What the hell? ! Isn’t this my Dong brother’s future wife? Why did you come to apply to be his assistant? What's going on?

Gu Zhongyu was a little confused. He felt that he needed to search online to find out what was going on. Could it be another butterfly effect caused by time travel?

By the way, when did Brother Dong get married to Milk Tea Girl? It should be next year or the year after that. This matter is still very sensational. At that time, there was a strange trend on the Internet, such as beautiful women marrying rich men, old cows eating young grass, and other messy things.

It's quite normal, just like an old couple and a young couple. When there is a big gap in wealth and age, there will be all kinds of comments.

But if money doesn't even have this effect, then what's the point of the struggle of our male compatriots? ! If a girl wants to be with you, of course she wants you to be handsome, rich, live a good life, etc.

Could it be because you are older? Don't like taking a bath? Do you have no money? Are you looking sloppy?


Brother Dong gave everyone a good example. After you have money, you will be qualified to be face-blind.

How can he know whether his wife is good-looking or not?

But to be honest, in fact, the milk tea girl is completely superior to the milk tea girl when she is paired with Dong Ge. A sports student was recommended to Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College. Apart from being beautiful, there is nothing outstanding about it. Dong Ge is at least a self-made billionaire. What do you think? Not a good match.

Apart from anything else, if Brother Dong is willing, he can change his clothes every month to a girlfriend as good-looking as Milk Tea Girl. I can only say that the two of them are truly in love~ Manual dog head!

"Are you the milk tea girl?" After Gu Zhongyu said these words, he suddenly noticed that Jiang Shuying next to him seemed to be suppressing a smile, and the girl in front of him looked a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, this was not the first time someone misidentified her, and she was mentally prepared.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, my name is Chen Duling."


A mouthful of old blood spurted out!

It was a bit embarrassing. At this moment, Gu Zhongyu was even more embarrassed than Chen Duling, who had mistaken him for the wrong person.

Why do Milk Tea Girl and Chen Duling look like twin sisters?

By the way, that milk tea girl also looks very much like her cheap mother-in-law Liu Xiaoli, and she looks more like Aunt Liu's biological daughter than Sissi!

Is this why most beautiful women are similar, but ugly women are all different?

Gu Zhongyu's impression of this girl was really not as deep as that of the milk tea girl. After all, she was a woman married to a big man, and the person in front of him was just a small actor in the entertainment industry until he traveled through time. The thing that impressed him the most was His debut work was the bloody and vulgar youth film "The Left Ear".

Also, in 2022, due to the influence of YQ, Hengdian became an "isolated island" in the film and television industry. During this special period, many actors were trapped in Hengdian and were unable to leave. At the same time, some actors were unable to enter Hengdian, which made many actors unable to leave. The crew currently filming is facing the dilemma of insufficient actors.

At this time, Chen Duling became their savior, and many crews extended invitations to her.

Chen Duling, who was trapped in Hengdian, happened to be free. In order to help other crews, she even took the initiative to contact the crew and offered to make a guest appearance.

"One Thought Off the Mountain", "Lotus Tower", "Long Moon Ember", "Fox Demon Matchmaker"... there are more than a dozen TV series, almost all of which were filmed within a year, including a female lead, a female lead, guest appearances, and some acting roles. They are basically the same type of characters, and Bai Yueguang is said to be the male protagonist of all ancient puppets in Hengdian!

What’s interesting is that at the same time as Chen Duling, there were four childhood costume heroes, Zheng Guolin, Yu Bo, Huang Haibing, and He Zhonghua, who were trapped in Hengdian at the same time. During that time, they were also crazy about acting. The four were called "shared dads" in all the hot topics. In the TV series that are broadcast, you can always see the male or female protagonist calling one of them daddy.

Gu Zhongyu remembered that this girl seemed to be a top student. She was probably still studying in university at this time. How could she think of becoming his assistant?

Seeing the confusion in Gu Zhongyu's eyes, Jiang Shuying explained: "Previously, the company went to their school to shoot a movie, and Hou Hongliang happened to see it. He thought the girl had a good appearance and temperament, so he gave her a business card. It just so happened that Ms. Chen herself was also interested in entertainment. I’m interested in this and saw that we were recruiting assistants, so I wanted to follow you for a year or two to learn from your experience.”

"Ms. Chen, which school do you go to?"

"I went to Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, majoring in aircraft manufacturing and engineering." Chen Duling said a little embarrassed.

Aircraft manufacturing... Such a high-level professional actually came to be an actor. His imagination is really too rich.

"I remember that in the online school beauty selection some time ago, you won the first place in the "Goddess Ranking", and you were the only girl who participated in the selection with an ID photo, right?"

"Yes, it's just good luck." Chen Duling said lightly. He didn't know whether he felt that this honor was insignificant or that it was deserved.

Tsk tsk, this should be the only place where Chen Duling defeated the milk tea girl. How should I put it, this girl's family background should be good. In this national school beauty selection, she is the first, and the milk tea girl is second.

But it's a pity that the first one entered the entertainment industry, and the second one married my Dong brother. They look alike, but they have different fates.

But speaking of it, I can't say which one has better development. After all, Brother Houtoudong also made some news about being unsuitable for children. He used a photo of his head in yellow clothes with a white background to prove the fact that he is really face-blind. .

As a person involved, the milk tea girl didn't know how she felt in her heart. Maybe she would cry bitterly in a mansion of several thousand square meters in the dead of night!

Even though he may be face-blind, Dong Ge can still tell whether a girl has a good figure at a glance, although his taste is not flattering.

"How about this, I'll ask you a question. If you answer it to my satisfaction, you can stay." Gu Zhongyu looked at Chen Duling with a smile, as if he was planning something bad.

"Okay!" Chen Duling agreed immediately, but she was thinking, what will Gu Zhongyu ask?

Is he going to ask her if she has ever been in a relationship?

If he really asked that, she secretly glanced at Gu Zhongyu, and her face began to blush unnaturally. Girls love to be coquettish, and girls of her age are the most vulnerable to handsome, famous and talented boys like Gu Zhongyu.

"Do you want to debut?"


Gu Zhongyu: Huh?

What the hell is "no"? It's irrelevant. This girl can't be a mentally retarded man. Can this guy be an assistant?

"No, I mean, I want to debut..." Chen Duling's face was as red as a monkey's buttocks. The youthful girl was quite thin-skinned.

Gu Zhongyu didn't bother to figure out what she meant by "we haven't dated before". He said to Jiang Shuying, "Let's pick her! No need to call the others. When can you start work at the earliest, Miss Chen?"


"Well, you don't have to talk to me like you answer the teacher's questions in class. I'm not a cannibal." Is this girl really so shy or is she just pretending? Gu Zhongyu was a little confused. If she was pretending, then she was quite amazing.

But it was quite fun. Unlike Bai Lu, her face had been trained to be invulnerable to swords and guns. She was like a rolling knife and would not blush no matter what you said.

"By the way, will your working life affect your diploma?"

"I have discussed this with the school. As long as I pass the required courses every semester and get the required credits, it will be fine. I have almost learned all the content I need to learn in my senior year and have all the certificates. It is no problem for me to graduate early."

He is indeed a top student. He has almost finished the content of his senior year in just one year of college. Apart from anything else, his IQ has already crushed Bai Lu.

"Then I will leave Duling here with you. I will call Bai Lu over and let her take charge of the new people." Jiang Shuying was ready to retire at this time. He said hello to Gu Zhongyu and left.

Looking at Chen Duling, who didn't know where to put her hands, Gu Zhongyu said, "The person who will come later is Bai Lu, my current assistant. She has been with me for more than a year. She will tell you the daily work content and precautions. You should study hard. She will leave in a few months."

"Is she leaving?"

"No, she will participate in a variety show and officially debut. You can also be like her in the future. Of course, the premise is to do your job well."

Chen Duling clenched her fists and answered very seriously: "Thank you, boss, I will definitely study hard and do this job well!"

Looking at Chen Duling with long straight black hair and a green face making this somewhat funny action, Gu Zhongyu smiled and shook his head. It turned out that she was still in college, and her student spirit had not faded.

Unlike Bai Lu, her eyes revealed a feeling that had never been polluted by knowledge.

Looking at Chen Duling, Gu Zhongyu somehow thought of Milk Tea Sister again. Although this girl's ambition is not in the entertainment industry, but she has started to catch a rich husband very early, her legend is everywhere in the entertainment industry.

In 2009, when Zhang Yimou was preparing to shoot "The Flowers of War", he chose the lovely Milk Tea Sister. Milk Tea Sister declined the invitation on the grounds of studying, and gave the opportunity to Ni Ni in vain, missing the opportunity to become famous overnight.

In 2010, Zhang Yimou was preparing to shoot "Under the Hawthorn Tree" again. Because Milk Tea Sister's pure appearance was very suitable for playing the heroine of the film, Zhang Yimou was very sincere at the time and went to interview her in person. As a result, Milk Tea Sister refused without thinking, and gave the opportunity to Zhou Dongyu in vain, missing the opportunity to become famous overnight.

In 2014, Su Youpeng was preparing to shoot "Left Ear". Because of her innocent appearance, he invited Milk Tea Sister to play the role of Little Ear. Milk Tea Sister declined Su's invitation because she "could not participate due to time constraints" and gave the opportunity to Chen Duling in vain, but still missed the chance to become famous overnight;

In the same year, Zhou Xingxing was preparing for the movie "Mermaid". Because of her innocent appearance and ethereal temperament, Milk Tea Sister was chosen as the new Star Girl. Milk Tea Sister declined Zhou's invitation for unknown reasons and gave the opportunity to Catfish Spirit again...

Similar to this, there are a lot of messy notices. I don't know whether Milk Tea Sister asked someone to post them herself or whether they were made by a busybody. I always feel that Milk Tea Sister is a rare beauty in the sky and unparalleled in the world. Everyone is scrambling to get her. She rejected a lot of directors in the circle and missed a lot of opportunities to become famous overnight.

In fact, it's all bullshit. Gu Zhongyu can be sure that all the examples cited above are rumors. He doesn't know why there is such a notice, but so many people believe it.

Just when Gu Zhongyu was thinking about it, Chen Duling, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help but peek at the new boss again

"Boss, I'm here." Not long after, Bai Lu came in, and found a new face in the office.

"Come, let's get to know each other. This is Chen Duling, the new assistant. You will work together in the future. You should take good care of her and don't bully the newcomers, understand?"

"How could that be, boss! I'm so happy to have a younger sister to share my work, how could I possibly bully her? By the way, how old are you, sister?"

"I'm 20 years old this year, how about you, sister?"


She's actually one year older than me, Bai Lu's dream of being a big sister was shattered before it even began.

But on second thought, the wise are the teachers, and I'm a senior anyway, and the one- or two-year age difference doesn't prevent me from calling myself a sister, so I said vaguely: "Then we're about the same, my name is Bai Lu, and you can just call me Sister Lu from now on."

"Hello, Sister Lu!" Chen Duling called out very honestly.

And when Bai Lu heard this Sister Lu, she felt very happy.

She's finally not the youngest anymore!

In the past, she followed her boss everywhere, and although everyone she met respected her very much, everyone treated her like a child because of her age. Now she finally has a follower to show off.

But here comes the question, with her around in the future, can she still entertain her boss like before?

What if this woman is a scheming bitch who hides her true colors, just like the concubines in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and competes with me for favor?

Thinking of this, she felt a sense of crisis again. She must control this young lady in her own hands, so that when she becomes a star in the future, she will not be forgotten by her boss.

"You guys go out and chat first, and accompany me out tomorrow." Just when Bai Lu was thinking about it, Gu Zhongyu gave instructions to both the new and old assistants.

Chen Duling asked in a daze: "Where are you going, boss?"

"Ahem, the first rule of the assistant's work code is that you don't ask where the boss is going." Bai Lu looked at Chen Duling in a serious manner at this time.

"Oh, sorry."

"She lied to you. There is no such thing as an assistant's work code. This is just something she just made up." Gu Zhongyu mercilessly exposed Bai Lu's pretense.

Bai Lu: Boss, can't you let me pretend for once?

Bai Lu was about to leave with Chen Duling, but Gu Zhongyu suddenly remembered something and called Bai Lu back alone, whispering to her: "Don't tell Chen Duling about Xiao Benben and other women, including our relationship, understand?"

It's boring to always tell the truth at the beginning, and Chen Duling is obviously much simpler than Bai Lu. Gu Zhongyu wants to let her discover and accept everything about herself slowly this time.

Bai Lu nodded immediately, indicating that she understood.

Thanks to Shi Guang for the 3,000 points reward

Thanks to Tian Xia Su Da for the 200 points reward

Thanks to all godfathers!

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