Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 270: Encountered a female pervert on the set?

Zeng Li is a bit of a germaphobe, although it's not serious, but if the actor opposite her is like Huang Ama, she won't be able to stand it.

Seeing that everything was ready, Li Muge shouted: "Okay, put the microphone further away, adjust the lens, and the two teachers will make final preparations.

"Director, there is no problem with the recording."

"Director, there is no problem with the camera."

"Director, the lighting is ready."

Gu Zhongyu was also ready, took a deep breath, and said, "That's it, director."

"Okay, turn on the phone!"

As director Li Muge's voice echoed in the air, the camera began to rotate. Liu Hongyi, played by Gu Zhongyu, stood in front of Jiang Muyan, played by Zeng Li, wearing a neat uniform like a shy big boy.

Jiang Muyan handed the bottle to him: "It seems you really want to drink it? it is for you!"

Liu Hongyi looked at the beauty in front of him intently, then stepped forward without hesitation, hugged Jiang Muyan, and kissed her on the lips.


Jiang Muyan didn't expect that this bratty brother would play a surprise attack. He was confused at first, but as he looked at the male protagonist affectionately, he couldn't help but start to respond.

Their lips touched each other and rubbed gently, like two stars colliding for the first time. It was strange that it was obviously the first time they were filming a kiss scene, but they unexpectedly clicked together.

Li Muge looked at their performance and felt satisfied.

But soon, Gu Zhongyu felt something was wrong, and then he lost control of his expression without noticing, and his wide eyes were caught by the camera.

"Ka! Okay, let's do another one."

Li Muge stopped the two of them in time. It seems that the two actors are not very familiar with each other. After all, they have only known each other for less than a day. They started filming a kissing scene. It is normal for them not to be in the right mood emotionally.

Gu Zhongyu looked at Zeng Li with a strange expression, and the latter also looked a little embarrassed at this time.

Sister, you asked me not to stick out my tongue, are you doing it to make it easier for me?

"I'm sorry, Zhongyu, I haven't filmed a kissing scene in a long time, so I don't know what to say."

Zeng Li was so ashamed. In the past two years, all he had filmed were period dramas. There had never been a time when he had to have lip-to-mouth with the male protagonist right from the start. In addition, he was still younger than himself. If he wasn't careful, he would...

When Gu Zhongyu heard this joke, he said, "You're not holding back your energy to take advantage of me, are you, sister?"

Zeng Li rolled his eyes at him: "Don't be so handsome. Don't think that just because you are handsome, you will be liked by girls. You are really not my type."

Gu Zhongyu believed this. Judging from the boyfriends Zeng Li had dated before, it was obvious that she didn't like fair-faced handsome guys. It didn't even matter if they were uglier or rich.

Among Zeng Li's ex-boyfriends, neither Nortel's senior brother Fu Dalong nor her classmate Niu Qingfeng were famous for their appearance, and they had little money or fame. Among them, Fu Dalong was even less famous. If you have enough money, you can deliver food or work as a cook in the back kitchen of a restaurant!

There is also Li Yixiang, who is even more ugly and vulgar!

I can only say that these sisters have unique tastes, and I don’t know what advantages she sees in these people.

Maybe it's talent?

"Ah! Are these actors serious about filming kissing scenes?" Chen Duling, who was outside the camera, stared at her boss filming with wide eyes. In her previous impression, kissing scenes should be filmed with borrowed positions. .

"Did you come from time travel? Who would want to watch a movie now? Not to mention kissing scenes. Many intimate scenes are shot with real swords and guns. It is said that the one with Liang Chaowei and Tang Wei is the same."

Bai Lu tried to popularize insider knowledge to the ignorant girl, but her voice was a little hoarse. Recently, the evil boss always found excuses to punish her in private. In the future, Bai Lu would not dare to listen to outsiders' orders even if he beat her to death.

"That's it! Can't you refuse? Sister Lu, aren't you going to debut soon? If you film a movie, will there be an intimate scene too?"

"Of course there will be, but I will definitely choose to borrow it. If the director doesn't agree, I won't shoot!"


Of course it's because of the boss, you idiot!

But Bai Lu couldn't tell her directly, so she changed the subject: "Then...what, I won't be with you tonight. The boss agrees that I can go back to live with my parents, and Dundun and the boss will be taken care of by you."

Bai Lu is from Changzhou, and this time the filming happened to be right in front of her home, so she could go home at night and come back during the day.

"It's a pity, I want to sing K with you tonight, Lulu."

At this time, Bai Bin heard the words and came over. She had just finished filming on the set of "Remaining Sin". The role she plays this time is Li Yihua, a female doctor. Her role is not very large, it is just a guest appearance, and it is also because Gu Zhongyu is the male lead. She only came here to save face.

In addition, there is Zhang Junning, who plays the heroine's colleague. She has been following Fan Bingbing since filming "Legend of Wu Zetian". She has nothing to do recently and also came to make a guest appearance.

It's just that she has a quiet personality and doesn't like to fight with others. She just watches Gu Zhongyu filming from a distance and doesn't get involved with them.

"Hey! There are plenty of opportunities. Next time, next time I will sing to you in the boss's RV!"

Bai Bin got angry when the word RV was mentioned. The two people had a long-standing grudge.

The time in Jinmen that guy gave Gu Zhongyu the idea to kick her out of the RV was the first time; the night of the Truth or Dare game, when he asked her to reveal her first night in detail in front of everyone, was the second time, at such a young age She was so vicious, if she hadn't been Assistant Gu Zhongyu, Bai Bin would have come back with revenge!

Don't worry, I heard that this little girl will be sent out soon, and there will definitely be a chance then.

Bai Bin carefully looked at the newcomer Chen Duling, then took her hand and praised: "You are Mr. Gu's new assistant, right? You are so pretty, Mr. Gu finally has a beautiful assistant. If you enter the entertainment industry in the future, you will definitely do better than me!"

Don't be too obvious when mocking someone, but Bai Lu doesn't want to confront her. It's better not to make the boss angry recently. Her mouth can't accept new destruction.

Chen Duling is not used to the enthusiasm of strangers. Are the men and women in the entertainment industry so familiar?

At this time, Gu Zhongyu and Zeng Li have come back for the Nth time, and Li Muge already wants to curse in his heart.

It is normal for the director to scold the actors when they perform poorly during filming. However, in the two dramas directed by Li Muge recently, Fan Binbin is the female lead in "Legend of Wu Zetian" and Gu Zhongyu is the male lead in the current drama. Both of them are his bosses, and he cannot afford to offend anyone. Not to mention scolding, it is disrespectful to call them by their full names!

It is not that Gu Zhongyu wants to take advantage, but Zeng Li may be affected by what he said just now. Obviously, they were very compatible the first time, but now they are starting to be restrained.

In the end, a simple kissing scene took more than an hour to shoot, and it was not until Gu Zhongyu's mouth was almost numb that it was considered over.

And when he was finishing work, he found that Zeng Li seemed to be licking her lips secretly, as if she was still not satisfied...


Could he have run into the legendary female pervert on the set?


Chen Duling was a little skeptical at this moment.

In the evening, Gu Zhongyu went to the script reading with other actors in the crew. Bai Lu returned to her hometown, leaving her alone in the hotel to take care of Dun Dun.

Sometimes she felt that she was not applying for the position of Gu Zhongyu's assistant, but Dun Dun's nanny. At least these days, she spent more time with Dun Dun than with her boss.

Bai Lu always carried her in the room with Gu Zhongyu on her back. She didn't know what she was doing. Anyway, every time Bai Lu came out, she always lowered her head and didn't say anything, and then went straight to the bathroom, as if she had been severely scolded.

Well, at least since she took office, Gu Zhongyu has never lost his temper with her, and the job of accompanying Dun Dun is also good. This big fat cat is quite cute. As long as it is fed and let it lie on its legs to sleep, it can be sent away. In her opinion, this is a good job.

But... tonight, when Gu Zhongyu came back, Dudu's impression of Gu Zhongyu became worse!

The original image of Gu Zhongyu in her eyes was still very perfect and very high-end. After all, distance creates beauty. In the past, she only knew about Gu Zhongyu from the Internet, and of course she didn't know what he was like in person.

This is just like ordinary fans worshipping idols. Because they cannot get in touch with them, what they see and hear is likely to be a carefully designed personality, and no matter how down-to-earth they are, they will not expose any particularly obvious shortcomings to the public.

If they are exposed... basically they will start to lose interest.

Therefore, before Chen Duling came to be his assistant, Gu Zhongyu's image was actually quite perfect. He was talented, handsome, caring, and had many advantages, and there was no flaw at all.

After getting in touch with Gu Zhongyu and officially starting to work as an assistant, his image was still high and mighty, even though he was seen entering Yang Mi's house and not returning all night.

After all, idols are also human beings! They always have emotional needs, and even feel that the originally high-ranking male god suddenly has a breath of life, and he is more attractive.

Chen Duling is just an ordinary girl who looks prettier than ordinary people. It is normal for her to have some admiration in her heart.


When she was holding Dun Dun and waiting outside the door, she saw Gu Zhongyu coming back with Zhang Junning in his left hand and Bai Bin, who had chatted with her this morning, in his right hand...

"Why aren't you sleeping so late?" When Gu Zhongyu asked this question, he felt like he was asking her if she had eaten breakfast this morning.

Chen Duling was a little confused: "Well... I took Dun Dun out for a walk, yes, a walk."


Gu Zhongyu looked at Dun Dun, then at Chen Duling, okay! This little fat guy really needs a walk, but isn't it a bit unnecessary to hold it in your arms for a walk?

The key is that classmate Chen Duling is still a tablet, and Dun Dun can't even step on it to exercise.

"Go to bed early, we still have to study the script, it may be a little noisy, please close the door tightly!" After saying this, Gu Zhongyu went into the room. He lived in a large suite, and Chen Duling's room was in the suite. He was afraid that he would disturb the little girl's sweet dream later.

When he was talking to Chen Duling just now, he opened the door and let Zhang Junning and Bai Bin go in first. After all, the atmosphere of several people standing here together was really weird.

Chen Duling's mind was buzzing at this moment. Although she was still innocent, she was not a little kid who knew nothing. In the middle of the night, could it be that a man and two women came here to read the script with Gu Zhongyu?

Can your script glow?

She dared to block her bear, which was already a little malnourished, and the two girls would leave tomorrow morning.

Which girl doesn't have spring in her heart? It's impossible to say that Chen Duling has never had a romantic dream in which a domineering president and a little assistant get along day and night and develop feelings for each other.

She suddenly felt empty in her heart. In Changzhou in April, with a temperature of more than 20 degrees, she actually felt a little cold.

The girl's dream of love was shattered just like that!

This world is cold and ruthless, only Dun Dun in his arms still has a trace of warmth.

"Meow~" Dun Dun raised his head and rubbed the girl who was holding him, as if to comfort her?

"Dun Dun, you are the best!" Chen Duling hugged Fatty tightly.

Dun Dun: ? ? ? ?

You idiot, I want to go back to eat. I haven't eaten for five minutes. Do you want to starve me to death?

In the room, Gu Zhongyu lay on Miss Zhang Junning's thighs, enjoying a caring head massage, while Bai Bin picked up the violin and started playing. It was so comfortable!

"You just brought us in like this, aren't you worried that Li Qin will be angry?" Zhang Junning asked curiously while massaging Gu Zhongyu.

"Then if I ignored you two, would you not be angry?"

After the script reading, Gu Zhongyu wanted to invite several leading actors to have supper, but Zeng Li refused and said that filming was too tiring. Li Qin was still angry and left directly. Several grown men also left in the middle of the meal. In the end, only Bai Bin and Zhang Junning accompanied him to eat until now.

After having a good meal and drinking, Gu Zhongyu naturally brought them back.

At first, the two women were a little resistant. If it was a one-on-one, it would be fine, but it would be a little awkward to go back together. After all, they considered themselves to be highly educated women.

Coincidentally, Zhang Junning was in the master's class of law at Wanwan University, and Bai Bin was in the international law major at Northwestern University. Not only were they highly educated, but they were also "female mages".

But how could an arm twist better than an excavator!

In the end, the two girls were coaxed and deceived by him. Among them, the versatile Bai Bin even picked up a musical instrument to play to liven up the atmosphere. In fact, this sister is quite versatile and well-educated. Even if she doesn't get involved in the entertainment industry, she should have a good future.

"We have no right to be angry. By the way, Mr. Gu, your new female assistant looks so young! Is she another minor?"

"Hold your hands harder! How could it be? She is one year older than Bai Lu and is a college student! And she is the first place in this year's national online school beauty selection competition!"

"Humph! Men are like this. Today, I saw you kissing Zeng Li for so long. Are you distracted?"

Tsk tsk, Miss Zhang Junning has become a little powerful after not seeing her for a long time. She has never spoken to Gu Zhongyu in this tone before, and I don’t know whether this change is good or bad.

In fact, Gu Zhongyu had not been in contact with Zhang Junning for a long time. She was dragged into the water by him when she was in the crew of "The Legend of Wu Zetian". It was thought that the two of them might have only had that one incident.

Unexpectedly, this girl later followed Fan Binbin. For some reason, she took the initiative to stick to him again and again. Wasn't she afraid that Fan Xiaopang would be furious and make things difficult for her after knowing it?

Or did Fan Xiaopang acquiesce in her behavior?

At the end of the song "Farewell to Cambridge", Bai Bin put down the violin and looked at the adulterous couple at the head of the bed with a complicated look. Finally, he made up his mind and said, "Zhongyu, I don't want to do this anymore!"

What's going on?

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