Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 268 The Lun family also wants to be taken advantage of!

"Who is it? Are you here to visit us at night?" Yang Mi pretended not to know anything and opened the door.

It was Gu Zhongyu who was standing outside the door, carrying a cat bag. When he saw Yang Mi opening the door wearing a sexy pink pajamas, his eyes lit up.

"Why did it take so long to open the door? Did you hide the man secretly behind my back, afraid that I would find out?"

"There are no men, but there are a lot of beauties. Sisters, here comes the uninvited guest!" She led Gu Zhongyu into the living room, where the other three girls were already sitting on the sofa waiting.

Gu Zhongyu opened his mouth wide when he saw this: "It's really lively here! Hello, you three beauties."

He said hello to the three of them. Guo Caijie had already had a relationship with Gu Zhongyu, so she was not surprised by his appearance. Jolin Xie, on the other hand, was carefree and didn't care at all. Of course, Gu Zhongyu wouldn't look at her either.

Only Guo Biting was not used to being with a man in such a private environment and wearing pajamas.

He noticed that Guo Biting's face was a little uneasy and seemed a little shy. He was secretly amused and decided to tease her.

"Biting, I'm really flattered that you came to greet me in pajamas tonight." Gu Zhongyu said half-jokingly.

When Guo Biting heard this, she immediately blushed and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Gu Zhongyu burst out laughing, and the other three also laughed. Guo Biting lowered his head in embarrassment and was at a loss. When Yang Mi saw this scene, he pinched Gu Zhongyu's shoulder with his hand, reminding him to restrain himself a little and not scare him away directly.

"Okay, okay, stop teasing Biting." Yang Mi said with a smile, "Why did Gu Delai come to my house? The four of us left hand in hand after the premiere. Don't say you didn't watch it. Arrive!”

"Of course I'm here to give you benefits!"

He sat on the sofa and took out Dundun from his bag. This big blue and white cat, Dundun has always had the character of a social cow. He didn't care at all about the number of people or the lack of people. He curiously looked at the girls who were watching it.

Then he started to lick Gu Zhongyu's fingers, which meant that he was hungry. It had been a full hour since his last meal, and he was already so hungry that he couldn't stand it anymore!

"This cat is so cute!" Xie Jolin saw Dundun and immediately liked it. She carefully reached out her hand and touched Dundun's head.

Dundun was a little disgusted and wanted to give this two-legged beast a slap in the face, but after feeling the killing officer's murderous intent, he still bowed his head obediently and let others knead him.

"Is this the cat you gave me?" Guo Biting looked at him expectantly.

"This is Dundun, my pet. As I told you, I just happened to have it with me today. What I want to give you is this." As he said that, Gu Zhongyu took out Dundun from his bag. He didn't know where he ranked it. My cat son, the poor little guy, was almost crushed by his father in the cat bag just now.

The little kitten is fluffy, pure white in color, with only a hint of blue in its mouth and neck. It is petite and exquisite, as if it is the most perfect work of art in the world. There is a hint of curiosity and nervousness in its eyes, as if it is a little afraid of this strange environment. , but full of curiosity.

"This cat is for you." Gu Zhongyu said with a smile. He carefully brought the kitten in front of Guo Biting. The kitten seemed to feel the owner's kindness and gently licked Guo Biting's fingers.

Guo Biting was moved by the cuteness of the kitten, and the discomfort in his heart disappeared instantly. She couldn't help but pick up the kitten, lowered her head and kissed the top of its head, "Thank you, Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to still remember."

"Of course you have to do what you promised. Are you playing Landlords? Take me with you!"

"Five of us can't fight the landlord. If we want to fight, we can only fight you. Let's play Texas Hold'em!" Yang Mi saw that none of the women had objections to keeping Gu Zhongyu, and he knew that today's plan was half successful. .

So a few people sat down again and started playing Texas Hold'em poker.

Gu Zhongyu's level is very high, and it can be seen that he is a veteran. He is chatting with the girls while playing, and the atmosphere is very harmonious. Dundun is wandering around the room, and from time to time he is called back by Guo Biting or Yang Mi to touch his head. .

Chen Duling was so sleepy in the car that she yawned. The assistant's job was so strange that the boss actually asked her to stay here and look after things.

What the hell is a lookout?

Could it be that Gu Zhongyu has kleptomania and went to Yang Mi's house to steal something?

Just when she was puzzled, she saw a person not far away. He walked to the door sneakily, wearing a mask and a hat. He was holding a cardboard box in his hand. He was dressed like a courier and behaved like a courier. His temperament is that of a thief.

Just when she was about to get out of the car to find out what was going on, the door opened by itself. Yang Mi half-opened his head, looked left and right, said a few words to the visitor, and then took the carton in her hand and opened it again. Closed the door.

Why does it feel like it's similar to a spy drama?

However, as the man jumped up and down after handing over the carton, Chen Duling recognized her at a glance. Isn't this Senior Bai?

"Sister Bai Lu?"

"Who's calling me?"

As if a criminal had been caught, Bai Lu looked around furtively, and then found Chen Duling sitting in the car. He took off his mask and asked, "Chen Duling? Is the boss asking you to take charge here?"

"Yes, Sister Lu, why are you dressed up like this and come here to deliver something?"

Bai Lu got into the car and began to give Chen Duling his duties as a science popularization assistant.

"I'm just here to bring some drinks to the boss and the others to cheer them up. Since you are here to take the lead, you have to take it seriously. You also know that public figures like the boss are chased by paparazzi, illegitimate fans and the like every day. If there is any sign of trouble, we must notify the boss immediately. Have you seen anyone suspicious? "

"I just saw you, Sister Lu. How long should I keep watch?"

"We can withdraw when the boss sends us a message. Hey, it's not easy to call you Chen Duling. Do you have a nickname?"

"Just call me Dudu, it's my nickname."

"Dudu? Okay!" Bai Lu muttered the name, a little funny, "But...why does it feel like it's the name of a pet?"

Chen Duling spread his hands and said that I was used to it, and then curiously asked Bai Lu: The boss came to Yang Mi's house in the middle of the night. Are the two of them in a relationship?

Hearing this question, Bai Lu was a little confused. How should he explain this complicated relationship to her?

"This... the boss, his conditions are so good, isn't he? There are always some women rushing to throw themselves into his arms, and because of the sophistication of people and the many entanglements of interests, sometimes! It's just... not very convenient Refuse, do you understand what I say?”

Chen Duling nodded thoughtfully: "So you are saying that the boss is a playboy?"

"Ahem! I didn't say that. You will gradually know what kind of person the boss is in the future. Let's not mention him now. Let's talk among ourselves. Where are you from..."

While the two were chatting, Chen Duling's cell phone rang. It was Gu Zhongyu who sent a message telling her that she could get off work.

"Then let's go?"

"Well, you come and drive!" Bai Lu sat in the passenger seat, took out a small black book, and wrote down Guo Biting's name and date in encrypted text on the latest page.

Chen Duling took a sneak peek to see what she was writing, but found that it was like a heavenly book and could not be understood at all.

Everything that happened tonight had a great impact on Chen Duling's young mind. Unexpectedly, Gu Zhongyu, who looked handsome and serious, was also having such a good time in private. As an assistant, he had to stand guard when his boss was picking up girls. This was different from her. The job I expected seems a little different!


"Haha! I win again, drink quickly!"

Da Mi Mi smashed the cards on the table excitedly. After a few rounds, the game gradually reached a climax, and the one who won the most was Yang Mi.

Guo Biting's cards have never been very good, and she can only drink every time it is her turn. Just when she was about to drink beer again, she found that the can was empty. At this time, Yang Mi gently patted her shoulder, handed her a bottle of pink wine, and said with a smile: "Drink this, this one tastes better. "

She took the bottle and took a sip, feeling that it tasted fresh and sweet, and it actually tasted pretty good. She asked curiously: "What kind of wine is this? It tastes so good."

Yang Mi replied with a smile: "This is a cocktail I made with my friends at the bar. It's very good. You can try it."

After hearing this, Guo Biting was very happy and started to drink heavily. After a few rounds, her face turned slightly red and she looked a little drunk. She covered her face and shouted excitedly: "I'm going to win! I'm going to win!" "

At this time, Jolin Xie glanced at the time on her phone. It was already early in the morning. She said worriedly, "It's getting late! It's time for us to go home!"

She turned around and asked Guo Caijie: "Do you want to come with me?"

Guo Caijie glanced at her and replied calmly: "I want to sleep with Mi Mi tonight."

Her eyes moved between the few people, then she shook her head, and was about to take away Guo Biting, who was already drunk and lying on the table.

But Yang Mi stopped her: "Don't! Biting drank too much, so just let her sleep here at night. The two of us will take care of her."

Also taken care of!

I'm afraid you are going to eat her!

After all, he came from the Wanwan entertainment industry. Xie Jolin was very familiar with some of the little tricks in the industry. He wanted to be a hero, but he was afraid of offending others, so he had to ask Gu Zhongyu tentatively: "Mr. Gu, then... what do you want? Go back?"

Gu Zhongyu smiled and said: "Tonight's host is Mi Mi, and she hasn't said let me go yet!"

Fine! It seems that you have planned this tonight. No wonder the atmosphere has been weird. It turns out that I was the only one who was kept in the dark.

In this posture, Gu Zhongyu planned to challenge three people, but why did the Times Sisters, with four of them, fall behind?

Woohoo... The Lun family also wants to face the darkness of the entertainment industry and Mr. Gu's unspoken rules!

Xie Yilin looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, trying not to let tears fall. At the same time, he said sorry to Guo Biting in his heart and left neatly.

Yang Mi looked at the drunk Guo Biting and said to Gu Zhongyu with an ambiguous expression: "It seems that we have to take care of Biting tonight."

Gu Zhongyu nodded: "No problem, I will help you. I will carry her to the bedroom to rest first."

After saying that, he picked up the drunk Princess Guo Biting and strode upstairs. Dundun saw the poop shovel going upstairs, and followed closely with the kitten.

Guo Caijie wanted to follow, but was held back by Yang Mi: "What are you going to do? It's okay if I can take care of you alone. Let's go take a shower first, let's go!"

"Mi Mi, is this really good for us?" Guo Caijie always felt guilty in her heart. We are all crooked people. If she did this, wouldn't it be like a fellow countryman meeting a fellow countryman and shooting a cold gun behind his back?

Yang Mi chuckled: "What? Do you think you are in cahoots with me? If you want to stop it, I won't stop you."

Guo Caijie glanced upstairs, feeling mixed emotions, thinking that if Guo Biting shouted for help at this time, she would definitely go up to help, if not, then...

On the other side, Gu Zhongyu put Guo Biting on the boat, looking at the extremely attractive Sleeping Beauty in pajamas, and was also struggling, should he be a beast, or worse than a beast?

At first he was just teasing Yang Mi, but he didn't expect this sister to actually help him get the job done. The wine he drank tonight was obviously a little wrong, maybe something was added to it.

Dun Dun jumped onto the bed at this time, looking at the constipated expression on the shit shoveling owner, very confused. According to its previous memory, shouldn't it be the time for the two stinky shit shovelers to fight?

Thinking again and again, Gu Zhongyu didn't dare to do it, not because of conscience, but because she was still drunk. If he did it, what would be the difference between playing with a dead body?

"Are you just leaving like this?"

Just when Gu Zhongyu covered Guo Biting with a blanket and was about to leave, Guo Biting, who had been unconscious just now, suddenly woke up!


He was shocked by a sudden sentence!

"Tingting...are you not drunk?"

"Not only am I not drunk, I can clearly feel that your hands were taking advantage of me when you hugged me just now!" After getting up, Guo Biting's face was still rosy, but his eyes were clear, and he scratched Dun Dun's chin with his hand.

Gu Zhongyu looked embarrassed, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into: "Since you are awake, I will pour you a glass of water. Mi Mi and the others are downstairs. I will ask her to take you back later."

"Why are you leaving? Don't you like me anymore?" Guo Biting hugged Dun Dun into his arms and touched him, and the other kitten also wanted to jump up at this time, but his legs were too short and he couldn't get up.

What is this lady's trick?

"From the first moment we met, I knew you had bad intentions towards me. You asked me out again and again, and gave me a cat. Today, you asked Mi Mi to bring me here to play cards and drink. Isn't the purpose to trick me onto the boat?"

Guo Biting also pulled the kitten that was flopping under the boat up, hugged it from left to right, and asked with his head tilted: "I'm lying on the boat now, why don't you come over?"

It turned out that his intentions had been known to others a long time ago, and this girl saw through it so thoroughly. If I had known, I wouldn't have pretended.

What should I do now?

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