Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 281 Lunjia just turned eighteen!

"It's been a long time since we last met, four beauties. Senior Sister Xu is here too!"

Xu Jinglei said with a smile, "Your teacher Gu is so busy, but she's here. How can I, a lousy worker, refuse?"

As one of the star teachers of Beijing Film Academy, Xu Jinglei has not come to school to teach in recent years. Instead, she has been doing everything here and there. When she was filming well, she impulsively pursued becoming a singer, but soon realized that this was not her forte. Recently, she has turned to pursue her dream of being a director.

Before, the movie "Intimate Enemies" directed and starred by Xu Jinglei was released, and she wanted to invite Gu Zhongyu to show her support, but he has never been very interested in this senior sister, so he didn't go.

Dong Xuan was a little nervous when she saw Gu Zhongyu, but Guan Yue looked normal. Instead, Ma Yili chatted with Gu Zhongyu like a friend, as if the person who accompanied Dong Xuan before was not himself.

"Dear beautiful teachers, did you meet someone named Bai Lu during the preliminary exam this morning?"

"Yes, in my group, that's your assistant, right?" Guan Yue had seen Bai Lu several times when she visited her husband's class before, and she felt familiar as soon as she entered the door. It was only when Huang Lei next to her reminded her that she remembered her.

"How did she perform?"

"How could an assistant taught by Teacher Gu be bad? Putting aside your relationship, the little girl is also very active. There will be no problem in the preliminary exam. As long as she is not in Ma Yili's group, she will definitely pass."

"Is Teacher Ma very strict?"

Speaking of this, Xu Jinglei, who is in the same group as Ma Yili, has something to say: "Not only strict, she scolded several candidates to tears! She didn't speak politely at all. I was worried that the candidate had a bad temper and would fight with her directly!"

So tough?

Ma Yili didn't think there was anything wrong with her. Instead, she held her head high and looked like she was doing it for granted.

Before becoming an examiner, Ma Yili once said: I will never accept students who have had plastic surgery, because plastic surgery is not only not a good role model for young people, but also reflects the students' own lack of confidence, and confidence is precisely the most important inner quality for an actor.

In the morning, Ma Yili asked the candidate directly during the interview whether it hurt when she had plastic surgery. The girl answered that it was okay, so she was eliminated directly. After the interview, she said, "You don't know how to cherish the face your parents gave you, so you deserve it!"

Her approach caused dissatisfaction among many people, including the examiner, because everyone has a desire for beauty. Now micro-plastic surgery is very common in society, and more or less celebrities in the entertainment industry have had medical plastic surgery experience. Ma Yili's standard is too strict and even a little inhumane. After only one morning, someone called her "the nightmare of candidates."

Although Xu Jinglei has never had plastic surgery, she is relatively tolerant of this aspect. She thinks Ma Yili is a bit too radical. The two almost quarreled in the morning.

"That kid this morning, although he had plastic surgery, he was still pretty good-looking and performed well. You didn't even give him a chance to show his talent and just screened him out. Isn't that inappropriate?"

"You can't accept children who have had plastic surgery. If you accept such a student, it's not a good role model for young people. If they can really make it so that people can't see it, then we can't do anything about it. That means it's still very successful. To be honest, most of the ones we see are 100% very unsuccessful."

Ma Yili insisted on her point of view and asked Gu Zhongyu what he thought about this matter.

Picking up the fat beef and putting it into his mouth to chew slowly, Gu Zhongyu's view on this matter is actually similar to Ma Yili's: "Indeed, plastic surgery is fine, but it must be natural. If the audience can see that the face is full of high-tech, and the expression is dead, then recruiting such people will pollute the public's eyes. Now many famous artists have also become keen on plastic surgery, right? I think it's a dead end!"

The competition in the entertainment industry is fierce. Not to mention the exams that haven't become famous yet, even many stars who have debuted have embarked on the road of no return for plastic surgery because of various actors.

Lou Yixiao, Zhang Meng, Sun Feifei and other actresses are all examples of those who once had sweet and natural looks, but then had plastic surgery to ruin their faces. Instead of becoming more beautiful, they constantly filled their faces with hyaluronic acid and thread filling, which ruined their careers. They are basically no longer able to play the leading role or get big productions.

Of course, there are also some who have had relatively successful plastic surgery, such as Yang Tianbao, but they only had minor adjustments, and they went to Japan at a high price, not Korea.

Many people are influenced by Korean dramas and think that Hanguo has the best plastic surgery technology. In fact, Japan is the most developed in this area in Asia, and Germany is the most developed in Europe. However, most girls who don’t know the depth of the situation are eventually deceived into going to Hanguo…

“Dean Zhang is hosting a dinner party tonight to invite everyone to get together. Teacher Gu, are you coming too?”

Gu Zhongyu looked at Dong Xuan who was silent on the side: “Okay, Senior Sister Dong, are you coming?”

Dong Xuan didn’t really want to go, because of what Gu Zhongyu did, she now felt very sorry for her boyfriend Gao Yunxiang. If she continued to entangle with him, she was afraid that she would really part ways with her boyfriend in the end.

But looking at Gu Zhongyu’s eyes, if she didn’t go, he would most likely come to find her. It would be safer when there were more people at the party, so she had to nod to indicate that she would go too.

Just when Gu Zhongyu was winking at Senior Sister Dong, he suddenly felt someone under the table gently hooking his thigh!

Xu Jinglei and Ma Yili were sitting opposite him. Even if Xu Jinglei was interested in him, she wouldn't be so unrestrained. So it was clear who was the one who made the move.

Ma Yili continued to drink the egg drop soup as if nothing had happened, then she looked at Gu Zhongyu and licked her lips again...

Are all divorced old women so fierce?

In fact, Gu Zhongyu was not very interested in Ma Yili. At the beginning, he only wanted to add some color to Wen Zhang's hat. Now that this buddy is useless, he has no intention of reliving the dream of love with Ma Yili.

Of course, if the other party takes the initiative to provoke, then he doesn't mind some cucumbers when he is tired of eating big fish and meat.

Gu Zhongyu remained calm on the surface, secretly pulled his feet out of his shoes, and started "fighting" with her. The two of them enjoyed a different lunch without anyone knowing.

After eating, Gu Zhongyu first went to find Bai Lu and Chen Duling.

Bai Lu jumped up and down, saying that the three examiners were very satisfied with her and gave her a full three minutes to perform poetry recitation, while others basically finished in one minute.

"That's not because I'm satisfied with you, but because I'm giving face to the boss." Chen Duling has been with Bai Lu for a long time, and knows that she is carefree, so she dares to joke with her now.

"I know, but my performance is indeed better than those people! Several people who took the exam with me couldn't speak fluently when they met people, or their faces were full of high-tech, which made people want to vomit."

"Okay, don't be complacent, there will be a re-examination tomorrow, which will determine your final fate. Go back and have a good rest, as long as Chen Duling is with me."


After Bai Lu left, Chen Duling followed Gu Zhongyu step by step and walked around the campus. In fact, she didn't spend much time with her boss in private. Bai Lu basically served her, and she watched from the side. It was a rare opportunity to be alone.

"Dudu... this nickname is quite cute, I will call you that from now on! You have been working for almost two months without realizing it, do you feel you have adapted?"

"Not bad, Sister Bailu and other people in the company take good care of me... but I always feel like I have nothing to do."

Of course you have nothing to do, the most important job responsibilities of Gu's assistant are managing the black book, sending gifts to the fish in the pond regularly, letting the fire out when shooting, and entertaining the boss, which are basically still done by Bailu now.

Currently, the work efficiency of Chen Duling, the assistant, is actually negative, because with her around, Bailu now occasionally wants to entertain him secretly, and he always feels he can't let go.

After all, Dudu is different from the cheeky Bailu, she is too shy and introverted, and Gu Zhongyu is still not at ease letting her do many things.

"Your sister Bailu will leave her job soon. You will have to take over her work. I am worried that you will be too busy!"

Gu Zhongyu walked to Chen Duling and looked at her immature face. Somehow, he suddenly felt something. It was probably because of the anger that Ma Yili had just provoked.

It was definitely unrealistic to expect Chen Duling, who had not yet come to her senses, to help him. So he sent Dudu to play somewhere else, took out his phone and called Nazha from the dormitory to meet on the rooftop.

"What's wrong, Teacher Gu?" Nazha heard Gu Zhongyu's tone on the phone, which was quite anxious, thinking that he was looking for her for something important.

Looking at Nazha, who was wearing a black zippered POLO shirt and jeans, showing off her good figure, Gu Zhongyu felt that the problem was getting more and more serious, and immediately instructed Nazha to turn around and look at the scenery opposite.

"What are you looking at?"

Naza didn't understand, but she turned around obediently, and then Gu Zhongyu hugged her and whispered in her ear: "The wind on the rooftop is strong, it's easy to catch a cold, I'll help you raise your body temperature to resist the cold!"


An hour later, Naza, whose body temperature was raised to the point of blushing, trotted back to the dormitory. Teacher Gu was so mean that she actually treated herself like this, it was really... too exciting!

Gu Zhongyu also felt very exciting, but... it was really cold!

The wind on the rooftop was really strong, and the key was that Gu Zhongyu put his clothes on Naza to prevent her from catching a cold, but he was frozen like a dog now.

"Teacher Gu, are you not feeling well?" After arriving at the examination room, Zhang Songwen saw that Gu Zhongyu seemed to be a little blue in the face, and asked with concern.

Of course, after losing so much high-energy deoxyribose substances and being blown by the wind on the rooftop for almost an hour, the physical condition was up and down, so how could the complexion be good?

It's all Naza's fault!

"I'm fine, let the candidates come in, let's continue!"

The preliminary exam continued, and the candidates walked into the classroom one after another. However, the performance of this batch made them even more disappointed. The quality was not as good as those in the morning, and none of them were outstanding.

"Teacher Gu, you look a little uncomfortable, or take a rest?" Zhang Songwen noticed that Gu Zhongyu's face was getting uglier and uglier, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, just a little tired."

He guessed that it was because he ate too much at noon, and caught a cold on the rooftop, and now his stomach is a little uncomfortable. Is the retribution for this romanticism coming too fast?

In front of so many people, he was really embarrassed to back out. Every year, there are countless reporters and paparazzi watching during the Beijing Film Academy's art exam. If someone finds out that he escaped at the last minute, who knows what they will write!

"Then the next one, Meng Ziyi."

It turned out to be this young lady. Since signing her to the company in advance, Gu Zhongyu almost forgot about her. It was really a coincidence that more than a few thousand candidates were just assigned to his group.

Today, Meng Ziyi is wearing a loose cardigan and flared jeans, with long hair and no makeup. She does not look as aggressive as usual.

Without makeup, Meng Ziyi still looks beautiful, with the facial features of this Internet celebrity... Fortunately, she was not placed in Ma Yili's group, otherwise she would have been screened out at the first sight!

When Meng Ziyi came to the classroom, she found that Gu Zhongyu was among the examiners. She was ecstatic and said directly: "Teacher Gu, are you here too? Did you come to interview me specially?"

Zhang Songwen and Ma Xiaojing immediately looked at Gu Zhongyu with question marks on their faces. What do you mean, do you know this woman?

Is your brain just a decoration?

Do you understand how to avoid suspicion?

Gu Zhongyu, who was already feeling a little uncomfortable in his stomach, now felt his head start to hurt, and he didn't know if it was the right decision to bring this silly girl with an IQ of 250 to his company.

He could only smile helplessly at the two teachers.

"This candidate should not get close to the teacher. Let's introduce yourself first!" Zhang Songwen, a smart person, knew that this girl must be acquainted with Gu Zhongyu, so he didn't care about her rashness and asked her to introduce herself quickly.

Meng Ziyi quickly bowed to the three examiners and said hello, and then entered the process: "Hello, examiners and teachers, my name is Meng Ziyi, from Jilin Gaoguanchunshi..."

He speaks fluently and clearly, but this tone...why does it sound like he's acting coquettishly?

"The Lun family just turned eighteen this year..." When talking about this, Meng Ziyi suddenly became shy and told her age coquettishly.

The Lun family just turned eighteen...

When he heard the words "I just turned eighteen", a devil-like voice from his previous life rang out in Gu Zhongyu's mind for no reason, giving him goosebumps all over his body, coupled with a cold stomach, it was a series of blows. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore!


Gu Zhongyu quickly lowered his head, pointed at the trash can under the table and vomited!

what's the situation?

Zhang Songwen and Ma Xiaojing hurried over and asked about Gu Zhongyu's situation with concern. Although this girl talked a little bit like green tea, we who are in the entertainment industry wouldn't be disgusted by this stuff!

Meng Ziyi was stunned and didn't know what happened. Could it be that Teacher Gu Zhongyu was disgusted by the tone of his words?

Is this girl's voice so unpleasant?

She was so wronged that she felt like crying...

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