Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 269 Helping you deepen your sisterly friendship

"Well... I admit that I'm a little interested in you, but it's not that obscene. If you don't want to, I'll leave now!" As he said this, Gu was only moving his lips, but his legs were motionless.

"Haha! Then did you give up after leaving and never look for me again?"

"I didn't say that!"

"That's right!"

Guo Biting leaned towards the bow of the ship, looked at Gu Zhongyu helplessly and said, "You've been targeted anyway. Whether it's an upright pursuit or a despicable hidden rule, even if you go back to Wanwan, I'm afraid you won't let go." Come on, since I'm going to be yours sooner or later, why should I struggle? It's not an idol drama, I'm ready, come on!"

Gu Zhongyu:......

You'll make me look stupid!

Gu Zhongyu sighed, turned around and walked towards the door.

Seeing that he seemed to be really leaving, Guo Biting couldn't help but feel a little touched in his heart. Could it be that this man still had some conscience and was he ashamed of himself?

In fact, she is also working very hard now. Damn it, Da Mi Mi doesn't know what he put in the wine. If Gu Zhongyu doesn't leave, she might be unable to help but take action first.


Gu Zhongyu locked the door, and then rushed over angrily...

Guo Biting: MMP!

Dundun on the side: I knew it would end like this, how could the shit shovel give up looking for someone to fight! Come on, son, learn a lesson, and let's watch the Twoleg war together!

Half an hour later, Yang Mi, who was lying on the sofa, picked up his phone and checked the time. According to his understanding of Gu Zhongyu's physical fitness, it should be almost over now.

"Let's go! Come up together."

"Huh? Are we together?" Guo Caijie, who has always been bold, was also shocked by these words. Even in the Wanwan entertainment industry, this kind of behavior can be called bold!

Yang Mi smiled and said, "I'm sleepy and want to sleep. If you don't come up with me, I'll have to sleep on the sofa at night!"

"Oh fine!"

Guo Caijie had no choice but to follow Yang Mi, still thinking about these messy things in her mind. When she was led to Guo Biting's room in a daze, she didn't know it until a figure came behind her and picked her up. I finally reacted, but it was too late...


After spending one night, Gu Zhongyu successfully helped the Times Sisters to further deepen their friendship (except, of course, Jolin Xie). He felt that he had done such a meaningful thing. Although he was a little tired, he could help people. My heart is sweet!

He later asked Da Mi Mi where the wine last night came from and whether there was any chun medicine in it, which made Guo Biting act so proactively.

Yang Mi said that it was really just a cocktail. It was specially made by the bartender. It used tequila as the base liquor and added some mandala and other drinks. It had the effect of stimulating instincts, but it would not make people lose their minds. of.

With such an easy-to-use wine, Gu Zhongyu naturally found someone to learn the recipe, so he was prepared!

But when he learned that Yang Mi asked Bai Lu to bring wine last night, he was still very angry and hit the power a few times. Good guy, he actually started to call my assistant. I can't do it without hitting him!

Bai Lu couldn't let go either. Gu Zhongyu punished her to relieve his boredom until her voice became hoarse.

The premiere performance of "Tiny Times" was very good. With a figure close to 30 million, it has been confirmed that it will be the box office champion in April. The investment in this movie is only tens of millions, which can be regarded as a huge profit.

Guo Xiaosi made the right bet this time. In fact, he had wanted to put this novel on the big screen for a long time. After all, there were a large number of loyal fans of the original work. However, the movie was not released early because of the domestic film market at that time. The degree of openness is low and the age of the main moviegoers is relatively high, so Guo Xiaosi waited until the age of the moviegoers dropped before putting film production on the agenda.

This movie can be regarded as the beginning of the era of traffic + IP to harvest fans.

Therefore, the Times Sisters will continue to go to other cities for roadshows to consolidate their achievements. Unfortunately, Gu Zhongyu and Guo Biting have just made a breakthrough in their relationship. They have to separate before they have time to develop new playing styles. They were still limping when they left in the morning...

Of course, Gu Zhongyu can't relax anymore, because "Descendants of the Sun" is about to start filming.

As a military drama, it is inevitable to have to deal with the army. When "Ball Lightning" was filmed, it was only borrowed from other people's abandoned bases. This time, it was necessary to borrow weapons from others. It would definitely be unreasonable not to pay a visit to the dock.

Director Li Muge, producer Liu Meng, as well as male actors such as Peng Guanying, Yu Bo, Zhou Wei and others are here and will participate in a period of training here before participating in filming.

He also roped in Wu Jin this time. He had been specially trained in the army for more than half a year, and he had a good relationship with the leaders here. He could also serve as an action director when filming new dramas.

"Hello everyone, hello Teacher Gu, I've heard of you for a long time!"

"Chief, if you talk to me like this, I won't be able to speak later."

"Haha, my wife and I both like to see your works, and so does Teacher Wu Jin. He was still training with our comrades here before, and everyone loves him very much!"

Gu Zhongyu was in the military camp, and the person he was talking to was a middle-aged officer. He stopped talking with a few stars on his shoulders, for fear of harmony.

But to be honest, Gu Zhongyu was really surprised when he saw the military rank on the shoulder of the person who came to pick him up... This was definitely not for his own sake, but probably because of the old man's influence.

Many times, background relationships will play a subtle role even if you don't do anything about it.

"By the way, Chief, how many of the new weapons and military exercise footage we applied for have been approved?" Liu Meng is more concerned about this issue. As a military fan who has never been a soldier, he is always obsessed with weapons and equipment every time he shoots a military drama.

When shooting modern war dramas, especially in China, some things really need the cooperation of the military. Wu Jin also needs support in this regard when shooting "Wolf Warrior". Many military fans love to see new weapons and the like.

So this time, he wanted to solve these problems at once.

"No problem, when you shoot the movie, there will be a special consultant to follow you. You can shoot light weapons as you like. As for heavy equipment, non-active ones can be arranged. If they are too advanced, it is not convenient to show them, so we can only give you some video materials."

Hearing this, everyone finally nodded with relief. These are enough.

He didn't really expect that his people would be able to carry cameras and shoot during military exercises. The cost of a round of volleys may be more expensive than special effects.

Moreover, "Descendants of the Sun" is just a contemporary drama, not a war film. It's enough to get the idea across. Try to save this part of the funds and invest it in "Wolf Warrior" or other works.

After communicating with the chief, Li Muge and others left, while Gu Zhongyu and a group of actors stayed in the barracks to prepare for a week-long intensive training.

It's not required that everyone must be trained to be iron-blooded tough guys. As long as they know how to stand at attention and hold guns, they can barely go on stage. Among them, Yu Bo is the most relaxed, because he is the only one who has military experience. Coming to the barracks is like going home. He often laughs at Gu Zhongyu and others when they are exhausted.

Everyone dares to be angry but dares not speak, who lets him fight!

On April 20, "Descendants of the Sun" started filming in Changzhou in a low-key manner.

In fact, many people in the circle know that his TV series is about to be filmed. It's useless to keep it low-key. Where are the secrets in the entertainment industry?

It didn't take long for it to spread.

The artists were asking if they had a chance to participate in this drama, because since Gu Zhongyu's comeback more than a year ago, three movies and a costume drama have all been hits, and his popularity has not only recovered to the level before he went to Beijing Film Academy to teach, but has even surpassed it!

So now all new projects of Zongheng Film and Television, especially those starring Gu Zhongyu, are particularly popular, and many capital and entertainment companies will try every means to get involved.

So when they saw the female lead of this drama, they were all shocked.

It turned out to be Zeng Li!

This sister is in her thirties this year, right?

With no background, no awards, and no status, why should she be the female lead of Gu Zhongyu's new drama?

They racked their brains to understand why they chose such an unknown person to play the female lead. Of course, Zeng Li himself couldn't figure it out, but this did not prevent him from being grateful to Gu Zhongyu.

"Should I call you Mr. Gu or Teacher Gu?"

Zeng Li, 1.7 meters tall and with an oval face, wears a neat doctor's uniform, exuding the charm of a mature woman. She is known as the best-looking actress in the history of the Central Academy of Drama and now stands in front of Gu Zhongyu.

Gu Zhongyu had heard of her name in his previous life. Almost everyone in the circle who had contact with Zeng Li praised her beauty. Unfortunately, due to a series of reasons, he really had no close contact with this sister.

There is no way. Although this sister has filmed a lot of movies, most of them are soy sauce roles. Except for the female ghost Mei Sanniang in "Liao Zhai" who is somewhat well-known, other works have no splashes at all, and she lives a low-key life on weekdays. It is difficult to see her at various events.

Now that the two are standing together and chatting, Gu Zhongyu feels that the rumors are true. This sister is indeed beautiful and much more beautiful than on the screen. At the same time, he also knows why she is not popular anymore.

The face is not small enough!

Some people in the camera are photogenic, while others are not. Zeng Li is exactly the type that is not photogenic. Her facial features are not suitable for heavy makeup. You can see from her magazine that the photos taken are really not good-looking. When the camera is close to the face, the face tends to look longer. Once the hairstyle is not well designed, many styles will not look good!

This shows how important a small face is to a photogenic actor. Jiang Xin, Li Jiaxin, and her own senior sister Yu are all representatives of not looking as good in person as in the camera.

"Just call me Zhongyu, Sister Li. We still have to fall in love next, so don't make it so strange."

"Hehe! It's still a sister-brother relationship. Okay, then I'll call you Zhongyu."

Zeng Li's personality is quite different from her cold and beautiful appearance. She is a more lively type, and even gives people a sense of humor. This kind of personality is very good as a friend, but it is a bit disadvantageous in career.

Unlike Li Muge's previous filming of "Legend of Wu Zetian", the filming location of "Descendants of the Sun" was fixed at Datang Film and Television City. There are many locations in the drama that need to be filmed, and often after filming one shot, the next shot must be rushed quickly.

So in order to catch up with the progress and save time, all the shots that can be filmed together are also piled together. This film, just after the start of filming, after filming the first encounter of the male and female protagonists, the first kiss will be filmed immediately.

Shooting a kissing scene on the first day of filming was also the first time for Gu Zhongyu.

Zeng Li put the hand holding the red wine bottle on the back of Gu Zhongyu's neck, thinking about how she would read the lines later. Suddenly, she thought of something and asked Gu Zhongyu: "Have you brushed your teeth?"

"Huh? No, but I just chewed a xylitol pill."

"Then take a sip of the red wine, otherwise we will get mixed up when we kiss." With that, he brought the sip of red wine to Gu Zhongyu's mouth.

Gu Zhongyu couldn't figure out the sister's brain circuit, but he took a sip. It seemed that no matter what the scene was, the male and female protagonists always drank red wine when their relationship heated up.

Why is there no one who drinks Erguotou?

"By the way, that Qinqin is your girlfriend, right?" Just as the two were tentatively kissing, Zeng Li noticed that the eyes staring at her were none other than Li Yao, the actor who played the second female lead, Li Mingzhu.

Zeng Li and Li Yao both studied opera and were both in Qingyi. They had heard of each other. When they first turned on the phone, Zeng Li was happy to say hello to Li Yao, but the girl didn't seem very enthusiastic.

Li Yan looked at the two of them filming with a complicated expression at this time. The quality of an actor told her that she shouldn't be emotional because of such a trivial matter, but she still couldn't help it. He already knew Gu Zhongyu's flirtatious nature and was worried that the two of them would fake it. Do.

Gu Zhongyu and Li Yao looked at each other, feeling quite troubled, and said, "Sorry, I'll just go and have a few words with her."

"It's useless for you, a grown man, to do this kind of thing. I have experience. Just look at me!"

Then Zeng Li trotted to Li Yao's side and whispered a few words to her. He didn't know what he said. After hearing this, Li Yao's eyes widened and he actually stopped staring at them.

"What did you say to her?"

Zeng Li winked playfully: "The secret between women, by the way, you don't have the habit of sticking out your tongue when filming kiss scenes, right?"

"Ah? No, no." He's not Huang Ama, why would he stick out his tongue in a kissing scene?

There was a kissing scene between Huang Ama and Xiao Tao Hong in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword", but Huang Ama directly pulled her into his arms and kissed her fiercely. Xiao Tao Hong was shocked by this scene. I was petrified and endured the discomfort to continue acting.

But Huang Ama went even further and tried to stick her tongue into Xiao Tao Hong's mouth. At this time, the director had no intention of shouting, so Xiao Tao Hong could only endure Xiao Tao Hong's kiss with a look of despair.

After this incident spread, many netizens criticized Ama Huang, saying that he was too old and took advantage of others. From then on, he was completely isolated from kissing scenes, and there were basically no famous actresses filming such scenes with him. It's a show.

Zeng Li nodded: "Then I'll be completely relieved."

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