Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 280: When the art exam is in progress, each generation is inferior to the previous one

"Teacher Gu!"

Nazha shouted and wanted to throw herself into Gu Zhongyu's arms for a kiss, but she soon thought that she was in school with so many people watching, so she had to give her a gentle hug and quickly let go.

Huang Lei looked at the two separated people with an ambiguous expression. Even a fool could tell that there was something fishy between teachers and students, Nazha and Gu Zhongyu, but it was the same for him. When he fell in love with his student Sun Li, he also attracted a lot of attention. .

"Nazha is beautiful again." Yang Caiyu greeted Nazha, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, with a cheerful smile.

"You're back to pick jade? I haven't seen you for several months. How do you feel about going out to film this time?"

In fact, Nazha didn't like Yang Caiyu very much, or any woman who appeared next to Gu Zhongyu, especially this time. She always felt that there seemed to be some unspeakable change.

"Okay, you little sisters, go and chat. Bai Lu is ready to take the preliminary test. If Dudu is bored, just go and walk around. Teacher Huang Lei and I are going to work."

Chen Duling chose to accompany Bai Lu to take the exam, and took a look at what the famous Nortel College was like.

Nazha took Yang Caiyu to report to the teachers of the acting department. Although the film school is becoming more and more relaxed about students filming outside, the premise is that you must have a good relationship with your main teachers.

For example, in his previous life, the actor Liu Haoran was already very famous before he went to the Central Theater School. However, because he went out to film too much and had not seen anyone for a semester, he was blocked by the professor in charge of acting classes, Mr. Zhao.

According to the rules, if one-third of the course in the Acting Department is missing, it will not even qualify for the exam. It is reasonable for Teacher Zhao to be stuck, but in the end, teachers from various departments took turns to intercede (because the tradition of all colleges is to treat well-known students Pay attention to the impact, it should be specially approved), but Zhao still wanted to deny it to him. In the end, both the chairman and deputy department heads personally came to give him 80 points.

The reason why Teacher Zhao is so angry is because he feels that Liu Haoran is looking down on him if he doesn't come (it is true, Liu Haoran often asks for leave from regular classes, and has never come to the associate class, and does not notify him in advance and does not report afterward), not to mention that he is also the head teacher of the acting class Liu Haoran didn't need to go through him at all when asking for leave. He didn't drink the soup but asked the leader to cooperate. He was so angry that he finally chose to expose the matter. It had a very bad impact at the time and also caused Liu Haoran to postpone his graduation. .

Gu Zhongyu has reminded all the students who are still studying more than once that it is okay to go out for filming, but you must have a good relationship with a few principal teachers. Even if you are already an expert, you must know how to respect your teachers and don't ask for trouble.

Walking on the sidewalk, Huang Lei said half-jokingly: "The old dean still has a lot of face! Come back as soon as you are told. We can hardly afford to hire a big boss like you."

"Teacher Huang, don't be ridiculous. If you want to invite me to your house for dinner, then I will definitely get it, but I will not be happy to accept the drudgery of interviewing students!"

"Not because you are famous now, we at Nortel can also take advantage of you. How about... in the future, your company will sign an agreement with our school and all the students will be sent to your place for internship."

"Put it down! By the way, Teacher Huang, do we have any star students from Nortel signing up for this session?"

Among the Nortel candidates over the years, there are many artists who have already become famous, such as Yang Zi and Zhang Yishan, who were already nationally famous child stars before entering school, as well as Zhou Dongyu, who entered the examination room as a candidate girl at the time, Guan Xiaotong, the national daughter, and others. And these star candidates will receive great preferential treatment and care when they apply for Nortel.

Of course, fame alone is not enough. For example, You Haoran, who was also a child star and played Xia Yu in "With Children", took the exam three times to pass the exam, because although Nortel has no specific requirements for actors' body shape and appearance, it is too stretched. The crotch is definitely not good. This younger brother is a typical disabled child star. His appearance locked his star path, so he didn't get any preferential treatment.

Others who suffered the same fate as him include Mo Xiaobei, Wang Shasha in "Wulin Gaiden", and Lin Miaoke, who participated in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. They were all dismissed because of unsatisfactory external conditions. The profession of actor is still based on appearance, like After all, there are very few people like Huang Bo who can get away with it.

Huang Lei briefly thought about it in his mind, and then said disappointedly: "You won't believe it even if I tell you. There is not a single star in this class, or someone who has only played a small role in some TV series. I have never heard of it."

"So miserable?"

The quality of Nortel's students this year is indeed not very good. In previous years, there were always a few star exams, but this year there is no one?

Gu Zhongyu didn't remember anyone else who became famous in the 13th level of Nortel. Except for Meng Ziyi, because of his influence, there must be another Bailu in this life. Is there no one left?

He was also thinking about finding a few good talents to add to the company. Sure enough, the quality of Beidian's candidates was getting worse from generation to generation.

The two of them separated when they arrived at a ballet classroom. This was the examination room that Gu Zhongyu was responsible for. Since there were too many exams to register for, there was no particular emphasis on the venue. The entire Nortel area, except for the teaching building, was basically occupied. Candidates.

Rows of candidates were sitting upright on stools against the wall, holding manuscripts in their hands, still reading hard and over and over again, preparing to leave a good impression on the teacher during the first test later.

In the preliminary examination, candidates first need to give a brief self-introduction, registration number, height, where they are from, etc. During this process, candidates must have a loud voice and clear enunciation.

After a brief self-introduction, the real test began. The test was divided into four optional items.

Lines: Candidates recite novels, essays or fables prepared by themselves. The subject matter should preferably be about family, love or friendship, and should be healthy. There is no strict restriction on the genre to be chosen, as long as the candidate is good at it, but the length of the article should be controlled within three minutes.

Performance: It may be a proposition or a prescribed situation. A group of people will do it together. No matter how the test is conducted, candidates must listen carefully to the teacher's requirements, perform from the heart, strive to be true and natural, and avoid being artificial or showing off.

Vocal music: Candidates sing a song prepared by themselves. The teacher mainly tests the candidate's voice and pitch. It doesn't matter if you sing the wrong words, as long as the voice condition is good.

Body shape: Candidates dance a dance prepared by themselves. Anything is fine. Prepare your own accompaniment. Pay attention to your expression and eyes when dancing.

There are two other teachers in charge of the exam, Zhang Songwen and Ma Xiaojing. Zhang Songwen is an old acquaintance, and Ma Xiaojing is Gu Zhongyu's junior sister. After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, this junior sister passed the civil service exam and became a police officer. She even won two third-class merits. She is also a heroine.

Because there are too many candidates, Beijing Film Academy often invites former well-known alumni to guest examiners. There are so many applicants, but the enrollment quota of the performance department is only more than 40 people, undergraduate and junior college classes. The admission rate reached a terrifying 150:1.

"Hello, Teacher Gu."

"Hello, Teacher Zhang and Teacher Ma, I'm sorry I'm almost late, let's start as soon as possible!"

When the two teachers saw Gu Zhongyu also arrived, they all stood up to greet him, and the candidates who were waiting saw that Gu Zhongyu was the teacher for the interview today, which caused a commotion. Several girls even wanted to come over and take a photo with him first.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet and maintain order in the examination room. Students whose names are called will come forward. Each person should introduce themselves for no more than one minute, and then choose to recite or sing."

This year, more than 6,000 candidates registered, and they had to take the re-examination. They didn't have the energy to waste on most of those who were going to be eliminated.

Zhang Songwen picked up the list of candidates and began to read them one by one.

The first person to come on stage was a little girl. She bowed to the three people and began to introduce herself: "Hello, teachers. My name is Wang Yixuan. I am sixteen years old this year. I am from Kunming, Yunnan. I am 173 cm tall and weigh 100 kg... 100 jin..."

Maybe she was a little nervous and almost said kilograms instead of jin. She didn't look very good. She didn't even have to wait for the recitation. Ma Xiaojing pressed the bell: "Okay, next one, please."

In less than a minute, the fate of a candidate was concluded. This is more cruel than the competition in the college entrance examination. You don't even have the chance to finish the test paper.

The girl retreated with a gloomy face. She thought it was because of her nervousness that she mispronounced the word. In fact, candidates like her who looked ordinary in appearance were eliminated when the examiner saw them for the first time.

Most candidates are like this, unless they are really excellent.

For example, Huang Xiaoming was admitted to Beijing Film Academy because of his handsome face. If he was not good-looking, he really could not pass! Because during the exam interview, the teacher asked him to perform, and he refused the teacher three times in a row on the grounds of physical inconvenience. In the end, the teacher really didn't want to miss him, so he asked him to sing a song as a talent show, and the result was that he almost sang it.

But several examiners still gave him the green light. There was no way. If he didn't come to act when he was so handsome, it would be a waste.

The chief examiner at that time was Cui Xinqin, his future mentor and mentor. She said: At that time, I felt that I had never seen such a simple child who could smile so brightly. Although he is not very good at acting, he can learn to perform. However, in terms of his own conditions, his face is worth 300 points. He was born to do this.

The gap between people has been widened since the time when parents gave them faces.

In half an hour, the first group of ten candidates finished the preliminary examination. The candidates who were considered handsome men and beautiful women among ordinary people were not even interested in looking at them.

The first candidate in the second group was a boy. He was a little handsome, but a little greasy. As a result, before he introduced himself, Gu Zhongyu asked him to go out and wash his face before coming in.

The young man was confused and asked what he meant.

Gu Zhongyu asked him: "Didn't you read the exam instructions this year?"

Beijing Film Academy has completely changed the school's admission principles this year. It is no longer the appearance that counts first, but the image, temperament and moral quality account for a large proportion of the score.

And it has made very strict regulations on the makeup and plastic surgery of candidates, stipulating that all candidates are not allowed to wear makeup, beauty contact lenses, or high-necked clothes. Only clothes and shoes used for performances are required.

This was what Gu Zhongyu suggested to the school and implemented the year before he left school. This year, it finally began to be implemented. In the original time and space, these regulations would not be implemented until around 18 years later.

"I don't have makeup?" The boy wanted to quibble. He consciously put on makeup and it was relatively secretive.

Gu Zhongyu pointed at his eyebrows and threw a wet tissue over, saying that you just need to wipe your eyebrows.

The angry young man threw the wet tissue and left angrily. His eyebrows cannot be wiped. His eyebrows are naturally sparser than Li Chen. If he loses his eyebrows, it will look too weird.

As soon as the young man left, the news spread outside, and all the men and women who tried to get away with light makeup began to remove their makeup.

Zhang Songwen laughed and said, "I didn't expect it to be like this at the beginning."

"Let that boy be a role model for the candidates behind us, so that we don't have to talk too much." Ma Xiaojing still agrees with not allowing candidates to wear makeup. If you don't have the confidence to meet people without makeup during the exam, why do you still want to eat the bowl of actor's meal?

"How many groups are there?"

Another group ended, and Gu Zhongyu was so bored that he wanted to yawn. He didn't meet a good seedling or familiar face. There were quite a few weirdos. Just now, a stupid candidate even tried to bribe the examiner, and they scolded him out directly!

"There are probably seven or eight groups."

It seems that the whole day will be spent here today. Gu Zhongyu shrugged helplessly and looked at the time. It's almost time to go to eat. Let's continue in the afternoon.


I came to the cafeteria that I haven't seen for a long time. Beijing Film Academy is still doing a good job in catering. There are four main cafeterias, and the types of food in them are all different. They gather food from various places. Therefore, most students often eat in the cafeteria and rarely order takeout.

"Hey! Teacher Gu is back too. Come and see what you want to eat today?" The auntie serving the food is also an old acquaintance. She is considered Gu Zhongyu's "old fan". Even if Gu Zhongyu only orders one dish, she will fill the rice bowl!

"I'll have fried prawns, a beef pot, and cold tomatoes. Thank you, Auntie."

The Beijing Film Academy cafeteria was also overcrowded today. For a while, Gu Zhongyu couldn't even find a place to sit.

Many students waved to Gu Zhongyu and wanted him to sit over, but Gu Zhongyu really didn't want to sit with these little brats. Basically, they called him over to ask questions, and he was too lazy to talk now.

"What are you looking for, Teacher Gu? Come over here!"

Suddenly, someone waved to Gu Zhongyu from a distance. He looked carefully and found that Xu Jinglei, Ma Yili, Dong Xuan and Guan Yue were sitting together.

Xu Jinglei, Dong Xuan and Guan Yue all graduated from Beijing Film Academy, so it was normal for them to be called in as interviewers. However, Ma Yili was also invited as she was from Shanghai Theatre Academy. It seemed that the school was really short of people this time.

So he took the dish and sat next to them.

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