Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 257 Dazhong catches someone

"Mr. Wang, this is what I found. My wife's mobile phone number does have frequent call records with an unfamiliar number, and there are some records of her going out that I can't find here. It's a bit strange..."

Watching the private detective put the recent work results in front of him, Wang Zhonglei's brows were furrowed and never relaxed.

"Can you find out who registered that number?"

"The registrant is an old man from another place in his seventies. I called him, but the other party hung up immediately after hearing my voice. It should be a number bought on the black market."

At this point, Wang Zhonglei had to believe that there might really be green grassland growing on his head!

The recent box office failure of "Tai Chi 1 From Zero" has made him frown throughout the Spring Festival. When it rains, the private detective he found also reported bad news to him. His wife was actually having an affair with an unfamiliar number.

He already had the answer to who was behind this unfamiliar number.

Thinking of this, he pinched his forehead hard, trying to calm himself down. However, once the anger was ignited, it was not so easy to extinguish!

Wang Zhonglei suddenly stood up and smashed the cup in the study to the ground. The sound of the broken ceramics was particularly harsh in the quiet room, and his heart broke.

Yin Changfu, the private detective hired by Wang Zhonglei, saw that his employer was so angry, and said a few words to comfort him, saying that we have seen a lot of such things. If you want to live a decent life, you have to have a little green on your head!

These days, those who hire these private detectives are basically these rich people who are investigating mistresses. They have long been numb. Some people even don’t call them private detectives, but jokingly call them Dazhong catchers!

After venting, Wang Zhonglei took a deep breath, sat back in his chair, and told Yin Changfu: "Mr. Yin, please keep this a secret for me. I don't want anyone to know."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang. We are very professional and will never do anything that is not in the interests of our employer."

Wang Zhonglei nodded and asked someone to send Yin Changfu away. He had to endure it now. Since being cheated on was a fact, he had to find a way to minimize the negative impact.

After Yin Changfu walked out of the Wang Brothers Company, he returned to the car, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, I've already done it."

"Very good, he didn't suspect anything, did he?"

"Of course not, I mixed the truth with lies, so it sounds more authentic. That... when will the rest of the money be transferred to me?"

"Not a penny less from you, it will be in your account tonight." After saying that, Gu Zhongyu hung up the phone.

Wang Zhonglei is really stingy. He hired a private detective and even bargained for the price. In the end, he was easily bribed by Gu Zhongyu. I don’t know what our little Wang is like now. I really want to stand in front of him and sing a song "It’s not a sin for a man to cry."

Now just wait. In order to cooperate with Yin Changfu, he has been chatting with Wang Xiaorong whenever he has time. He doesn’t ask for any results, but only for a long time.

Wang Xiaorong was also wondering why Gu Zhongyu kept calling her, but she didn’t know what he was thinking. Maybe she was lonely and cold, so she actually chatted with him, her husband’s biggest rival in his career!

Gu Zhongyu even doubted that if he wanted to, he could really add some color to Little Wang’s head.

"What are you so happy about, Mr. Gu?" Wang Zhi leaned on Gu Zhongyu's arm, her face was ruddy, with some sweat, and she was panting. Fortunately, she was in good physical condition and didn’t make a fool of herself just now.

Wang Zhi's purpose of inviting Gu Zhongyu to dinner was not so simple, but she was conservative and never expected that the two of them would progress so fast.

After dinner, Gu Zhongyu sent her back. Wang Zhi politely asked Gu Zhongyu if he wanted to come up to drink some water. Unexpectedly, he was not polite at all and really came up!

He drank this sip of water for more than two hours, and the more he drank, the more thirsty he became. The main reason was that Wang Zhi's reluctant and welcoming look was so tempting that he couldn't help but...

"It's just a clown. Don't call me Mr. Gu in the future. Just call me Zhongyu. Are you okay?"

Gu Zhongyu put down his phone and cared about the person in front of him. Although he had practiced martial arts, Wang Zhi really didn't have the temper that a martial artist should have. He was lively and didn't know how to refuse others, which made him succeed.

"It's OK..." Wang Zhi didn't dare to look directly at Gu Zhongyu's face, and then asked timidly, "Then Mr. Gu, am I repaying you by doing this?"

Yes, she felt that this time it was just a simple repayment, repaying Gu Zhongyu's appreciation and care for her.

"What? Do you regard this as a transaction? If someone else promotes you, would you choose this way of repayment?"

"Of course not! It's just... I don't know what you think, Zhongyu."

Just kidding, if she was so easy to accept a transaction relationship, she wouldn't have gotten to this point. If Gu Zhongyu was replaced by a middle-aged greasy man, I'm afraid her crotch-kicking kick would have swept over long ago.

Originally, Gu Zhongyu didn't care much about Wang Zhi, but now after getting in touch with her, he found that this girl was not only beautiful and had a good figure, but also gentle and quiet and not clingy. It was obviously half-forced by herself, but she even felt that she had taken a great advantage.

As the saying goes: good girls can't be missed, and bad girls can't be let go.

"I hope you won't find a boyfriend anymore. If you really don't want to be with me one day, tell me in time. But in the meantime, just let me take good care of you!"

These words were actually quite scumbag. Although they said they were taking care of her, they didn't promise anything specific. They just said directly that I want you to be my lover.

Wang Zhi naturally understood, but did not object. She was a little melancholy and cold, and had been in an emotional void for a long time. She had not met anyone who made her heart beat for a long time.

After all, facts aside, Gu Zhongyu's internal and external conditions seem to be a good match.

Now Wang Zhi was very touched by Gu Zhongyu's special care for her. She didn't care whether this relationship would last, or even whether it was true.

She buried her head on Gu Zhongyu's chest and said nothing, acquiescing to her relationship with him.

"It's still early, Chi Chi, let's practice Kung Fu again! Hello, Wing Chun, Ip Man, please teach me!"

Wang Zhi suddenly regretted practicing martial arts at this moment.

"I'll give you two choices now."

Xu Pingqiu, played by Chang Rong, is currently telling Yu Zui, played by Zhang Yishan, about his undercover plan.

Here is a plot that has been criticized in the TV series version. As the protagonist, Yu Zui was almost forced by Xu Pingqiu to agree to be an undercover agent.

In fact, Xu Pingqiu in the original work is not that bad. Sending Yu Zui to the detention center was a pre-arranged training program. If you don't agree, you can withdraw. He persuaded these rookies to join in with the provocation and naturalization quota, but everyone else was just a fake shot. , only Yu Zui actually went in. When Yu Zui was fighting in the prison, Xu Pingqiu hid the policeman next door. If Yu Zui lost the fight, he would rush out to save people.

In the original book, after Yu Zui came out, Xu Pingqiu gave him two choices, either to be an undercover agent, or to pretend that nothing happened and go back to school and graduate normally.

In other words, if Yu Zui really doesn't want to do it, he can directly return to normal life. Because he is from Shanxi in the original work, he can never meet Fu Guosheng again in this life, and there is no risk at all.

Yu Zui finally chose to take on this task because he really wanted to do it and had feelings for the police profession.

What's more, it doesn't matter that he has no money, his academic performance is not good, and he only knows one leader, Xu Pingqiu. Even if everything goes back to before he knew Xu Pingqiu, he still has no way out. Either he will work as a policeman somewhere, or he will go home and become a profiteer. fruit.

Therefore, Xu Pingqiu used inducement + sense of honor, not coaxing and coercion. There is an essential difference.

I don’t know why, maybe the director or screenwriter has watched "Infernal Affairs" too much, and his mind is full of policemen like Chen Yongren and Huang Zhicheng. He feels that there are people who are willing to be undercovers, so they have to write Xu Pingqiu in the dark. , almost forcing Yu Zui to go to Liangshan.

This is also one of the important reasons why this show was banned. How could it be possible in reality to force a person who is still in the police academy to be an undercover agent?

However, many netizens still think this is real, and they don’t bother to think about it. If you really force a person to be an undercover agent unwillingly, what if he betrays you?

Of course, we can't follow the original work in everything. "Remaining Sin" is a male-video novel, so it inevitably becomes a harem. It doesn't matter if it has other identities. The key protagonist is still a policeman, which is a bit inappropriate. .

Therefore, those messy emotional lines and women in the original work can still be cut off. Otherwise, you will not be able to pass the review. In the past, you would have to be removed from the shelves sooner or later.

"Click, pass!"

After one shot, the director's voice came from the assistant director's intercom.

After this filming was completed, it was the first confrontation between Sister Big Bear played by Wang Zhi and Yu Zui. In order to fit the role of the policewoman, Wang Zhi also cut her hair short, as if Gu Zhongyu had seen the character in "The Wandering Earth 2" in advance. Han Duoduo seems to be happy.

This scene was more difficult for Zhang Yishan. Although he was a child actor, he didn't have any action skills. In order to make the quality of "Yu Zui" higher, Gu Zhongyu invited Wang Zhi's fellow martial artist Long Kun to be the martial arts instructor, so that the fighting would be exciting.

But now, he can only bite the bullet.

Wang Zhi probably hadn't filmed a spanking scene for too long, so he accidentally caught him and kicked Zhang Yishan on the thigh. It was so dangerous. If it had gone up a few centimeters, Zhang Yishan might have become a father-in-law!

", I'm going to die!"

Zhang Yishan let out a scream and lay down, clutching his thighs. Wang Zhi was so frightened that he was at a loss. However, Gu Zhongyu and Wuzhi Longkun saw that the grandson was pretending!

"Get up, don't pretend to be dead, that kick just now wasn't that strong."

Zhang Yishan saw that he had not deceived the teacher, he chuckled, and climbed up like a monkey. This guy's ruffian looks are really hard to find in the industry. In the future, he can consider becoming a professional gangster, and I promise No one can compete with him on this track.

"Why don't I get used to it first! Although it's not fatal, it still hurts a lot.'s all blue!" As he spoke, he also rolled up his trousers. When everyone saw, they saw that the inner thigh was indeed bruised. , it should be quite painful.

Gu Zhongyu remembered that when filming "The Wandering Earth 2" in his previous life, Wu Jin also had a fight scene with Wang Zhi. Wu Jin was accidentally injured and kicked in the thigh. He was bruised for seven days. Does this woman always hit men so hard? ?

"I'm sorry, Teacher Zhang. I acted inappropriately."

"Don't call me teacher, sister. You are a few years older than me. The real teacher is right in front of you!"

Zhang Yishan smiled and didn't take it seriously. He and Yang Zi both went to Beijing Film Academy in 2010. They were students taught by Gu Zhongyu himself. According to the setting of "once a teacher, always a father", he can be considered Gu Zhongyu's biological son. There is nothing wrong with it.

After checking Zhang Yishan's wound, Long Kun said, "It's not a big problem. Just rest for two days. Let's shoot the drama first!"


"Huh! It's so cool! It's still comfortable to shoot in Pengcheng. You can eat ice cream in February. It's not like Yanjing. You can freeze to death at this time. Teacher, do you want to eat it?"

When the crew members brought ice cubes to Zhang Yishan's wound, they also brought a box of ice cream. He picked up a Menglong and handed it to Gu Zhongyu.

Gu Zhongyu picked up two more and gave them to Bai Bin and Wang Zhi. The two women took a bite and licked them gently. The ice cream shone with an alluring light in the sun. Gu Zhongyu was soon attracted by the scenery and began to appreciate it.

Wang Zhi hadn't noticed anything wrong yet, but Bai Bin felt someone's malicious gaze. She knew that this guy had spent the night with Wang Zhi last night. She was angry and opened her mouth wide. "Crack" she bit off the ice cream stick in one bite!

Hiss! This little girl has bad intentions and dares to threaten me?

Bai Bin still looked at him unconvinced, as if to say: If you have the ability, come and deal with me?

"Boss, I, Hu Hansan, am back again!"

Just when Gu Zhongyu was thinking about how to "teach" Bai Bin in the evening, Bai Lu, who had returned home for the New Year, finally came back. She tied two ponytails and wore a white T-shirt. She came over like a big rabbit.

"Hmph!" Bai Bin was unhappy when he saw Bai Lu. He had been tricked by her in the last adventure. He actually had to tell his first embarrassing story in front of so many people.

"Didn't I ask you to go to Yanjing and wait for me, and then go to the United States together?"

"Ah! Doesn't Lunjia miss you? Without me, who will drive you, wash your clothes, serve you tea, and clean up Dun Dun's shit?"

Jiang Shuying told her that the new assistant recruitment has been posted. Maybe after returning from the United States this time, her assistant career will come to an end, so Bai Lu now cherishes the days with her boss.

"Hey, isn't this Liu Xing? Hello, hello, I am Teacher Gu's assistant. I grew up watching you act."

"Thank you! I heard that there is a beautiful assistant next to the teacher, and I finally saw her alive today."

Zhang Yishan mainly compliments any woman who appears next to Gu Zhongyu. Not to mention the teacher-student relationship, just the fact that Gu Zhongyu gave him the opportunity to play the leading male role is already a great courtesy, and he should be grateful.

Hearing the word "beautiful", Bai Lu was so happy that her mouth almost stretched to her ears. It had been a long time since anyone had praised her like this. Even Zhang Yishan, who looked like a monkey, looked much more handsome.

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