It was New Year's Eve again, when the family reunited. Gu Zhongyu naturally had to go back to his hometown for the New Year, but unlike previous years when he went back alone, this time he brought Zhang Zilin with him.

This was also what the old man said. If he didn't bring a girlfriend home for the New Year, he would kick him out with a broom!

There was no other way, he could only bring Zhang Da Niu with him this time.

Zhang Zilin was overjoyed. After arriving at Gu's house, she cooked and served tea to the two elders, as if she had already regarded herself as the daughter-in-law of the Gu family.

He just hoped that the news of bringing Zhang Zilin back to his hometown this time would not be spread, otherwise the group of women would definitely make trouble again. Everyone was nameless and without status, so why could you go to see Gu Zhongyu's parents?

During the meal, his mother secretly told him that this girl was tall and strong, and she would definitely be easy to raise in the future, and urged him to get married and have children quickly!

A little bean is not enough for you to keep busy, right?

He definitely can't get married. He wouldn't dare to do it even if he was beaten to death. But if his parents want to have grandchildren, it would be very convenient. Gu Zhongyu can find a woman to give birth to a child at any time.

But he is afraid that a woman with a child will become arrogant, which will be even more difficult to deal with... It's a headache!

During the dinner, his niece Xiao Douding remembered to ask him for a cat again. Gu Zhongyu estimated that according to Dun Dun's strong breeding ability, it would be estimated that it would give birth in a dozen days. Then he would go to Xixi's house to get one for her.


On February 17, the box office of "Chinese Partners" exceeded 700 million. At the same time, the first web drama "Yu Zui" of Zongheng Film and Television also officially held a launch conference in Pengcheng.

As the first web drama produced by Zongheng Company, Gu Zhongyu attached great importance to the 24-episode web drama "Yu Zui". He personally selected the male and female protagonists, and even the investment soared from 20 million at the beginning to nearly 40 million.

Although Gu Zhongyu is not short of money, it is quite extravagant and awesome to spend 40 million to shoot a web drama these days.

Of course, Gu Zhongyu is not spending money recklessly, but he wants to make the milestone web drama "Yu Zui" well, and it really needs so much money. This has been investigated and verified by many parties.

After all, the crew of "Yu Zui" in the previous life was too poor. The cost of the first season was only more than 3 million, less than two Shuangshuang. Can you believe it?

Because the cost was too low and the scene props were too simple, the drama did not even dare to promote it in a high-profile manner in the early stage.

However, it is precisely because of this that Gu Zhongyu plans to shoot all the first and second seasons in one go, that is to say, the cost of the two dramas is actually counted together, but it will be divided into two seasons when it is broadcast.

It can also save the extra cost because the first season was very popular, and the actors' salaries in the second season also rose. It is still profitable!

Apart from the scale of investment, the lineup of the drama is very different from the previous life. First of all, the director was changed from Zhang Rui to Xu Jizhou, who is better at shooting police and gangster themes. This director is also very famous in the industry, and the police and gangster films he shot are all famous for their documentary style.

"The Truth of the Thirteen Murder Cases 2", "The Storm of Fighting Black", "The Anti-Black Group", and "The Indelible Number" are all from his handwriting, including the phenomenal TV series "The Storm" that exploded in 2023.

The reason for changing the director is that Gu Zhongyu talked to the original director Zhang Rui and found that this buddy's understanding of the police and gangster themes is actually quite conservative. He even doesn't like the script of "Yu Zui", and his biggest hobby is to shoot TV dramas with life themes.

Second, he is worried that Zhang Rui will shoot the darkness and blood in "Yu Zui" too straightforwardly, and he will still not escape the fate of being completely harmoniously removed from the shelves. That would be a waste of this drama.

In fact, many places can be blurred, leaving some room for the audience's imagination. "The Storm" handled this well, not blindly using violence and blood as a selling point. Although it was related to the changes in the review, it also indirectly confirmed the director's strength and values.

So to be on the safe side, Gu Zhongyu still found the more stable and experienced Xu Jizhou. Of course, in order not to shoot too far away from the script, Gu Zhongyu will also serve as a producer and monitor the set for a while.

In addition to the director, the actor of the villain Fu Guosheng was replaced by Li Fengtian from Hong Kong actor Zhang Jincheng... Oh no, it was Teacher Ning Li!

He did not deny that Zhang Jincheng's acting was indeed good, but after all, he was a Hong Kong actor, and the cost-effectiveness of supporting him was not high. After Zhang Jincheng played Fu Guosheng in his previous life, he was still mediocre, so it was better to try to find actors from the mainland.

Teacher Ning Li is ideal. When she stands there, smiles at you with her sideways face, the viciousness comes out. She has excellent acting skills and doesn't need dubbing. She has first-class lines and can save the money for dubbing.

He never understood why his peers in China were so keen on hiring Hong Kong and Taiwan actors. Taiwanese actors are better. Although they are coquettish, they can at least speak Mandarin. The group of people in Hong Kong have been in the mainland for so many years and can't speak Mandarin well. They are just spoiled!

The male lead Zhang Yishan will naturally not change. This kid is born with a ruffian look. No one will believe him if he says he is a policeman. It's hard to say if he can play other roles, but it's a perfect match for him to play the undercover Yu Zui.

As for the female lead Lin Yujing, Gu Zhongyu initially wanted to use the original actor Wu Youlai. After all, she is also his student! But there is an action director named Long Kun in the company. After knowing that Gu Zhongyu was undecided about the female lead, he took the initiative to recommend a friend of his to him.

Then Gu Zhongyu decided to replace Wu You and let this woman come after seeing the candidate he recommended.

Because this woman's full name is Qiuya, her nickname is Duoduo, and her real name is Wang Zhi.

Damn it, how could he forget this sister!

Wang Zhi, born in 1982, began to learn martial arts at the age of seven. For many years, she has been using Wing Chun and swordsmanship as daily fitness exercises. She went to dance school and entered the acting department of the Central Academy of Drama in 2004.

There is an unwritten rule in the Central Academy of Drama that after entering the school, students are not allowed to take on acting jobs during their freshman and sophomore years to ensure that students can concentrate on learning acting.

Therefore, in her junior year, Wang Zhi was able to star in her first TV series in her life, "Witness", in which she played a young nurse. There are not many roles, and even the pictures are difficult to capture. The leading actors are Li Yapeng, Jinggangshan, etc.

In 2008, Wang Zhi graduated from the Central Academy of Drama. She was not eager to join the entertainment industry. While her classmates were submitting resumes to the crews and seeking roles, Wang Zhi made a puzzling decision: to work as a college student village official in Zhangzikou Village, Yangsong Town, Yanjing HR District.

She is also the only one among so many students of the Central Academy of Drama who has worked as a village official.

During her three-year career as a village official, Wang Zhi not only had to deal with the affairs of the village, answer the villagers' confusion and family matters, but also served as a dance volunteer in various villages for free and taught the villagers to learn dance.

Under the leadership of Wang Zhi, the dance "Hope" choreographed by the villagers also won the first prize in the competition. Because of her sweet appearance, lively and gentle personality, she was also called "the most beautiful village official in Beijing" by the locals.

However, Wang Zhi also lost the best age to become popular in the entertainment industry. During that time, Wang Zhi had few opportunities to appear on the screen and only starred in the TV series "Tiger's Courage".

In 2011, Wang Zhi, who returned to the entertainment industry, ushered in a turning point in her acting career. She was selected by director Ju Jueliang and partnered with Chen Guokun to star in the TV series "Ma Yongzhen", in which she played Ma Yongzhen's sister Bai Xiaodie.

It's a pity that she has been unknown since then, because martial arts films have long been on the decline. It was not until she played Qiu Ya in "Charlotte's Troubles" in 2015 that she began to gain some attention. "The Wandering Earth 2" in 2023 was also a small hit.

Knowing martial arts, having a good figure (mainly Big Bear, which fits Lin Yujing's nickname Big Bear Sister), plus a heroic temperament, isn't this the best candidate to play the heroine!

I had to say sorry to classmate Wu You. Anyway, I gave her the role of the school flower in "Ball Lightning" to make up for it, so it's not unfair to her.

Finally, it was Fu Guosheng's wife, the eldest sister-in-law Shen Jiawen. The original actress Xu Dongdong was okay, but not Gu Zhongyu's cup of tea, so he decisively replaced her with Bai Bin, who was gentle, quiet, beautiful and elegant, even better than Xu Dongdong.

Before the worship ceremony began, Wang Zhi found Gu Zhongyu and expressed her gratitude to him in person.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu. I know you changed your mind this time and chose me to play Lin Yujing. Thank you for your appreciation."

Wang Zhi herself looked delicate and dignified, not like a female martial artist at all. Of course, her good figure could not be concealed. Even though it was cold and everyone was wearing cotton clothes, Gu Zhongyu still had a keen eye and discovered her outstanding characteristics.

"Don't thank me, you should thank Coach Long, he recommended you to me, are you from the same hometown or friends?"

"We practiced martial arts together when we were young, we are from the same school and friends, but I still have to thank Teacher Gu for making the decision, I don't know how to repay you better."

Gu Zhongyu smiled and replied: "Acting well with your heart is the greatest reward for me."

Looking at Gu Zhongyu who seemed to have a decent face, Wang Zhi felt warm in her heart and said gratefully: "Thank you Teacher Gu, I will definitely film with my heart!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled with relief and said: "I know you have learned martial arts since elementary school, but you have never had any place to use it. Although kung fu movies have declined, it does not mean that your skills are useless. The company will need to use female action stars in the future. Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

If "Yu Zui" is filmed quickly, Wang Zhi can also be squeezed into the crew of "Special Forces: Fire Phoenix" to play a female soldier with Wan Qian, Zhang Lanxin and others, which is also a beautiful scenery.

Hearing Gu Zhongyu's words, Wang Zhi was flattered and nodded constantly, with a very pious attitude. This was her first female lead role since her debut a few years ago, and she must play well and live up to Gu Zhongyu's expectations.

In the process of communicating with Wang Zhi, Gu Zhongyu looked at her heroic and delicate features and smelled the perfume on her body, and naturally developed a strong interest in Wang Zhi.

Although Gu Zhongyu always looked very serious in front of Wang Zhi, his eyes had already looked her up and down.

In Gu Zhongyu's view, Wang Zhi looked pure and lustful, and had a very quiet and good family temperament. In addition, she knew kung fu, which was definitely his favorite type.

The last experience with Zhang Lanxin had told him how much excitement and experience a girl who knew kung fu could bring to a man at certain times!

When Wang Zhi was communicating with Gu Zhongyu, she would involuntarily make eye contact with Gu Zhongyu, although Wang Zhi had always told herself in her heart that when chatting with people, she should stare into the other person's eyes, which was a kind of courtesy and respect.

But Wang Zhi had to admit that Gu Zhongyu's aura was too strong and his eyes were too deep. When Wang Zhi looked into Gu Zhongyu's eyes, she couldn't help but feel her heart beating faster.

In fact, it is normal for Wang Zhi to have such a reaction. It is hard not to be moved by a handsome, successful, gentlemanly, talented, rich and powerful man like Gu Zhongyu.

Gu Zhongyu is now a busy man with many things to do. In addition, he is in a high position. It is impossible for him to chase a woman he likes directly. It is a waste of time and too cheap.

His current situation can only allow him to use his limited time and energy to pick up unlimited girls, or let those girls take the initiative to pick him up.

"If you are free in the evening, I would like to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude. Is it convenient?" It seems that Wang Zhi is the kind of person who takes the initiative to pick him up.

"What's inconvenient about this." Gu Zhongyu naturally agreed.

"What's convenient? You two look so happy chatting." At this time, Bai Bin came over. She had noticed that the two of them kept flirting when they were chatting. There must be something going on.

"Then I'll call you. I'll go change my clothes first." Wang Zhi ran away immediately when she saw Bai Bin coming.

Seeing Wang Zhi walk away with a red face, Bai Bin knew that his guess was right. No wonder, this woman is good-looking, has a good figure, and is the kind of woman with little experience. Men love to deceive such little women.

"Our General Manager Gu has a new target again?"

Seeing Bai Bin's jealous look, Gu Zhongyu immediately took her into his arms and said: "I am a person who always pursues new things, so that I can constantly get inspiration. Otherwise, why do you think I can write so many scripts and come up with so many ideas?"

"Is this the reason why you are so philandering?"

Bai Bin glared at her, but she had already believed most of it in her heart. She had heard of this saying that those who engage in artistic creation need to constantly seek stimulation to inspire their own inspiration, so the life of an artist is always romantic or chaotic.

It is normal for someone like Gu Zhongyu to be simply lustful. Some extreme ones may even embark on the path of breaking the law and committing crimes.

"Okay, the opening ceremony is about to begin, let's go first!"

Just then, his cell phone suddenly rang. It was a message from a stranger. Gu Zhongyu clicked it and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

It seems that the deliberate action that night was not in vain. Now, it's almost time to reap the rewards!

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