Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 277 Another night at Tianxian's house

"Nothing But Thirty?" Liu Yufei took the book and looked at it for a long time, "But none of us, except Sister Liu Yan, are 30 years old?"

Liu Yan's inner thoughts: Thank you for mentioning my age in public!

"Who stipulated that the name "Nothing But Thirty" must have actors who are 30 years old? Do we have to find Martians to play in "Martians Attack the Earth"? It's okay as long as the meaning is there."

The actors for this drama are much easier to choose. Jiang Shuying, who plays Wang Manni, is now his secretary, so she definitely can't come. Liu Yan can take over, and it just so happens that this sister's OL look is also very good.

Gu Jia can be played by Yang Caiyu. Yang Caiyu, who is only 21 years old this year, looks a little anxious. She looks very mature and there is no sense of disobedience when playing 30 years old.

Zhong Xiaoqin is naturally played by Mao Xiaotong, so that the fat water will not flow to outsiders.

As for Lin Youyou, the mistress who destroyed Gu Jia's marriage, that belongs to Du Yuchen. I hope that after the show is released, she will be scolded less.

Thinking back then, the original actress Zhang Yue went crazy after playing Lin Youyou, because many people thought that Zhang Yue was acting in her true colors. Her behavior of knowing three and acting three made the audience scold her for nothing, and she became popular by "scolding"!

The character's behavior has risen to the point where the actor was cyberbullied. Although this kind of thing is very bad, but on second thought, being scolded is better than no one paying attention. I believe that even if Du Yuchen knew the final result, he should understand his painstaking efforts!

"Don't act in this show as a boss. It has almost no improvement significance for you."

"This script looks good, but it's not my cup of tea. If you don't say it, I will leave it to Chenchen and the others." Liu Yufei's interest in acting in TV series is average. When there are movies, she is too lazy to touch the drama!

However, Gu Zhongyu suggested that in order to maintain her popularity, she must ensure the production of a TV series every two years or so. After she finished filming "The Return of the Condor Heroes", if she remained consistent, then Yang Mi would not be able to shake her position.

However, after solving her own company's affairs, Xixi thought of her sister Shu Chang, so she asked Gu Zhongyu to help arrange it.

This is a bit too much. She is neither an artist of Zongheng Film and Television nor Feiyu. Why does Gu Zhongyu have to think of a way out for her? Do you really think I am doing charity?

However, in front of Aunt Liu and Xixi, he couldn't directly reject it. After all, she is someone's goddaughter. He just perfunctorily said that he would give priority to it in the future.

But Shu Chang seemed to take it seriously and kept thanking him. It was too early to be happy!

After talking about business, Gu Zhongyu wanted to leave, but Liu Xiaoli would never let him go. She grabbed him and asked him to stay at home for dinner, saying that she had specially prepared a table of good dishes for him today and he must taste them.

"It's been a long time since so many people came to my house. You young people can chat while I cook for you." After saying that, she rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen.

Liu Yufei stared at him with a bad look: "Did you cast a spell on my mother or force her to drink medicine? Why did she cook delicious food for you when you came? I have been back for so many days, and only the nanny cooks for me. I don't accept it!"

I don't accept it!

As for why your mother is so good to me, it is not convenient to elaborate with you on the specific reasons. After all, the dog author does not want to 404 so quickly.

Even Yang Caiyu couldn't help but joked: "Indeed, it feels like Sister Xixi was picked up, and Teacher Gu is the biological child."

"Yes! Godmother is really good to Mr. Gu like a biological son. I wish someone could love me so much..."

Every time he saw other people's happy families, Shu Chang would think of himself involuntarily. She lost her mother at the age of ten and had long forgotten what it was like to have a mother's love.

"My mother is your mother, isn't she, Changchang?" Liu Yufei noticed the little sister's low mood and immediately hugged Shu Chang to comfort her.

The scene of the two beauties hugging each other was still very beautiful. Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to take a picture of them.

It was also strange that since he got older, Gu Zhongyu's interest in photography has also increased day by day. A mobile phone can no longer satisfy him. He plans to keep a SLR in the car in the future to record the beauty of life and the little sister's high...

Ahem, and the little sister's happy look!


Now it's still a while before the evening, everyone decided to find some fun first. There is an indoor tennis court on the first floor of Liu Yufei's house, so everyone decided to play tennis first and then come back for dinner.

After changing clothes and coming to the indoor tennis court, the white tennis court ground reflected a fresh light, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows, and the most attractive thing was undoubtedly the five charming actresses.

Liu Yufei wore a pure white tennis suit, her hair was simply tied behind her head, revealing a fresh face. Liu Yan wore a pink tennis skirt, which outlined her graceful figure, while Yang Caiyu and Du Yuchen wore orange and blue tennis clothes respectively, which made them look energetic.

Shu Chang didn't know how to play tennis, so she didn't change her clothes. She just said that she would cheer for them.

"Are you ready to be beaten to tears by me?" Liu Yufei walked up with a smile and raised her racket as if in protest.

"Well, Xixi, your outfit..." Gu Zhongyu nodded, but his eyes could not leave Liu Yufei's tennis clothes.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Liu Yufei noticed Gu Zhongyu's strangeness and blushed, "This is my favorite tennis clothes! What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

Gu Zhongyu coughed, "Actually... it's pretty good, but clothes are something that still depends on who wears them. It's not about comparing goods, it's about comparing people!"

"Comparing people?" Liu Yufei didn't quite understand, but as Gu Zhongyu looked back, she found that the end of his sight was on Liu Yan.

"You pervert!"

There's no way, tennis clothes are easy to highlight the figure, and they are worn on Liu Yan, the effect is not as simple as 1+1=2. Didn't you see that Yang Caiyu and Du Yuchen were almost crying with envy!

"Sister Yan, is there any secret book for me to learn? I think I'm still young and there may be room for improvement." Du Yuchen looked so unsophisticated that he seemed to be eager to get started.

"What's the point of improvement! This thing is a burden, it's troublesome to walk, and it's useless except for cheap stinky men."

When talking about cheap stinky men, Liu Yan subconsciously looked at Gu Zhongyu, but when she thought that Qianqian and the others were still there, she quickly retracted her gaze.

However, this subtle movement could not be hidden from someone who had been secretly observing...

Did she discover something extraordinary?

The game began. Because the venue was limited, the four women first competed in pairs, Yang Caiyu vs. Liu Yan, Liu Yufei vs. Du Yuchen.

"Okay, let's play!" Du Yuchen said eagerly.

"I'll serve first." Liu Yufei took the lead and walked to the center of the venue, posing for a serve.

Liu Yufei served a fast and accurate serve, and Du Yuchen hurriedly went up to receive the ball. The duel between the two began. Liu Yufei's tennis skills are indeed quite good, and Du Yuchen obviously doesn't usually play this sport, and he is a little powerless in the face of her offensive. After a few rounds, Du Yuchen was already out of breath.

On the other side, Yang Caiyu and Liu Yan fought evenly. Yang Caiyu was calm, while Liu Yan had the advantage in physical strength. It was hard to guess who would win.

If possible, Gu Zhongyu hopes that they can keep fighting. This scene is not often seen!

Gu Zhongyu couldn't help but sigh: "Xixi is fair-skinned and beautiful, Yuchen is youthful and energetic, and Caiyu is graceful and generous, but Liuyan still has the best figure. I'm worried that the clothes will suddenly break open!"

Shu Chang couldn't help it and glanced at him: "Gu Dacaizi, I'm still here!"

"Oh, sorry Changchang, of course you are not worse than them, after all, you are the childhood goddess of countless people!"

Do I mean to ask you to praise me?

She shook her head. Fortunately, she knew about Gu Zhongyu's philandering for a long time, and she still needed help from others. Otherwise, she would have to say a few words to him.

"I can't do it anymore!" Du Yuchen sat on the ground, admitting defeat.

Liu Yufei walked to Du Yuchen with a smile, patted his shoulder gently, and then sent a provocative look to Gu Zhongyu.

On the other side, the match between Liu Yan and Yang Caiyu also came to a conclusion. Although Liu Yan's tennis skills were good, she was eventually defeated by Yang Caiyu's offensive.

"Now it's my turn with Sister Xixi." Yang Caiyu said confidently.

Liu Yufei smiled faintly, "Don't worry, I will let you know your strength."

The match between the two began. Yang Caiyu's tennis skills were good, and Xixi was also a match. The two were friendly at the beginning, but later they got excited while playing. They shouted while serving, as if they had some deep hatred!

The others sat on the sidelines to rest. Gu Zhongyu watched the competition between the two women, especially paying special attention to every move of Liu Yufei.

He couldn't help but think of the first time he met Liu Yufei. At that time, she was still a young girl, but now she has become a first-line actress and has become his shape. Time flies so fast...

"Hey, what were you thinking about just now?" Liu Yan, sweating profusely, took a bottle of water to her and asked curiously when she saw him in a daze.

Gu Zhongyu came back to his senses, "No... nothing." He scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "I just think your tennis skills are too good."

"Really? It doesn't seem like it!"

Liu Yan thought that this man must have had wild thoughts, so she whispered in his ear: "Are you comparing my figure with other women? You think they are not as good as me, right?"

After not seeing each other for a while, Liu Yan became bolder and took the initiative to flirt with him.

Looking at Shu Chang and Du Yuchen who were watching the game on the side, cheering for the two of them, shouting one after another, and not paying attention to this, Gu Zhongyu leaned close to her ear and said: I will find you later, just wear tennis clothes!

At this time, after a fierce competition, Liu Yufei finally had the last laugh. Although Yang Caiyu lost the game, her performance impressed Liu Yufei. The technique was secondary, and the main thing was her tenacity and perseverance, which she lacked.

With such hard-working employees, as a boss, will I be able to get a few more cars next year?

Liu Yufei pointed at Gu Zhongyu with a tennis racket: "It's your turn, come up and die!"

"Take a break first! You are tired like a dog."

"You are the dog. Except for looking like a human, everything else is the same as my big golden retriever!"

"Okay, I'll bite you to death later!"

After a short break, the final showdown is about to begin. Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei walked to the center of the venue, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit. Liu Yan, Yang Caiyu and other women were cheering for their boss.

"Gu Zhongyu, you have to be careful, Qianqian learned tennis from professional players." Liu Yan shouted loudly.

Gu Zhongyu smiled slightly, "I know, I learned from Li Na, right? Do you know my nickname in the tennis world?"

"You still have such a nickname?" Liu Yufei said why I haven't heard of it.

"Of course, they usually call me Echizen Ryoma, or...the Prince of Tennis!"

"Minato is shameless, just watch the ball~"

The game started. Liu Yufei's tennis skills were indeed very good and she played very accurately. Gu Zhongyu did not show weakness. His flexible movements and sharp attacks caught Liu Yufei off guard.

After a fierce exchange of shots, Gu Zhongyu finally won the first game with a score of 7:5.

Liu Yufei was a little unwilling to admit defeat. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "If we play another round, I will definitely win."

Just as they were about to start the second game, a gentle voice suddenly sounded, "Stop hitting the kids, it's time to go have dinner."

Everyone looked up and saw that Liu Xiaoli was here. She walked over with a smile and urged them to eat quickly. Liu Yufei glanced at Gu Zhongyu helplessly, "Then let's do this for now. We'll compete after eating."

Gu Zhongyu nodded, "I'll be with you anytime."

Everyone went to change clothes, took a simple shower and then came to the restaurant. The food on the table was already ready. Tempting roast chicken, fish-flavored shredded pork with delicious color and aroma, and a platter of fresh seafood.

Everyone who had been playing for a while was already hungry and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

"Everyone, come and sit down." Liu Yufei's mother enthusiastically greeted everyone to sit down.

Everyone ate happily. In order to maintain their figure and image, the female celebrities did not eat much on weekdays, but today the food cooked by Liu Xiaoli was particularly delicious, and everyone could not help but eat more.

Liu Yufei was sulking while eating. Not only did she lose the game, but more importantly: her mother's cooking was obviously becoming more and more delicious, but except when Gu Zhongyu came, she wouldn't even make soup for her at other times. .

"Godmother, why haven't I noticed that you have this skill before? And you don't cook it for Sissi on weekdays. She just kept complaining about you to me!" Shu Chang asked while eating roast chicken.

"She can finish two big bowls of porridge on weekdays. If she is given a small stove every day, she must be fed like a pig!"


Without saving any face, are you still my biological mother?

You must have picked it up yourself!

"You all stay at Auntie's house to rest today. Don't go back."

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