Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 241 Collaboration with Girls' Generation

"Strange, where did Yoona go?"

The dinner was about to end. As the captain of Girls' Generation, Kim Taeyeon looked for Yoona for a long time but couldn't find her. The banquet hall was so small, where could she have gone?

"Could she still be chatting with that handsome president from China?" Zheng Xiuyan guessed.

"It's possible. Let's go look for her somewhere else."

Kim Taeyeon pulled Zheng Xiuyan to find Yoona. Bai Lu, who had been observing the situation in the banquet hall, saw everything they did.

"I have to call the boss."

Worried that the scumbag boss would be caught doing something bad, Bai Lu subconsciously wanted to take out her phone to remind him, but suddenly remembered that she was wearing a dress and her phone was left outside at the reception desk.

In a hurry, she chose to secretly follow the two of them.

After the two of them left the hall, they searched separately. Kim Taeyeon walked along the corridor, turned a corner, and found a staircase leading to the top floor. She hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to go up and take a look.

When she reached the top of the stairs, she saw a figure sitting on the edge of the rooftop garden, and it seemed to be Lin Yuner.

She was about to go up and call Yoona, but she found that a man suddenly appeared in front of Yoona, and said something, and then... the two figures slowly overlapped.

Jin Taeyeon covered her mouth in surprise, and couldn't believe her eyes. She looked at them, her heartbeat accelerated, and her face was burning.

She hesitated for a moment, and then thought it was better not to disturb them, and turned around to leave. At this time, Zheng Xiuyan also found this place.

Zheng Xiuyan saw that Jin Taiyan's expression was a little strange and asked: "What's wrong with you? Have you seen Yoona?"

Jin Taiyan answered nervously: "No... I didn't see her. Let's look for her somewhere else."

Zheng Xiuyan thought her expression was a little strange, but she didn't ask much, and followed Jin Taiyan to leave this embarrassing scene.

Jin Taiyan pretended to be fine, and continued to look for Lin Yuner in the banquet hall with the captain, but she never found her.

Zheng Xiuyan was a little worried about Yoona's safety, so she went directly to find President Lee Soo-man, and President Lee listened to her report with a serious expression.

Bai Lu, who had been following the two, finally breathed a sigh of relief, then returned to the reception desk to get her phone back and called the boss.

"Hello! Boss, where are you now? Are you on the top floor?"

"Don't call me at this time! What's wrong?"

Gu Zhongyu's voice was very low, as if he was suppressing something. Bai Lu also vaguely heard the voice of another woman next to him, knowing that her guess must be correct.

"The banquet is about to end. The president Li who greeted you just now is still asking me where you went. Anyway, you should come back quickly!"

"Hiss... OK! I know, I'll be back soon."

After a few minutes, Gu Zhongyu swaggered back to the banquet hall. Gao Darong and Li Xiuman were still wondering why he had been away for so long. Gu Zhongyu had to explain that he had just received a call from China to get away with it.

Bai Lu noticed that although Gu Zhongyu was back, Lin Yun'er, who had just been with the boss, was still nowhere to be seen. Could it be?

Sure enough, Gu Zhongyu pulled Bai Lu aside mysteriously, and then asked her to go to the room downstairs to find a set of her own clothes and send them to the top floor.

Are you playing so crazy?

What a pity, Bai Lu still wanted to continue to pretend in the banquet hall and enjoy the feeling of being treated as a star.

She had to go back to the room, find the loosest clothes, and then go to the top floor again.

Lin Yuner, who had been hiding behind the pillar, heard footsteps on the stairs. She nervously stuck to the wall and tried not to be discovered.

"Yun'e, Yun'e?" Bai Lu asked tentatively in half-baked Korean, "Are you here? Boss Gu Zhongyu asked me to come here."

Lin Yuner listened for a long time before she figured out what Bai Lu was talking about. She hesitated for a moment, and then she timidly showed her head and responded.

Bai Lu then approached Lin Yuner. The originally gorgeous goose yellow skirt was now tattered and dirty. Bai Lu saw this scene and showed a hint of surprise and teasing on her face.

The scumbag boss broke the record again. They only knew each other for a few minutes and it's like this?

"The boss asked me to come and give you something. What's wrong with your clothes?" Bai Lu asked knowingly.

"My skirt was accidentally caught by the wire mesh and torn. Fortunately, Oppa found it. Thank you. Please give me the clothes!" Lin Yun'er lied awkwardly.

I didn't expect that Oppa Gu Zhongyu looked so gentle and kind, but he actually... agreed to just kiss one person?

Big liar!

It's also my fault. I didn't have a firm belief and resisted to the end. Now I was seen by this little girl. It's so embarrassing!

Bai Lu nodded contentedly and handed her a clean piece of clothing: "This is my clothing, I hope you don't dislike it, put it on quickly!"

Lin Yun'er took the clothing and looked at Bai Lu with some gratitude: "Thank you so much this time."

Bai Lu's eyes were smiling into a line, and she nodded: "It's okay, you change quickly and go back, I just saw Xiu Yan and Taeyeon looking for you everywhere."

After saying that, Bai Lu left without looking back. It was so cool to see the face of Girls' Generation, who is now popular in Asia, nodding and bowing to thank a little assistant of hers!

"Oh my God!"

It was so embarrassing. If Taeyeon and the others knew what happened today, they would never be able to hold their heads up again. Lin Yuner quickly changed her clothes and went downstairs.

However, she did not go to find her teammates, but went downstairs directly, and called them to tell them that she left without saying goodbye because she was not feeling well (she was indeed not feeling well now).

I hope I can keep it a secret!

The dinner downstairs lasted until after eleven o'clock in the evening. Gu Zhongyu was always in a sage state, chatting with the people next to him with an indifferent face until the end of the banquet.

As for Lin Yuner... He was really impulsive again this time. Thinking that he didn't know when he would meet again after returning to China this time, there were so many people at the China-Korea Song Festival, so there was definitely no chance, so he originally just wanted to kiss her on the cheek, but as he was kissing, it changed!

Unexpectedly, it really worked. It was basically a lucky coincidence.

As for this girl, it was purely because Gu Zhongyu coveted her body... Although she looks thin, her physical fitness brought by long-term dance practice is not to be underestimated, which really broadened his horizons.

On the other hand, Lee Soo-man, who was sitting in the co-pilot of the business car, looked back at Lin Yun'er who had changed into a new set of clothes, sighed with some regret and said: "Yooner! You disappoint me!"

Kim Tae-yeon and Jung Soo-yeon were shocked when they heard this, and Yooner was also pale.

Yooner thought that Lee Soo-man saw through everything and wanted to blame her, and tears were about to come out: "President... I am sorry for failing your cultivation. Without the company's permission, I..."

"Why did you come back like this?"

"Ah?" Lin Yun'er was stunned. Shouldn't I come back?

"I think that President Gu is very interested in you, why don't you try to build a good relationship with him? You hurried back after the dinner, even if you are not feeling well, can't you overcome it?"

Listening to Li Xiuman's tone of disappointment, Lin Yuner realized that she had misunderstood, and the emotional president didn't find anything!

"This is just the first time we met..."

Lin Yuner blushed and was a little at a loss. You don't know that although it is the first time we met, everything that should have happened has already happened.

"Yes! That Oppa looks like a gentleman!" Zheng Xiuyan said.

Kim So-yeon, who knew the truth, secretly spit in her heart, what a gentleman, it's no different from those stinky men, just a little more handsome.

Li Xiuman looked at Lin Yuner and rubbed his temples, ah, if you were not Girls' Generation, or your family background was worse, you would know how cruel this entertainment industry can be.

"Yoon-ah, I'll take you home now. It's still in time." Lee Soo-man said this, looking at Lin Yun'er's surprised expression, and was unmoved.

If he could use Yoon-ah to hook the boss of the second-ranked entertainment company in China, Lee Soo-man would definitely not mind. If necessary, he could even provide door-to-door delivery service.

"How about this, I'll give you a holiday. Now go and see if President Gu is still interested in you. If not, then you can come back."

After saying that, Lee Soo-man asked the driver to turn around and return to the hotel.

Sitting in the car, Lin Yun'er touched her clothes, thinking back to everything tonight, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Jin Suyan and Zheng Xiuyan, the two girls, didn't say anything to comfort her at this time... It seemed that they all had their own little thoughts.

People at the top of the pyramid are high above, and those who want to climb up will do everything... All this seems so normal.

At this time in the room, Gu Zhongyu, who had just finished a baseball game with him, was about to take a shower and go to bed, but suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside.

When he opened the door, it was Yoona who had returned, looking pitiful.

"Oppa... I, I have nowhere to go, can I stay here for a few days?"

Gu Zhongyu was kindhearted, and he couldn't bear to see a homeless girl, so he immediately opened the door and let her in.

Lin Yuner, who walked into the room, soon found Zhang Bichen lying on the boat. The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere soon fell into a mysterious state...


After participating in several talk shows in Han Country, Gu Zhongyu was about to start the final rehearsal for the upcoming China-Korea Song Festival.

This time, the Chinese singers were all from the mainland entertainment industry, and there was no one from Hong Kong and Taiwan. The hosts were Nigmat and Li Sisi.

When he saw Li Sisi again, the beautiful host was still smiling at him. This sweet smile made Gu Zhongyu's heart flutter, and he couldn't help but pull her to a parking lot...

When he came back, almost everyone had arrived.

Strange, all the Chinese participants are here, but none of the female singers here, such as Penny Tai, Sa Dingding, and Tan Jing, are his old friends. Could it be that the "Axin" who took a sneak shot of him at the airport was not a participant in the China-Korea Song Festival?

"Mr. Gu, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have been busy filming. What song are you going to sing this time?"

As a well-known mainland singer, Hu Yanbin always felt sorry that Gu Zhongyu gave up the music industry very early and focused on acting. But later, when he saw that he opened a film and television company and was doing well, he was envious.

If he didn't look so ugly, he would also want to sing and act and mix in the film and television industry.

"I plan to sing a new song, just for fun."

"Wow! A new song! What's it like? Sing it for me."

Hu Yanbin couldn't hold back when he heard the word "new song". Few people would create a new song just for a concert like this. Even if there were, it would just be a gimmick. It's not easy to write a song.

"I'll keep you in suspense for now. You'll all hear it later."

"While they were chatting, the Korean representatives also arrived backstage one after another. The first to enter was the Girls' Generation group, which had just separated last night.

Oh no, it was Yoona alone. Gu Zhongyu wasn't so crazy as to eat up the entire group.

This was the first time Gu Zhongyu saw the entire Girls' Generation group, nine girls, but Yoona was the most recognizable in terms of name and face.

"Oppa! "

Yoon-ah was very happy to see Gu Zhongyu. She was the first to come over and say hello because she was more lively and outgoing. She had been with Gu Zhongyu these days, and the relationship between the two was already very close.

Because there were too many people at the scene, he couldn't act too close, so he just smiled foolishly in front of Gu Zhongyu.

The other eight girls were whispering and pointing at them. It seemed that they already knew that Yoona had stayed with him these days.

But no matter what they thought, they had to follow Yoona and bow and greet Gu Zhongyu respectfully. This was already a hierarchy engraved in their bones.

But soon, Gu Zhongyu found something wrong. Why did Lin Yuner's eyes reveal a strange and cunning look and a hint of jealousy, and the other girls also had a little contempt in their eyes?

Even several Chinese singers couldn't help but smile.

In the end, it was Teacher Sa Dingding who reminded Gu Zhongyu.

"Teacher Gu, your neck. ”

What’s wrong with your neck? Gu Zhongyu touched his neck and saw the traces of lipstick on his hand. Damn, Li Sisi tricked you! See how I’ll deal with you next time I see you!

Gu Zhongyu greeted Girls’ Generation enthusiastically, and didn’t seem to feel embarrassed. Because the two sides didn’t speak the same language, they needed a translator to accompany them. Zheng Xiuyan and Huang Miying were both born in California, so their English level was a level higher than other teammates, and they communicated with Gu Zhongyu more smoothly.

Before the performance, Girls’ Generation’s captain Kim Taeyeon couldn’t help but say: “Yoon-ah is a very good person. I hope Oppa will treat her better and not bully her.”

Is this a request from her family?

Gu Zhongyu nodded, and suddenly a light bulb went off in his head. He thought of a very good idea, and said to Kim Taeyeon excitedly: “Captain Kim, I would like to ask you to help cooperate with me on this show, is that okay?”

“How does Oppa want to cooperate?”

V group has been good for so long and you haven’t added it? There are benefits for you, gentlemen.

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