Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 263 Aunt Liu, it’s too tight

After returning to Yanjing, the first thing Gu Zhongyu did was to go straight to Liu Yufei's home.

As early as the days of the American emperor, Xiao Douding kept calling and asking: Second uncle, second uncle, where is the kitten you promised me?

Children are like this. They keep thinking about whatever they like. It has been more than two months since Dundun stayed at Qianqian's house. I think the little guy must be romantic and happy enough, and he has laid a few eggs anyway, right?

Liu Yufei had been lying on her back since the filming of "Meng Hua Lu". She didn't know if she was at home today, so Gu Zhongyu didn't say hello and just passed by.

Sure enough, it was Mother Liu who entertained him. Aunt Liu was sitting on the sofa knitting a sweater, with a big fat cat sleeping on her lap. This cat looks very comfortable and has a chubby body. It is Dundun whom I haven’t seen for a long time. It is obvious from a glance that it is well taken care of.

Dundun didn't move when he saw Gu Zhongyu coming, and nodded to him in a very humane manner, as if to say: You have completed the task you assigned me, you stinky shovel!

"Haha, you guys seem to be living a good life in Qianqian's family. Where are Qianqian's people?" Gu Zhongyu walked over and gently stroked Dundun's head, while the cat purred with satisfaction.

"She! She went on a trip to the Maldives with Yuchen, Liu Yan and the others. What's going on? Do you have something to do with her?"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here today just to take Dundun back, and take a few little ones back with me."

I found the location of Miss Sissi's "harem" with familiarity. Sure enough, Dundun was indeed Liu Sheng among cats. There were at least twenty or thirty cats playing in the cat nest in the center of the room, all of them with big eyes. , fluffy, and although the colors are different, they all have the characteristics of blue and white dwarfs. They are obviously the breeds that Dundun bred during this time!

Good boy, you are indeed someone's cat. Do you think you have some indestructible cheat?

I picked out a kitten that was drinking milk. When the little guy was picked up, he was still reluctant to go with him. He kicked him with his hands and feet to express his resistance. Unfortunately, his legs were too short and he couldn't reach it at all. Gu was put directly into the cat bag by him.

Why do you feel like a human trafficker?

However, in order to be prepared, Gu Zhongyu still got two more cats. He remembered that he promised Guo Biting that he would give her one. A man must keep his word. He swore to the lamp that this was the last time he would give cats to other women!

Gu Zhongyu, who went back to pick up Dundun and returned home with a full load, was about to leave, but Liu Xiaoli stopped him at this time.

"They always come to my place to steal cats and then run away after stealing. What's the matter, are you afraid that the aunt will ask you to collect money?" Liu Xiaoli looked at him with a hint of complaint, her eyes were sharp, which even Gu Zhongyu couldn't bear.

"Well... I really have something to do today. I have to go back to the company for a meeting in the afternoon. I'll be with my aunt later!"

Liu Xiaoli only said three words: "Take off your clothes."

Ah this?

Is it so direct? This was the first time someone said this to Gu Zhongyu. In the past, this was his line.

But considering that the man is short-handed and has prostituted so many kittens from Sissi and her daughter for nothing, no matter what, you have to pay a price, right?

So Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to unbutton his clothes with a shy look, closed his eyes, and slowly took off his clothes. Just as he was preparing to face the violent storm coming from Aunt Liu, he suddenly felt a tightness on his body...

It turned out that Liu Xiaoli put a sweater on him!

Liu Xiaoli looked him up and down with satisfaction: "Well, not bad, it fits well. How do you feel wearing it?"

"It's okay, just a little too tight."

Why do these elderly women love knitting sweaters, and why do they prefer to knit colorful sweaters with high necks and narrow sleeves that can kill people if they put them on?

"You must have gained weight while you were abroad. Auntie made it according to your previous body shape. She measured it hand by hand, and there will definitely be nothing wrong."

Are you kidding me? I've been squeezed by two big guys for more than a month. How can I still gain weight?

It’s obvious that you are not good at your craft!

Of course, Gu Zhongyu did not dare to say this. He could only thank Liu Xiaoli profusely and said that he would come to accompany her often in the future, and then Aunt Liu was willing to let him go.

Before leaving, he leaned against the door and said, "Remember to come when you have time. Auntie will make soup for you. Mountain Deer Antler, Bamboo Shreds and Chicken Soup. It nourishes yin and kidneys. It is good for you young people!"

Auntie, don't talk nonsense, do I still need these things?

After sending the milk cat to Xiao Douding to be tortured by her, Gu Zhongyu returned to the company and found Jiang Shuying.

"Is Wu Jin coming?"

"I've been waiting for you. It's like waiting for your little daughter-in-law!"

When he came to the office, it was Wu Jin who had finished his special training. After several months of military career, he was tanned and more energetic.

After exchanging a few words of greetings, the outspoken Wu Jin couldn't hold back his words: "Mr. Gu, the military action movie I mentioned earlier has some clues, right?"

Gu Zhongyu didn't answer and silently handed him the script.

Wu Jin looked at it impatiently. He is currently in a career where he is neither high nor low. There is no point in filming TV series anymore. Movies are not popular, so he urgently needs new works to transform. He will star in the third episode of "I Am a Special Forces Soldier". Part 2 gave him a lot of inspiration.

What Gu Zhongyu gave him was the script of "Wolf Warrior", but it was modified by him. After all, the original version had many flaws.

For example, we can learn from the movie that Boss Min has the ability to create genetic weapons that can seriously endanger national security and are specifically used to destroy putty. This should be to aggravate Boss Min's crimes, so as to advance the plot and give China more reason to arrest Min Deng.

However, the description of this weapon in the movie is too powerful, and it is also used to destroy putty. This goes directly from territorial defense to saving one-fifth of the earth's population, making it like a superhero movie, which is superfluous.

In addition, unnecessary clips of soldiers killing wolves were deleted. If the name is Wolf Warrior, there must be wolves, right?

There are also plots that reduce intelligence when soldiers are shot and fall to the ground, and the rest of the comrades go up to save their grandfather one by one. Our soldiers certainly value the lives of their comrades, but at least they have to have brains. This kind of brainless plot is also deleted.

There are also special effects that need to be strengthened. The scenes of fighting with wolves in the movie are all made with care. But when it comes to the command panel in the army, it gives people a feeling of pretending to be cool without money. Even without Tony Stark's three-dimensional image, the battlefield can be commanded with a simple information arrangement. If you force a panel with a strong sense of technology, the effect will be very low-grade. The "hardcore" sci-fi blue directly ruins the style of painting.

Min Deng, the drug lord played by Sima Yi, can be strengthened a little bit. He can be set as a local super warlord. His subordinates cannot be just a bunch of brainless brothers who will run away with AKs. Helicopters and cannons should be equipped with all of them. The equipment should be on par with the regular army.

The number of foreign mercenaries invited can remain unchanged, but the weapons must be strengthened. Graphite bombs are child's play. There must be a lot of black technology. Otherwise, how can you dare to fight against a division of troops with just a few people?

The villain can be fierce and perverted, but he can't be weak and brain-dead!

Even the clip of the male protagonist Leng Feng showing off his power in the military exercise has been modified. Don't get me wrong, it's not that Gu Zhongyu wants to make him more reasonable, but to make him more crazy, cool and awesome!

Military action movies like Wolf Warrior are born to give people a good time. The Rambo series is one of the representative works, so the protagonist must be superhuman. One person fighting against thousands of troops is a basic operation. Cold weapon battles, close combat, sniper duels, and tank racing are all arranged. For details, you can refer to those common military novels.

Although Gu Zhongyu himself still thinks that there are many noisy points, the smoky big screen market needs such bloody and upright films. His peers always like to shoot those youth films and comedies that moan without illness. Although the slogan "Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away" sounds very second-rate, it is also shouted out with full blood!

The first and second parts of Wolf Warrior actually have no relevance in the plot, so Gu Zhongyu boldly played it this time. If the market response is not ideal in the future, the second part can just copy the original work intact.

In fact, this type of subject matter has only been popular for a few years. It can't be filmed too early or too late. The best effect is achieved between 2014 and 2021.

It is basically the same time as the rise of the rabbit, which represents the decline of public intellectuals and the beginning of online patriotism. This is the background for the hot sales of mainstream movies such as "Wolf Warrior" and "Changjin Lake".

Wu Jin looked at the modified "Wolf Warrior" script and became more and more excited. He was not baptized by online cool articles and was very excited when he saw the exciting scenes.

"Mr. Gu, why can you always write such a good script? This is the movie I have always dreamed of making!"

"It's nothing. Just read more online novels and you will know the tastes of young people nowadays. You can search for the words "Soldier King" or "Special Forces" on Dian Niang. If you have nothing to do, you can also write it by reading those books."

Wu Jin was relieved about the script, but what he needed most at the moment was money.

Wu Jin has not saved much money in his career. In the first ten years, he either worked as a handyman in Hong Kong or wandered around in the mainland TV circle. When he met his girlfriend Fan Yimin while filming "Tai Chi Master", she even asked him to make 5 million in three years before she was willing to marry him.

Although Wu Jin had already become famous with some TV dramas at that time, 5 million was still an unattainable number for him. Considering that girls may not have a sense of security, Wu Jin could understand that he did not want to give up this relationship, so he worked hard to make money and took on all the dirty and tiring work.

However, after experiencing the explosive popularity in the past few years, Wu Jin's subsequent film and television resources were not so powerful. The lack of stamina caused him to gradually fade out of the audience's field of vision. So he had almost no dramas to shoot in Hong Kong, and lived a poor life. He could only do some martial arts-related work in the crew.

He even thought about giving up filming and switching to other things, but Fan Yimin couldn't wait any longer. Seeing that Wu Jin's career had not improved, she finally proposed a breakup.

When filming Wolf Warrior, he approached 30 investors, but none of them was willing to invest. Only his good friend Lv Jianming (the boss of Spring and Autumn Times Film Company) invested 50 million yuan, and Wu Jin mortgaged his house to get the rest of the money.

This time, he met the wealthy Gu Zhongyu, so he naturally would not let Wu Jin mortgage his house to raise funds.

"Brother Jing is a straightforward person, and I won't beat around the bush. This time, Wolf Warrior will be funded by Zongheng Films, and you will be responsible for directing and starring. In the end, the profits will be split 50-50. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Wu Jin almost couldn't help but stand up. Mr. Gu was too generous.

Not even the capital has to be paid, but the profit is split 50-50. I'm afraid not many people can refuse this condition. It's simply a free-for-all!

No wonder Mr. Gu's business is so big, he is generous.

"No, Mr. Gu, we agreed to invest together. I can't just let you pay. The script is yours, you pay the money, and I take half of the profit after the work is done. What kind of person would I be? No, no!"

Wu Jin is a particular person. No matter what Gu Zhongyu thinks, he can't take advantage of this.

"Brother Jing, don't rush to refuse! Of course, I'm not giving money for free. There must be conditions. We have many movies in the future of Zongheng Film and Television, and we may need your help. Don't give me face when the time comes!"

Just kidding, I have a lot of movies waiting for you to support the scene. Today, I will do nothing but get Wolf Warrior for free!

But Wu Jin still didn't want to. He always felt that he had taken a huge advantage. It can be said that martial artists are all stubborn! Gu Zhongyu tried his best to persuade him and finally made him agree.

"Then, if you ask me to make a movie in the future, I will appear in it for free. You must agree to this, otherwise I will feel guilty!"

"Okay! This is what you said. Come on, print out a contract of sale."

Wu Jin:...

The contract of sale is of course a joke, but it is true that you can often get Wu Jin for free in the future. It seems that Gu Zhongyu has lost a little, but in fact he is the one who makes money.

Who would have thought that Wu Jin would be the number one domestic box office in a few years!

The film is expected to start shooting in the middle or end of the year, with an investment of about 100 million. As for the actors, other people can remain unchanged, but the actor who plays the captain of the special forces "Wolf Warrior" Long Xiaoyun must be replaced.

It's not that Yu Nan is not beautiful or has bad acting skills, but she really doesn't meet Gu Zhongyu's aesthetic standards, so he decided to replace her with Wan Qian.

It just so happened that in "Special Forces: Fire Phoenix", her image as a female soldier was also eye-catching. Because of her heroic appearance, Gu Zhongyu directly made her go from a guest role to a starring role in this life, replacing the actor who played Tan Xiaolin. Now the filming is almost finished, and it is just right for her to act in "Wolf Warrior"

After sending Wu Jin away, she saw the bored Bai Lu playing with Dun Dun. Gu Zhongyu gave her a slap on the head and warned her not to tease the cat boss, and then took out a golden tabby kitten from the cat bag and handed it to her.

"Is this for me?" Bai Lu was overjoyed. Of course, she knew what it meant to be given a cat by Gu Zhongyu. She worked hard, and was finally recognized by the boss?

"Or should I let you use it to make soup? Seeing that you like Dun Dun so much, you will miss this fat boy when you go out to work in the future, so it will be good for you to have a companion."

"Thank you, boss!"

She immediately held the kitten in her arms and stroked it gently. The kitten seemed to have inherited Dun Dun's fearless personality. It climbed onto Bai Lu's shoulder and licked Bai Lu's earlobe, which was considered to be accepting her as a younger brother.

Looking at the beautiful scene of one person and one cat, Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to take a picture of them.

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