Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 264 The Green Grassland on Mr. Wang's Head

After returning to Yanjing from Hong Kong, Gu Zhongyu did not say much to the media. However, several tabloids disclosed the news that Da Tiantian picked up Gu Zhongyu at the airport, with photos as evidence. Then, some media outlets dug into the relationship between the two.

In addition to Jing Tian's new movie "The Man from Macau" being invested by Zongheng Film and Television, Zhou Xingxing's new movie heroine has just been officially announced to invite Da Tiantian to be the heroine. This movie is also invested and written by Gu Zhongyu!

For a time, the saying that Gu Zhongyu is the man behind Jing Tian was rampant. Everyone said that the bad movie queen Da Tiantian relied on her super friendship with Gu Zhongyu to have such good resources.

Many netizens, including Gu Zhongyu's fans, left messages under his Weibo after hearing the news.

"Gu Delai is obedient, you should change the woman you support. Jing Tian is hopeless, you should find Xixi!"

"Jing Tian's acting skills are useless no matter who you replace her with. Zhou Xingxing invited her to act, just like a rich man invited a Harvard professor for his mentally retarded son!"

"Zhongyu, tell me what's so good about this Da Tiantian that makes you spend so much money..."

Or maybe actors should cherish their feathers! Da Tiantian has indeed acted in a few more bad movies in recent years. The movies "Warring States" and "Time and Space Rescue" have already shocked the audience, and they instinctively resist any work she performs.

But these guys actually think that Jing Tian's resources are given by Gu Zhongyu, which is also a big idea. How much money can he afford to make these money-losing bad movies?

But it's better this way. It's better to have popularity than no attention. Even if you are complained about, it's better than no voice!

Zongheng Entertainment and Jingtian both kept silent tacitly, allowing the outside world's comments to ferment freely, which was also a free hype. It was just that Gu Zhongyu suffered. A bunch of women pestered him to explain, which made him appease again.

After the rear was stable, Gu Zhongyu was ready to join the crew to shoot the new drama "Descendants of the Sun".

"Descendants of the Sun" was popular throughout Asia in its previous life and became the champion of Korean drama ratings at the time. The domestic online broadcast volume was 4.012 billion, the Weibo reading volume reached 14.7 billion, and the sub-topics generated 812. The number of people mentioned reached 3.48 million. It was the Korean drama with the highest Weibo data in China, setting a Douban score of 8 points.

The drama mainly tells the story of Yoo Shizhen, the leader of the special forces overseas deployment team, and Jiang Muyan, a surgeon, who fell in love between Hanguo and Uruk, the deployment area.

Although it is still a cliché love drama in essence, the screenwriter is very smart and changed the routine - the male protagonist is a handsome special forces soldier from the military and a peacekeeping force, and the female protagonist is a beautiful doctor, which makes people unable to stop, a complete uniform temptation.

Although in later generations, this kind of special forces and female doctors have been in love for a long time, it is still relatively rare at present. Gu Zhongyu has been thinking about taking advantage of Korean dramas for a long time. This is just the first one. He has already completed the localization adaptation of the script, and all the parts related to Koreans have been removed.

The name of the male protagonist Liu Shizhen has become Liu Hongyi, and the female protagonist is still called Jiang Muyan. He originally wanted to change the name of "Descendants of the Sun", but then he thought, we are descendants of Yan and Huang, isn't Yan Emperor the sun god?

We are the real "Descendants of the Sun" and the Koreans are shameless and forced.

The Koreans in the original novel are really good at fantasizing. It's just a small country sandwiched between the three major gangsters. It doesn't even have mushroom bombs, but it wants to open military bases overseas to maintain world peace. It's just funny. You have a chance to be cannon fodder for the American father.

The script only has 20 episodes, and most of the filming locations are in China, and a small part is in Europe. Gu Zhongyu will be able to finish filming and devote himself to other works soon. The director is Li Muge.

This guy is good at filming actresses. Almost all the girls in this "Legend of Wu Zetian" praised him. Even the supporting roles can be filmed with new beauty, and he is also good at depicting details. Except for the narcissistic Yang Yang's interference, which led to the weird drama "My Human Fireworks", he really didn't overturn much.

However, because it involves military themes, Gu Zhongyu still invited him an extra producer who knows the business, that is, Liu Meng, the director of the special forces series, to avoid being criticized for being too lame when filming the battle scenes.

The only thing that has not been decided now is the female lead.

The setting is a love story between a young man and a younger man. The heroine Jiang Muyan is a few years older than the hero Liu Hongyi, so an actor who is too young is definitely not suitable. Gu Zhongyu wanted to find Fan Binbin or Gao Yuanyuan at first, but when these two people stand together with him, the sister-brother feeling is too weak. He must find a real mature woman, but she can't be too old, otherwise it won't look as beautiful as an idol drama.

Who should he find?

By chance, Gu Zhongyu thought of one of the actors in the "Lady's Character" that he promised to Sister Yu last time - Zeng Li, the first school beauty of the Central Academy of Drama.

A young mature woman, high appearance, good temperament, and decent acting skills, isn't this the best candidate to play the female doctor Jiang Muyan?

Gu Zhongyu immediately asked someone to contact her to come to the company. Zeng Li, who received the call, was confused at first, because no one had asked her to play the leading role for a long time, and she was still acting in an idol drama?

Or was she playing a couple with Gu Zhongyu?

Zeng Li, who had been wandering around in soap operas and period dramas in recent years, had long been tired of them. She naturally would not refuse the script with the leading female role, and immediately agreed to take it without even asking for remuneration.

After the female lead was settled, the rest was no problem. The male second role Xu Darong was played by his junior Peng Guanying, and the female second role Li Mingzhu was played by Miss Li Qin. The rest of the actors were all digested by Zongheng internally. Gu Zhongyu's first modern drama since his comeback was finalized.

In the evening, after Gu Zhongyu finished dating Zhang Zilin, he was about to go back to his hometown to visit when a strange phone call came in.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Is this Zhongyu?" A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone. Although we haven't contacted each other recently, it is still very familiar. It is our Mr. Wang's wife Wang Xiaorong.

"Sister Xiaorong?"

"Yes, it's me, Zhongyu. Is it convenient to meet now?" Wang Xiaorong asked with sobs.

"Of course it's convenient. Tell me the address and I'll be there right away." Gu Zhongyu's voice revealed concern. In fact, his heart was already happy. Sure enough, the money he gave to the private detective Yin Changfu was not in vain. It seems that the work was done very well.

The place where he was scheduled to meet was in a private club, which was well hidden. Gu Zhongyu looked outside for a long time but didn't notice it.

After a while, Gu Zhongyu came to the room where Wang Xiaorong was. He looked calm on the surface, but his eyes revealed some complicated emotions. Wang Xiaorong didn't notice this. She was just immersed in her own sadness.

Sitting in the corner of the sofa, Wang Xiaorong looked a little tired, with tears flickering in her eyes. When she saw Gu Zhongyu coming, she came back to her senses and asked him to sit down.

"Zhongyu, can you do me a favor?"

"What favor? What happened?"

Wang Xiaorong held back her sadness and told her about her experiences during this period. She said that since the Bazaar Charity Night, her husband always had a cold face towards her for some reason, especially recently, he often said bad things to her from time to time, and even hinted that she had someone else outside, and even said it in a roundabout way with Gu Zhongyu.

Of course, she argued with reason, but she didn't expect that the call records of her several chats with Gu Zhongyu were all dug up. She explained, but her husband didn't listen at all, so after a big quarrel, she left in anger.

But one night of marriage is a hundred days of grace, and she soon regretted it with her weak personality. So she thought of finding Gu Zhongyu, the person involved, and hoped that he could help him and go to Wang Zhonglei in person to make it clear in person that the two of them actually had no relationship and the call was purely for chatting.

Wang Xiaorong sighed and said, "Zhongyu, I've been feeling really bad lately. My husband doubts me, but I really haven't done anything to let him down. I feel really sad that he doesn't trust me like this. Now only you can help me."

Gu Zhongyu tried not to laugh out loud, and said with a solemn expression, "Sister Xiaorong, it's not that I won't help you, but you know the relationship between Mr. Wang and me. If I go, it will only add fuel to the fire."

"Besides, we are innocent. If we go to him together to clarify, it will seem like we have something to hide. I'm also a person with a temper. If we have any conflicts again, it will be out of control."

"Yes, yes! You are sworn enemies. I shouldn't have chatted with you in the first place. I should have taken the initiative to avoid suspicion..." Wang Xiaorong was distraught and put her hand on her forehead, feeling regretful.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu's trick is quite mean and not very clever. As long as the couple had a frank talk, the misunderstanding would be resolved. However, it was unexpected that the unintentional act at the beginning really caused a rift in the relationship between the couple today.

Gu Zhongyu looked at Wang Xiaorong gently, "Maybe you can try to communicate with your husband frankly, tell him your inner thoughts and feelings, and let him know that you have not done anything to let him down."

Wang Xiaorong was silent for a moment, "I know I should do this, but I am really afraid of arguing again. I am even beginning to doubt whether I really did something wrong."

At this time, Gu Zhongyu held Wang Xiaorong's hand, "Sister, don't think like this. You are a kind, smart, and beautiful woman. You deserve to be loved and respected. Don't punish yourself for the mistakes of others."

This caring move and comfort made Wang Xiaorong feel a little warm. When she looked at Gu Zhongyu before, she felt that he was quite attractive. Although he was a little romantic, successful men in their careers are not all of the same virtue. The one in her family is the same, but she usually turns a blind eye to him.

Gradually, the two people's topic went deep into the inner heart and the past. Gu Zhongyu cleverly guided the direction of the conversation, making Wang Xiaorong feel that she was cared for and protected. At the same time, he was secretly observing Wang Xiaorong's reaction and was always ready to take further action.

Finally, Gu Zhongyu held Wang Xiaorong's hand again, leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "Sister Xiaorong, do you know? In fact, when I first saw you when I debuted, I felt that you were beautiful and gentle, and you looked like a virtuous and family-oriented woman. At that time, I thought that when I looked for a wife in the future, I would look for someone like you!"

These words made Wang Xiaorong feel a throbbing sensation. She didn't expect Gu Zhongyu to suddenly say this to her. At that moment, her mood became complicated. She felt both moved and conflicted.

Reason told her that the distance between the two people was a bit too far now, and Gu Zhongyu might have ulterior motives, so he should leave immediately.

But she couldn't control her emotions, especially when there was such a young and handsome person of the opposite sex who cared about her in the midst of contradictions and entanglements.

Gu Zhongyu, on the other hand, was secretly proud that his plan had succeeded. He knew that he had successfully approached Wang Xiaorong and made her have a better impression of him. But he also knew that there was still one final step to his plan.

In the following time, he continued to carry out the offensive of sweet words for free, and the relationship between the two gradually heated up. Finally, their figures slowly overlapped, and each other's breath and body temperature were intertwined...

On the other side, Wang Zhonglei, who had a big quarrel with his wife, quickly regretted it. After all, the relationship between husband and wife for so many years was not fake, and there was no real evidence of cheating until now. Was his reaction excessive?

After calming down, he still made a phone call to show concern. No one answered the first few calls. His wife must be still angry, so he persisted and continued to call.

Wang Xiaorong glanced at the phone screen and saw a call from her husband Wang Zhonglei. Her heart couldn't help but tremble. She knew what the call meant. She hesitated for a moment, but picked it up anyway.

"Where are you Rongrong? I've looked everywhere, but I can't find you." Wang Zhonglei's voice came over, with a hint of sincerity and tenderness.

"I'm resting in the club in East Lane. Why, you still want to quarrel with me?"

"No, no, it's all my fault. I'm talking nonsense. Then come back quickly. My daughter misses you very much." Wang Zhonglei's voice was full of tenderness and expectation. He didn't know that there was already a green grassland above his head. .

Wang Xiaorong took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, "Okay, I'll go back in a while."

After saying that, he turned to look at Gu Zhongyu who was already getting dressed. His heart was filled with regret and self-blame. At the same time, he also complained about his husband. If you had called an hour earlier, wouldn't you have stopped being such a bastard?

"I am going home."

"Oh, okay!" Gu Zhongyu replied without turning his head.

Hearing such a perfunctory answer, Wang Xiaorong was a little in disbelief. Could it be that all those affectionate words just now were all fake?

Damn, I almost forgot to pretend!

Gu Zhongyu quickly returned to his caring little brother's state, turned around, held Wang Xiaorong's hand, and said affectionately: "Sister Xiaorong, don't worry! I will only interfere with your feelings, not yours." Life, if you need any help from me in the future, just ask.”

Wang Xiaorong nodded with satisfaction. With their status, it was impossible for the two of them to achieve anything, but a woman always had to listen to good words, even if she had made up her mind not to have anything to do with Gu Zhongyu in the future. Today Just think of it as a dream.

After Wang Xiaorong left, Gu Zhongyu took the mobile phone placed behind the curtain and looked at it. It was almost out of battery. The pixels of mobile phones these days are still not high-definition, and many details in the video are blurred. It is a pity that he worked so hard just now.

The revenge of seven years ago was finally avenged this time, so cool!

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