Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 267: Tiny Times is here, and so is Mr. Gu

"I would like to ask Director Guo, what advantages do you think you have compared to directors with a professional background?"

Guo Xiaosi said with a smile: "I am also a director with a professional background, but I just didn't graduate. Because I am the author, I know the novel very well. This story has been repeated in my mind for 5 years. It is clear and clear. So when filming, I will quickly and accurately complete each scene, which is more familiar than ordinary directors receiving a new scene. "

On April 8th, at the premiere of "Tiny Times", director Guo Xiaosi was being interviewed by the media.

The heroine Yang Mi attended the event wearing a black dress and gold pointed shoes. She was all jeweled. This was Guo Xiaosi's request. In order to match the luxurious style of the movie, all the leading actors had to dress up like spokespersons for jewelry brands!

Before the media session started in the afternoon, a large number of enthusiastic fans gathered at the entrance of the theater to watch the movie. Some excited fans and audience members almost had physical conflicts with security guards. Due to the large number of spectators at the venue, the organizer canceled seat registration and adopted a free seat selection method. This caused some media members who could have entered freely with their IDs to be blocked out and almost did not get in. This included many Famous film critic.

They had been eyeing "Tiny Times" for a long time. Their rich movie-watching experience allowed them to smell the unique smell of bad movies when the movie trailer was released, so they ran over like flies chasing shit and planned to try it themselves. Let’s find out what this Tuoxiang tastes like!

Compared to the calmness of the media court, the atmosphere in the fan court was even more lively. Every character's appearance, hug, quarrel, and sigh in the movie can trigger different types of screams and exclamations. The atmosphere of watching the movie is like watching "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" with a group of children.

In particular, Feng Xiaoyue and other male protagonists showed off their chest and abdominal muscles under the side light. The air in the audience seemed to freeze, and then there were rounds of exclamations. Although "Tiny Times" tells the story of several girls, there is no doubt that the appearance of several male stars will make fans salivate. If "Tiny Times" is an aphrodisiac, then it will definitely make fans salivate. Fans went "High" more than 100 times.

At this time, another reporter asked Guo Xiaosi: "Recently, a movie studio in Shanghai teased you about your height when promoting "Tiny Times". Were you very angry at first because you posted an angry post on Weibo and then deleted it? what's going on?"

Guo Xiaosi hates people mentioning his height, but he still has to smile and respond: "I still wasn't used to it when I saw it, but now it's no problem. I'm used to being teased. Later, the publicity team asked the theater to take it down, and I heard it was a It’s a newcomer who has good intentions and does bad things. I also told the theater not to fire this young man because it’s not a big deal.”

"We have noticed that at today's premiere, except for Soda Lu, who sang the theme song, no one from the film industry came to congratulate you. Does this prove that you are very popular in the industry, Director Guo?"

Guo Xiaosi's head was full of black lines at this time. This reporter was definitely here to cause trouble. If he hadn't been concerned about his dignity, he would have asked the security guards to kick him out.

"They have been very busy recently, and I don't want this little thing to disturb their work, thank you."

Guo Xiaosi, who was in a bad mood, didn't want to interview anymore. When he passed by Chen Xuedong, he gave him a look that only the two of them could understand.

Chen Xuedong sighed, "Hey, Xiaosi is in a bad mood. It seems that he will suffer the same fate again tonight."

Guo Xiaosi found Yang Mi who was taking photos in a concave shape and asked: Why hasn't Gu Zhongyu come yet? Didn’t everyone agree to come to help you?

Yang Mi spread his hands and said that I don't know either, but since he promised to come, he shouldn't break his promise.

Just when Guo Xiaosi was extremely anxious, thinking that Gu Zhongyu was letting him go, a crowd began to surge outside the venue, and a commotion broke out in the originally quiet media gallery.

Guo Xiaosi wanted to know what was going on, but even with his feet up to the highest point, he still couldn't see anything.

The staff next to him told him that it was Gu Zhongyu who brought Guo Fan, Cao Dun, Li Muge and other directors who had recently returned to China to the premiere.

Is this a way to save face?

Overjoyed, Guo Xiaosi ran out quickly, passed through the crowded crowd and came to Gu Zhongyu and others, and couldn't wait to extend his hand to welcome them.

"Hello Director Guo, we are here for investigation and observation, so you don't have to be too polite."


Guo Fan, who was standing next to him, explained: "Yes, I just want to watch the movies made by my colleagues and see if there is anything we can learn from. We just came here after watching "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains"."

So I'm just a part of your research?

So happy!

He originally thought that Gu Zhongyu was here to help in the battle, but he didn't expect that after he arrived, he didn't say a single intimate word and acted very clearly, for fear of being misunderstood by others.

At this time, Yang Mi and Guo Biting came over and took Gu Zhongyu and others in.

"Okay, you! Why are you being so petty?" Yang Mi curled her lips and was very unhappy. There was never a time when this bitch was reliable.

"What? I brought so many people here to cheer you up, isn't that enough to give you face?"

"Hmph! Then I may have to discount my promise to you." As she said that, she looked at Guo Biting, who was greeting people beside her and was still in the dark.

"If you dare to give me a discount, I'll slap you!" Then when no one was paying attention, Gu Zhongyu actually slapped you.

"You're going to die!"

After entering the cinema and taking a seat, Guo Fan looked at the screen that was about to be shown and asked: "Mr. Gu, just tell me what this movie will be like, so we won't waste this time."

"Well, what should I say? In short, just cover your face with a hat and fall asleep. I'll call you when I'm done."

"I knew it! I just watched that "Tianji: Residence in the Fuchun Mountains" and it made me vomit, and now it's a little time again, Mr. Gu, does this count as a work-related injury?"

Gong Geer was frightened. This was the first time he saw so many viewers scolding himself for being stupid after scolding the director for being stupid after watching a movie.

Cao Dun was still frightened: "I originally wanted to take my wife to see it, but luckily I didn't go, otherwise she would have thought I was deliberately teasing her."

"Actually, it's not that bad. At least Sister Zhiling's drag show was pretty good." Li Muge was very satisfied with Lin Chiling's looks and wondered if she could use them in her own TV series in the future.

"This director is also interesting. He made a fortune by starting a company doing stage special effects, and then spent the money he earned on movies to do special effects in movies. He didn't change his obsession, but the movie ended up..."

Many film practitioners have unanimous opinions on the "Tianji: Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" they just watched. That is, it costs money to watch it in the cinema, and it costs money to watch it online. Anyway, it is a waste of life to watch it.

"Okay, forget about "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" and watch the movie. Although Guo Xiaosi's movie is not that good, it may do well at the box office. After watching it, everyone can summarize it."

The premiere of "Tiny Times" was very luxurious, and the screening room was also very high-end. The crew strived to create a fantastic audio-visual feast for all guests.

Two hours later.

The media reporters at the scene watched the movie "Tiny Times" with complicated expressions, and the directors who came to investigate had a mask of pain on their faces!

"It feels like watching a two-hour PPT commercial. Guo Xiaosi's movie probably made enough money just from the product placement, right?"

"I am convinced by the unabashed money worship!"

"I wanted to complain about the plot, but after watching it, I couldn't find the point! Because I even forgot the plot!"

Unlike other directors, Gu Zhongyu didn't have any negative comments about this movie, because he had just fallen asleep, and I have to say that the chairs in this cinema were quite comfortable.

Unlike the professionals, there were a lot of compliments in the general audience. Comments such as those that were in line with the original work, handsome men and beautiful women that are eye-catching, etc. were basically all from women in their teens to twenties, including Bai Lu. .

As one of the ignorant girls who were harmed by Guo Xiaosi's bad books, Bai Lu feels very satisfied. Although she has worked with her boss for more than a year, her experience and structure are no longer the same, but her feelings are still there. That's what they are like in "Little Times" The dream of a generation of girls!

"The actor Gong Ming is quite handsome. Although he is not as good as the boss, Guo Xiaosi is okay. As expected, it is more reliable for the author to be the director himself. What do you think?"

"I...I don't quite understand. What is the story of this movie?" Chen Duling asked timidly.

Bai Lu gave her a rather disgusting look. The assistant the boss hired this time was not good either. He had such an IQ that he couldn't even understand a movie. Apart from being pretty good-looking, he was useless!

"It's okay. If you don't have enough academic qualifications, just ask the boss to sign you up for a class in the future. I never asked, did you drop out of high school?"


"You don't even have a high school diploma?" Bai Lu suddenly felt a little pity for this girl. No matter how bad she was, she was still a high school student. She couldn't imagine how difficult the family situation of a girl with a junior high school degree who went out to work must be.

Chen Duling shook his head: "I am studying in college and have not received my diploma yet. I graduated from high school, not dropped out of school."

College students!

Could it be that he is still a top student?

"Then what score did you get in the college entrance examination?" Bai Lu asked curiously.

Chen Duling thought for a while: "Only more than six hundred."

Just...more than six hundred?

Bai Lu once again shed tears like a scumbag. Why is such a good-looking girl so good at studying? God is unfair to me, Bai Mengyan!

The sense of superiority that was hard to come by was completely destroyed.

After the movie ended, Bai Lu saw that Gu Zhongyu was about to leave, so she raised her feet and was about to leave. Suddenly she remembered something and hurriedly pulled Chen Duling to the car and handed Dundun and a little milk cat into her hands. .

"This is our boss's own cat Dundun and its litter. The boss won't be home tonight. You can send this cat over later, and then you can go wherever he goes."

"how about you?"

"I have other tasks tonight, so I won't tell you the details. Anyway, it's very important and that's it. Don't be stunned! Put your cat bag on your back and go find the boss!"

So Chen Duling carried an extra-large cat bag and a peaked cap, and stood in front of the cinema like a primary school student waiting for his parents to pick him up after school, waiting for Gu Zhongyu to come out.

Gu Zhongyu and others, who were harassed again by reporters, finally escaped. Guo Fan and others looked sad and said that they were really "hit" by Guo Xiaosi's movie this time, and that he had to treat them to dinner to soothe their wounded hearts.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, he had no choice but to agree. Then he turned around and saw Chen Duling standing alone at the door, looking pitiful, weak and helpless.

"Why are you the only one? Where is Bai Lu?"

"She said she had other tasks to do and she had to take the first step."

I don't remember what task I gave her?

"Then you come with me!" Gu Zhongyu waved goodbye to the directors of Resentment and pulled Chen Duling into his car.

"Come on, come on, have a drink. I've ordered some drinks and they will be delivered right away. Let's have a good celebration tonight!" Yang Mi greeted warmly when she returned home.

"Thank you, Sister Mimi!" Guo Caijie and Xie Jolin laughed in unison.

After the premiere, Yang Mi declined Guo Xiaosi's invitation and took Guo Biting, Guo Caijie, and Xie Yilin to her home to celebrate alone.

"You guys talk first, I'm going to change clothes." Yang Mi smiled slightly and walked into the bedroom.

In the living room, the three of them began to chat about some interesting things from the premiere. Guo Caijie took out her mobile phone from time to time to look through the photos she had just taken, while Guo Biting listened quietly and interjected from time to time. Jolin Xie picked up the remote control next to her, selected some exciting music and played it.

Not long after, Yang Mi changed into comfortable pajamas and walked out of the room. Her hair was pulled up casually, making her look even more charming. She walked to the three of them and sat down. She picked up the cards on the table and said, "Come on, come on today. No one is allowed to go home late, let’s play a game of Landlords first, and the loser will drink.”

"But we don't know how to play." Guo Caijie said hesitantly. The three of them were all native Wanwan people, and they had never learned how to play Landlords.

"I'll teach you! Come on, change all your clothes first. It's so uncomfortable to wear that dress!" Yang Mi said enthusiastically.

So everyone put on their pajamas, and under Yang Mi's guidance, the three of them began to learn how to play Landlords.

Yang Mi's skill level is very high, and it can be seen that he plays often. The three of them had a lot of fun with Yang Mi, and laughed from time to time. While playing, Yang Mi began to peek at other people's cards. Guo Caijie noticed this with sharp eyes and couldn't help but joked: "Okay, Mi Mi, did you peek at my cards?"

Yang Mi smiled awkwardly, "Have a little look..."

"Haha, you know it!" Guo Caijie said with a smile, "I now suspect that you not only peeked at the cards, but maybe you also secretly stuffed a few cards in your clothes!"

As he said that, he rushed over to her, pressed her to the ground, and dug his hands into the collar of her clothes, insisting on finding out the evidence that she was cheating!

"Hahaha... stop making trouble... it's itchy!" Anyone who knows her well knows that Yang Mi is most afraid of bugs and other people tickling her. Guo Caijie is deliberately retaliating.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

While the two women were fighting, there was a sudden knock on the door.

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