Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 278 Liu Erfei's Ambition

Everyone was enjoying the food, chatting and laughing. When the food was almost done, Liu Yufei touched her belly without a ladylike image, and then she felt that something was missing on her hand. She looked around and realized that this little kid Dundun had been eating since the beginning. Never saw the shadow of the cat.

"Mom, where did Dundun go?" Liu Yufei put down her chopsticks and asked.

"I was watching it eating fish in the house just now. Why did it disappear after a while?"

Liu Yufei stood up and said, "I'll go look for it."

With such a big house, it is relatively easy for a cat to hide, so Liu Yufei put dozens of her beloved cats in a separate room upstairs, where Dundun, who was full of food and drink, must have gone.

So he walked upstairs. The cat room was very warmly decorated. When Liu Yufei came here, as expected, Dundun was riding on the back of a calico cat, its tail wagging back and forth, and there were some cats beside her. Watching...

"Dundun!" I know you fat boy can't do anything good. You come to bully my little female cat whenever you have free time.

When Dundun heard the sound, he turned around, thinking it was a natural enemy, and ran away quickly, while the calico cat who was being ridden looked at Liu Yufei blankly.

"Haha!" At this time, Gu Zhongyu's voice came from the door. He looked at Liu Yufei's embarrassed expression and couldn't help laughing.

"Gu Zhongyu, why are you laughing!" Liu Yufei said angrily.

He still couldn't help laughing: "Sissi, you love cats so much, let me ask you, do you know what the calico cat's nickname is?"

"A tortoiseshell cat?"

"No, that refers to the color of the cat." Gu Zhongyu shook his head, then approached Liu Yufei, put his arm around her shoulders and said, "The calico cat's nickname is "Liu Yufei among cats!" "

"Liu Yufei among cats?"

Liu Yufei muttered something, not understanding what Gu Zhongyu meant. After thinking about it, she realized that she had been teased and glared at Gu Zhongyu, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. The calico cat is the beauty of the cat world. Netizens call it Liu Yufei among cats. It is said that all cats can't help but be attracted to the calico cat after seeing it. Look, Dundun has started again..."

It turned out that Dundun, who was hiding in the corner, saw the two scavengers chatting and ignored him, so he boldly ran over again, biting the back of the calico cat's neck and started over.

When Liu Yufei saw this, she was going to beat the mandarin ducks. She had just adopted this calico cat and was about to send it to be sterilized, but she couldn't let Dundun squeal anymore!

"Stop disturbing others, don't you think this is interesting?

Liu Yufei glared at Gu Zhongyu: "It's funny how big you are. Dundun has completely imitated you and is so horny now. It doesn't count that the female cat was harmed by the last breeding, and now it's happening again?"

At this time, Gu Zhongyu suddenly blew into Liu Yufei's ear and whispered softly: "Can I understand that it is not enough to just finish the harm to the female cat, you also have to take care of the mistress?"

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

After not seeing each other for such a long time, the two of them actually missed each other very much. Now looking at the environment with no one around (only cats), Gu Zhongyu felt that the oyster mushroom soup he had just finished seemed to be starting to take effect, and the kisses were like raindrops. It fell on Sissi’s neck…

"Don't stay here, they might come up later!" Seeing that she couldn't stop him, Liu Yufei had no choice but to compromise, at least not in this cat's nest!

"It's okay, who can come here after eating so much!"

Liu Yufei's voice became softer and quieter. Sanhua was being ridden, and the owner was being bullied. In this small cat room, Liu Yufei and the cat Liu Yufei could only be bullied at the same time...

The girls downstairs were chatting away after eating. There were always countless topics among the women. Liu Xiaoli hadn't been with so many young people for a long time. In addition to being excited, she also talked to Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei told the embarrassing story from when they met each other before, making everyone laugh.

But as they chatted, everyone realized why Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei were missing?

Just when Shu Chang volunteered to find them, Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei came down the stairs one after another. Their clothes were covered with cat hair, which looked a little funny.

"How's it going? Have you found Dundun?" Yang Caiyu asked curiously.

Liu Yufei answered hesitantly: "Well, it went to play with other cats, so don't worry about it."

No one spoke, everyone looked at them with ambiguous expressions, while Liu Xiaoli sighed, lamenting her daughter's brainlessness, as if she was being manipulated by Gu Zhongyu.

Liu Yufei didn't understand why everyone looked at her with such strange eyes at first, but when she looked at her clothes, she immediately realized it.

Damn it, my clothes are on inside out!

As soon as they got downstairs, everyone with sharp eyes noticed that Gu Zhongyu and Liu Yufei were wearing their clothes backwards.

Since everyone was sweating from playing tennis in the afternoon, they had all taken a shower and changed clothes. No one would bring a change of clothes with them, and Liu Yufei definitely didn’t have so many clothes for different body types at home, so all she changed into were Those large-sized T-shirts have similar colors and styles.

The two of them were obviously in a hurry when getting dressed without paying close attention. Gu Zhongyu's upper body clothes seemed tighter, while Liu Yufei's T-shirt reached to her thighs!

Even if you go out to find a cat, you can get better at it. Young people are very hungry!

Liu Yufei felt very embarrassed and wanted to dig in. She was the boss now. Wasn't this a joke for her employees to see?

Liu Yufei, who was so embarrassed that she lost her eyes, glared at Gu Zhongyu angrily and ran back to her room immediately.

Gu Zhongyu was thick-skinned and pretended to be fine: "Haha, it's okay, it's okay, Xixi gained weight after dinner, and she thought the clothes were too small, so she borrowed my T-shirt."

"Go to hell!" Liu Yufei, who had already walked to the stairwell, heard this and turned back to curse him again.

Liu Yan glared at Gu Zhongyu: "You made our Xixi shy and ran back to her room!"

Gu Zhongyu shrugged: "I can't help it, who made Xixi so cute, it doesn't matter, I'll go and coax her later."

"You young people nowadays are really making a fuss." As a mother, Liu Xiaoli couldn't say much about this topic, she just shook her head and went to see her daughter.

The Liu family mother and daughter were not there, and only Gu Zhongyu and Shu Chang were left in the living room.

"Ahem, Caiyu, this is your first time filming. How do you feel? It's been a while since you finished filming "Dream of the Red Chamber." Gu Zhongyu, who was trying to find something to talk about, decided to break the awkwardness and asked Yang Caiyu about her filming experience as a teacher.

In her previous life, Yang Caiyu actually debuted quite early. She filmed a few mediocre TV series and eventually became famous for her role as Lin Dingding in "Youth". Although she had good academic qualifications and experience, her acting skills were not very good, especially her performances in "Ode to Joy" and "A Flowing River", which were even ridiculed by the crowd.

Although she is not a famous artist and has rejected his invitation, she is still the last batch of students he taught, so he still needs to care about her.

Seeing that Teacher Gu took the initiative to care about her, Yang Caiyu replied happily: "It's okay, Xixi and the other people in the crew are very caring for me. It's just that I've been away for such a long time and I miss my classmates."

"Oh, that's easy. I'm going to Beijing Film Academy tomorrow. You can go back with me!"

Shu Chang was surprised: "Are you also from Beijing Film Academy? Or are you Teacher Gu's student?"

"Yes, but when I just enrolled, Teacher Gu returned to the stage, and I didn't have much chance to listen to his teachings."

"Then why don't you join Zongheng, but choose to hang out with Xixi? With the teacher-student relationship, Teacher Gu must take care of you more."

"There are too many big names in Zongheng Company. I'll be a small shrimp if I go in. Xixi is also very good! And even if I don't sign with Teacher Gu's company, I think he will take care of me."

In fact, Yang Caiyu has already regretted her original decision. Why did she aim too high and leave Gu Zhongyu, the big tree, instead of climbing Liu Yufei's small company.

A wise man will make mistakes even if he has made many plans. She always thought that it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of an ox, but she forgot the principle of a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, especially seeing the achievements of Zongheng Film and Television in both movies and TV series in the past year.

If she had chosen to sign with Zongheng directly, would she have a better development now?

With so many girls here, and only a big man like him standing there, it was difficult for them to be active. After chatting for a while, they said good night and went back to their rooms to rest.

There are many guest rooms in Xixi's house, and it is no problem for each person to have one, but Yang Caiyu still pulled Liu Yan to sleep in the same room.

When filming "Dream of Hualu", the two women slept in the same room, just like Du Yuchen and Liu Yufei, but this time was different. Gu Zhongyu said he would come to see her at night. If Yang Caiyu was left in the room, how could he come?

So she made an excuse that she was not feeling well and wanted to rest alone tonight.

Unexpectedly, Yang Caiyu still forced Liu Yan and said to her: "Sister Liu Yan, I actually have something very important to tell you, come here first!"

Liu Yan, who didn't know what was going on, had to follow Yang Caiyu to her room.

"What's the matter? So mysterious?"

After closing the door, Yang Caiyu looked at her with a smile and asked: "My dear sister Yan! Do you dislike me? Why don't you want to stay in the same room with me tonight?"

"Didn't I say I was not feeling well..."

"I remember your menstrual period was not today. You are not sick or having your period. So where are you feeling uncomfortable? I know a little Chinese medicine and can help you take a look."

"This..." Liu Yan thought quickly in her mind, what parts can be pretended to be sick but not easily detected.

But before she could think of it, Yang Caiyu followed and said: "I don't think you are feeling unwell, you are waiting to meet your lover. Do you think I am bothering you here?"

When she heard the word lover, Liu Yan was shocked. How did she find out?

For such a long time, she and Gu Zhongyu have kept their relationship very well hidden. There are few ambiguous actions and little contact. During the long time of filming "Dream of Hualu", Qianqian had no doubts. How did Caiyu know?

"What are you thinking? Actually, I am..." Liu Yan quickly calmed down and tried to get away with it.

"Don't lie to me, I saw it all!"


Originally, Yang Caiyu was not sure and just wanted to cheat, but seeing that she was obviously panicked, she was sure that her guess was right.

When playing tennis in the afternoon, although she was fighting with Liu Yufei, her attention was always on the sidelines. At first, she found that Liu Yan's eyes looking at Gu Zhongyu were a little wrong. Of course, this didn't mean anything, but it made her murmur.

Later, she saw Liu Yan whispering to Gu Zhongyu, but the two of them didn't look that close at ordinary times. Could it be that they were deliberately pretending to avoid suspicion?

So she had some bold guesses in her heart.

Liu Yan was silent for a long time. Yang Caiyu pulled her to the side of the boat, and then she said, "I beg you, Caiyu, don't tell Xixi about this."

She is also an artist of Feiyu now. If she hooks up with Gu Zhongyu, it means she is stealing the boss's man. Even if Liu Yufei has a good temper, she will definitely kick her out if she knows about it.

It doesn't matter if she is fired. She doesn't care about these things. But she knows the position of Liu Yufei in Gu Zhongyu's heart. If the two of them have a quarrel because of this, Gu Zhongyu will be caught in the middle. Wouldn't it be difficult for him to do it?

"I can keep it a secret for you, but Sister Yan, you have to tell me when did you get in touch with Mr. Gu?"

There is nothing to keep secret now. Liu Yan honestly told Yang Caiyu about her acquaintance with Gu Zhongyu, and said that she might have known Gu Zhongyu earlier than Xixi.

And she didn't have any unreasonable thoughts. The two of them would definitely not be together. She even thought that Xixi and Gu Zhongyu were more suitable.

After listening to this, Yang Caiyu felt quite sympathetic towards Liu Yan's experience, but this little sympathy was not enough to make her give up her plan, so she said to Liu Yan.

"Sister Yan, I can keep it a secret for you forever, but you have to do something for me."

"You tell me first, but if you want me to help you use Zhongyu to do something, I may not agree to it."

Yang Caiyu said confidently: "Don't worry, this is not difficult at all, and after it's done, Mr. Gu may thank you!"

On the other side, Gu Zhongyu wanted to go to Qianqian's room to rest, but he didn't expect that the little girl locked the door and didn't open it no matter how hard he knocked.

If he climbed the window, she was well prepared this time and locked it for you long ago, and also posted a pig head expression on the window to laugh at Gu Zhongyu.

Okay, if you don't take me in, I'll go find Liu Ah...

No, I promised Liu Yan in the afternoon. People should keep their words. Let's go find my host Liu!

Since he didn't know which room Liu Yan lived in, Gu Zhongyu still sent a message. After getting a reply and confirming that it was convenient, he went to find a room.

Like a thief, Gu Zhongyu sneaked into Liu Yan's room. It was pitch black and there was no light on, but he still found the location of the boat at a glance.

I don't know if Liu Yan wore the tennis clothes she wore during the day.

He called a few times, but there was no response.

Forget it, no matter what, Gu Zhongyu chose to pounce directly...

About ten minutes later, with the lights in the room turned on again and a scream, Gu Zhongyu finally knew why Liu Yan didn't respond to him just now.

Thank you for the 3,000 points reward from Time Master, thank you for the 100 points reward from Ziyue Little Wildcat, and thank you for the two godfathers

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