Gu Zhongyu was shocked when he heard this and sat up. Bai Bin suddenly said this. Was he going to break up with him?

At this time, Bai Bin also realized that his words were easy to be misunderstood, and hurriedly explained: "It's not like that. I mean, I don't want to be an actor anymore."

Scare me!

Gu Zhongyu still likes Bai Bin, this little sister. Although he said that every woman is free to come and go with him, men are extremely possessive. How can they really not care about their women leaving!

"If you don't want to be an actor, what do you want to do?" Gu Zhongyu lay back and continued to rest his head on Zhang Junning's thigh.

"I also want to be your secretary..." Bai Bin muttered his thoughts.

It turned out that it was all Jiang Shuying's fault. A long time ago, she complained to Gu Zhongyu that she had too much to say now and couldn't finish it, so he asked him to find someone else to help.

Gu Zhongyu of course agreed, but he always forgot about it afterwards. For this reason, Jiang Shuying often retaliated against her, such as sometimes biting him a few times when he knelt down to report his work...

The arrival of Bai Bin gave Jiang Shuying hope, because she found that this girl's interest in filming seemed to be not so strong during a casual chat.

As a top student of Northwestern University, Bai Bin entered the entertainment industry at the beginning, mainly out of curiosity about filming and yearning for the vanity of the entertainment industry. After filming several dramas, she did have a lot of fame, but she gradually found that this was not what she wanted.

Especially after playing Yu Ji in "Legend of Chu and Han", this is her most famous role so far. The public only knows that the actress who plays Yu Ji is pretty, and the attention to her is not that much. She still doesn't feel that she has made any breakthroughs, including the sister-in-law in "Yu Zui" this time, which is completely repeating the previous role, as if she can only play a woman who brings disaster to the country and the people!

Moreover, the glory of being a big star can only be maintained in front of fans. Those senior colleagues in the circle do not take her seriously at all. They respect her verbally, but in fact they think that she is just an actress who relies on selling SX to get ahead. Even Bai Lu, the assistant next to Gu Zhongyu, dares to challenge her.

This makes her feel very wronged. She obviously has such a high degree and is versatile. Why should she be in the same track with those little bitches?

During the conversation, she confided all her thoughts to Jiang Shuying.

After listening, Jiang Shuying did not say anything to comfort her, but told her about her own experience.

She once dreamed of becoming a big star. At the beginning, being a secretary for Gu Zhongyu was just a stopgap measure and a springboard. But as she performed well at work and her power increased, she found that those stars who were unattainable in the past did not seem to be that great.

Now in the entertainment industry, everyone knows that Zongheng Entertainment has a housekeeper named Jiang Shuying. Whether it is a star artist or a company boss, they have to be polite when they see her.

Especially some second- and third-tier actors, their attitude after meeting her can be described as flattering, and they all want to get some opportunities by pleasing Jiang Shuying.

Gradually, she gave up the idea of ​​returning to the entertainment industry. The job of secretary is not bad. If she goes to film again, how big a star must she be to get such treatment?

Although she didn't say it directly, everyone is smart. She said these words to herself, obviously wanting to recruit herself to help her!

Bai Bin was indeed a little moved after hearing this. Anyway, she had enough of filming. If there was a position that allowed her to show her strengths and make those big stars bow to her on weekdays, it would be a good job!

So she took the courage to ask Gu Zhongyu for the job.

After listening to her idea, Gu Zhongyu thought about it. According to Bai Bin's academic qualifications, being a secretary is more than enough. The only thing to consider is the issue of trust.

Don't think that a woman will be devoted to you once she is on board with you, unless you know some kind of magical skill in sex like the Heart Sutra of Controlling Women.

Even if it was Jiang Shuying at the beginning, Gu Zhongyu did not trust her unconditionally at the beginning, but he finally felt relieved after observing her for a long time and testing her secretly several times.

"Then you have to think about it carefully. You are just helping Jiang Shuying as a secretary now. It will definitely not work if you want to be independent for one or two years. If you regret it and want to come back to film, there may be no place for you in the entertainment industry!"

You must put some pressure on her, and you must not think that you can come back to film if you can't be a secretary.

"I have thought about it. I can do everything that Secretary Jiang can do. Time is not a problem!" Bai Bin responded firmly. Anyway, it will be the same when she is filming again. She doesn't think she can get to the level of Fan Bingbing.

Gu Zhongyu nodded. OK, now someone will share the work of Secretary Jiang. There are two secretaries. It will be double happiness when she returns to the company in the future!

"Congratulations, Secretary Bai. Please take care of me in the future!"

Zhang Junning understood Bai Bin very well. They were all highly educated people in the entertainment industry. It was just that she was lazy, so she would not take the initiative to seek change. Anyway, Sister Bingbing would take care of her.

"Ahem... Since you are going to change your job to become a secretary, I will give you a lesson today. Learn how to report your work to your boss. Go change into an OL uniform and I will teach you slowly!"

Bai Bin rolled his eyes at her coquettishly. Of course, she knew what the so-called reporting work was, but she still went to change her clothes obediently.

"Then do I want to continue the massage?"

"Of course I do, but I've pressed the top head enough, so I need to change to the opposite direction..." Gu Zhongyu bit Zhang Junning's ear. There was still a long time tonight, so don't be in a hurry.

No matter how galloping he was the night before, Gu Zhongyu could always continue working in the most satisfactory manner, although Bai Bin and Zhang Junning were not in good condition, especially Bai Bin, who went out to buy Pang Dahai early in the morning.

Chen Duling looked at him as if he were a class enemy...

Time is tight and the task is heavy. We will stay in Changzhou for another ten days at most before leaving for filming in Europe.

What we are going to shoot today is the scene where the hero and heroine failed on their first date. Liu Hongyi invited Jiang Muyan to watch a movie for the first time. As a result, he needed to return to work immediately because of an urgent task. However, because the work content needed to be kept confidential, he He couldn't tell the heroine what he was going to do, so he only said it was confidential.

Then Jiang Muyan also witnessed the young boyfriend leaving in a helicopter and became curious about his identity.

This plot is actually a bit exaggerated. Gu Zhongyu asked experts in the army. Even if there is an urgent mission and the soldiers need to return from vacation, it is impossible to find a helicopter to pick them up. Such extravagance and waste, you are not a superhero. , I can’t do it without you! I have to pick you up in such a hurry and in such a high-profile manner!

But for works of art, it doesn’t matter if it’s overly exaggerated, and it’s indeed very cool, so he still kept the plot.

Some TV series are popular for a reason. "Descendants of the Sun" is very different from other urban idol dramas in that there is no bloody polyamory or weird misunderstandings and breakups, and there is no so-called fight between you and me. This is a great difference for a TV series. The popularity of the show brings more possibilities.

Although the first encounter between the male and female protagonists was the old-fashioned love at first sight, the relationship of "love at first sight" is not indestructible. The fortress of love can collapse at any time. Liu Hongyi and Jiang Muyan's relationship of being together less and more separated cannot give Jiang Muyan a sense of security at all. , so the heroine Jiang Muyan chose to break up.

It can be said that both characters dare to love and hate, and they are not sloppy at all. From "falling in love at first sight", they happily start a relationship, to the decisiveness and courage to break up, this is exactly what we lack in real life. Courage, this is also the love model that many modern people long for.

Liu Hongyi, played by Gu Zhongyu, was doing pull-ups with his arms bare. In order to film this movie well, Gu Zhongyu had been dieting and exercising for a long time, just to show off his eight-pack abs at this moment.

Although he had seen it more than once, Bai Lu still felt a little shy when he saw it. Although Zeng Li was not interested in the man's muscles, he could not help but take a few more glances. Only Chen Duling was still thinking about the time during the day. The scene of two women helping each other out.

While working out, Jiang Muyan called and asked Liu Hongyi to go out on a date. After the male protagonist was dressed, his superior suddenly told him that he had a mission and asked him to wait on the rooftop.

"OK, it's almost time. The heroine is about to enter the scene. Let's try to get through this part."

Liu Meng took a walkie-talkie and commanded the helicopter to prepare. Since helicopters for urban filming are controlled by the civil aviation department, today they came to an abandoned factory to shoot the scene. It was later combined to create the background of high-rise buildings.

Li Muge took Peng Guanying, Li Yao and others to film supporting roles elsewhere. In order to keep up with the schedule, the crew has now been divided into two groups.

Jiang Muyan wore a carefully made-up face, a white T-shirt, and a bag. She hurriedly walked up. When she saw her boyfriend who was supposed to be at the date, she asked, "What happened? Why did you date me?" Shall I meet on the rooftop?”

"I'm sorry Mu Yan, I'm afraid I'm going to have to miss the date this time!"

Just as Jiang Muyan was about to ask why, the hair on her shoulders began to flutter in the wind. When she looked back, she saw that it was a helicopter hovering in the sky.

"Emergency helicopter? Where is the danger?"

"No, you're here to pick me up."

Liu Hongyi said in an understatement, as if the person picking him up was not a helicopter, but an ordinary bus, and that guy came up all at once!

"What happened? Why did this helicopter come to take you away?" Jiang Muyan never expected that this little boyfriend would be so mysterious.

"I'll explain it to you later, but you have to promise me one thing first. When I come back, you won't be in the hospital. Let's go watch a movie together, okay?"

The helicopter was getting closer and closer. Because the sound was too loud, the radio equipment for this scene was actually useless. The two would have to dub it again later.

"Okay, the helicopter has landed. Teachers, please be patient and don't close your eyes."

Because the wind brought by the helicopter was too strong, the staff far away couldn't help but narrow their eyes like Li Ronghao. Liu Meng was afraid that Gu Zhongyu and Zeng Li couldn't help but close their eyes either, and the whole scene would be ruined. , have to start all over again.

Looking at the helicopter that had landed, Liu Hongyi hugged Jiang Muyan's shoulders anxiously and asked solemnly: "We are running out of time. Is it good or bad?"

Jiang Muyan looked at her serious boyfriend, temporarily put away her curiosity, and nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

Satisfied, Liu Hongyi turned around and ran towards the helicopter. Before boarding the plane, he looked back at Jiang Muyan reluctantly. Every mission might involve life and death, but the responsibility as a soldier would not be easy for him to back down. He only I can try my best to remember the beauty’s appearance and look forward to meeting next time.

At this time, the camera was completely focused on the faces of the two people, recording their respective expressions. The man's reluctance and determination, the woman's doubts and worries, were fully reflected at this moment.

Jiang Muyan just stood there and watched the helicopter take off and go farther and farther...

"CUT, pass."

Liu Meng shouted, and everyone began to applaud. This was the best scene played by the male and female protagonists since the start of filming. He was really afraid of repeated NGs like yesterday. You know, this helicopter is rented by the minute.

Just after shouting CUT, Zeng Li suddenly covered her eyes and bent down...

Gu Zhongyu, who was closest, saw Zeng Li's appearance and immediately ran over, holding her hand and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Sand got in..."

The wind from the helicopter was too strong just now, driving the surrounding sand and gravel to fly around. The staff was also negligent and did not clean up the abandoned balcony in advance, causing a grain of fine sand to fly into her eyes.

Zeng Li subconsciously wanted to rub her eyes, and Gu Zhongyu quickly stopped her behavior.

"Don't move, don't rub it with your hands, I'll help you."

As he said that, Gu Zhongyu held Zeng Li's delicate face, carefully separated her eyelids with his hands, and then began to blow air gently with his mouth.

At this time, other staff members also gathered around. Gu Zhongyu asked Chen Duling to find a clean wet towel, and then carefully wiped Zeng's eyes with the towel.

Zeng Li looked calm on the surface, but her heart was pounding at this time!

What's going on!

I'm so old, how can I still be blushed and heartbeat by such a small scene?

Looking at Gu Zhongyu who was so close, Zeng Li unconsciously compared him with the men she knew before, and found that this little brother was really handsome, and her ex-boyfriends stacked together couldn't compare with him.

Zeng Li, who asked herself that she was not a face control, began to understand the feelings of those rich women looking for young handsome men.

"Okay, it's done. Does your eyes hurt? Hey, sister Li, why is your face red?" Gu Zhongyu saw that it was almost done, so he stopped what he was doing, but suddenly found that this sister's face was as red as an apple?

"The face is red because of the pain, give it to you!"

Zeng Li also woke up at this time. There were so many people watching next to her, so she immediately took the towel and wiped it twice.

I didn't expect this elder sister to be so shy. It seems that she has not experienced any storms in the entertainment industry for so long, otherwise a woman in her thirties would not be so thin-skinned.

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