Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 252: Second confrontation between Gu Zhongyu and the Wang brothers

After the big adventure night, all the girls went their separate ways with red faces. Only Gu Zhongyu sat at home and let Bai Lu take care of him for several days. He felt that his body was hollowed out and he had lost the ability to love!

In the future, he would never dare to gather these girls together to play games. The cost of fighting an annihilation war is too high. The best way is to defeat them one by one.

Liu Yufei also took Dun Dun away and put him in her home for breeding. The little guy is so lucky. Miss Xixi has countless female cats at home. He can enjoy the harem life again.


With the end of December, "Lost in Thailand" was taken off the shelves. The final box office reached nearly 1.3 billion, which not only broke the box office record of domestic films, but also opened the golden age of comedy films.

It was followed by the 2013 Spring Festival, and "Chinese Partners" was about to be released.

The premiere was held at the Meng Minwei Concert Hall of Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College, which is also a very stylish place.

Many celebrities attended the premiere ceremony, and the starlight even exceeded that of the Golden Horse Awards for Taiwanese Films some time ago. Of course, most of them came for Gu Zhongyu's sake.

Deng Chao and Tong Dawei each brought their wives Sun Li and Guan Yue, Chen Kexin's wife Wu Junru, their friends Liu Jialing and Principal Gu, as well as Yu Feihong, Zhang Jizhong, Zheng Xiaolong, Li Yapeng, Yuan Quan and others.

Gu Zhongyu hadn't seen Teacher Yu Feihong for a while. Since she lost all her money in the movie "Love Has a Next Life" directed and acted by her, she has been silent for a long time. During this period, she returned to Beijing Film Academy to teach for a few days.

I don't know who invited her this time. Gu Zhongyu ran up to her and said hello to her teacher with a smile. As a result, our Fairy Jinghong just rolled her eyes at him, but ignored him and went straight to the guest seat to sit with Yuan Quan and others.

It's not surprising. After all, Gu Zhongyu didn't do a good job in respecting teachers and often contradicted Teacher Yu. It was normal for him to be a little angry because he hadn't taken the initiative to visit her for such a long time.

Now there were many people, and it was not convenient for him to pester her, so he called Bai Lu to whisper a few words to her...

In addition, the prototype characters in the film - the three bosses of "New Oriental" Yu Minhong, Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang also took the lead in appearing on the stage.

It was indeed a pleasant surprise to invite these three people. Although the movie "Chinese Partners" was based on the three founding veterans of New Oriental, the boss Yu Minhong had distanced himself from the film early on.

To express his dissatisfaction, Yu Minhong also wrote on Weibo: "Recently, many friends asked me whether the movie "Chinese Partners" directed by Chen Kexin was based on New Oriental? Did New Oriental participate in the investment? I have never met Chen Kexin or any actors to this day, so I don't know what the relationship is between this movie and New Oriental, and of course I didn't participate in the investment. Xu Xiaoping mentioned this movie to me, but I firmly opposed to bringing New Oriental to the screen, so now and in the future, this movie has nothing to do with me."

When Gu Zhongyu saw Yu Minhong's statement on Weibo, he didn't care, but as a director, Chen Kexin felt a little uneasy and even worried that he would be sued for it.

In order not to "offend" Yu Minhong, Chen Kexin invited him to the premiere of "Chinese Partners". He was rejected at first, but after repeated invitations, Yu Minhong finally came.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of meeting, and trees are afraid of being peeled. Since Yu Minhong came, it means that he was not completely disgusted with this creation, otherwise Chen Kexin would still worry that Yu Minhong would sue him.

After the three big guys came on stage, they sang the theme song "The Story of Time" together. The Tsinghua students in the audience applauded loudly, and their enthusiasm also ignited the atmosphere of the concert hall.

Then it was time for the main creators to speak. When the four star protagonists Gu Zhongyu, Deng Chao, Tong Dawei, and Gao Yuanyuan appeared, the whole concert hall became starry. Especially when Gu Zhongyu spoke, the screams of the female students in the audience were one wave higher than the other, and the male compatriots were mainly drooling over Gao Yuanyuan.

This year, due to the popularity of the two movies "Ball Lightning" and "Like You", plus the highly acclaimed costume drama "The Longest Day in Chang'an" that just ended not long ago, Gu Zhongyu's popularity has returned to its peak. With the blessing of the divine song "Fox Call" that has become popular all over the world, it has even reached a higher level.

Obviously, most of the fans and audiences at the scene came for Gu Zhongyu. In comparison, Deng Chao and Tong Dawei seemed a little lonely. Fortunately, they were mentally prepared and came to serve as foils today.

"We applaud and welcome Mr. Gu Zhongyu, the leading actor of the movie "Chinese Partners", to come and say a few words for us!"

After Gu Zhongyu came on stage, he first thanked the crew and director for their hard work, and then nodded to the three bigwigs of New Oriental: "I really didn't expect the three seniors to come here. I was a little reckless. When I wrote the story, I didn't consider many places too comprehensively. I hope you will forgive me!"

The sedan chair is carried by people. This point must be said first. People have come to support you, and you must say a few polite words, because you have dug up their black history in the movie.

In the movie, there is a big loophole in the plot of "Chinese Partners", which is the copyright dispute between New Dream and ETS throughout!

Whether it is Gu Zhongyu as a screenwriter or Chen Kexin who directed the movie to exaggerate the tone, of course they cannot admit that New Dream's approach is wrong, so from a realistic perspective, this point is a bit untenable.

After the release of this film in the previous life, many people seized on this point to attack, saying that the film has a wrong outlook!

But that is a normal way for movies to vent emotions, and it was filmed completely according to reality. Then can the series of gray events in New Oriental's rise to fame also be shown in the movie?

Many people compare "The Social Network" with "Chinese Partners".

They say that "The Social Network" questions success, the loneliness and solitude after success, which cannot be seen in "Chinese Partners". One rich man can cover up a hundred ugly things, the mentality of the nouveau riche is exposed, and the smell of money is strong!

There are also examples that even Yu Minhong, one of the prototypes of the film, couldn't stand it, and pointed out two key flaws in "Chinese Partners": the dispute between New Oriental and ETS was New Oriental's fault, and cultural hegemony could not be used to accuse others; New Oriental's listing was completely a commercial behavior, not something to win glory for the country.

How to say it, saying that the movie conveys incorrect outlooks is worse than saying that these people did such things with wrong outlooks!

Being forced to do so, illegally running schools, creating stars, and infringing copyrights are all things that New Oriental has done and is still doing now!

What makes New Oriental different is that New Oriental is now big, listed in the United States, and the founders have all gone to work as angel investors; while those who do small illegal businesses (such as those who sell pirated New Oriental textbooks and pirated New Oriental teacher videos in front of New Oriental headquarters) may not make as much money in their lifetime as the 1.63% increase in New Oriental's stock price last night made Lao Yu richer.

So the statement that "Chinese Partners" was not well made is obviously wrong!

The success of this era should be like what the movie portrays - the counterattack of the country bumpkin.

In fact, many successful private entrepreneurs today, how much better than Cheng Dongqing were back then?

After Chen Kexin finished his speech about the movie, it was Gu Zhongyu's turn to stand in front of a group of reporters with a smile and be interviewed.

"I'd like to state in advance that I'm the screenwriter of this movie. If you say there are any loopholes in the movie, remember, look for me, not Director Chen!"

At this time, a reporter couldn't wait to ask: "Teacher Gu, based on your previous remarks, do you think that in China, success means having a brilliant career and a huge amount of wealth? Don't you think such success is too narrow?"

Gu Zhongyu wanted to answer directly, but that was too straightforward. After thinking about it, he said tactfully: "How should I put it? The script of this movie was written by me a few years ago, and the definition of success was my idea at that time. I can say responsibly that this movie reflects a certain form of success that Chinese people think of now! Although it will make everyone feel a little chilled, I still have to say this!"

"But movies are for human beings to dream! It's art! It shouldn't reflect this meaning! Lacan once said that the mirror stage refers to a person between 6 and 18 months..." The reporter obviously wanted to show off, and even brought up Jacques Lacan.

"I understand what you mean. I've read Lacan's books too!"

Interrupting the reporter's pretentious behavior, Gu Zhongyu assured the students in the audience: "This "Chinese Partners" is a little lacking in values, but from the perspective of the film, it is definitely a conscientious production, whether it is the performance of the actors or the director's dedication! I suggest that everyone can go to the cinema to watch it once."

"As for this reporter, you don't quite understand the pressure of marketization on us filmmakers. You make a movie, but don't think about making money? Is it possible?"

"Don't talk to me about dreams. I'm talking about a very realistic problem. If this "Chinese Partners" loses money, Director Chen will never get any big-budget movie shooting opportunities from now on!"

Chen Kexing has been at the lowest point in his life in the past few years. The "Warriors" he worked hard to produce flopped, and the "Martial Arts" he worked hard on also flopped. Even his mother passed away not long ago.

Two consecutive movies failed, even if he was a famous director, it would be a bit embarrassing. Besides, investors are not fools. How could they be upset? What if they lose money!

Gu Zhongyu said this very directly. Only with his background and identity can he speak so frankly. In the entertainment industry, there are very few people who take over the business!

Only in our China, a group of capital tycoons waved their checks to poach people and set up projects. Who is the investor of "Chinese Partners" in the original time and space?

It is Wang Shi, a big boss who has nothing to do with the film industry!

"The story of entrepreneurship is difficult to tell. If it is too realistic, it will never be broadcast. But if it is out of touch with reality, it will look fake. Director Chen has almost achieved the extreme. You see, he has more white hair on his head!"

Seeing that the scene was a bit serious, Gu Zhongyu made a joke.

"Then Mr. Gu, what is your box office estimate for this movie? Can it exceed your previous work "Ball Lightning" or "Lost in Thailand" which just came off the shelves?"

"I'm just an actor and screenwriter. Regarding this issue, shouldn't you leave it to Director Chen Kexing?" Gu Zhongyu smiled and pushed Chen Kexing out.

"Teacher Gu, have you forgotten? You are also the investor, producer, and supervisor! You are the absolute core of this movie, much more important than me!" Chen Kexing was not so easy to come forward, and immediately threw the topic back to Gu Zhongyu.

Okay! ·You have already let a director be a tool for you, and it is not appropriate to let him take on this responsibility again.

"Then let me make a bold estimate. In terms of the rendering environment and language, this movie is ahead of most domestic movies. Of course I hope the box office is as high as possible! But let's start from a realistic perspective. The box office of this movie should not be less than 500 million. As for surpassing "Ball Lightning" or "囧", I personally think it is unlikely. "

It’s not yet the time when a movie can earn over one billion at the box office. If a movie wants to exceed one billion, the right time, right place and right people are indispensable. In the previous life, "China Partners" had a box office of more than 500 million. In this life, the starring role has been replaced by Huang Xiaoming. After becoming oneself, and with better publicity and promotion, it is estimated that it will be enough to win 600-700 million yuan.

"It sounds like there is some confidence, but not much. So, Mr. Gu, do you think there will be another movie this year that can surpass the box office of "囧"?"

Gu Zhongyu smiled mysteriously and asked everyone to get ready to watch the movie instead of saying anything.

At the same time that the crew of "Partners in China" held its premiere here, almost at the same time, the Wang brothers' new movie "Tai Chi 1 from Scratch" also held its premiere ceremony at Wanda Cinema in Yanjing.

Wang Zhonglei specially chose this day to compete with Zongheng Film and Television's "China Partner".

The past few years have been difficult for them, although the Wang brothers made a fortune in 2010 with "If You Are the One" and "Tangshan Earthquake." But there has been a downward trend in 2011.

Except for "New Shaolin Temple" which made a little money, films such as "Global Love", "Snowflakes and the Secret Fan", "Starry Sky", "Happy Magic" and "Old Master: The Legend of the Little Water Tiger" all suffered heavy losses. It is difficult to verify how much responsibility the Wang brothers bear for these money-losing movies, but in 2012 Huayi urgently needed to occupy the first place in the market, and he had to make blockbusters.

However, during the Spring Festival last year, the action movie "Backlash" in which they invested 200 million yuan was still beaten by "Ball Lightning" and almost lost all their money!

So this year, the brothers continued to work on blockbusters during the Spring Festival, vowing to regain their reputation. They spent another 200 million and hired martial arts champion Yuan Xiaochao as the male lead, with Liang Jiahui, Baby, Peng and Yan as supporting roles, and the film was completed in one go. There are two parts. As long as the first part does well at the box office and the second part has some special effects, it will be released soon.

This project is the most controversial project within the Wang Brothers Company. Producer Chen Guofu himself thinks it is "too crazy." The male protagonist is not kung fu superstar Jet Li, but martial arts champion Yuan Xiaochao with no acting experience. Director Feng Delun only has experience in shooting low-budget movies.

But the Wang brothers have no choice. Good movie scripts are hard to come by. Someone like Gu Zhongyu who can steadily produce high-quality scripts is a monster. Even if he is seriously ill and seeks medical treatment, this year's Spring Festival must be released. Movie push up!

It's the Spring Festival again in the new year, and the Wang brothers' movie is once again competing with Gu Zhongyu's new movie. It depends on who will win this time...

2012 is over and a new volume is about to begin!

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