Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 249 Birthday Party at Shura Field (Part 2)

"Really? Is Guo Xiaosi really that short?"

"No, last time a staff member offended him, he jumped up on the spot and hit his knee. It made me laugh!"

Da Mi Mi and Liu Shishi talked about interesting things during the filming of "Little Times". Although the sisterhood between the two has been impacted in recent years, they can still maintain respectability in front of outsiders.

Liu Xiaoli took her daughter's sign language and told her to be patient and not to get into trouble with Gu Zhongyu because of a small loss. As long as she became the young mistress of the Gu family, these little goblins would not be a concern.

Poor Liu Yufei cannot express her suffering, my mother! You don’t even know what that damn guy did to me and Yuchen that night, and it’s unpalatable to tell you.

Nazha complained to Jiang Shuying about the aunt in the Nortel cafeteria whose Parkinson's disease was getting worse and worse. She could shake off half a spoonful of food. Fortunately, she was born with beauty. Every time she said a few nice words, the aunt would give her more. Two spoons~

Gao Yuanyuan asked about Zhang Zilin's job and learned that she was now serving as the second-in-command of a new company for Gu Zhongyu. She didn't care about it, but she was a little envious in her heart because it meant that she and Gu Zhongyu got to know each other more. Opportunity~

Bai Bin and Fan Binbin got along very well, probably because their names both have the word "ice" in them, and they both have charming bitch looks. Bai Bin listened very carefully to the teachings of his seniors, such as how to dress to be in the limelight and how to treat yourself. Bringing topics and taking care of things like doing fancy things.

It’s better than ten years of reading! Bai Bin can't wait to take out a small notebook and write it down~

Lin Chiling exchanged insights on her journey to the north with Guo Biting, a fellow at the next table. After some insinuations, she realized that this girl had not been attacked by Gu Zhongyu yet, but she was treated differently. I thought back then when the scumbag Gu went from shaking hands to applauding her. Not even more than half an hour~

On the whole table, only Miss Li Yao was at a loss. She had a quiet personality and didn't know anyone very well. She didn't know who to talk to, so in the end she could only pick up her mobile phone to entertain herself.

She looked up the photo of her own kitten. It was the little kitten given to her by Gu Zhongyu. Dundun's daughter is now one year old and has begun to grow closer to her father. She is blue and white with a tiger head and a tiger head. She is very cute. .

As a result, this photo happened to be noticed by Miss Sissi who also likes pets. She always felt that the cat looked familiar, so she asked Li Yao: "What a cute kitten! Where did you come from?" Where did you buy it?”

Li Yao said proudly: "I didn't buy it. This cat was given to me by Zhong Yu. Dundun's cub is the cat he always keeps with him. You should know that, right?"

nonsense! Of course I know that when she and Gu Zhongyu met, they went to the cattery to select and raise Dundun, which was equivalent to a love letter cat between the two of them.

And after hearing Li Yao's words, all the female celebrities on the table who had been given cats by Gu Zhongyu became excited.

Gao Yuanyuan: What, Gu Delai also gave the cat as a gift?

Nazha: I have one too! They have grown to almost eight pounds!

Master Liu: I thought I was the only one who owned it, but it turned out that he bought the cat wholesale.

Fan Binbin: Which cattery is Gu Zhongyu looking for? Giving away so many kittens at once?

Yang Mi: Why am I not the only one? No, I have to ask Gu Delai for one later!

At this moment, Liu Yufei's eyes were shining with flames that could almost burn through the cup. Her face was gloomy, like the calm before the storm, and her gnashing of teeth made people worry that she would bite them into pieces!

All your kittens are rightfully mine! mine!

Before, she had always wondered why Gu Zhongyu would go to her house every now and then to steal cats. He said he was giving them to relatives and friends, and he refused to say who it was. Only today did the truth come out. He was using her cats to give favors to these little bitches. Smashed!

Very good, she was already inquiring about where there was a good lot nearby, and was ready to dig a hole to bury Gu Zhongyu.

This is too much!

Just when Liu Yufei was feeling secretly resentful, the lights in the room suddenly dimmed. As the spotlight shone on the central stage, Deng Chao, who was temporarily invited to be the host today, took the lead.

"Thank you all, thank you! Thank you for coming to Gu Zhongyu's 30th birthday party today. I really didn't expect it before coming! It turns out that our Mr. Gu is younger than me. It's a shame that I thought of him as my brother. , turns out he just looks older than me..."

Deng Chao made jokes as usual, and everyone in the audience laughed loudly in cooperation. I don't know why he, who loves comedy so much, chose to film a drama in the first place. He went astray.

"Okay, we can no longer steal the limelight. We still invite our protagonist today, the birthday boy...Mr. Gu Zhongyu!"

As the cheerful BGM played, Gu Zhongyu finally showed up, still dressed in casual denim. He stood in the middle of the stage, smiling and greeting his friends below, accepting blessings from all directions.

"Zhong Yu, I wish you a happy birthday!" Wu Jing and Xie Nan, who was in love, sat together, and they raised their wine glasses to congratulate him.

"Teacher Gu has become handsome again today!" Zhang Ruoyun, who was filming, even asked for leave and rushed back in order to attend Gu Zhongyu's birthday.

"It's a birthday this time. Are you going to invite us next time you get married?" Hu Ge started to boo from below, but you don't seem to be qualified to talk about the topic of marriage.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and responded one by one: "Thank you, and I hope you have a good time tonight."

Gu Zhongyu's friends also expressed their congratulations to him. Some of them are senior actors in the industry, some are talented singers, and some are well-known directors and producers. Everyone brought their own blessings and greetings.

But when he glanced at the table with the most actresses, he found that Miss Sissi didn't look at him very friendly, and even the other actresses seemed a little dissatisfied. What was going on?

"Teacher Gu, your birthday party this year is quite grand. Many of your friends are just getting married." Deng Chao joked with a smile.

"Hey! I originally wanted to save some money and just set up a few tables at the food stalls, but I didn't expect so many friends to come to support me, so I had to spend a lot of money. It's a pity. If I had known better, I would have charged some money. "

"You still want to collect money from your family members during your birthday? No wonder our business, Mr. Gu, is getting bigger and bigger..."

The two of them sang and joked on the stage, making everyone happy. This part was all improvised, and Gu Zhongyu miraculously discovered that he actually had some potential as a comedian.

"Okay, no more talking, let us all wish Mr. Gu a happy birthday again. After blowing out the candles, today's party will officially begin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was in the middle of the hall. A huge sixteen-layer birthday cake was slowly pushed in, decorated with shining LED lights, filling the entire hall with a warm and joyful atmosphere.

Everyone fell silent and turned to Gu Zhongyu. He slowly approached the cake, looked at everyone with a smile, and then slowly blew out the birthday candle in the middle. Everyone present gave out warm applause and cheers. , applaud him for his birthday wishes and this unforgettable night.

"Party time!"

As the lights in the hall came back on, a grand birthday celebration officially began. Music started, and stars began to communicate, laugh, and dance with each other. From time to time, someone would come on stage to sing.

The first one to go up was Hu Ge. At this time, he had not yet carried the baggage of a literary and artistic youth. He went on stage and sang "Single", the soundtrack of Sword and Sword III. He didn't know whether the song was for Gu Zhongyu or for himself.

Hu Ge's singing skills were very good, but the person who came up next was a professional singer. The person who came was none other than super girl Zhang Liangying. She had met Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei during the period of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", so she chose The theme song of the TV series "The World is Unparalleled", the high-pitched dolphin sound directly killed everyone present!

Seeing the two singing so enthusiastically, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but go up and sing a very cheerful song "Happy Encounter" with Zhang Liangying. In the middle, people like Shen Teng and Wu Jing even ran up to cause trouble.

Seeing Gu Zhongyu and his friends having so much fun, the other celebrities in the audience were also happy and their laughter never stopped.

This night, everyone enjoyed the food, wine and music, adding countless colors and highlights to Gu Zhongyu's birthday party.


After the performance, Gu Zhongyu walked off the stage and said hello to all the friends who came today.

"Don't run away! Little kitten! Come back quickly!"

Gu Zhongyu's niece Xiao Douding chased Dundun all over the place. The poor little guy was stared at by naughty children from the moment he entered the venue. He was always held in his hands and ravaged in various ways, either rounded or squashed. To eat a live cat.

Poor Dundun couldn't bear the disturbance. When Little Douding sang and applauded his uncle, he immediately saw the opportunity and ran away. Naturally, Little Douding, who lost the cat carelessly, would not let it go and chased after him.

It runs away, she chases it, but it has no wings to fly!

Just when Dundun was about to have no way to escape, suddenly he saw the female poop shoveler who had taken care of him a long time ago, and there were more than one.

Shoveling shit! Come to the rescue!

The desire to survive was overwhelming. It accelerated, spun and jumped. I closed my eyes and jumped into Liu Yufei's arms.

"Ah! Dundun! Do you miss your mother?" The overjoyed Liu Yufei did not expect that when she was feeling depressed, the cat son would come to her door to comfort her, and she hugged her excitedly.

"Hello sister, can you return the kitten to me? This is mine." Seeing Dundun being held in Liu Yufei's arms, Xiao Douding stepped forward and asked politely.

There are all the women here who don't know Gu Zhongyu, the cat. Now seeing Dundun being claimed as her own by a little girl, they can't help but feel scared.

This damn scumbag wouldn't have an illegitimate daughter outside their backs, would he?

Look at this child's facial features, they are really similar to Gu Zhongyu!

"Kid, what's your relationship with Gu Zhongyu?" Fan Binbin asked tentatively.

"That's my uncle."

"Is he his uncle?" Liu Xiaoli asked again worriedly.

Xiao Douding thought for a while and then said: "I don't know! Anyway, my parents told me that I must call me second uncle."

call! False alarm!

Meeting Gu Zhongyu's family for the first time, Liu Yufei immediately realized that this was a good opportunity. She picked up Dundun and said, "Don't call me sister, call me aunt. What's your name?"

"Everyone in my family calls me Little Douding. Auntie, you look good!"

"You have such a sweet little mouth, little Douding! Do you know how this little kitten in my hand came to be?"

Little Douding touched his head and asked in confusion: "Aren't all kittens born to mother cats?"

"This cat was adopted by my aunt and your uncle together. It is equivalent to our little child. Do you understand? In other words, you actually have to call me aunt..."

"No, Liu Qianmeizi, are you okay with fooling the children? Did you and Gu Zhongyu get the certificates or something?"

Liu Shishi couldn't stand it anymore, and even called her aunt and planted gourds in front of the house - she really considered herself a master, so little Liu Yufei took the lead in singing the first tune of the day.

Yang Mi looked at her good sister in surprise. She didn't expect that Master Shi, who looked calm on the outside, was no less aggressive than herself.

"Did I make a mistake? Gu Zhongyu and I raised Dundun. Including the cats that Gu Zhongyu gave to you, they are all the offspring of Dundun and my cat. In other words, you all took my cats!"

Hearing this, the other female celebrities present could no longer remain calm.

It means that we stole the man who belongs to you!

"Yo yo yo! But I remember, didn't you guys break up? I just asked your cat to be a breeding partner. It was like saying something like that. I was really looking at the breeding station and making noises - are you worthy too?"

Fan Binbin has been through many battles and has seen a lot, so he turns it on when he comes up, what kind of bullshit fairy sister, I won’t accept your tricks!

At this time, Nazha also came up to touch up the damage: "Some people should put it down when it's time to put it down. In addition to cats, the same goes for people."

How could Liu Xiaoli tolerate her daughter being bullied? She immediately retorted: "Girls don't know how to keep themselves clean. What's it like hanging out with their own teachers?"

"That's better than some people shamelessly holding on to you!"

"Who are you talking about?" Gao Yuanyuan also felt stung by these words.

"Whoever talks to you is talking about it!"

Seeing that Nazha started to attack indiscriminately, Gao Yuanyuan no longer cared about the image of the goddess, and started fighting with her. Yang Mi temporarily formed an ally with Shishi, while Bai Bin fanned the flames...

Only Jiang Shuying and Lin Chiling remained in the state of watching the show, while Zhang Zilin didn't even bother to join their fight. After all, he was the real girlfriend recognized by Gu Zhongyu's parents. If I don't die, you guys are just cheap maids after all!

Xiao Douding looked confused as he watched the beautiful sisters at the table start arguing like this. He really didn't know why his sisters were not happy when he came to ask for a cat.

The child quietly left here out of the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. She didn't want the cat for the time being and asked her second uncle to give it to her later.

The commotion between several women quickly attracted the attention of nearby people. Some insiders were already snickering. People gloating about the misfortune abounded. Gu Zhongyu was really not afraid of death and dared to arrange for all these women to sit down. At the table, it's really a toad playing with a frog - an ugly flower that is still playing with.

Technical prowess is not as good as horoscope prowess, but if you are capable, don’t be too arrogant!

Gu Zhongyu was still bragging with Yu Bo, saying that he had recently started taekwondo and would compete with him another day, but Xiao Douding came over to remind him, and then he knew the situation.

Seeing all the girls blowing their feathers and thorns like fighting cocks, he immediately rushed over to put out the fire: "My aunts, what are you doing?"


When the girls saw Gu Zhongyu coming, they all turned their heads and ignored him.

"Teacher Gu! They are so scary and fierce! Unlike me, I only feel sorry for the teacher!" Nazha took the initiative to show her pity. If the timing wasn't right, she would have rushed directly into Gu Zhongyu's arms and acted coquettishly.


The other women cursed inwardly when they saw her like this.

Gu Zhongyu shook his head helplessly and could only pretend to be a grandson for now.

He first tried to persuade them with various kind words, asking them to pay attention to the situation, and at the same time warned that there might be paparazzi sneaking into the scene, and your every move could make you headlines at any time.

Then Gu Zhongyu moved another chair over and sat here staring at them.

Unexpectedly, this plays into the hands of these women. Since we have to take care of our image and not make noise, you have to take good care of us, so...

"Zhongyu, I want to drink water, please pour it for me!"

"Teacher Gu, how do you like these spring rolls?"

"This piece of Dongpo meat is not delicious at all. Come on, eat it for me!"

Gu Zhongyu could only transform into a slave, serving them tea and water, doing cow work and waiting with a smile on his face, and finally made the women calm down for a while.

"Have you seen, this is what happens when a man is too carefree! You are not allowed to imitate him!" Xie Nan began to educate her future husband, Wu Jin.

"Mr. Gu is really a role model for our generation!" Shen Teng, who had just joined the company, couldn't help but feel envious. He was a tigress at home. He didn't dare to be too intimate with his partner Ma Li on weekdays.

"Xiao Gu is good at everything, but if he can't change this bad habit, he will suffer from it in the future." Chen Baoguo couldn't help complaining to Ge You who was sitting next to him.

As for other young people like Zhang Ruoyun, Deng Chao, and Chen Sicheng, they all want to go to Gu Zhongyu to become their disciples now. We women all have a headache. How did you manage to settle so many beauties, boss?


The party lasted until late at night. When the last celebrity friend left, Gu Zhongyu stood at the door of the hotel and saw them off with a smile. At the same time, he continued to interact with the fans below for a while. Today's birthday party was almost over.

He watched the huge birthday cake being slowly moved away from the hall, and his heart was filled with emotion.

This damn birthday is finally over. If labor and management hold any more messy birthday parties in the future, all readers will be single for the rest of their lives!

He was about to leave, thinking that the matter was over, but when he turned around, he found that there seemed to be someone in the hall who had not left.

He walked over and saw that Liu Yufei and others were still sitting at the table, staring at each other!

Seeing Gu Zhongyu coming over, they all looked at him at the same time. The meaning was very clear, the party was over, who are you going to go with tonight?

Another damn question!

Gu Zhongyu: This question is too difficult, I can't do it!

Thanks to the book friend MagicQian, for the 500-point reward, thank you readers!

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