Huayu started as a lecturer at Beijing Film Academy

Chapter 282 Helping Senior Sister Dong escape from the sea of ​​suffering

It was already evening when Gu Zhongyu arrived at the hotel. He had no choice but to feel uncomfortable in his stomach and even vomited once. Fortunately, he was in good physical condition and recovered after resting for a while.

From now on, I will never go to a place as cold as the rooftop for excitement. It’s not an undercover meeting. It’s really nerve-wracking!

Dean Zhang Hui led a group of key teachers from the Nortel Department who had been waiting for him early. Huang Lei, Xu Jinglei, Guo Fan and others were all there. As soon as he entered the door, they greeted him and inquired about his physical condition.

"It's nothing serious. I just can't drink wine today. I'll just have some food."

Wang Jinsong said jokingly: "I told you earlier if you can't drink! Go and sit at the children's table."

This Wang Jinsong is not Lin Yaodong, the village director of Tazhai Village in "Operation Ice Breaking". He is another Wang Jinsong, whose stage name is Qi Ke. He is very low-key. Very little information about him can be found online, but he is from Nortel. The vice president and director of the labor union has a very high status.

"Don't worry, if you want to drink, no one will accompany you yet. We have to meet the candidates tomorrow, so just wait until tonight." Tang Xuli said with a smile. This eldest sister is the head of the physical teaching and research group and associate professor of Nortel Performing Arts School. He was also Gu Zhongyu’s original teacher.

Their table was not the only one who gathered for dinner in the evening. Others were in other private rooms. Teachers like Zhang Songwen, Zhou Yiwei, Guan Yue, who were not very famous or had low positions in the school, were all next door.

After all, this is Vanity Fair. Even if there is a gathering of people on campus, they will still be divided into different groups.

Although Ma Yili was not from Nortel, she was a guest from afar, and there were enough coffee seats, so she and Dong Xuan sat up with Gu Zhongyu in the middle.

Guo Fan, as a Nortel alumnus and a well-known director with a billion-dollar movie rating, also sat in the table. Although he clearly said that he would order until he ordered, this guy was very excited to find someone to drink with him. Gu Zhongyu noticed that this guy's drinking capacity was obviously high in the past. He was hiding his secrets, and when he was drinking with himself, he quickly shouted, "No, no, no, I'm going to die."

Sure enough, the rumor in his previous life that Guo Fan was able to trick Wu Jin into investing in "The Wandering Earth" by drinking him down should be true.

They are all human beings!

"Teacher Gu, I will be directing a new play recently, and I would like to invite you to come and make a guest appearance. I wonder if you are free?" After two glasses of wine, Xu Jinglei extended an invitation to him again.

Is this woman stalking me or something?

"Tell me what movie Senior Sister Xu made." It was rude to refuse people all the time, so Gu Zhongyu decided to ask what movie he wanted to watch first.

"It's a pretty cheesy love movie called "There's a Place Only We Know." It tells a love story between two couples spanning two eras."

Huang Lei asked curiously: "Again, you are directing and acting, and you are the heroine? I found that Xu Jinglei is really good at it! Are you so short of the salary of a heroine?"

Most of the movies that Xu Jinglei directed and starred in were in which she played the lead female role, but the box office results were generally pretty good, especially after "Du Lala's Promotion", which made Huang Lei envious after watching "Midnight Song". After the hit, Huang Lei never had the chance to direct a movie again.

The name of this movie sounds so familiar to Gu Zhongyu!

"Who are the male and female protagonists?"

"He's a big boy who just came back from the cold country. You should have heard of Wu Yifan, the leader of EXO, right?" When she mentioned this name, Xu Jinglei was a little proud, and she seemed very satisfied with finding this candidate. .


This is too much punishment!

Now is the time when the Korean Wave is taking the Chinese entertainment industry by storm. With the help of this fanatical trend in the Chinese entertainment industry, a group of traffic niches represented by the four top streamers of the first generation became famous overnight, and the Chinese entertainment industry has also entered a new era. The era of traffic first.

At that time, many people were convinced that for a long time to come, no one could shake the status of top men such as Lu Han and Yang Yang.

However, no one could have imagined that within just a few years, not only would the four top male figures of the first generation fall off the altar one after another and be replaced by rising stars such as Xiao Zhan, but some of them would also be included in the list of bad artists and be replaced by rising stars such as Xiao Zhan. They were permanently banned from the entertainment industry, and some even suffered eternal infamy for their misbehavior.

Unexpectedly, time has come to this era before we know it, and even the big boys have started filming. It seems that they will have to hold a meeting in the company when they go back to directly prohibit cooperation with certain artists.

"Senior Sister Xu is really discerning! That Wu Fan is so popular right now. I see that many girls in the school are still fans of him. Your movie's box office doesn't start at five or six billion?" Tang Xuli couldn't help but look at her with envy. As women, they have a good impression of these little fresh meats. Their faces are their strength.

"By the way, junior brother, you are still a professional screenwriter and producer. If you think there are any problems with our script, you can change it at will!"

Oh ho?

Gu Zhongyu's eyes lit up, but the next second, he swallowed the words that had just reached his lips.

Although he really wanted to practice his magic by modifying other people's bullshit movies, but when he thought about the existence of Toothpick Boy, he might as well forget it. He didn't even want to make a cameo. I'm not being modest, so you might as well hire someone else!

He immediately waved his hand: "Senior sister, I try my best to make time, but you also know that my company is very busy recently and I can't leave in a short time."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's still early to start, I'll wait for you."

Xu Jinglei still insisted on inviting him, and she didn't know if the reputation of Prince Electric Eel had spread by now. How about simply reminding Xu Jinglei and persuading her to change the actor?

Forget it, most of the time they took the money from the sponsor to serve electric eels for others, so there is no point in having this extra mouthful.

"If you have time, can you make a cameo for me later?"

Huang Lei also jokingly said that he wanted to invite Gu Zhongyu. He recently starred in and supervised a TV series called "I Love My Boyfriend", but the drama was too small, and Gu Zhongyu probably didn't like it, so it was just a joke.

"Haha, Teacher Gu, you are so popular. Everyone is vying to invite you. Come on, let me offer you a drink." Ma Yili, who was sitting next to him, immediately praised Tron with a wink, raised his glass and smiled lightly.

As soon as Ma Yili finished speaking, everyone at the table chuckled. Ma Yili had just divorced not long ago. Everyone in the circle knew about the difference in the relationship between her ex-husband Wen Zhang and Gu Zhongyu. Unexpectedly, she was now talking to him like an old friend. Wow, this position change is really fast!

"My stomach won't allow me to drink alcoholic beverages now!" Gu Zhongyu showed off the Nutritional Express on his hand. This was what he had been drinking tonight.

"I respect you, do you still need to care about what you drink?" After saying that, Ma Yili raised her head and drank a glass of white wine, "Mr. Gu, I did it, you can do whatever you want!"

After drinking it in one gulp, she seemed to still feel a little uncomfortable, with a blush on her face. Upon seeing this, Dong Xuan immediately poured a glass of water for her.

"Wow! Teacher Ma is a good drinker, Teacher Gu?"

At this time, Tang Xuli started to make noises, isn't it, that's the end of the deal, and you just forgot what you just said?

Gu Zhongyu had no choice but to bite the bullet and drink with the sisters.

After drinking, he pretended to glare at her fiercely, "Teacher Ma, is that okay? Don't let Senior Sister Dong and I carry you back tonight!"

Hearing these words, Dong Xuan's face couldn't help but blush, remembering what happened last time with Ma Yili at Gu Zhongyu's home.

"Then it's up to you to take care of the teacher's ability!"


As soon as these words came out, the animals on the table immediately became excited. This kind of female star who can take the initiative to drink at the wine table really stirs up the atmosphere.

At this time, Guo Fan stood up very loyally and took the initiative to help Gu Zhongyu stop drinking. What a good brother!

"Teacher Gu, shall I take you back?" Huang Lei, who had not taken any alcohol with him since Gu Zhongyu didn't bring an assistant at night, offered to take him back.

At the end of the drinking party, some of the drunkards were almost passed out. In fact, Gu Zhongyu only drank less than two glasses. After all, except for a limited number of two or three seniors at the table, no one else dared to really pour him a drink and come to toast him. Most of him was drunk by Guo Fan.

However, he still pretended to be a little dazed. Life is like a play, it all depends on acting.

Ma Yili, who had a drink with Gu Zhongyu at the beginning, actually didn't drink much at the end. Everyone was still a little restrained. They had to interview candidates tomorrow, so it was unbecoming to be drunk.

"No, Huanhuan didn't drink. She can just give it to the two of us."

At this time, Ma Yili took the initiative to pull Dong Xuan over, but the latter looked confused. Didn't I say I wanted to send you two away?

"That's it, okay!"

Huang Lei didn't say anything when he saw this. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ma Yili was trying to get on top of Gu Zhongyu. He didn't know when the two of them got along. Could it have been before she and Wen Zhang divorced?

Poor man, with such a big forgiveness hat on his head, Huang Lei lamented in his heart and left.

Gu Zhongyu originally wanted to sit in the passenger seat, but to his surprise, Ma Yili pushed him into the back seat. Looking at the other person's wolf-like eyes, he couldn't help but shake his head.

Brother Wen Zhang should actually thank him, otherwise according to this woman's character and strength, sooner or later she will have to wear another hat.

Dong Xuan drove with some anxiety, looking in the rearview mirror. Gu Zhongyu closed his eyes and leaned on the seat to relax, but Ma Yili was nowhere to be seen. There were only some discordant sounds, proving that there was a third person in the small car. .

After a long time, Ma Yili opened the car window, then took a swig of mineral water and gave Dong Xuan a new address.

Looking at the unfamiliar address, Dong Xuan couldn't help but ask: "Isn't this Zhong Yu's or your home?"

Ma Yili hugged the driver's seat with both hands, put her mouth close to Dong Xuan's ear, and breathed softly: "The house I bought before is relatively private and very close to Nortel. Let's go there to rest tonight. It will be more convenient to come back tomorrow morning. ”

Oh my God!

Dong Xuan knew that she couldn't escape tonight. Looking at the two people behind the car who were about to stick together again, she had no choice but to step on the accelerator and speed up, hoping to get indoors quickly so as not to be so conspicuous outside!

After getting up early, Dong Xuan, who had finished working as a driver and a cow horse last night, drove the two of them back to Nortel again.

"Have you got any clues into Zhong Yu's hands?" While eating breakfast, Dong Xuan grabbed Ma Yili and asked her the question she had been wanting to know last night.

Ma Yili was surprised: "Why do you think so?"

"Otherwise, why would you rush to stick to him so shamelessly? Just go and do it yourself. What's the point of insisting on holding me back last night?"

This sentence almost made Ma Yili laugh angrily, and asked: "Did I forcefully pull you? Asking you to drive us is a forcelift, that's right, but what about behind? Did I drag you when you entered the house? Or was it my knife on your neck? I’m forcing you? I see you’re quite happy, what a show of knowledge… tsk tsk tsk!”

"Stop talking..." Ma Yili's words brought back the embarrassing memory of last night. Dong Xuan almost suspected that she had been drugged to accompany them in their mischief.

"Huanhuan, I'm a woman who's almost 40 years old. I've been through this kind of thing called divorce. Do you think I still have any beautiful expectations for love and marriage? I'm just enjoying life in the moment. If I don't find Gu Zhongyu, I'll find someone else. So why shouldn't I find someone who looks good and can help me in my career?"

Dong Xuan thought this was understandable, but she still didn't understand why she dragged herself into it.

"To tell you the truth, I don't think your current boyfriend is a good match. You'd better break up!"

"Impossible, Yunxiang treats me very well."

Ma Yili didn't refute, but took out her mobile phone: "It's okay if you don't believe it. Your boyfriend is currently filming a period drama called "Knife Shadow", right? You don't even know that he's hooking up with an actress in the same group. Do you want to find a quiet place and I'll show you the evidence?"

"Why do you pay attention to these things?"

"Don't worry about it. I have my own information channels."

Ma Yili's source of channels is Gu Zhongyu. It's very important to have a good relationship with the paparazzi! Since the last Wen Zhang incident, when Gu Zhongyu bribed Zhuo Wei, the two have been in touch.

When Gu Zhongyu needed help, he would give him money to do things. When the paparazzi under Zhuo Wei took pictures of something interesting and did not sell it at a reasonable price, they would also ask him if he was interested. After a few exchanges, the two sides have established a tacit long-term cooperative relationship.

Of course, on the surface, the two had no contact, they had never met, and the money that Gu Zhongyu gave to Zhuo Wei came from overseas, and it was transferred through seven or eight channels, and no one could find out where the source was!

This time, Gao Yunxiang's material happened to be photographed, and Zhuo Wei killed two birds with one stone. After receiving the hush money, he sold Gu Zhongyu again. Of course, it was not explosive material, and he did not dare to get anything that really offended people.

Gu Zhongyu thought about it and gave these to Ma Yili, asking her to say it, which would be more effective than saying it himself.

Dong Xuan was skeptical, but she still followed Ma Yili to see what she could show her.

Then she saw the intimate photos of Gao Yunxiang and a woman hugging each other on her mobile phone. She was so angry that she immediately called to question her boyfriend, and the two had a big fight.

These are what Ma Yili told Gu Zhongyu later. It seems that the relationship between the two is almost over. Of course, if Senior Sister Dong is still stubborn, then he can even add fuel to the fire.

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