Two days later, Gu Zhongyu came to the new classroom. Today was the last round of the retest and interview. There were fewer candidates. After finishing today's work, he could leave.

The two teachers who worked with Gu Zhongyu were also replaced. The first person to come was Cui Xinqin.

This teacher is known as the "star godmother" and has brought out many well-known artists such as Chen Kun, Zhao Yanzi, Huang Xiaoming, Huang Bo, and Zhu Yilong. Stars in the circle are like flowing water, but only she is a big tree that has always stood firm.

Since she brought out the "96 Star Class", she has been called a legendary mentor in the circle with her "vicious" vision, and because she is righteous, many students are willing to call her mother.

Gu Zhongyu stood up immediately: "Hello, Teacher Cui, why didn't you come to dinner that day?"

"It was all a gathering for you young people, so I didn't come. I didn't expect that you, a busy man, would be willing to come to the school to help. The teacher is very pleased!"

"No way, I am still a teacher at Beijing Film Academy! There are so many students applying for the exam this year, and even the re-examination has filled the corridor outside."

Cui Xinqin sighed: "Most of them will be eliminated. I have said long ago that the chance of an actor's success is like winning a lottery. Don't blindly send your children to the art exam road. This is a single-plank bridge."

At this time, the second person came, and it was Fu Dalong!

Fu Dalong is a 1994 class of Beijing Film Academy, in the same class as Jiang Qinqin and Jin Qiaoqiao. He has won the three crowns of Huabiao, Golden Rooster and Golden Eagle. He is known as the most low-key and poorest actor. He has been renting a house for many years since his debut and does not take roles for fame and fortune.

There are three principles for accepting roles: not accepting roles that are inconsistent with history, not accepting dramas with incorrect values, and not playing people who cannot distinguish between good and evil.

He is Zeng Li's ex-boyfriend, but Gu Zhongyu has nothing against this low-key actor. He is a person who is devoted to acting and has no other distractions, and he acts very well.

Except for Emperor Yang of Sui in "The Romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties", who was a little too much, roles like Ying Si in "The Great Qin Empire" and Li Tiangou in "Tengou" are all roles that Gu Zhongyu likes.

But when he saw him, he couldn't help but think of Zeng Li who was still in Greece with Gu Zhongyu not long ago...

"Hello, teachers!" Fu Dalong was very humble and greeted the two of them with a very low attitude.

Soon, when the three examiners were in place, the re-examination officially began. Teacher Cui, who has many students all over the world, was in the middle, and Gu Zhongyu and Fu Dalong were on both sides.

At the stage of the re-examination, the quality of the candidates is much higher. They have a general understanding of simple self-introduction, lines, vocal music and form. Today, they will first experience a round of talent show, and then an oral test. The oral test is usually a simple chat. The teacher will ask the candidates some common sense questions, or just chat casually.

Then there is the performance type, which is usually a group skit. The teacher will divide the people into several groups, and then ask questions. Go out to prepare for about five minutes. During this time, the candidates can discuss with each other in order to achieve coordination in the performance.

While exerting the cohesion of collective cooperation, the candidates must also exert their talents, leave impression points for the judges, and finally select the best for admission.

The first one to come in was Meng Ziyi from yesterday. This woman had a shadow in her heart because she "disgusted" Gu Zhongyu yesterday. Seeing that today's examiner and Gu Zhongyu were still there, she was a little nervous.

After a brief introduction, Meng Ziyi brought her talent today: singing!

Although she is already an artist of his own company, Gu Zhongyu has never heard her sing. Seeing her confident look, she must have some ability to choose to sing.

"The song I want to sing for the teachers is "Secrets of Winter", um... "clearing her throat, Meng Ziyi spoke, "warming memories, memories without fragrance..."

Is this a new song?

Gu Zhongyu and the other two looked at each other, why haven't they heard this song?

"If I say I really love you..."

Meng Ziyi sang quite intoxicatedly, Gu Zhongyu interrupted her at this time: "Excuse me, did you write the song you sang? Who is the original singer?"

"No! This is Zhou Chuanxiong's song, the name is "Secrets of Winter"" People are singing happily, why are you disturbing me?

You are singing Zhou Chuanxiong's song?

Gu Zhongyu, who didn't believe in evil, took out his mobile phone, searched the song name and started playing it, and Zhou Chuanxiong's deep and rich voice reached the ears of the three of them.

Well, your singing is not completely different from the original version, but it has nothing to do with it!

"Student, have you realized that your singing skills are not very good? You are a little careless in choosing a song for the talent show!" Fu Dalong pointed it out. He found that the girl seemed to be completely unaware of her problem.

Meng Ziyi was still undeterred: "No! I think my singing skills are OK. I have listened to this song many times. I must have sung it correctly. Maybe your appreciation direction is not consistent with mine."

Fu Dalong pinched his eyebrows and suddenly felt a headache.

Let Meng Ziyi go down first, and the three of them began to discuss this candidate. Fu Dalong's attitude was very simple: no matter how beautiful she is, she will get zero points.

"I think this girl is quite cute." Cui Xinqin likes Meng Ziyi's shameless confidence. In fact, being an artist has to be like this. It is difficult to get by if you are thin-skinned.

"Yes, and we are a film school, so whether she can sing or not is not important. This girl is pretty, and there are probably not many who can compare to her among the freshmen this year. Just for her looks, we should accept her."

Gu Zhongyu didn't care to avoid suspicion. The young lady from the original time and space was also admitted to the Beijing Film Academy this year. If she failed because of his influence, it would be funny.

Two to one, Fu Dalong could only obey the public and gave Meng Ziyi a green light.

Then two candidates with average conditions were directly screened out by three people. In fact, the candidates who have made it to this stage are already very good-looking, and they are all pure without makeup. With a little makeup, they can actually act.

But being beautiful is not enough, at least you have to have some characteristics, facial features and temperament, and there must be a memorable point. In this circle, even if you are ugly, it is better than having no characteristics.

When it came to the fifth candidate, Gu Zhongyu came to his senses.

It was his assistant Bai Lu.

When he saw the boss, Bai Lu, who was a little nervous in his heart, immediately felt stable, and was so happy that he couldn't help but grin...

Don't laugh! Don't laugh!

You will destroy the beautiful image when you laugh!

Fortunately, Bai Lu also knew her own faults. Seeing the boss's hint, she immediately tightened her mouth.

The talent show she brought was also singing, and she boldly chose to sing a Korean lyrical song, Cai Yan's "Alone"

"I want to entrust everything to you, and I want to rest in your arms forever..." There are not many people who sing foreign language songs in the art exam. Bai Lu is the first to sing a Korean song.

But why does she become a clip when she sings?

This is completely different from Bai Lu's usual "heroic" tone of speaking. It seems that only when she sings and accompanies Gu Zhongyu to "relieve boredom", this girl will become a clip.

At the end of the song, the three of them nodded in satisfaction. Cui Xinqin took her information and looked at it: "You have applied for a trainee in Hanguo before, why didn't you go?"

Gu Zhongyu had already explained this question to her. Bai Lu replied: "Because after thinking about it, I think there is more room for development in China, especially in Beijing Film Academy, where countless performing artists have been born. I hope I have the opportunity to become one of them."

Although it was a lie, it was better than saying that you were not selected. This is the same as when looking for a job. It is necessary to "beautify" your resume appropriately, even if the other party sometimes knows that you are lying. In fact, it doesn't matter.

"So what did you do this year after graduating from high school?"

"Uh... I was an assistant to a senior actor."

"Who?" Fu Dalong asked curiously when he saw that it was not written in her information. It is also rare for an artist assistant to apply for Beijing Film Academy.

Bai Lu was stunned for a moment. In fact, this is not a secret. Many art examination teachers know that Gu Zhongyu's assistant has come to apply for Beijing Film Academy. They all know it tacitly. Unexpectedly, Fu Dalong actually asked it in person.

Cui Xinqin gave him a hint: "She is also a teacher at Beijing Film Academy."

"Ah... Oh!"

Fu Dalong finally reacted and glanced at Gu Zhongyu. "Brother, if you had said it earlier, I wouldn't have to waste my breath."

Although he couldn't stand the behavior of using the backdoor, no matter how low his emotional intelligence was, he would not offend Gu Zhongyu for such a small matter. Besides, the overall quality of this little girl was also good, and it would be no problem for her to be admitted to Beijing Film Academy.

"Okay, next one."

Another little girl came in, but she was a little stupid, and she just nodded, not knowing how to greet the teacher. For a while, the air was filled with embarrassment.

Gu Zhongyu smiled and resolved it: "The little girl is very beautiful, but you can't just let us appreciate your beauty, right? Introduce yourself!"

Gu Zhongyu recognized who this was without even looking at the information. He didn't expect that she was also a student of Beijing Film Academy.

The little girl who reacted quickly bowed and said, "Hello, teachers. My name is Chen Yao. I am from Panzhihua, SC Province, and I am 19 years old this year."

Her career started a bit like a lucky person who was chosen by a fairy's magic pen. Tang Ren's boss Cai Yinong was looking for an actor who could play the core character Yue Qiluo for the new drama "Wuxin the Monster Killer". After looking around, he liked Chen Yao the most, who was as delicate as a doll, but seemed to have stories hidden in her eyes and eyebrows. So he waved his hand and used this pure newcomer who was just 20 years old and was still a student at Beijing Film Academy.

As a result, as soon as the drama was broadcast, Yue Qiluo really became a new generation of cute and charming villains. She was so popular that she overshadowed the heroine, Yueya played by Jin Chen, silently. Chen Yao, who had just made her official debut, also joined the ranks of well-known actors in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, Chen Yao became famous through "Wuxin the Monster Killer" and signed with Tang Ren Film and Television. Then she could not avoid Tang Ren's old routine of promoting artists, that is, she could only repeatedly play in the company's own dramas and rarely had the opportunity to contact external resources.

If Tang Ren was still in the peak period of filming "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Startling by Each Step", and was willing to promote Chen Yao, then even if she could not produce another leading actress who could become a stage-by-stage actress, Chen Yao's subsequent fame should at least not be worse than Nazha.

But when Chen Yao joined Tang Ren, the company had already entered a period of decline, and Cai Yinong's ability to make judgments was not as good as before. She did not promote Chen Yao wholeheartedly like she promoted Liu Shishi and Nazha, but instead focused a lot of attention on Hu Bingqing, whose appearance and acting skills were not as good as Chen Yao.

In the end, she wasted several years of golden time in vain, and an actress went from 20 to 28 years old in vain, wasting her most precious career, and finally parted ways.

When the news that Chen Yao and Tang Ren would not renew their contract came out, there were no inherent doubts, but instead all were voices of blessing. It can be seen that anyone who paid the slightest attention to Chen Yao had long been resentful of Tang Ren.

Gu Zhongyu liked this little girl very much in his previous life, but he didn't remember her resume before her debut, so he couldn't find her. It turned out that she was also from Nortel, so he couldn't tell.

"Are you nineteen? You don't look like it. You didn't lie about your age, right?" Fu Dalong looked around and saw that this girl must be only fourteen or fifteen. Her childishness was still there. He said she had just entered junior high school. believe.

"It's really true. I brought my ID card and I can prove it at any time." This is not the first time that Chen Yao has encountered someone saying that she lied about her age. The examiner in the last round also suspected it and had been prepared for it.

"You look so young, this little girl!" Cui Xinqin nodded. Although she looks young, she is quite tall and has a good figure. "Then what talents are you going to show off today?"

"What I want to bring today is a folk dance." Chen Yao took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and began to show off her carefully prepared dance.

As the music played, Chen Yao began to show off her dance. Her dancing posture was graceful, her body was light, every movement was full of strength and tenderness, and her eyes were bright, as if she was telling an ancient story.

Gu Zhongyu watched Chen Yao's performance intently. It was obvious that Chen Yao had dancing skills and was very good. Fu Dalong stared closely at Chen Yao's movements, seemingly looking for her flaws, while Cui Xinqin remained expressionless. He carefully observed Chen Yao's performance and silently commented in his heart.

When the last note of the music fell, Chen Yao slightly bent his knees and paid tribute to the three examiners.

"Very good." Gu Zhongyu said with a smile, "Your dance is full of emotion and power, very good."

Chen Yao nodded gratefully, "Thank you for your compliment."

Fu Dalong frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Your dancing skills are impeccable, but you were a little nervous during the performance. It would be better if you could be more relaxed and comfortable."

Chen Yao nodded to express his understanding, "I will work hard to improve my shortcomings."

The three people had unanimous opinions this time. It would be unjust to not give full marks to such a good seedling.

Gu Zhongyu looked at Chen Yao in front of him, determined not to let this girl be fooled by Tang Ren again, and immediately sent a message to Chen Duling. After such a long time, it was time to give her something serious to do.

Before leaving, Chen Yao couldn't help but look back at Gu Zhongyu, then turned and left.

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