Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 251 It’s okay, I’m eating spicy noodles

After two more rounds of games, the ones who got tricked were Liu Yufei and Bai Bin. Liu Yufei took the risk of exchanging underwear with a random girl, but by chance she chose the big one.

The two of them changed their underwear. Liu Yufei was fine in Yang Mi's size, except that the front part sank a lot, but Yang Mi felt a little uncomfortable in Liu Yufei's size. She felt so crowded that she didn't even dare to wear it. Breathe hard, for fear of breaking the strap!

Bai Bin chose to tell the truth. The person who asked the question was Bai Lu. The question was: Please describe in detail your first experience with a male ML, including the scene, process and psychological changes.

Are you a devil?

This was tantamount to a public execution. Bai Bin's face turned red and he spoke helplessly: "It was at night, in a RV in Jinmen..."

"In the end, I was kicked out of the car by that bastard. I took a taxi back alone on a cold and lonely night. It was very cold, but my heart felt even colder!" Thinking of this, Bai Bin couldn't help but look at him sadly. Gu Zhongyu.

Gao Yuanyuan suddenly realized at this moment that it was you who was fooling around with Gu Zhongyu in the RV that day, and it was the first time. It was really unforgettable.

Bai Lu suddenly felt that her thoughts were clear, and she finally avenged Bai Bin for scolding her for having a bad mind that day.

The next person to be tricked was Gao Yuanyuan. Now no one really dares to tell the truth, especially the one who asked the question was Fan Binbin. God knows what embarrassing questions this eldest sister can ask.

The note in the dice cup fell out. Gao Yuanyuan opened it tremblingly and took a look. Then she suddenly felt that it was actually good to tell the truth.

"Sister Bingbing, can I choose to tell the truth again?"

Fan Binbin sneered: "It's really like eating melon seeds by the Ganges - how can you open your mouth? Of course not, show us the note!"

Afraid that Gao Yuanyuan would destroy the body and wipe out traces, Fan Binbin snatched the note directly. Then when he saw the content on it, his face burst into laughter and he read it out loud.

"While doing a foot massage, please call the person of the opposite sex you have recently contacted in your mobile phone address book, and then keep talking for more than ten minutes, and do not let the other person know your current situation."

Everyone was holding back their laughter after listening to it. This is so fun. If you make some strange noise accidentally, the other person will think you are there!

As for who would do the foot massage, Gu Zhongyu immediately said: Generations of our Gu family have been learning this craft since King Wu conquered Zhou, who else would it be?

"Take out your phone and see who the nearest contact is?"

Gao Yuanyuan reluctantly took out her cell phone and opened it to see that the most recent call record of the opposite sex was actually with Zhao Youting.

Worried that Gu Zhongyu would misunderstand, she quickly explained: "I have nothing to do with him. If you look at the call records, he is calling me, and I haven't even answered the phone several times!"

Since filming "Search", Zhao Youting has been chasing Gao Yuanyuan. Although he was warned by Gu Zhongyu once in Cannes last time, he later realized that the two of them were not together often. As time went by, something else started to happen again. In my mind, I feel like I still have a chance if I can't do it well.

As expected, it's the dung beetle who stalks indigestion and is only interested in eating soft food. Okay, it's your turn today.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't wait to take off Gao Yuanyuan's high heels and stockings as soon as he came up. Looking at her white and flawless feet, he couldn't help but lift them up and smell them.

Things are like this, things are like this, and so are feet!

Gao Yuanyuan's face turned red immediately, and Da Mi Mi asked slightly unhappily: "Gu Delai, you are such a pervert! How does it smell?"

"It's okay. It's better than yours, and the smell is not that strong!"

"You go to hell!" Da Mi Mi hated people mentioning her feet the most. She turned around and started urging Gao Yuanyuan to call again.

The helpless Da Meiyuan had no choice but to dial Zhao Youting's number, and at the same time began to pray in his heart that this guy would never answer the phone.

Unexpectedly, within three seconds of ringing, the other party connected, and a gentle male voice came from the speaker: "Yuanyuan, you are calling so late, what's the matter?"

Zhao Youting has been thinking about giving up courtship these days, because Da Meiyuan's attitude towards him is really cold. Every time he called him, he only answered two or three times out of ten times, and they always hung up on him after just saying a few words. , which made Zhao Youting, who had a high self-esteem, feel severely hit.

Unexpectedly, as luck would have it today, Da Meiyuan would take the initiative to contact him so late. This is a good sign!

"Actually, there's nothing wrong. I just want to talk to you. Are you... asleep?"

Almost as soon as the call was connected, Gu Zhongyu began to exert force on the jade feet in his palm. Although he had not learned it professionally, he could still understand the most basic movements based on the memory of some science and education films.

His fingers were warm, as if they were charged with electricity, penetrating the skin and reaching the nerves.

Gao Yuanyuan felt a numbness coming from the soles of her feet, making it almost impossible for her to remain seated. She bit her lip, trying not to make a sound.

"No, I've been reading a book!"

"Hmm... what book is it? Can you introduce it to me?" Gao Yuanyuan tried her best to speak as little as possible to reduce the risk of being exposed due to unnatural sounds.

The goddess wants to know what books I read?

That is to say, she wants to know me, and to round it off, she cares about me. This shows that she has me in her heart!

"I was reading a book about the development history of German philosophy. Classical philosophy is full of charm. Modern ethics, logic, and political philosophy are all deeply influenced by it, especially Kant and Hegel. Have you heard of them? Story?"

At this moment, Gu Zhongyu began to attack the second to third metatarsal areas of the soles of his feet. This seemed to be the reflex area of ​​the kidneys. People say that wherever the body is weak, it hurts wherever you press it. Let's see if Omei Yuan is doing well. Stay healthy!

It turned out that it was not the case. As soon as Gu Zhongyu exerted his strength, Gao Yuanyuan almost held back a cry. She covered her mouth in shock and held it back with willpower.

"Hey! Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Zhao Youting heard the unnaturalness in the goddess's voice and asked with concern.

"I...I'm fine...I was eating spicy strips just now! It was a bit choking!"

Zhao Youting did not expect that the dignified-looking Gao Yuanyuan would actually like to eat such cute snacks, so he continued to take the trouble to popularize the development of German philosophy with her.

Gao Yuanyuan covered her mouth, holding back tears that were about to come out!

Gu Zhongyu, that bastard, actually started working with his left and right hands at the same time, one massaging and the other tickling her flesh. She now felt like a world of ice and fire, making her have to endure the pain and suppress her laughter!

Seeing that Da Meiyuan was so tolerant, Gu Zhongyu refused to accept it. I still didn't believe it, so I started groping around, trying to find the sensitive spots on the soles of her feet.

At this time, Zhao Youting also heard something was wrong and asked: "Yuanyuan, why do you keep going back and forth after I talk so much? Are you sleepy?"

"No, I just...ahhhh!"

The sudden series of screams almost burst Zhao Youting's eardrums!

what's the situation?

"Yuanyuan, what are you doing over there?"

Finally found it, it turned out that the edge of the root of the five toes was the fatal point of Da Meiyuan. Gu Zhongyu charged up a heavy blow. Gao Yuanyuan finally couldn't hold it any longer and screamed out from the pressure!

Ten minutes were almost up. Gu Zhongyu took her mobile phone and answered it: "Sorry, Mr. Gao, Yuanyuan is too greedy and choked again. Thank you for your concern."

After saying that, Gu Zhongyu hung up the phone. He didn't believe that after this incident, the boiling sheep would continue to chase Yuanyuan.

Zhao Youting on the other end of the phone looked confused. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Gu Zhongyu was actually beside him all the time. Everything that happened just now was...

Have I become a part of your play?

Frustrated, he wanted to call and scold him right away, but he pressed the dial button and hung up anyway.

Forget it, there is no grass anywhere in the world. He looked at Gao Yuanyuan's name in his address book, sighed, silently chose to delete it, and blocked her WeChat account.

As long as I choose to forget, then none of this has ever happened!

On the other side, Da Meiyuan, who had finished her adventure, had her eyes wide open slightly, and used the "two-finger magic skill" on Gu Zhongyu, twisting his waist into a twist!

"It hurts! It hurts! Yuanyuan let go!"

"If I strangle you to death, you bastard, how can I see anyone in the future?"

Gu Zhongyu was puzzled: "After all this, do you still plan to see him in the future?"

"Aren't you human?" Gao Yuanyuan glanced around the people present. There were every little goblin here. Maybe they would start spreading random rumors as soon as they came out of this door.

Fan Binbin sneered and said: "Hey...don't worry! We don't remember anything, we only know that your senior sister...loves spicy strips?"

"Who do you call the third grade sister?"

I don't know if it's a matter of horoscopes or temperament differences, but Fan Binbin and Gao Yuanyuan always dislike each other, even more than Sissi and Shishi.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's continue!" Da Mi Mi is now addicted to playing. He has never found Truth or Dare so interesting before.

In the next few games that everyone played, almost everyone experienced a big adventure again, including Liu Shishi who wanted to imitate cosplaying Lady Gaga and singing, Nazha who acted constipated in public, Bai Bin who held Fan Binbin's thigh and sang a love song, and imitated The white dew of melatonin advertising...

Playing until late at night, everyone felt a little sleepy. After another round of playing, it was almost over. Student Liu Yufei was hit again. Unluckily, she had to grab a grape that Gu Zhongyu was holding in her mouth.

After experiencing so many big adventures, classmate Sissi has survived it all, and taking grapes from her mouth is no problem.

But can Gu Zhongyu make her wish so simple?

So the two of them played a hide-and-seek game with their mouths. The others were all excited when they saw it, and they all decided that they would definitely try this game with Gu Zhongyu in the future.

Liu Yufei couldn't take the grapes back to her mouth for a long time, and she couldn't do it due to the rules. Fortunately, at this time, a handsome boy who didn't leave his name - Dundun passed by.

Are these two stinking shit shovels licking each other's hair?

But this position is wrong, and there is no hair inside the mouth. These humans are so stupid, and I have to teach you.

So it jumped on Gu Zhongyu's belly, looked at his chin, where there was still stubble, and stretched out its barbed cat tongue to "suck"!


Gu Zhongyu was so stung that he didn't pay attention, and finally let Liu Yufei take back the grapes. Although only the skin was left, he still won, and tonight's truth or dare was over.

Very good, little cat, you don’t even have dinner for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

"Mom's love for you is indeed not in vain!" Liu Yufei hugged Dundun tightly to express her gratitude. The poor piggy was strangled so hard that she could hardly breathe.

It was already past two in the morning, and everyone was going to rest. Gu Zhongyu looked at the nine girls in the room. They were of all shapes and sizes, with different temperaments, but without exception, they were all beauties.

Of course, Bai Lu might be a little bit behind.

Gu Zhongyu wanted to close the door and play a hot and exciting poker game, but he also knew that this was unrealistic. Even if he could keep up with the physical strength, he had to consider the psychological factors of others. Today's game of truth or dare had opened their eyes and obviously brought everyone closer.

Look, Shi Ye and Da Mi Mi were almost together, which was proof.

Although Gu Zhongyu's villa was large, it was not evenly distributed, so he directly divided the rooms for them. Liu Shishi and Da Mi Mi had one room, Bai Bin and Nazha had one room, and the rest had one room each.

While everyone was taking a shower, Gu Zhongyu shamelessly asked Liu Yufei if there were any extra kittens at home. If not, he would send Dun Dun to breed again.

"You want to give my cat to someone else again?" Xixi's eyebrows were raised. She hadn't settled the score with you yet!

"No, this time it's really a gift to my family. Didn't you see Xiaodouding today? She insisted that I give Dun Dun to her. I definitely can't give her the cat as a token of love. I can only find a new cat to give to the child!"

Hearing the words "together cat", Xixi's expression eased a little. As long as she didn't give her cat to other women, she could accept it. So she nodded and agreed.

In addition to her own room, there are seven other rooms with nine beauties living in them. The question is, where should Gu sleep tonight?

Go find Fan Binbin and Gao Yuanyuan again. The relationship between the two of them was very tense when they were playing games tonight. He also needs to persuade and reconcile them. If anyone doesn't listen,

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