"Hey, Mr. Gu, you're here!"

At this time, a delicate voice sounded. It was the long-lost big bear girl Chen Jing. She played Zhou Runfa's daughter Acai in the movie, which was also the most important role in her acting career.

This little sister naturally knew who gave her everything today. In excitement, she didn't know how to avoid suspicion in front of so many people. She came over and hugged Gu Zhongyu's arm, and even kissed him on the face!

Zhang Songwen, Zhang Ruoyun and others lowered their heads, looked at each other, pretending that they didn't see anything; Wang Jin and Zhou Runfa, who were old-timers, didn't care and looked at him with an ambiguous face.

Da Tiantian was a little angry. She knew that this woman with no reputation and no brains was probably related to Gu Zhongyu. Aren't you afraid that she has high-tech and will eat a mouthful of silicone when you bite it?

Gu Zhongyu could only force a smile and then pull his hand out. As a result, Chen Jing came up again. Bai Lu, who still couldn't stand it, pretended to report something and forced her way in to separate the two.

"Boss Gu is such a talented and romantic man!"

Wang Jin looked at him with a lewd smile, but he didn't think anything of it. After all, he was a super LSP, but Chen Jing was too short-sighted. If it was a big boss with a bad temper, he might even give her a cold shoulder on the spot.

Didn't you see Jing Tian's face turned green?

"Okay, okay, let's get ready for the next scene." Zhang Songwen and others also asked everyone to disperse in time and stop watching the fun.

"Are you going to my place tonight?" Seeing that most people had left, Chen Jing whispered in Gu Zhongyu's ear.

The only response he got was Gu Zhongyu's cold words: "Stay by yourself, I have something to do tonight."

Then he turned around and asked director Wang Jin why he didn't see Zhang Zilin. He had chosen the role of Brother Jian's secretary. Wang Jin said that the role had been filmed, so he asked her to go back early.

Chen Jing saw that Gu Zhongyu ignored her and turned around to ask about other women, and then she realized that her behavior just now was too much.

Fearing that Gu Zhongyu would be angry, she stood there not knowing what to do, and her anxious tears were about to fall!

Gu Zhongyu still ignored her. If every woman was as high-profile as her, she would have been finished long ago. This sister has too low emotional intelligence. For her own sake and hers, she must be taught a lesson.

So the next day when she stayed on the set, Gu Zhongyu ignored her and went back to his hotel after work.

It was boring to be alone, so Gu Zhongyu asked Xiao Bailu to relieve his boredom. For this job, she was already familiar with it, and even not inferior to many old predecessors in the world.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and Bailu, who was disturbed, had to wipe her mouth and angrily opened the door.

"Boss, it's Chen Jing."

"Let her go back!" She came to apologize and wanted me to forgive her. I must not let this woman into my room for the next two days!

"But... I'm afraid I have to let her in today." Bailu's tone revealed helplessness and surprise.

Gu Zhongyu was so angry that he laughed. Did she come here with a gun to threaten you?

When Bai Lu let the person in, he realized why he had to let her in, because this sister... was wearing nothing!


After a night of deep reflection, Chen Jing finally realized her mistake and wrote a letter of repentance in tears. Although the content was written by Gu Zhongyu and written on her back, the apology was always sincere, so Gu Zhongyu forgave her this time.

Then, amid Da Tiantian's eye roll, Gu Zhongyu came to the Chinese channel of Turkey TV.

The last time he participated in a talk show was on Wanwan's "Kangxi Comes Here", which was last year, but he believed that this time it would be much easier. The styles of the two shows are not in the same dimension at all. "Kangxi Comes Here" strives to be vulgar, and "Qiang Qiang Three People" is a simple talk.

Turkey TV Chinese Channel and Zongheng Film and Television have a strategic partnership. Basically, every movie has been released on this TV station. The TV station is also very friendly to his company and himself. This is also an important reason why Gu Zhongyu agreed to come.

In the simply decorated studio, a round table covered with a white tablecloth is placed in the middle of the field where the photography and recording equipment are aimed.

Gu Zhongyu, who just arrived at the recording site, shook hands with the host Dou Wentao and the guest host Liang Wendao. Dou Wentao, who was wearing frameless glasses, smiled and said, "Teacher Gu, I have heard of your name for a long time and have been looking forward to your coming."

"Teacher Dou is too polite. I have also wanted to come a long time ago."

"Mr. Gu, I have heard of you for a long time."

Liang Wendao wore black-framed glasses and a black shirt, looking very scholarly. He shook hands and said, "I just finished watching "Chinese Partners" last week. It is really good and taught me a lot."

Can my movie teach you something? Are you not being sarcastic?

Gu Zhongyu secretly guessed his buddy's true intention, and then smiled and said, "Mr. Liang, I've heard a lot about you."

The host of "锵锵三行" is not fixed. In addition to Dou Wentao, the permanent guests include Liang Wendao, Xu Zidong, Meng Guangmei, Lin Weijie, Ma Weidu, Ma Jiahui, etc. Among them, the iron triangle composed of Dou Wentao, Liang Wendao and Xu Zidong is the most famous and the combination that has participated in the program the most times.

But the number of people on the scene is always kept at three. If it was recorded in Yanjing today, Liang Wendao might be replaced by Ma Weidu.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Zhongyu's Nortel senior sister Chang'e's sister Yan Danchen was also a frequent guest on "Qiang Qiang Threesome" and was quite popular. The topics of her chats can be said to be all-encompassing, from Nobel awards to international disputes, from people to fights From dogs to domestic violence, all the hot topics of the time can be used as conversation topics.

After the three of them got to know each other, they sat down at the table. The topic of today's program is "Why go to the cinema!"

Extended topics include personal reasons, the significance of cinemas to individuals, the significance to audiences, the growth of China’s box office, etc.

"I rarely go to the cinema now. It's not that there are less good movies, but I just don't want to go! At most I watch DVDs at home, but when I was a boy, I was a crazy movie fan!"

Liang Wendao sat on the left side of the table in front of the camera, looked at Gu Zhongyu and Dou Wentao opposite, and continued: "I miss those days very much now! At that time, I spent almost all my money to go to the cinema and queue up to watch movies. After five scenes, I used the remaining coins in my pocket to buy bread and eat it before watching it! It sounds hard, but now I think about it and it’s incredible!”

He smiled and said: "But at that time, I really felt like my whole body was filled with happiness. I was very comfortable and happy. Why? Because of freedom."

"Film scholar You Jing wrote a very beautiful saying, to the effect that you need to have courage to go to the cinema to watch a movie."

"Please think about it, we sit in the same dark house with a group of strangers who don't know each other, and witness all kinds of thrilling scenes on the screen. Those scenes may make us sweat, or they may make us cry, or even make us His face started to turn red from his ears, but couldn’t we feel the neighbor’s increasingly heavy breathing and the strange atmosphere coming from his body?”

Hearing this, Gu Zhongyu felt that Liang Wendao was really suitable to live on Douban, he was born to be a pretentious person!

We were obviously just sitting in the lobby watching a movie, but he said it was like a group of people gathering together to do something like that, and I was convinced.

Dou Wentao and Gu Zhongyu both nodded silently. Liang Wendao seemed to be interested and continued: "The cruelest sight in the world, the deepest secret in people's hearts, I actually saw it in the public, sitting passively with a group of strangers. Among people, and then being provoked by the screen, I can't help but laugh or cry, recalling and thinking about it, does it not take courage to enter the theater? "


Finally someone can't stand it anymore!

Dou Wentao leaned back in his chair and continued: "Many people, including me, are very nervous when they enter the theater for the first time. They are restless and their palms will become sweaty."

Gu Zhongyu felt that he might never be able to understand the brain circuits of these artistic young people in his life.

He smiled and said: "Maybe I'm a bit young. I remember the first time I went to a cinema to watch a movie was "The Fugitive" when I was in school. It seemed to be the first foreign movie introduced. I thought it was very lively at the time. It’s just fun.”

Dou Wentao grew up in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province in 1967; Liang Wendao was born in Xiangjiang in 197o, and after growing up in Wanwan, he returned to Xiangjiang to study at university; Gu Zhongyu grew up in Yanjing in 1983, and his life experiences, concepts and views are naturally very important. There are different.

"I say freedom because of the truth." Liang Wendao continued what he just said: "There are some movies that capture the reality that is lost and hidden in daily trivial matters, and boldly capture the impermanence of fate and the struggle of human nature. Come out. Watching movies, especially good movies, is a heroic act of recognizing yourself among others.”

He finally said: "You will feel the true emotions in your heart and be exposed to everyone again. So going to the cinema to watch movies was a way for me to pursue freedom in my youth."

"When I was a boy..."

Gu Zhongyu was a little restless. He didn't feel it when he watched the show before, but now he came to participate in the interview and realized it. Everyone was not on the same channel at all!

Gu Zhongyu continued: "I like to watch movies at home. Because I had a lot of pocket money at that time, I rented a lot of Hong Kong movies, including European and American blockbusters. Thinking about it now, I am really happy!"

"Of course, watching a movie alone at home is different from going into a theater. Just like many sitcoms will add some off-screen laughter, you need a herd effect! There are many people in the theater watching together, laughing and crying together. , in this case, you will subconsciously feel that this movie is particularly beautiful.”

"Of course, if it's a bad movie and a group of people criticize it, you'll be particularly relieved!"

"After watching a movie, you want to talk to friends about it, or go online to rate it and write reviews. Maybe you will also discuss with others why social platforms are popular because of reading other people's reviews. You just have a desire to share and express!"

"So in my opinion, today's young people have made watching movies a daily routine. This is also the main reason why our country's movie market is becoming increasingly popular!"

Dou and Liang both looked quietly attentive and stopped after hearing what he said.

Liang Wendao nodded and said: "I very much agree with your point of view, especially the last sentence. The current movie market is indeed very hot!"

Dou Wentao laughed and said: "I never expected that today would happen. Ten years ago, the total box office for the whole year was only over one billion. Now, Mr. Gu, we have two movies with such high box office!"

Gu Zhongyu smiled and said: "I just caught up with the good times. People in the past planted trees and people in the future can enjoy the shade."

The three of them laughed a few times, each took a sip of tea, and Gu Zhongyu continued: "I am particularly grateful to the predecessors for cultivating the audience's viewing habits. If the film wants to develop, let alone other things, at least there must be people who like it and are willing to buy tickets to the cinema, and then we can talk about development!"

"Now filmmakers all over the world are talking about how to deal with the invasion of Hollywood blockbusters. I think it's very simple. Make more down-to-earth films. Maybe we can't catch up with Hollywood in the film industry in a short time, but we have advantages that Hollywood can never catch up with. We understand our own people better than foreigners! We have our own lifestyles and behavioral habits, and even the cultural core is different!"

"Just like "Ball Lightning" produced by our company, in the traditional impression of science fiction films, it was the world of Hollywood, but the success of this movie proves that we can also tell science fiction stories that are unique to Chinese people."

Dou Wentao seemed very interested in this: "I heard that Zongheng Film and Television has a plan for the first year of science fiction, right? What is it like?"

Finally, we talked about a little topic, and Gu Zhongyu certainly took this opportunity to promote it.

"Yes, the first year of science fiction, but this does not mean that we will only shoot science fiction films, but a series of blockbusters that can promote the development of our film industry. Science fiction, fantasy, action, and war films are all considered part of it. "Ball Lightning" is just a trivial beginning."

"So, you will insist on shooting that kind of Hollywood-style blockbuster?"

"Why must it be Hollywood-style? I just said that it is our own story. Different from the core of American personal heroism, it focuses more on collective narrative and grand pattern. In fact, in the foreseeable future, I think American science fiction films will probably go downhill for a long time."

Dou and Liang asked: "Why do you think so?"

"Take the most popular superhero movie now! In the short term, it has indeed gained global box office, but long-term shooting of this type of subject matter will sooner or later make the audience aesthetically fatigued, and their core creative ability will also decline..."

The next topic and direction were grasped by Gu Zhongyu, who did not let the two hosts lead him into the ditch. After all, he is an expert, and they only know some superficial issues in many aspects, and Gu Zhongyu has to explain it to everyone.

The two hosts also tried to take back the right to speak, but were soon spared by Gu Zhongyu. Anyway, they couldn't just follow their direction.

Of course, they had to give the two hosts some face. Gu Zhongyu still revealed some interesting things in the circle or personal life to them, satisfying their desire to pry into private lives.

This episode of "锵锵三级" is more than 70 minutes long and will be broadcast in two episodes. Everyone talked about many topics and finally finished recording the program happily. His trip to Hong Kong ended here.

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