Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 248 Birthday Party at Shura Field (Part 1)

On December 15th, the sun shone over the luxury hotel. Luxury cars arrived one after another. A grand birthday banquet was about to begin. The host of today's banquet was Gu Zhongyu, the president of Zongheng Entertainment.

The main management of the company, Fan Binbin, Jiang Shuying, Gong Ge, Zhang Miao, Yang Tianzhen, Hou Hongliang and others are naturally present. Naturally, artists such as Wan Qian, Bai Bin, Mao Xiaotong, Tang Yixin, Zhu Yawen, Zhu Yilong, and even Even Guo Fan, who was still studying in the United States, came back from a long distance.

There are also friends in the circle such as Ge You, Chen Baoguo, Wu Jin, Zhang Yi, Yu Bo, Hu Ge, Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Sicheng, Huang Lei and Sun Li, Deng Chao and Sun Li, Tong Dawei and Guanyue, Lu Yibaolei and Jiang Wen and Zhou Yun. Came to congratulate.

There are also Gu Zhongyu’s students at Nortel, represented by female students Nazha, Wu You, Zhou Dongyu, and Yang Zi...

Gu Zhongyu stood upstairs and watched more and more people starting to appear below. Bai Lu and Gong Ge were doing reception work below. He couldn't help but frown. This was a little bit different from what he imagined for his birthday. This Fan Xiaopang is clearly trying to trick me!

"Didn't I tell you not to make a fuss?" Gu Zhongyu, who had a black line on his head, turned around and questioned Fan Binbin, who was pretending to be innocent.

Are you celebrating my birthday or going to a funeral? More than a hundred relatives and friends from the circle came, plus invited fan representatives from all over the country, there were hundreds of people!

Someone even notified his family. Although in the end the old couple and the eldest brother were unable to attend due to identity issues, the sister-in-law, nieces and nephews were still sent as representatives.

Nephew Gu Jiaming is currently looking for photos with big stars, while niece Xiao Douding fell in love with Dundun at the first sight when she came in and scooped her up. She is probably "loving" her now!

Fan Binbin was also very innocent. She just asked people in the company to post on WeChat Moments and tell each other that Boss Gu planned to have a simple birthday, and everyone would just get together to have a casual meal.

Unexpectedly, the story soon changed, especially since it was Gu Zhongyu's 30th birthday. Many people felt that the third year of his life was of great significance to a man, so he must come to support him!

At first, old acquaintances like Jiang Wen and Huang Lei were invited over. So it makes sense for them to bring a wife to the banquet, right? Their wives shouted loudly in the circle, and people like Wu Jin and Deng Chao also knew about it. They all said they would come to celebrate your birthday. Is it inappropriate for you to refuse?

So many friends are here, but if the artists in the company don't come, wouldn't they be disrespecting the boss? Even if your leg is broken, you still have to come over for a drink, right?

Fans, you have to ask me, right? Jiang Shuying asked Bai Lu to notify Meng Ziyi, a fan. As a result, Meng Ziyi broadcast directly to the fan group through a loudspeaker, and finally selected a hundred fans as representatives. They were thousands of miles away and had good intentions. You can't turn them away, right?

In this way, Gu Zhongyu, who originally planned to book a suite for a casual visit, had to rent the entire hotel for a day to welcome friends from all over the country.

Although there are birthday parties in the industry that are similar to award ceremonies, they are basically the evergreens in the film industry like Cheng Long and Andy Lau.

When Cheng Long had his sixtieth birthday, a five-day celebration was arranged. There were so many guests that he could not even count them. Hundreds of big names at home and abroad were all present. They also contributed money, actively participated in the auction, and helped Cheng Long. Cheng Long raised money for charity and gave the birthday boy a lot of face.

Zeng Aizi went even further. He held a grand banquet for his 60th birthday and invited 700 celebrities. The scene was spectacular.

Lin Zixiang, Lui Liangwei, Wang Mingquan, Xie Xian, Miu Qiaowei, Liming, Cheng Zhongji, Wang Jing, Hu Jun, and Sun Nan were all present. The celebrity red carpet admission process took nearly two hours.

At the birthday banquet, Principal Tan sang for him, Jay Chou accompanied him, and the juniors also took turns on stage to send blessings to him.

The most exaggerated thing is that it is said that the Academy Awards ceremony, which was originally scheduled to be held on the day of Eric Tsang’s birthday party, was finally decided to be rescheduled to avoid a “crash” with Eric Tsang’s big day!

Because if it is not rescheduled, the award ceremony may not be full. After all, most of the Hong Kong entertainment industry went to attend Eric Tsang’s birthday party.

But it is probably unique for Gu Zhongyu to hold such a big 30th birthday party at such a young age.

It is estimated that the next time so many people from the industry come to attend, it may be either Gu Zhongyu’s wedding or his funeral!

Ah bah bah bah! good luck!

There were too many people here today, and the largest number of them were fans and reporters. I don’t know which bastard spread the rumor. Someone actually said that Gu Zhongyu planned to announce his engagement at the birthday party, so these people rushed over after hearing the news. .

In order to prevent this group of reporters from causing trouble, Gu Zhongyu arranged for them to sit with the fans in the banquet hall on the first floor.

The main banquet hall was full of relatives, friends and people in the circle, and no one from the media was allowed in. Gu Zhongyu's right eyelid started to beat wildly as soon as he left the house this morning. He was afraid that all the women would swarm together and something would happen. Moths are coming, so we must guard against some paparazzi taking the opportunity to take pictures of things they shouldn’t.

Why! That’s it for now, let’s go downstairs and interact with the fans!


In the hotel lobby, fans gathered excitedly, waiting for Gu Zhongyu's appearance. Accompanied by cheerful music, a birthday greeting video starts playing on the screen.

At this moment, Gu Zhongyu appeared, which immediately caused a joy.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and waved to the fans, greeting them enthusiastically. He was wearing casual clothes, looking fashionable and easy-going. The fans screamed and surrounded Gu Zhongyu, as if they had seen their own family.

"Gu Zhongyu! Gu Zhongyu! I love you!" A girl waved her arms in the crowd and shouted hoarsely. Her voice was drowned in the noise of the crowd, but her enthusiasm and excitement were conveyed to everyone.

"Ahhh! Gu Delai, you are already 30 years old, and you are not married yet. Are you waiting for us?"

"We will celebrate our next birthday together, Gu Delai!"

"Thank you, everyone. Thank you very much." Gu Zhongyu responded with a smile. His voice was clear and gentle, and it was transmitted to the ears of every fan through the noise of the crowd.

Perhaps these fans were the easiest to get rid of today. He never thought that these fish species of his were so cute.

The fans at the scene expressed their love for Gu Zhongyu in various ways. Some were screaming, some were waving posters and photos in their hands, some were taking pictures, and some were crying. They shouted Gu Zhongyu's name in various languages, and those voices gathered into a warm hymn, praising their idol.

"Today is my 30th birthday, and your arrival is the best birthday gift for me."

Gu Zhongyu said with a smile, his smile was like the sunshine of spring, he bowed to the fans, thanked them for coming, thanked them for their love.

"Promise me, have a good time today, and then... go home early, don't let your parents worry."

Then Gu Zhongyu sang two songs, and after interacting with fans for a few games, he went up to the second floor, where was his main battlefield.


The party hall with bright lights and wine was more gorgeously decorated than the hall downstairs. The whole party scene was like a bright sea of ​​stars, and the flashing lights illuminated every corner, creating a dreamy and warm atmosphere.

There were fewer people in the party hall, all of whom were employees of Zongheng Company and friends in the circle, but there were more than a hundred people, and they were divided very carefully according to their status, age and grievances.

As soon as he came in, various artists came over to take photos with Gu Zhongyu. They were all minor characters, and no one knew who invited them. Some of them were people he had only met once or hadn't contacted for many years, but they also came over to join in the fun.

"Hey, you're here, brother!"

After the group photo was almost over, Jiang Wen grabbed Gu Zhongyu's shoulder and stopped him from leaving, and then asked him to tell the truth about how old he was this year.

"Thirty, the age of thirty, what's wrong?"


Jiang Wen looked Gu Zhongyu up and down, his face full of disbelief, and said: "I didn't have much education, don't lie to me! Whose thirty-year-old birthday is as swaggering as you? I think you look a bit like your sixtieth birthday!"

Zhou Yun came over and gave Jiang Wen a slap on the head: "Ignore him, he is just jealous. He can't invite so many people to his birthday. Now he sees you making such a fuss, his mentality is unbalanced!"

"Isn't this simple? I'll go up and announce that Brother Wen and I were born on the same day, and today we can celebrate our birthdays together!"

"Come on! I'm here to drink, eat and brag, not to be a shield for you. Youzi and Jiang Wu are calling me over there, I'll go over first!"

After Jiang Wen left, Zhou Yun smiled She asked Gu Zhongyu, "Why haven't you come to my house for such a long time? Don't you like the food I cook?"

"Isn't this the peak of my career? I've been busy filming and have no time. By the way, sister-in-law, if there is any disturbance later, you have to cover for me and don't join in the fun!"

"Gu, the great talent, still needs me to cover for you? You know women are not easy to mess with, but you still owe a lot of romantic debts outside? Look, the women sitting at that table don't look like they are here to celebrate your birthday, but to see you off!"

Looking in the direction Zhou Yun pointed, it was a table where young single women were sitting. Liu Yufei, who was still filming in another place, came with her mother Liu Xiaoli, Da Mi Mi, and Li Xin, plus Liu Shishi, Gao Yuanyuan, Lin Zhilin, Nazha, Fan Binbin, Bai Bin, including Zhang Zilin and Jiang Shuying, who also sat with them.

Aren't you guys too crowded?

Which bastard arranged these people to sit at the same table?

Although they were sitting at the same table, they were clearly divided. Liu Yufei and her mother looked like they didn't want anyone to come in; Yang Mi and Liu Shishi were whispering to each other; Nazha and Jiang Shuying were whispering to each other from time to time; Zhang Zilin sat on one side because she and Gao Yuanyuan were the only actresses she knew; Lin Zhilin from Taiwan turned her head away and whispered with her fellow countryman Guo Biting...

Twelve people at a table could be divided into five or six small circles. The intrigues between women were really unreasonable. The rumor that a six-person female dormitory could have up to 42 WeChat groups seemed to be true.

Noticing Gu Zhongyu's gaze looking here, the beauties present also had different expressions, some gnashing their teeth, some eagerly expecting, some at a loss, some indifferent... It was really more exciting than running a dyeing factory!

If there was no one around and the other party was weak, Gu Zhongyu would not mind randomly picking a lucky person to be his target of teasing today. But now there was a group of people sitting together opposite him. If Gu Zhongyu went over at this time, it would be like inserting a straw into a cesspool - he would risk his life to suck shit (die)!

He sighed, shook his head, and looked at Zhou Yun again, asking which table she was sitting at.

As a result, the table Zhou Yun was sitting at was even more magical. It looked like a table exclusively for couples. Huang Lei and Sun Li, Deng Chao and Sun Li, Tong Dawei and Guan Yue, Lu Yi and Bao Lei, Jiang Wen and Zhou Yun...

When Gu Zhongyu saw this, it was like a hermit crab moving house - the clam couldn't hold it anymore!

He even suspected that he had schizophrenia and had a second personality, and the other personality had already arranged the seats, otherwise it really couldn't explain why all the married women sitting at this table were people who had... had a very good relationship with him.

At this moment, he really wanted to go over and shake hands with their husbands one by one, saying that we would all be good brothers in the future.

However, this table was the least threatening. Due to public order and good customs and 404 warnings, these women would not come out to cause trouble, and could only be a group of spectators.

I just don't know if these women would mention that we all have a common male friend named Gu Zhongyu when chatting privately!

Seeing Gu Zhongyu's complicated eyes, Zhou Yun seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and patted his shoulder: "A real man, you dare to do it! Are you scared by such a small scene?"

"Small scene? Does Brother Wen often encounter such a situation?"

"If he doesn't want the third limb, he can try it. You are a guy with a thief's heart but no courage. You dared to even have a plan for me, and now you start to act cowardly?"

When talking about this topic, Zhou Yun also lowered her voice to prevent being eavesdropped.

"We are different. She is a girl of the rivers and lakes. She is interested in what she wants to do, and she will leave when the matter is done. She hides her merits and fame... and Brother Wen knows it himself, so what am I afraid of?"

"What do I know?" Jiang Wen came over again with a glass of wine. The two have been chatting here for a long time. What are they talking about so excitedly!

"Nothing." Some things can only be understood but not expressed in words. It's enough for everyone to know it in their hearts. It's not decent to point it out.

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone is almost here, get ready to say a few words!" At this time, Ge You and Deng Chao also ran over and pulled him to the backstage.

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