met.

Could it be that men are just like new and tired of old, and don't cherish things that are too easy to get?

But it hasn't even been a day, and she is getting old too fast, isn't it?

"Hello, President Gu"

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly came over with a young man.

Gu Zhongyu recognized the young man at a glance. He was the former top star in the domestic entertainment industry and the son-in-law of Guan Gege - Lu Han.

The middle-aged man looked familiar to Gu Zhongyu. It was Lin Yuner who stood up and introduced them to the two. Only then did he know that he was the founder of SM, one of the three major Korean entertainment companies, and the leader of Korean culture, Lee Soo-man.

Lu Han should have just debuted this year, but his popularity is already terrifying.

In September of this year, Lu Han's Weibo forwarded a dynamic about Manchester United, which surprisingly received more than 13 million comments, setting the Guinness record of "the most commented blog post on Weibo" at the time.

This feat made people realize that the huge number of Lu Han's fans is creating amazing data.

At this time, Lu Han seemed to have no change in appearance from later, and his age seemed to be frozen at this time.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, my name is Lu Han, also from Yanjing, I have always watched your movies, and this time I finally met the real person."

Li Xiuman led Lu Han, first asked him to bow to Gu Zhongyu, and then introduced himself. It seemed that he wanted to cooperate, and used Lu Han as a communication tool.

He was just thinking about whether to copy the trainee system in Han Country and let Zongheng Entertainment make money by promoting a few young people and girls.

By nurturing a large number of trainees to make their debut, participating in the talent show, and then cutting leeks with one-stop service in variety shows, film and television dramas, you can earn a lot of money in a short period of time. In later generations, this approach has even been industrialized.

If the Iron Fist above had not started to control, I don’t know how many trainees and stars there would have been in domestic entertainment at that time.

But at least in the next few years, this direction will not be strictly controlled. If it is operated properly, it will make more money than just making movies.

Let the person in charge of the company study with these sticks to see if there is a feasible way. Gu Zhongyu doesn't want to invest too much energy in these things.

Otherwise, if you make too much quick money like this, you may lose your original film and television production capabilities.

Li Xiuman originally wanted to chat with Gu Zhongyu for a while, but seeing that Gu Zhongyu's attention seemed to be focused on Lin Yun'er, he immediately found an excuse and left with Lu Han.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell Yoona to study more with President Gu.

This learning is very essential!

"Oppa, you are so awesome! Even our President Li is so polite to you."

Although Lin Yun'er didn't know anything about the Chinese entertainment industry, she only knew a little bit about it, and Li Xiuman was like a godfather in the Korean entertainment industry. Usually, the sisters would be in awe when they met.

Seeing President Li being so respectful to Gu Zhongyu, Lin Yun'er felt that she might have underestimated Gu Zhongyu's status in China Entertainment.

"It's just that you guys pay too much attention to dignity. When I'm in the company, my artists treat me as a friend rather than a boss."

Lin Yuner looked at Gu Zhongyu with admiration. It would be great if all her bosses were as respectful and young and handsome as him.

"There are too many people here. There is a garden on the top floor. Let's go for a walk there!"


Seeing the boss and Lin Yun'er walking out of the banquet hall, Bai Lu pouted. This scumbag boss really refused to stop for a moment. He clearly understood that after the genius had fooled around with that Zhang Bichen, he still had the energy to seduce this awesome girl at night. star.

She felt that this Yoona was just average-looking, not that tall, and her nutrition and development were not as good as hers. She felt similar to that Li Yao, and both fell into the category of Chaihuo girl.

Just now, someone took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Bai Lu and asked her which company she was a trainee in. After knowing that she had no agency, they even invited her to consider signing with their company!

This made Bai Lu, who had been a little shaky recently, feel even more proud. As expected, this young lady was born with beauty and was destined to be a big star.

Zhang Bichen, who was on the side, had been helping her translate just now, but she found that this little girl Bai Lu, who was not very showy, actually knew a lot of Korean, and her pronunciation was purer than hers.

After asking, I found out that this girl also wanted to come to Han Country to be a trainee last year. She has been practicing Korean hard, but she accidentally became Gu Zhongyu's assistant.

"Then you have been with Gu Zhongyu for so long, has he promised to make you a star?"

Because of Gu Zhongyu's indifference during the day, Zhang Bichen judged others by himself, thinking that he must be just teasing and playing with the little assistant, and would not bother to spend any resources to let Bai Lu reveal himself.

"Of course, the boss said that there will be a large-scale outdoor variety show next year, and I am going to be a regular guest, and I will be the only female guest!"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Bichen felt sour in his heart.

Sure enough, it's not that Gu Dacaizi has a cold nature, but that he doesn't like himself in his heart. He treats the female assistants around him so well, which shows that he is not a stingy master.

Of course, the relationship between these two people is definitely not simple, she can be sure now.

This made Zhang Bichen even more determined to hug Gu Zhongyu's thigh. Even if he couldn't hug him now, as long as he worked hard and kept adjusting his posture and strength, he would be able to hug him smoothly one day!

As for the matter of Han Guo asking him to become a trainee, Zhang Bichen has not discussed it yet, but he has actually rejected this path in his heart, so he should return to his country honestly. He has a bright future in his hometown.


The two walked out of the banquet hall and came to the quiet and deserted garden on the top floor of the hotel.

The garden is covered with all kinds of flowers and green plants. The fragrance of the flowers is so refreshing that there is no one else here except them.

"The scenery here is so beautiful." Lin Yun'er said softly, with a smile on her face. Being an idol is so busy every day, is there such a quiet moment?

Gu Zhongyu turned his head and saw Yun'er's smiling eyes, and his heart moved slightly. He nodded slightly, "Yes, it is indeed beautiful here. However, the most beautiful thing is the people around you."

After hearing this, Lin Yuner's face turned slightly red and she lowered her head.

Gu Zhongyu's heart tightened, knowing that these words were a bit too straightforward, so he added: "I didn't mean that..."

Yoona slowly raised her head, a mischievous look flashed in her eyes, "I know Oppa didn't mean that, but I'm still very happy today."

Lin Yun'er walked slowly to the outside, put her hands on the guardrail, looked at the night view of the city, and sighed: "The night view of Seoul is so beautiful, but I am too busy with work and don't have time to take a look."

When Gu Zhongyu heard this, he felt pity, walked over and patted Yoona gently on the shoulder, "Don't worry, there will always be work. Sometimes we can put work aside and enjoy life."

"Yes! Enjoy life, but every time I think about tomorrow's performance, the announcement the day after tomorrow, and the endless singing and dancing, I am not in the mood to enjoy it all."

Seeing Yoon'er's gloomy look, Gu Zhongyu promptly gave her a few jokes to make her happy.

“One day the dormitory aunt ran to a certain dormitory and asked a boy: Do you have a girlfriend?

Boy: No. Why do you ask?

Dormitory manager: My daughter is also from this school. She has a boyfriend recently, and he lives in your dormitory.

Boy (pleased in his heart): Auntie, why do you only ask me?

Hostel: Because as long as it’s not you. . . "

Although the meaning may change when translated into English, Gu Zhongyu will supplement it with some hand movements and exaggerated facial expressions to ensure that the joke can be understood by her.

I haven’t told a joke in a long time. The last time I told her to Sissi was when I was visiting the team at "Tongque Terrace", but they were all tinged. But this was the first time they met Yoona, so Gu Zhongyu had to work hard to restrain his desire to tell dirty jokes.

When it came to the third one, Yoona finally managed to make him laugh...

At first she covered her mouth and laughed, trying to hide her laughter and act like a lady, but as Gu Zhongyu's jokes became funnier and funnier, she finally couldn't help laughing.

There was a happy smile on her face, and her eyes sparkled with happiness, as if all the stress had been taken away by the joke.

"Oppa! I have never met a president or senior who is as good at making people happy as you are."

"Just be happy. If anything goes wrong in the future, you can contact me and tell you a joke. I can also teach you some Chinese by the way."

In such a big mess in the Hanguo entertainment industry, it is extremely rare that Yoona's temperament can remain so pure.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhongyu felt that it was necessary to teach her lessons.

"Yooner, I will be returning to China in a few days. Before we separate, can you grant me a small wish?"

Lin Yun'er immediately agreed: "Oppa, tell me, as long as Yoon'er can do it."

Okay, this is what you said, you can’t go back on it!

Thanks to book friend Jiangxi Daliao for the 300-point reward, thank you boss!

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