Just when Gu Zhongyu was struggling with how to choose, Zhang Zilin, who had been silent, stood up first.

She felt that it was pointless to be jealous of these little women. It would only embarrass Gu Zhongyu. Anyway, the man's final legal marriage partner would only be her, so why rush it?

"I'm going back first, you should rest early!" After Gu Zhongyu left these words, she walked away with long legs.

The other women felt relieved when they saw Zhang Zilin leaving. These ladies were too tall, and sitting there would give people a strong sense of oppression without saying anything.

The next person to leave was Jiang Shuying. As Boss Gu's top secret, she would definitely not get involved in the fight; closely followed was Lin Chiling. She had a very clear positioning of herself and she was just joining in the fun.

In this way, there were only eight, oh, nine people left in the venue, and Liu Yufei's mother was also looking at him eagerly.

Considering that all the people present were young people, Liu Xiaoli felt that it was really inappropriate to stay here. She whispered a few words to her daughter, picked up her bag and left.

"Ahem! Are we just going to stand here all the time? How about... let's change places first?"

The remaining women looked at each other, no one moved or spoke.

Gu Zhongyu was anxious. He refused to leave or stay. He turned around with a stamp of his feet and said as he walked: "I'm going back now. Anyone who wants to come with me can come, otherwise you can go home by yourself!"

Rather than troubling himself, it would be better to embarrass others. No matter who he chooses, he will offend several other women. Gu Zhongyu simply lets them choose.

Nazha rushed out almost immediately, holding Gu Zhongyu's arm. Seeing that she had taken the lead, the other women were so angry that they wanted to leave and ignore this couple!

But then I thought about it, if I left now, wouldn’t it be in vain that I benefited from the fairy Nazha?

So with the mentality that they would rather be disgusted than disturb them, Da Mi Mi, Fan Binbin and Gao Yuanyuan all followed one after another. Liu Yufei was not willing to be left behind, as were Bai Bin and Liu Shishi. Li Yao was entangled for a long time. Seeing that they were about to go downstairs, they finally couldn't help but start to move...

Bai Lu, who was waiting outside, saw Gu Zhongyu strutting out with so many actresses behind him. She was so shocked that she could swallow an egg with her mouth wide open!

My boss is awesome!


Although there were a lot of people, Gu Zhongyu's RV could barely fit in. After everyone left the hotel, they took the car together to Gu Zhongyu's big house.

After arriving indoors, several female celebrities looked at Gu Zhongyu one after another. Now that they are here, what are your plans? You can't let us accompany you, right?

Although Gu Zhongyu also wanted to party like that, it was obviously unrealistic and his small body couldn't bear it, so he suggested: "There is a family KTV on the first floor below. Let's go have a drink and sing a song?"

I thought someone would object, but unexpectedly everyone nodded one after another, agreeing to the proposal.

As a result, the nine people hit it off immediately, and Gu Zhongyu smoothly brought Bai Lu in. Dundun, as the group favorite, can ease the atmosphere and is indispensable.

Bai Lu was speechless, covering her forehead and lamenting, Oh my God, what on earth does the boss want to do?

In the dim room, colorful ambient lights flashed and restless music filled the whole place. It was similar to those VIP rooms in KTV and had all the necessary facilities. Bai Lu started running errands and helped Gu Zhongyu pick up the two bottles of red wine he had collected. Come over.

"Today is my birthday. Since everyone doesn't want to leave after the birthday party is over, let's have some fun together and have a small party. I hope everyone can get along in harmony and not fight!"

Nazha shouted, "After listening to Teacher Gu's song, I want to sing karaoke now."

After saying that, she couldn't wait to pick up the microphone and start singing. She ordered "The Sun Never Sets" by Cai Yilin.

"The fog in the sky comes carelessly, and the river is as quiet as an oil painting..."

Nazha, who is tone-deaf, sang with the aura of Qin Shihuang who burned books and humiliated Confucian scholars. Everyone quickly checked out of the hotel like a bastard - they couldn't hold it in any longer!

Liu Yufei pushed Nazha away with disgust, snatched the wheat from her hand, and told her not to harm everyone's eardrums, but to learn from her.

Sissi has released an album before. Although it was just for fun and not up to professional standards, she still had no problem beating the "human lark" Nazha.

Seeing Liu Yufei's enthusiastic singing, Fan Binbin and Da Mi Mi, who had some skills, were not to be outdone. Each of them took a microphone and started singing along.

Fortunately, this time they were not singing "Providence of Love". The three girls were singing "Fleeting Time" by Faye Wong, so they finally managed to make do with it.

There were only three microphones, and Liu Yufei, Fan Binbin, and Da Mi Mi each held one. The others drank some wine and listened to the three Maiba singing one song after another.

When those Maiba got tired of singing, they let others sing for a while. After playing for more than an hour, Da Mi Mi took the initiative and suggested, "How about we play some small games? It's just that singing is too boring."

Liu Yufei snorted: "But I just saw you singing very enthusiastically."

"Then what are we playing for?" Li Yao asked weakly, stroking Dundun in his arms. She was okay at singing, but not at all good at drinking, boxing, etc.

Then Da Mi Mi took out an empty wine bottle: "Let's play truth or dare. First write the dare on a piece of paper and put it in the dice cup. Then everyone takes turns spinning the bottle. The person who is pointed out must choose truth or dare." It’s still a big risk.”

Is it so exciting?

Gu Zhongyu swore that he did not bribe Yang Mi. This was completely her own idea. You have to be good at playing, Sister Mi!

"If you don't want to do it, can you drink instead?" Gao Yuanyuan asked.

Yang Mi put a whole bottle of red wine on the table: "That's fine, drink a bottle."

Her words almost blocked the way to replace drinking. Gu Zhongyu nodded in agreement and even wanted to give her a thumbs up. Others had nothing to say.

Everyone took the note and started writing. Considering that they might also be victims, most people did not dare to write too much, but... it was inevitable that there would be traitors.

Nazha was excited, and the devil horns on her head were about to grow out! She wrote various big adventure punishments on the note, and then put it into the dice cup with satisfaction.

Gu Zhongyu was the first to start turning the bottle. The bottle spun rapidly, then slowly stopped and pointed at Li Xin.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth!" Li Xin felt that Gu Zhongyu would definitely not embarrass him.

So Gu Zhongyu touched his chin, thought for a while and asked: "Please tell me who you dreamed about the last time?"

Oh wow! Is the first question so explosive?

Li Xin never expected that Gu the scumbag would not give her face at all. She was so ashamed and regretful that she blushed for a long time before she uttered two words: "It's... you!"

Everyone's enthusiasm for the game instantly increased by 50 percentage points.

"Let's see who the next lucky person is." The next person to spin the bottle was Fan Binbin, and this time the bottle mouth pointed to Liu Yufei.


Liu Yufei didn't dare to let Fan Xiaopang ask her questions, so she directly chose Dare and went to shake the dice cup, and a piece of paper fell out.

"Let me see what it is!" Fan Binbin grabbed the note curiously, "Take off your makeup in front of everyone!"

The girls were all furious. This request was too much in their opinion, no less than running naked on the street, but they were all gloating, after all, it was Liu Yufei, not them.

Who knew that Liu Yufei said directly: "I am already bare-faced, why should I take off my makeup?"

This was too infuriating. Can she still be so beautiful without makeup? Liu Shishi next to her touched her face directly, "It seems that there is really no makeup. Is it really so white?"

"I don't believe it! Find someone to check it out!" Nazha roared. This was one of the poisonous plots she wrote. How could a woman go out without makeup?

Naza is still too young. She doesn't know that there is a kind of woman in the world called lazy ghost!

All the girls looked at Gu Zhongyu, and Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to crawl to Liu Yufei's side. In front of everyone, he "slurped" a mouthful on her little face, smacked his lips and said, "It's pure natural and pollution-free, and it really doesn't contain any cosmetic ingredients."

Being flirted with by Gu Zhongyu in public, Liu Yufei was not only not shy, but also looked like she had won. Nazha regretted it so much. Why wasn't it me who was tested by Teacher Gu?

Everyone's playfulness was aroused. In the third round, it was Yang Mi who spun the bottle, and it was Bai Lu who was pointed at.

Bai Lu was timid and didn't dare to choose the big dare. Relying on her good relationship with Yang Mi, she chose the truth.

"Sister Mi Mi, please be merciful!"

Yang Mi made an OK gesture to her, and then asked mercilessly: "Excuse me, have you had any relationship with your boss Gu?"


I agreed to be merciful! There are so many people here, don't I, Bai Mengyan, have any face?

Bai Lu, who was backstabbed by Sister Mi, was shy. She first glanced at the boss and found that he was indifferent. Then she slowly said, "Yes!"

Big Mi Mi nodded with satisfaction. She had guessed that you would go to this step.

The other women looked at Gu Zhongyu in disbelief. You are really worse than an animal.

The game continued. This time, Fan Binbin spun the bottle, and Liu Shishi was the lucky one.

"Big Dare!"

With the previous experience, no one chose truth or truth. Liu Shishi opened the note she drew this time. She looked a little strange. She spread it out and saw that it said: Choose your favorite person in the field and hug for more than five minutes!

This was written by Gu Zhongyu. Anyway, he was the only man present. No matter who drew it, he would definitely take advantage.

Liu Shishi seemed to have guessed who it was. The biggest beneficiary of this adventure was obviously Gu Zhongyu, so she glared at him, then stood up and walked towards Gu Zhongyu affectionately...

Just when Gu Zhongyu closed his eyes and prepared to accept Shi Ye's hug, he didn't taste the sweetness he imagined. He opened his eyes and saw, what did I see!

Da Mi Mi was shocked. She never expected to see such a good thing. That was four years ago when she was filming "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

When she was filming, she and Liu Shishi got along like real sisters, but later because of competition in their careers and the fight between the two fans, their relationship had already drifted apart...

Shishi returned to his arms, and Yang Mi was also very excited.

Five minutes ended.

Although Gu Zhongyu didn't take advantage, seeing that the close relationship between the two good sisters returned to the period of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III", he was also very happy for them.

This game seems to be getting more and more fun. In the next round, Bai Bin is the banker, and this time the person who was pointed out became Gu Zhongyu.

Gu Zhongyu was an introvert and not good at speaking, so he naturally chose to take a big risk. He took out a piece of paper, opened it, and then showed it to them with a question mark on his face.

"Who wrote this? Stand up and I promise I won't beat you to death!"

The note said "Take off your coat, stand on the table, and dance for us!"


"Hahahahaha..." The girls laughed so hard that they fell over. It was finally your turn to be embarrassed!

Nazha said sorry in a low voice in her heart. This was also written by her. She originally intended to embarrass other girls, but she didn't expect to hurt Teacher Gu by mistake.

Gu Zhongyu wanted to drink a bottle of red wine instead, but the wine that silly girl Bai Lu brought was very strong. If he drank it all in one breath, he would soon lie on the ground like a dead dog, and he wouldn't even think about it tomorrow.

Not to mention that the scene was so dangerous. If he passed out drunk, what if these women cut him into pieces?

"Okay, Gu Delai, stop dawdling, go up and perform your dance!" Gao Yuanyuan urged.

"Haha, Teacher Gu dancing, this is the show we are most looking forward to tonight!" Bai Bin said with a chuckle.

Xixi and Shishi whistled directly like hooligans molesting women. Where did they learn this?

Gu Zhongyu hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, with a feeling of grief and indignation like a woman who was forced into prostitution in the old times, first took off his coat piece by piece, leaving only a vest, stood on the table, and began his performance as the steel pipe on the stage slowly rose.

Trying to recall the performance of the nightclub girl, his movements were a bit awkward, but fortunately his body was relatively flexible, like an eel swimming in the water.

As the rhythm of the music became faster and faster, Gu Zhongyu's movements became more and more skilled, his body spinning around the steel pipe, but unfortunately he was too strong and his feet could not support the steel pipe, otherwise he would have wanted to challenge some difficult movements.

The female stars who sat in a circle around Gu Zhongyu were enjoying the performance. Not bad, not bad. It was worth coming here tonight. Just watching Gu Zhongyu dancing in a coquettish manner was worth it.

Gao Yuanyuan also whispered with Fan Binbin, commenting on his movements and figure, just like two old prostitutes criticizing the girls.

Even Dun Dun in Li Xin's arms stared at Gu Zhongyu with his cat eyes wide open. What's wrong with the shit shoveler today?

Soon the song ended, his performance was over, Gu Zhongyu walked down the table, sobbed silently, put on his clothes, and secretly swore that he would find a way to double his revenge later!

The game continues...

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