Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 276: Tricking Aunt Liu into a trap

Du Yuchen and Yang Caiyu were whispering to each other without knowing what they were talking about, while Liu Yan looked like she was waiting for a good show. Several women were watching around him, and no one asked him to sit down.

Seeing this scene, Gu Zhongyu quickly offered the Dundun he carried with him with both hands.

Sister, this one is so powerful, suck this one!

Sissi was very satisfied with Gu Zhongyu's sensibleness. Knowing that this was what she wanted, she put down the little black cat Dongdong in her hand and began to concentrate on picking up classmate Dundun.

In fact, Dundun almost wanted to run away, because in his small little head, he still remembered that there were a group of "beloved concubines" waiting for him upstairs. The stinky man only knew how to use cat food to kill him, and completely ignored this aspect. needs.

"Oh, this is the kitten you and Zhong Yu raised together! It's so cute. Let me play with it for a few days!" The speaker was Shu Chang who came from the back of the living room. Unexpectedly, this young lady was also there.

"Men and cats are not loaned out."

Liu Yufei didn't feel bad giving the other kittens away, but Dundun meant something different to her, and she definitely couldn't be lent to other women to play with. Wouldn't that make her NTR herself?

Although Gu Zhongyu, a scumbag, is often played by other women...

"What a stingy guy. Mr. Gu, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why haven't you invited me to film?"

Shu Chang half-jokingly said that her career has begun to decline in the past few years, and now she is also looking for a breakthrough, so she wants to ask her good sister Xixi, who is now her own boss, for help.

As early as 2006, when "Three Drops of Blood" was being filmed, Shu Chang's reputation began to decline. He was called the "drama king" by the crew, pointing out that he had no artistic ethics. At that time, Shu Chang's acting affairs were all taken care of by relatives, so he frequently took on jobs privately and left the group midway. Later, I signed a contract with a small company, and the business was extremely chaotic. I often received several dramas at once.

No matter how good his acting skills are, no one dares to hire him.

In 2008, she publicly said: "I feel like I am filming every day, and I want to go abroad to settle down."

It sounded like he was tired and wanted to take a rest, but in fact he was overwhelmed with negative comments and wanted to go out to avoid the limelight.

Her decision to take a break and leave the country also brought her acting career to a complete halt. When she returned after traveling abroad, the entertainment industry had already changed and was no longer what it used to be.

At this time, Shu Chang, who had not successfully found another way, finally panicked.

She never thought that in just a few years, she would be faced with the dilemma of having nothing to film.

"The show is too small, I'm afraid you won't like Changchang, so I don't dare to say anything." Gu Zhongyu laughed at Shu Chang's semi-tentative joke.

When he first traveled through time, he still had filters and beautiful fantasies about these childhood goddesses, but after being exposed to them for so long, he had already seen through the world of mortals, and they were just red and pink skulls.

Not all are the same on the ship!

"Come on, kids, have some fruit!"

Liu Xiaoli and the nanny brought over a large fruit plate and snacks. After putting the things away, she sat next to Gu Zhongyu. She also wanted to participate in their subsequent discussion.

"You didn't come with just the cat today, right?"

"Of course not. This is not Miss Qianqian. You don't have a book to shoot anymore. I'll work on it overnight and write it for you!" Although I was working with Zhang Zilin, I was still working overtime.

In fact, there are not many TV dramas that are suitable for Sissi. The acting requirements are too high and she cannot be cast. She will not improve if she keeps acting as a vulgar romance idol, so this time he prepared a movie script with a small investment.

"Get out of here!" "Tumor King" is a comic created by cartoonist Xiong Dun, and it is also the last work of Xiong Dun's life. The comic was originally serialized simultaneously on Tianya and Sina Weibo. The author expressed her true anti-cancer experience through humorous and cute comics. Her optimism and humor, and her positive spirit of fighting against the disease attracted and moved many netizens. In September last year when it was officially published.

Later, in 2015, it was adapted into a movie of the same name, starring Bai Baihe and Daniel Wu. It earned more than 500 million in box office and has a pretty good reputation.

Although Gu Zhongyu is a scumbag, the comic "Get Out!" It was the last wish of the author Xiong Dun to adapt "Tumor King" into a movie. No matter how shameless he was, he was too embarrassed to plagiarize it directly. Instead, he went to the author Xiong Dun to discuss it as soon as the comic was released, and promised to use part of the movie's income to her. In order to support the Anti-Cancer Foundation, the adaptation rights were obtained.

"Is this...Xiong Dun's legacy?"

Yang Caiyu recognized the name as soon as he saw it. When this work was published on the micro-comic last year, it caused a huge sensation, with more than 30 million views. Even Queen Faye Wong left a message to comfort the author. Many celebrities know it.

"Who is Xiong Dun?" Liu Yufei, an ignorant girl, usually reads philosophical and literary novels. Naturally, she doesn't know about this comic because she seldom surfs the Internet.

"Xiong Dun was a comic book author who just passed away last year..." Even Du Yuchen, who was standing by, knew about this comic and started popularizing it with Liu Yufei.

After listening to the introduction, Liu Yifei covered her mouth in disbelief. She never thought that someone could use their optimistic attitude towards life to laugh at the disease while suffering from a terminal illness. This Xiong Dun is really a strong girl!

"I want to act! I want to act! I will definitely play this heroine well!" Deeply moved by Xiong Dun's story, Liu Yufei made her decision without even reading the script.

"Don't be too happy, because the heroine is a terminally ill patient. If you want to play this role well, you have to work hard!"

In order to fit this role, the actor must gain weight. According to Liu Yufei's current weight, she must gain at least 10 to 20 pounds.

Of course, if it is Sissi ten years later, she can go on stage without gaining weight, hehe!

There is also Xiong Dun's process from the emergency room to the hematology department to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy requires all hair to fall out. Although the actor can cover it by wearing a hood, the effect is definitely not as realistic as a real bald head. If necessary, Sissi will also have to give up her hair.

Then there is the acting. This is actually a little easier to say. In fact, the original Bai Baihe's acting skills are not that high. In many cases, taking the role seriously can be done well, but this is definitely a big challenge for Liu Yufei.

After listening to Gu Zhongyu's analysis, all the girls were silent. It's okay to gain weight, and acting skills can be slowly polished, but if you have to shave your head, it's really terrible for her.

"Can't you use makeup and special effects?" Liu Xiaoli didn't want to see her daughter suffer this.

"I have communicated with people. The effect of the headgear is too easy for people to see. It's better to shave it all, and record the whole process, which can also increase some publicity for the movie."

At this time, Liu Yufei asked: "If I don't want to cooperate with cutting my hair, will this role not be mine?"

"I can only say that it's not necessarily, but as a screenwriter and producer, I will give priority to actresses who are willing to sacrifice for the role." Gu Zhongyu wanted to force Xixi to get her out of her comfort zone. Playing a female loser in "Like You" is just the first step.

Back then, Ning Jing shaved her head to play the role in the TV series "Silver Valley". At that time, she was still a first-line actress! As a result, now, everyone regards hair as a treasure, wants to win awards, but is unwilling to sacrifice, and wants to take advantage of everything.

"It's just a shaved head! It's okay, I can do it." Liu Yufei thought again and again, and finally agreed with her back teeth.

"Xixi..." Shu Chang was quite moved. She felt that she was also dedicated, but it was not so easy to think about shaving her head for a role, unless it was when she just debuted, it was easy to be fooled.

The look of Tianshan Tonglao in "Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" is her lifelong black history!

After the leading role was confirmed, the rest was easy. The director still used the original Han Yan. Although this guy's shooting level was not very good, he was a loyal fan of the comics. As the saying goes, attitude is sometimes more important than ability.

Dr. Liang, played by Daniel Wu, must be replaced by his own people. He has not decided who it will be. He can let the director or Xixi find one himself.

Xiong Dun's fellow patient Xia Meng is still played by Li Yuan. This sister's short hair style has always been unique and irreplaceable. Xiong Dun's ex-boyfriend is still played by Shen Teng, anyway, it's just a cameo.

As for the actress who plays Xiong Dun's mother, Gu Zhongyu intends to let Aunt Liu come.

"What, me?" Liu Xiaoli never expected that there would be something for her to do.

"Yes! Your stunning appearance as the Queen Mother in "The Forbidden Kingdom" made many fans unforgettable! Now it happens that you also play a mother and daughter in the movie, satisfying the audience's expectations, isn't it also a selling point?"

"My role is just a cameo for a few seconds, and I don't even have any lines. I can't do it..."

Liu Xiaoli kept backing out. She had never studied acting seriously, so how could she play a role with so many scenes?

At this time, Gu Zhongyu began to wink at Liu Yan and Du Yuchen next to him, suggesting that they help to say good things.

Du Yuchen spoke first: "Aunt, didn't you send Xixi to learn acting because you once dreamed of becoming an actor? Now that the opportunity is right in front of you, why do you back off?"

"That was in the past. Aunt is so old now. How can you still have the nerve to perform on the same stage with young people?"

Liu Yan followed up: "Aunt, you look very young now! And this role happens to be the mother of the heroine. If you and Xixi perform together, won't it be easier for both of you to get into the emotions?"

Speaking of this, Liu Yufei's eyes also lit up. Indeed, she also wanted to try what it felt like to act with her mother!

Liu Xiaoli was also a little moved at this time: "Then...then I will...try? Let me make it clear first, if I can't act, then you can quickly change someone else!"

"No problem!"

Liu Yufei excitedly sat next to her mother, holding her hand and said: "Hehe! Mom, I have long wanted to play a real mother and daughter with you in a movie!"

Shu Chang envied her sister for having a mother who loved her. Unlike her, she became an orphan at the age of ten, living under someone else's roof, and had to rely on herself for everything.

And now she has Gu Zhongyu as a backer. He has opened his own company and become the boss. He can shoot whatever he wants. Look, in the time of a cup of tea, the casting of a movie has been finalized.

"What else?" After acting like a spoiled child in front of her mother, Liu Yufei reached out to Gu Zhongyu again.


"This movie is for me, but I have so many sisters in my company! What are they going to do? Don't say you didn't expect it!"

Yang Caiyu and other girls also looked at Gu Zhongyu expectantly, just like Nobita Nobi waiting for Doraemon to take out his pocket. They felt that Gu Zhongyu's scripts were endless.

Gu Zhongyu sometimes really felt like a nanny...

But of course he came prepared. He immediately took out another script from his bag and threw it on the table just like Doraemon.

"Nothing But Thirty"

This was also the hit female drama of the year. Douban once broke 8, which can be said to be both popular and well-received. The plot uses three female protagonists of different classes - full-time wife Gu Jia, Shanghai drifter sales Wang Manni, and Shanghai native Zhong Xiaoqin to take care of the specific difficulties faced by 30-year-old women in their careers, marriages and families.

This kind of female group drama is still rare today. Because of the influence of a series of palace fighting dramas such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", now is the era when the heroine is becoming popular. It is accustomed to giving all perspectives and roles to the heroine. This situation did not change until "Ode to Joy" in 2016.

However, the script of "Ode to Joy" is obviously not suitable for the newly established Feiyu Film and Television, especially the three soul characters Andy, Fan Shengmei, and Qu Xiaoxiao. Gu Zhongyu still tried to use the original actors as much as possible. If it was given to Xixi and others, it would really be a waste.

In fact, this type of female group drama is not fundamentally different from "The Overbearing CEO Falls in Love with Me". They are all just satisfying the YY that cannot be obtained in reality. "Ode to Joy" forcibly puts together five women of different classes and values ​​to become neighbors and good sisters, making girls feel as if they have a few good girlfriends who can stick up for them at any time!

From relying on men in the past, it has become relying on sisters.

In the drama "Nothing But Thirty", there is such a logic everywhere: as long as you dare to fight, fight and pry the lever, you can put all your efforts into sending your children to elite kindergartens to start elite class education, and as long as you tiptoe into the circle of rich wives, you can get the number plate for class transition from here. Then throw away the scumbag husband, throw away the circle of local tyrants and noble ladies, with girlfriends on the left hand and career on the right hand, realize the sublimation of women's self-worth and start a gorgeous second half of life!

Men and sisters are unreliable, and everything depends on yourself.

How should I put it? It is an improvement. At least in domestic dramas, stereotyped characters who are not happy for the sake of happiness and not suffering for the sake of suffering finally appear. The female characters here finally show a sense of hierarchy and strength when they dare to face desires and shit and farts.

But in the final analysis, this is just another adult fairy tale, and the class anxiety it creates is about to burst out of the screen!

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