Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 261 Returning to China, Da Tiantian comes to pick me up at the airport

The next day, when Gu Zhongyu woke up, the boat was empty.

Only the messy clothes on the ground and the messy memories told him that what happened last night really happened!

Alas, these big horses are really scary. Megan almost ate him alive last night.

Thinking about the public grain he had to pay to Shariz and Alexandra in the next two days, Gu Zhongyu wanted to take a taxi back to China immediately!

What he didn't expect was that he was photographed by reporters when he was communicating with Megan in the car last night.

There are pictures and the truth.

In the picture, a man and a woman are kissing in the car!

The woman is more obvious. You can tell from the side that it is Megan Fox without a doubt, and the man is a little blurry. Originally, it was late at night, the lights were dim, and Gu Zhongyu himself had limited influence in the United States. Most Americans have face blindness to Asians. They can't tell who is who at all. They only know that it is an Asian face.

Therefore, those gossip magazines did not mention the name of the man in the photo, but only said that Megan Fox had a night meeting with a man.

This incident had no impact on Gu Zhongyu, but Megan was unlucky. Her fiancé Brian Austin saw it and reportedly had a big fight with her, and the two of them parted unhappily.

Gu Zhongyu could only say that he was guilty, but I didn't do anything. It was your fiancée who did it.

After the conversation with Megan Fox, Gu Zhongyu stayed at home in Los Angeles for two days, and only set off to return home after taking good care of Shariz and Alexandra.

At this time, "Chinese Partner" had been taken off the shelves, and the final cumulative box office reached 1.1 billion, just breaking the 1 billion line. Although it was not as eye-catching as "Lost in Thailand", it also broke the highest box office record of domestic feature films.

Now Zongheng has two billion-box office movies, "Ball Lightning" and "Chinese Partner", which have left their peers behind in the industry at once, and have the momentum to become the first film and television company in the mainland.

Gu Zhongyu is not only the leading actor of the two movies, but also the investor and main screenwriter. As early as when the box office was about to reach 1 billion, a bunch of reporters and media were eager to interview Gu Zhongyu.

The filming of "The Invisible Guest" has been completed, and the post-production work was handed over to Chen Sicheng who was still in the United States, including the review process in China and the United States. The United States is not bad, only the classification is needed. According to the film scale, it should be PG ordinary level, and it is recommended to watch it with parents.

The review in China is more troublesome, especially for co-production films. The review is very troublesome. Not only does the optoelectronics have to review, but some foreign-related departments also have to intervene. However, these are the headaches that Chen Sicheng needs to deal with for this movie.

Learning from the last lesson, Gu Zhongyu did not announce his itinerary and left the United States completely secretly.

However, this time he did not fly back to Yanjing directly, but went to Xiangjiang.

At Xiangjiang International Airport, a group of media surrounded the exit, as if waiting for someone.

Not long after, a man wearing sunglasses and carrying a shoulder bag came over, followed by a girl pushing a suitcase.

"He's coming!"

I don't know who noticed it first, but a group of people rushed up and surrounded the man in sunglasses.

The man in sunglasses is undoubtedly Gu Zhongyu!

Seeing the group of reporters, Gu Zhongyu felt a little sad. It seems that his schedule was betrayed by the people of the airline. What a bunch of wicked people.

"Come one by one, don't rush!"

Since you can't stop it, then accept the interview. Gu Zhongyu took off his sunglasses and walked forward with difficulty facing a bunch of flash lights.

"Teacher Gu, congratulations on your movie becoming the box office champion of the Spring Festival. Your performance in "Chinese Partners" this time is a big breakthrough compared to previous roles. It is said that the Golden Horse and Golden Image Awards have listed you as a candidate for the Best Actor. Are you confident that you can win the award?"

"I am very happy that the audience recognizes me. As for whether I can win the Golden Horse and Golden Image Awards, it depends on the opinions of the judges. If you don't tell me, I don't know about it."

After starring in "Chinese Partners", Huang Xiaoming in the original time and space won the Best Actor Award at the Golden Rooster, Huabiao, Hundred Flowers, Changchun, and China-US Film Festivals, and directly stood at the peak of his acting career, but he didn't get any nominations for the Golden Horse and Golden Image Awards. Those who understand the selection mechanism of Hong Kong and Taiwan film awards know that it is not as simple as just looking at strength.

"Teacher Gu, I heard that you went to the United States to shoot a new movie this time, and you also invited Hollywood actress Charlize Theron to join. Can you tell us what kind of movie it is? What is your role in it?"

"It's a drama movie. As for my role in it, it has to be kept secret for the time being. After it is released, everyone will know it when they go to the cinema. I can only say that it is completely different from my previous roles."

The reporter said again: "I heard that you and actress Charlize had some ambiguous behavior on the set this time, and even included the second female lead Alexandra. Is this true?"

Sure enough, I can't think too well of you Hong Kong reporters. You run so fast, but in the end you are still concerned about gossip.

Regarding some "intimate" behaviors with Charlize and Alexandra, even if the confidentiality work is done well, even if the mobile phone is collected as soon as you arrive on the set, it is useless. The attention is too high, and every move is watched by people, and they did play some exciting games on the set.

"That's the goddess Charlize Theron! If I like someone, then they must like me! As for Miss Alexandra, it's true that we often go and play games together. Other than that, , are all rumors.”

The reporter immediately caught the blind spot in Gu Zhongyu's words: "Like her? So, Mr. Gu, do you really like Ms. Salize? It's just that you haven't established a relationship yet, or are you in unrequited love?"

Gu Zhongyu's head is full of black lines. If you don't teach because of your reading comprehension skills, is it really okay to be a reporter here?

"Haha, you can write whatever you like. Anyway, you must have a way to make up stories!" Gu Zhongyu complained mercilessly.

"Mr. Gu, why did you choose to come to Xiangjiang instead of Feiyanjing at this time? Is there anything else you have to do?"

Finally meeting a media who really cared about him, Gu Zhongyu's answer was also very serious: "Yes, if a friend is filming here, I will come to visit the team and record a show by the way."

"Mr. Gu, please..."

"I have already answered several questions. I just came back from the United States and am a little tired. If you have any questions, let's talk next time!"

Gu Zhongyu pushed aside several reporters standing in front of him, holding a microphone with one hand. However, reporters, especially entertainment media reporters, were not so easy to dismiss. They kept asking questions. Gu Zhongyu kept his mouth shut anyway. Regarding them, The questions raised were ignored.

These people still surrounded Gu Zhongyu, and he and Bai Lu could only slowly squeeze toward the exit.

"Gu Zhongyu, this way!"

With the crisp sound, Gu Zhongyu almost cried with excitement, the savior has finally arrived!

Not far away, a woman wearing sunglasses in a red car waved her hands to signal Gu Zhongyu to come over quickly.

"Let's go faster, Bai Lu!"

But before Gu Zhongyu could reach the girl's car, a group of reporters also noticed someone coming to pick him up, and they all changed their targets.

The person who came was none other than Da Tiantian, who was filming "Macau Storm". Gu Zhongyu called her as soon as he landed. Although he said who was coming and who was the puppy, she couldn't help but come over.

"Miss Jing, may I ask why you took the initiative to pick up Mr. Gu? Are you in love?"

"I'm going to drive, please get out of the way!"

Da Tiantian was not prepared to answer the reporter's questions at all. After asking Gu Zhongyu and Bai Lu to get into the car, she immediately stepped on the accelerator and left.

"Huh! We finally got rid of these Xiangjiang reporters. Just like what our ancestors said, these people are really fast when they run."

Originally, Da Tiantian couldn't help but want to complain after watching Gu Zhongyu get into the car, but she saw the tired look on Gu Zhongyu's face, especially the dark circles in the corners of his eyes after taking off his sunglasses.

She couldn't bear it anymore and asked: "Is it hard to film in the United States? You are so tired that you have dark circles under your eyes."

"'s okay, mainly because the jet lag hasn't reversed yet."

Gu Zhongyu didn't open his eyes at all and replied smoothly.

There is another reason that he selectively concealed, that is, Sha Liz and Alexandra are too powerful together. Coupled with the advantage of the tall and powerful Ocean Horse, the iron-clad Gu Zhongyu also I felt like I couldn't bear it anymore, so I looked a little haggard.

"Then I'll drive faster and take you back to the hotel to get some sleep."

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. I'll just take a nap in the car for a while. You guys should be filming today, right?"

"Well, the filming is over at Victoria Harbor. Do you want to come and take a look now?"

After all, it was a movie he invested in. Naturally, he wanted to see how Zhang Ruoyun and the others were doing, but he couldn't be bullied by the people in Xiangjiang.

At the same time, I asked Da Tiantian about interviewing the heroine of "Mermaid".

Mentioning this, Jing Tian was happy. When Zhou Xingxing returned to Hong Kong last month, she couldn't wait to visit him. Unexpectedly, she and Zhou Xingxing actually felt that they were quite compatible when they met.

Of course, Zhou Xingxing also tested her, asking her to perform an improvisation and play a female fool with no image.

It has to be said that Da Tiantian also has some comedy skills in her body. She messed up her hair and started going crazy on the spot, and she played the role of a sand sculpture beauty very vividly. After Zhou Xingxing watched the performance, he also approved her to be in the new movie. heroine.

"I still have to thank you. If it weren't for your sake and just throwing money at him, Zhou Xingxing would not necessarily let me be the heroine, because I feel that he still wants to find a new person to train him and enjoy being a director. pleasure."

The longer a person has been a director, the more he likes to use newcomers, not only because newcomers are obedient and easy to handle, but more importantly, they can enjoy the fun of training actors. Lao Mouzi is the most typical representative. In addition to Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, No other actress could have starred in one of his films repeatedly.

Gu Zhongyu chuckled and said, "Didn't you already thank me? Didn't you personally go on stage to give me flowers last time in the cold country?"

Hearing this, Bai Lu's ears stood up!

It turns out it was you who presented flowers on the stage last time! Looking at Jing Tian's reserved goddess look, it turns out that she is no different from other women. She has been chasing stars all the way to Han Country.

Da Tiantian gave Gu Zhongyu a hateful look, "You bastard, you didn't even give me any face when someone else was around. You promised not to mention this!"

Xiangjiang is not a big place, and it only took a short drive to reach the set. As soon as Gu Zhongyu got out of the car, he saw Zhang Songwen and a few people gathered together. When he got closer, he realized that they were practicing poker.

“This is Zhajinhua. Each person draws three cards, and the winner is determined by the size. From receiving the cards to opening the cards, it takes only three seconds if it’s fast. In addition to the performance elements, shuffling the cards, blowing the cards, and praying, it takes at most 10 seconds to open the cards. If you want to cheat, we sweat here...”

Teacher Zhang Songwen is really versatile. He actually taught others how to cheat when playing poker! Even Zhou Runfa and Wang Jin were attracted by what he said.

“Teacher Zhang is great! There is also this trick. Teach me in the future!”

“Hey, Mr. Gu, you are here to visit the class. Please sit down quickly!” Zhang Songwen was very grateful to Gu Zhongyu who repeatedly helped him. Although they were teachers and students, he never regarded himself as a teacher and took the initiative to bring him a stool.

Wang Jin smiled and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Gu, the box office has broken 1 billion again. I am jealous. This time I come to Hong Kong, I will take you to have fun for a few days!"

"Director Wang appreciates your kindness. I just came to see you. I will leave after the recording of the program."

"What program are you bothering me with?"

"Three People Walking with a Friend"

As early as when Gu Zhongyu was still in the United States, Jiang Shuying told him that the Three People Walking with a Friend program had invited him several times and asked him if he was interested in chatting.

"Three People Walking with a Friend" is a famous talk show produced by Turkey TV, hosted by Dou Wentao.

Together, they study hot news events or hot social topics. Everyone in the program expresses their own opinions, but it is not a serious discussion to pursue the answer to the question, but a casual talk of ordinary people, with the sentiment of "how many things in the world are all in a joke", to achieve the purpose of integrating information dissemination, creating fun and analyzing the three elements of things.

In his previous life, Gu Zhongyu loved watching "The Three People of Qiangqiang" because this program dared to talk about some topics that the general media dared not touch, but it was not a serious lecture on the fate of mankind. It was just a kind of interesting chat that made people laugh.

In April 1998, "The Three People of Qiangqiang" was officially launched and lasted for 19 years. When it was stopped, many people sighed and said that no matter how good the program was, it could not withstand the changes in the environment. "The Three People of Qiangqiang"

The program team was so enthusiastic, and Gu Zhongyu also liked this program, so he came this time.

The recording location of "The Three People of Qiangqiang" is also very interesting. Look at the water cups on the small table of the three people. If it is a large yellow cup, it is 100% recorded in Yanjing. If it is a small black-brown cup, it is actually recorded in Hong Kong. Basically, it is recorded in Yanjing for 2 weeks and in Hong Kong for 2 weeks.

This time it was scheduled to be recorded on the Chinese channel of Turkey Satellite TV, which happened to be in Hong Kong.

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